885 research outputs found

    Absolute properties of the low-mass eclipsing binary CM Draconis

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    Spectroscopic and eclipsing binary systems offer the best means for determining accurate physical properties of stars, including their masses and radii. The data available for low-mass stars have yielded firm evidence that stellar structure models predict smaller radii and higher effective temperatures than observed, but the number of systems with detailed analyses is still small. In this paper we present a complete reanalysis of one of such eclipsing systems, CM Dra, composed of two dM4.5 stars. New and existing light curves as well as a radial velocity curve are modeled to measure the physical properties of both components. The masses and radii determined for the components of CM Dra are M1=0.2310+/-0.0009 Msun, M2=0.2141+/-0.0010 Msun, R1=0.2534+/-0.0019 Rsun, and R2=0.2396+/-0.0015 Rsun. With relative uncertainties well below the 1% level, these values constitute the most accurate properties to date for fully convective stars. This makes CM Dra a valuable benchmark for testing theoretical models. In comparing our measurements with theory, we confirm the discrepancies reported previously for other low-mass eclipsing binaries. These discrepancies seem likely to be due to the effects of magnetic activity. We find that the orbit of this system is slightly eccentric, and we have made use of eclipse timings spanning three decades to infer the apsidal motion and other related properties.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Interpreting the yield of transit surveys: Are there groups in the known transiting planets population?

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    Each transiting planet discovered is characterized by 7 measurable quantities, that may or may not be linked together (planet mass, radius, orbital period, and star mass, radius, effective temperature, and metallicity). Correlations between planet mass and period, surface gravity and period, planet radius and star temperature have been previously observed among the known transiting giant planets. Two classes of planets have been previously identified based on their Safronov number. We use the CoRoTlux code to compare simulated events to the sample of discovered planets and test the statistical significance of these correlations. We first generate a stellar field with planetary companions based on radial velocity discoveries and a planetary evolution model, then apply a detection criterion that includes both statistical and red noise sources. We compare the yield of our simulated survey with the ensemble of 31 well-characterized giant transiting planets, using a multivariate logistic analysis to assess whether the simulated distribution matches the known transiting planets. Our multivariate analysis shows that our simulated sample and observations are consistent to 76%. The mass vs. period correlation for giant planets first observed with radial velocity holds with transiting planets. Our model naturally explains the correlation between planet surface gravity and period and the one between planet radius and stellar effective temperature. Finally, we are also able to reproduce the previously observed apparent bimodal distribution of Safronov numbers in 10% of our simulated cases, although our model predicts a continuous distribution. This shows that the evidence for the existence of two groups of planets with different intrinsic properties is not statistically significant.Comment: 17 page

    Nucleotide sequence of the structural gene (pyrB) that encodes the catalytic polypeptide of aspartate transcarbamoylase of Escherichia coli.

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    The deoxyribonucleotide sequence of pyrB, the cistron encoding the catalytic subunit of aspartate transcarbamoylase (carbamoylphosphate: L-aspartate carbamoyltransferase, EC, has been determined. The pyrB gene encodes a polypeptide of 311 amino acid residues initiated by an NH2-terminal methionine that is not present in the catalytically active polypeptide. The DNA sequence analysis revealed the presence of an eight-amino-acid sequence beginning at Met-219 that was not detected in previous analyses of amino acid sequence. This octapeptide sequence provides an additional component of the disordered loop in the equatorial domain of the catalytic polypeptide. It had been found previously that the catalytic polypeptide is expressed from a bicistronic operon that also produces the regulatory polypeptide encoded by pyrI. A single transcriptional control region precedes the structural gene of the catalytic polypeptide and a simple 15-base-pair region separates its COOH terminus from the structural gene of the regulatory polypeptide. The chain-terminating codon of the catalytic polypeptide may contribute to the ribosomal binding site for the regulatory polypeptide and thus assist coordinate expression of the two cistrons

    Binarity of Transit Host Stars - Implications on Planetary Parameters

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    Straight-forward derivation of planetary parameters can only be achieved in transiting planetary systems. However, planetary attributes such as radius and mass strongly depend on stellar host parameters. Discovering a transit host star to be multiple leads to a necessary revision of the derived stellar and planetary parameters. Based on our observations of 14 transiting exoplanet hosts, we derive parameters of the individual components of three transit host stars (WASP-2, TrES-2, and TrES-4) which we detected to be binaries. Two of these have not been known to be multiple before. Parameters of the corresponding exoplanets are revised. High-resolution "Lucky Imaging" with AstraLux at the 2.2m Calar Alto telescope provided near diffraction limited images in i' and z' passbands. These results have been combined with existing planetary data in order to recalibrate planetary attributes. Despite the faintness (delta mag ~ 4) of the discovered stellar companions to TrES-2, TrES-4, and WASP-2, light-curve deduced parameters change by up to more than 1sigma. We discuss a possible relation between binary separation and planetary properties, which - if confirmed - could hint at the influence of binarity on the planet formation process.Comment: 9 pages, 3 Figures. Accepted by A&

    A New Spectroscopic and Photometric Analysis of the Transiting Planet Systems TrES-3 and TrES-4

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    We report new spectroscopic and photometric observations of the parent stars of the recently discovered transiting planets TrES-3 and TrES-4. A detailed abundance analysis based on high-resolution spectra yields [Fe/H] =0.19±0.08= -0.19\pm 0.08, Teff=5650±75T_\mathrm{eff} = 5650\pm 75 K, and logg=4.4±0.1\log g = 4.4\pm 0.1 for TrES-3, and [Fe/H] =+0.14±0.09= +0.14\pm 0.09, Teff=6200±75T_\mathrm{eff} = 6200\pm 75 K, and logg=4.0±0.1\log g = 4.0\pm0.1 for TrES-4. The accuracy of the effective temperatures is supported by a number of independent consistency checks. The spectroscopic orbital solution for TrES-3 is improved with our new radial-velocity measurements of that system, as are the light-curve parameters for both systems based on newly acquired photometry for TrES-3 and a reanalysis of existing photometry for TrES-4. We have redetermined the stellar parameters taking advantage of the strong constraint provided by the light curves in the form of the normalized separation a/Ra/R_\star (related to the stellar density) in conjunction with our new temperatures and metallicities. The masses and radii we derive are M_\star=0.928_{-0.048}^{+0.028} M_{\sun},R_\star = 0.829_{-0.022}^{+0.015} R_{\sun}, and M_\star = 1.404_{-0.134}^{+0.066} M_{\sun}, R_\star=1.846_{-0.087}^{+0.096} R_{\sun} for TrES-3 and TrES-4, respectively. With these revised stellar parameters we obtain improved values for the planetary masses and radii. We find Mp=1.9100.080+0.075MJupM_p = 1.910_{-0.080}^{+0.075} M_\mathrm{Jup}, Rp=1.3360.036+0.031RJupR_p=1.336_{-0.036}^{+0.031} R_\mathrm{Jup} for TrES-3, and Mp=0.925±0.082MJupM_p=0.925 \pm 0.082 M_\mathrm{Jup}, Rp=1.7830.086+0.093RJupR_p=1.783_{-0.086}^{+0.093} R_\mathrm{Jup} for TrES-4. We confirm TrES-4 as the planet with the largest radius among the currently known transiting hot Jupiters.Comment: 42 pages, 10 tables, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The `666' collaboration on OGLE transits: I. Accurate radius of the planets OGLE-TR-10b and OGLE-TR-56b with VLT deconvolution photometry

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    Transiting planets are essential to study the structure and evolution of extra-solar planets. For that purpose, it is important to measure precisely the radius of these planets. Here we report new high-accuracy photometry of the transits of OGLE-TR-10 and OGLE-TR-56 with VLT/FORS1. One transit of each object was covered in Bessel V and R filters, and treated with the deconvolution-based photometry algorithm DECPHOT, to ensure accurate millimagnitude light curves. Together with earlier spectroscopic measurements, the data imply a radius of 1.22 +0.12-0.07 R_J for OGLE-TR-10b and 1.30 +- 0.05 R_J for OGLE-TR-56b. A re-analysis of the original OGLE photometry resolves an earlier discrepancy about the radius of OGLE-TR-10. The transit of OGLE-TR-56 is almost grazing, so that small systematics in the photometry can cause large changes in the derived radius. Our study confirms both planets as inflated hot Jupiters, with large radii comparable to that of HD 209458bb and at least two other recently discovered transiting gas giants.Comment: Fundamental updates compared to previous version; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Improved methodology for the automated classification of periodic variable stars

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    We present a novel automated methodology to detect and classify periodic variable stars in a large data base of photometric time series. The methods are based on multivariate Bayesian statistics and use a multistage approach. We applied our method to the ground-based data of the Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey (TrES) Lyr1 field, which is also observed by the Kepler satellite, covering ∼26 000 stars. We found many eclipsing binaries as well as classical non-radial pulsators, such as slowly pulsating B stars, γ Doradus, β Cephei and δ Scuti stars. Also a few classical radial pulsators were foun

    Electronic states on a twin boundary of a d-wave superconductor

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    We show that an induced ss-wave harmonic in the superconducting gap of an orthorhombic dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} superconductor strongly affects the excitation spectrum near a twinning plane. In particular, it yields bound states of zero energy with areal density proportional to the relative weight of the ss-wave component. An unusual scattering process responsible for the thermal conductivity across the twin boundary at low temperatures is also identified.Comment: 4 pages, ReVTEX, 2 PS-figure

    Interplay among critical temperature, hole content, and pressure in the cuprate superconductors

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    Within a BCS-type mean-field approach to the extended Hubbard model, a nontrivial dependence of T_c on the hole content per unit CuO_2 is recovered, in good agreement with the celebrated non-monotonic universal behaviour at normal pressure. Evaluation of T_c at higher pressures is then made possible by the introduction of an explicit dependence of the tight-binding band and of the carrier concentration on pressure P. Comparison with the known experimental data for underdoped Bi2212 allows to single out an `intrinsic' contribution to d T_c / d P from that due to the carrier concentration, and provides a remarkable estimate of the dependence of the inter-site coupling strength on the lattice scale.Comment: REVTeX 8 pages, including 5 embedded PostScript figures; other required macros included; to be published in Phys. Rev. B (vol. 54