55 research outputs found

    Identification of prostate-enriched proteins by in-depth proteomic analyses of expressed prostatic secretions in urine

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    Urinary expressed prostatic secretion or \u201cEPS-urine\u201d is proximal tissue fluid that is collected after a digital rectal exam (DRE). EPS-urine is a rich source of prostatederived proteins that can be used for biomarker discovery for prostate cancer (PCa) and other prostatic diseases. We previously conducted a comprehensive proteome analysis of direct expressed prostatic secretions (EPS). In the current study, we defined the proteome of EPS-urine employing Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) and providing a comprehensive catalogue of this body fluid for future biomarker studies. We identified 1022 unique proteins in a heterogeneous cohort of 11 EPS-urines derived from biopsy negative noncancer diagnoses with some benign prostatic diseases (BPH) and lowgrade PCa, representative of secreted prostate and immune system-derived proteins in a urine background. We further applied MudPIT-based proteomics to generate and compare the differential proteome from a subset of pooled urines (pre-DRE) and EPS-urines (post- DRE) from noncancer and PCa patients. The direct proteomic comparison of these highly controlled patient sample pools enabled us to define a list of prostate-enriched proteins detectable in EPS-urine and distinguishable from a complex urine protein background. A combinatorial analysis of both proteomics data sets and systematic integration with publicly available proteomics data of related body fluids, human tissue transcriptomic data, and immunohistochemistry images from the Human Protein Atlas database allowed us to demarcate a robust panel of 49 prostate-derived proteins in EPS-urine. Finally, we validated the expression of seven of these proteins using Western blotting, supporting the likelihood that they originate from the prostate. The definition of these prostatic proteins in EPS-urine samples provides a reference for future investigations for prostatic-disease biomarker studies

    Proinsulin Secretion Is a Persistent Feature of Type 1 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: Abnormally elevated proinsulin secretion has been reported in type 2 and early type 1 diabetes when significant C-peptide is present. We questioned whether individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes and low or absent C-peptide secretory capacity retained the ability to make proinsulin. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: C-peptide and proinsulin were measured in fasting and stimulated sera from 319 subjects with long-standing type 1 diabetes (≄3 years) and 12 control subjects without diabetes. We considered three categories of stimulated C-peptide: 1) C-peptide positive, with high stimulated values ≄0.2 nmol/L; 2) C-peptide positive, with low stimulated values ≄0.017 but <0.2 nmol/L; and 3) C-peptide <0.017 nmol/L. Longitudinal samples were analyzed from C-peptide-positive subjects with diabetes after 1, 2, and 4 years. RESULTS: Of individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes, 95.9% had detectable serum proinsulin (>3.1 pmol/L), while 89.9% of participants with stimulated C-peptide values below the limit of detection (<0.017 nmol/L; n = 99) had measurable proinsulin. Proinsulin levels remained stable over 4 years of follow-up, while C-peptide decreased slowly during longitudinal analysis. Correlations between proinsulin with C-peptide and mixed-meal stimulation of proinsulin were found only in subjects with high stimulated C-peptide values (≄0.2 nmol/L). Specifically, increases in proinsulin with mixed-meal stimulation were present only in the group with high stimulated C-peptide values, with no increases observed among subjects with low or undetectable (<0.017 nmol/L) residual C-peptide. CONCLUSIONS: In individuals with long-duration type 1 diabetes, the ability to secrete proinsulin persists, even in those with undetectable serum C-peptide

    Reinspection of a Clinical Proteomics Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) Dataset with Cloud Computing Reveals Abundant Post-Translational Modifications and Protein Sequence Variants.

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    The Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) has provided some of the most in-depth analyses of the phenotypes of human tumors ever constructed. Today, the majority of proteomic data analysis is still performed using software housed on desktop computers which limits the number of sequence variants and post-translational modifications that can be considered. The original CPTAC studies limited the search for PTMs to only samples that were chemically enriched for those modified peptides. Similarly, the only sequence variants considered were those with strong evidence at the exon or transcript level. In this multi-institutional collaborative reanalysis, we utilized unbiased protein databases containing millions of human sequence variants in conjunction with hundreds of common post-translational modifications. Using these tools, we identified tens of thousands of high-confidence PTMs and sequence variants. We identified 4132 phosphorylated peptides in nonenriched samples, 93% of which were confirmed in the samples which were chemically enriched for phosphopeptides. In addition, our results also cover 90% of the high-confidence variants reported by the original proteogenomics study, without the need for sample specific next-generation sequencing. Finally, we report fivefold more somatic and germline variants that have an independent evidence at the peptide level, including mutations in ERRB2 and BCAS1. In this reanalysis of CPTAC proteomic data with cloud computing, we present an openly available and searchable web resource of the highest-coverage proteomic profiling of human tumors described to date

    Coxsackie-adenovirus receptor expression is enhanced in pancreas from patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Objectives: One of the theories connecting enterovirus (EV) infection of human islets with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the development of a fertile field in the islets. This implies induction of appropriate proteins for the viral replication such as the coxsackie–adenovirus receptor (CAR). The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent CAR is expressed in human islets of Langerhans, and what conditions that would change the expression. Design: Immunohistochemistry for CAR was performed on paraffin-embedded pancreatic tissue from patients with T1D (n=9 recent onset T1D, n=4 long-standing T1D), islet autoantibody-positive individuals (n=14) and non-diabetic controls (n=24) individuals. The expression of CAR was also examined by reverse transcription PCR on microdissected islets (n=5), exocrine tissue (n=5) and on explanted islets infected with EV or exposed to chemokines produced by EV-infected islet cells. Results: An increased frequency of patients with T1D and autoantibody-positive individuals expressed CAR in the pancreas (p<0.039). CAR staining was detected more frequently in pancreatic islets from patients with T1D and autoantibody-positive subjects (15/27) compared with (6/24) non-diabetic controls (p<0.033). Also in explanted islets cultured in UV-treated culture medium from coxsackievirus B (CBV)-1-infected islets, the expression of the CAR gene was increased compared with controls. Laser microdissection of pancreatic tissue revealed that CAR expression was 10-fold higher in endocrine compared with exocrine cells of the pancreas. CAR was also expressed in explanted islets and the expression level decreased with time in culture. CBV-1 infection of explanted islets clearly decreased the expression of CAR (p<0.05). In contrast, infection with echovirus 6 did not affect the expression of CAR. Conclusions: CAR is expressed in pancreatic islets of patients with T1D and the expression level of CAR is increased in explanted islets exposed to proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines produced by infected islets. T1D is associated with increased levels of certain chemokines/cytokines in the islets and this might be the mechanism behind the increased expression of CAR in TID islets

    Compartmentation of Redox Metabolism in Malaria Parasites

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    Malaria, caused by the apicomplexan parasite Plasmodium, still represents a major threat to human health and welfare and leads to about one million human deaths annually. Plasmodium is a rapidly multiplying unicellular organism undergoing a complex developmental cycle in man and mosquito – a life style that requires rapid adaptation to various environments. In order to deal with high fluxes of reactive oxygen species and maintain redox regulatory processes and pathogenicity, Plasmodium depends upon an adequate redox balance. By systematically studying the subcellular localization of the major antioxidant and redox regulatory proteins, we obtained the first complete map of redox compartmentation in Plasmodium falciparum. We demonstrate the targeting of two plasmodial peroxiredoxins and a putative glyoxalase system to the apicoplast, a non-photosynthetic plastid. We furthermore obtained a complete picture of the compartmentation of thioredoxin- and glutaredoxin-like proteins. Notably, for the two major antioxidant redox-enzymes – glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase – Plasmodium makes use of alternative-translation-initiation (ATI) to achieve differential targeting. Dual localization of proteins effected by ATI is likely to occur also in other Apicomplexa and might open new avenues for therapeutic intervention

    Staphylococcus aureus Surface Protein SdrE Binds Complement Regulator Factor H as an Immune Evasion Tactic

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    Similar to other highly successful invasive bacterial pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus recruits the complement regulatory protein factor H (fH) to its surface to inhibit the alternative pathway of complement. Here, we report the identification of the surface-associated protein SdrE as a fH-binding protein using purified fH overlay of S. aureus fractionated cell wall proteins and fH cross-linking to S. aureus followed by mass spectrometry. Studies using recombinant SdrE revealed that rSdrE bound significant fH whether from serum or as a purified form, in both a time- and dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, rSdrE-bound fH exhibited cofactor functionality for factor I (fI)-mediated cleavage of C3b to iC3b which correlated positively with increasing amounts of fH. Expression of SdrE on the surface of the surrogate bacterium Lactococcus lactis enhanced recruitment of fH which resulted in increased iC3b generation. Moreover, surface expression of SdrE led to a reduction in C3-fragment deposition, less C5a generation, and reduced killing by polymorphonuclear cells. Thus, we report the first identification of a S. aureus protein associated with the staphylococcal surface that binds factor H as an immune evasion mechanism

    State-of-the-art microscopy to understand islets of Langerhans:what to expect next?

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    The discovery of Langerhans and microscopic description of islets in the pancreas were crucial steps in the discovery of insulin. Over the past 150 years, many discoveries in islet biology and type 1 diabetes have been made using powerful microscopic techniques. In the past decade, combination of new probes, animal and tissue models, application of new biosensors and automation of light and electron microscopic methods and other (sub)cellular imaging modalities have proven their potential in understanding the beta cell under (patho)physiological conditions. The imaging evolution, from fluorescent jellyfish to real-time intravital functional imaging, the revolution in automation and data handling and the increased resolving power of analytical imaging techniques are now converging. Here, we review innovative approaches that address islet biology from new angles by studying cells and molecules at high spatiotemporal resolution and in live models. Broad implementation of these cellular imaging techniques will shed new light on cause/consequence of (mal)function in islets of Langerhans in the years to come

    Studio- ja konserttiliveÀÀnitteen erot : ÀÀnittÀmisen, miksaamisen ja taiteellisen tuottamisen metodit ja periaatteet

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    Opinnäytetyöni tarkoitus oli tutkia konserttiliven taltioimisen ja studioäänittämisen, sekä näiden miksauksien eroja. Vaikka kummassakin tapauksessa on teknisesti kyse samasta asiasta, käytännön tasolla niissä on paljon eroja. Äänitteen tunnelma ja vaikutelma on sidonnainen moneen muuhunkin asiaan, kuin oikein valittuihin mikitystekniikoihin ja akustisesti ammattimaisiin tiloihin. Kirjallisessa osiossa käsittelin näiden keskenään erilaisten lähestymistapojen teknistä ja taiteellista toteutusta vaiheittain. Toin esiin paljon omia kokemuksia ja tekemisen kautta opittuja asioita, sekä hyväksi todettuja ratkaisuja. Työn mediaosuutena oli kaksi äänitettä, jotka edustavat kumpaakin työtapaa. Suurin osa kirjallisesta läpikäynnistä viittasi näihin kahteen teokseen, mutta toin esiin myös esimerkkejä aikaisemmista kokemuksistani. Kuten aluksi olin odottanutkin, työtavoissa ilmeni runsaasti teknisiä samankaltaisuuksia. Ajatusmaailman ja suhtautumistavan tärkeys kuitenkin korostui yli odotusten. Äänittäminen voi olla teknisempää kuin miksaaminen, mutta äänittäjän kyky toimia ihmisten kanssa ja tehdä kauaskantoisia ratkaisuja vaikuttaa suoraan lopullisen tuotteen laatuun. Miksaamisen olen oppinut näkemään yhä enemmän ensisijaisesti taiteellisena prosessina, kuin teknisenä toteuttamisena.The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in the recording and mixing of live and studio performances. From the technical perspective, both seem to be very similar but there are major differences underneath. The feeling and atmosphere in a recording are bound to a variety of aspects, rather than only being a technical process combined with professional recording facilities. The literary part of this study was to elaborate the differences of these two perspectives from a technical and artistic point of view. The thesis introduced many personal experiences of the subject, matters that I have learnt by doing and various practical solutions well proven. The media part consisted of two stereo recordings that I have made representing two different styles of recording. Most of the literary part referred to these two recordings, but some examples of my earlier experiences were also brought forth. As expected, there were many technical similarities between the two methods. However, the importance of thinking and finding the most suitable point of view to the project was emphasized. The recording process might be more technical than mixing, but the ability to co-operate and to make far-reaching decisions is an important feature for a recorder to be harnessed to directly affect the quality of the final product. I have learnt to consider mixing more as a creative process than technical labor
