106 research outputs found

    Valoración de los técnicos deportivos implicados en el programa deportivo competitivo la provincia en juego, de las organizaciones públicas con competencias en el deporte extraescolar

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    El marco jurídico otorga las competencias a las diferentes organizaciones para desempeñar la prestación de un servicio. Conocerlo ayuda a determinar la responsabilidad de cada una de ellas, al tiempo que permite coordinar sus acciones. Los usuarios del servicio valoran esta prestación al tiempo que se hacen una imagen de la organización. El objeto de este trabajo es conocer la imagen que los técnicos deportivos tienen de las organizaciones públicas con competencias en la gestión del programa la Provincia en Juego. Para ello hemos utilizado la encuesta como técnica de investigación, realizando un análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial. Los resultados demuestran una valoración aceptable de las organizaciones públicas implicadas en el programa

    Do all sedentary behaviors affect life satisfaction equally in students aged 12-16 years?

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    Previous studies have proven the importance of life satisfaction for teenage development and its relationship with unhealthy behaviors. However, those that examined the association between sedentary behavior and life satisfaction were limited only to screen time. The aim of the study was examine the association of different sedentary behaviors with life satisfaction in 1897 Spanish students aged 12-16 years. Watching TV, using PC, and homework time, as well as life satisfaction were self-reported using validated questionnaires for these ages. We completed linear and logistic binary regression analyses adjusted by age and gender. The results showed that the time of TV watching and PC use were negatively associated to life satisfaction (ß = -.059 and ß = -.087, respectively) while the number of weekly hours devoted to homework was positively associated to life satisfaction (ß = .052). Moreover, the students who devoted greater time to sedentary behaviors in front of a TV or PC had significantly greater risk of low life satisfaction (OR = 1.276 and OR = 1.317, respectively). On the contrary, the teenagers who devoted more time to homework showed significantly lower risk of low life satisfaction (OR = .809). These results on Spanish students help to confirm the negative relationship of TV and PC abuse with life satisfaction in teenagers. Our findings also suggest that positive emotional responses during homework completion increase life satisfaction, while negative emotions during this behavior do not significantly damage it. In conclusion, life satisfaction could be improved with less screen time but not all sedentary behaviors affect it equally

    Effectiveness of a school-based doping prevention programme in Spanish adolescents

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of a school-based programme to improve knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about doping. 540 adolescents (aged 12-13 years old, 50% boys) took part, from eight Spanish schools. Three hundred and thirteen of these were in the experimental group and the rest formed a control group. Six sessions were held, based on international recommendations, during the Physical Education classes, and were assessed with the Questionnaire on the Anti-doping Intervention programme. The principal results showed that the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about doping improved in the experimental group compared to the control group, for the whole of the questionnaire (p<.001, Eta2=.03) and specifically for the factors Concept (p<.001, Eta2=.004), Utility (p<.01, Eta2=.02) and Sport and doping (p<.01, Eta2=.01). But there were no benefits observed in the factors Methods and Origin of the behaviour. In conclusion, school-based programmes may be useful for improving knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about doping among adolescents

    Estratègies d'anàlisi de l'esport en edat escolar a la província de Huelva

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    L'esport en edat escolar mobilitza una gran quantitat de nois i noies i suposa una important inversió de les administracions pels valors educatius que té aquesta activitat cultural. La Diputació Provincial de Huelva, preocupada per aquestes dades i per tal de millorar els seus programes orientats a la població escolar, va organitzar un seminari d'esport escolar que va estudiar la situació de la província i va plantejar propostes de millora. En l'article present comentem la metodologia que hem seguit en la realització d'aquest treball i la dinàmica del seminari, i discutim els resultats més significatius sobre la realitat de l'esport escolar a la província de Huelva i les propostes de millora. Tant l'anàlisi com la metodologia i els resultats podrien ser útils en altres contextos

    Women and Physical Activity in Fitness Centres. Analysis of Future Intentions and Their Relationship with Age

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    Physical activity is an important tool for promoting women's health. Increasing adherence to physical activity is a challenge for governments and private entities. One of the main objectives of the fitness sector is to build customer loyalty. Their behavioural intentions according to gender and age may be a determining factor. The aim of this study was to establish a model that relates the fitness centre's quality as perceived by female customers, these customers' future intentions, satisfaction, and age. A total of 745 women participated in this study, with a mean age of 32.97 +/- 14.11, divided into three age groups. A confirmatory analysis, a factor invariance analysis, and a multi-group analysis were conducted to verify the validity and reliability of the model. The results revealed that quality is an antecedent of both perceived value and satisfaction in the three age groups. Perceived value is a precursor of satisfaction, except in the group of women over 45 years old. The only antecedent to adaptation to price is quality, except in the older age group. Finally, perceived value was found to be related to adaptation to price. These results will facilitate the development of strategies to promote physical activity among women according to their ag

    Satisfaction with sport technicians working in the scholastic age group in the province of Huelva. Aspects that determine the valuation

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    El factor clave para lograr un alto nivel de calidad en el servicio es igualar o sobrepasar las expectativas que los clientes tienen, por lo que es necesario determinar en qué aspectos están satisfechos con el servicio recibido. El objeto de este trabajo es determinar la satisfacción que padres y madres con niños y niñas en edad escolar, participantes en actividades físicas organizadas, tienen de los técnicos deportivos que trabajan con sus hijos e hijas en la Provincia de Huelva, además de conocer qué aspectos se relacionan con esta valoración. La población objeto de estudio está formada por los progenitores de asistentes a escuelas deportivas o equipos deportivos, siendo un total de 213 personas las que han contestado el cuestionario, lo que nos permite afirmar que trabajamos con un nivel de confianza del 95,5% y un margen de error de ± 6,78. Recurrimos al análisis de tipo descriptivo y al análisis inferencial mediante tablas de contingencia y la prueba de contraste x2. De los resultados podemos destacar que una mayoría está conforme con la labor de los técnicos deportivos. La titulación académica de los padres, las relaciones personales con el técnico y la evaluación general del servicio se correlacionan con la valoración que hacen de éstos.Actividad Física y DeporteEducació

    Intention to be Physically Active is Influenced by Physical Activity and Fitness, Sedentary Behaviours, and Life Satisfaction in Adolescents

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    The aim of this study was to determine the association of levels of physical activity (PA), physical fitness (PF), sedentary lifestyle and life satisfaction with the intention to be physically active after secondary school graduation, in teenagers of both genders. A total of 1986 Spanish adolescents (12-16 years) participated in this cross-sectional study. PA, sedentary lifestyle, life satisfaction and intention to be physically active were assessed through validated questionnaires, and PF was evaluated objectively with the ALPHA battery tests. In both genders, adolescents who had significantly higher odds ratios (OR) of showing low intention to be physically active had low level of PA, cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular fitness in the lower body, and they were more sedentary in front of the computer. The girls that spent a lot of time watching TV and the boys with low life satisfaction also showed higher OR of having low intention to be physically active.This study received support from the »University Teaching Staff programme«, implemented by the Spanish Government, the Ministry of Education (AP–2009–3829)

    Sports technicians’ organizational culture and its relationship with extracurricular sports activities users’ satisfaction and perceived value

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    El elevado abandono deportivo extraescolar preocupa a las organizaciones deportivas. La satisfacción y valor percibido de los usuarios de actividades deportivas extraescolares influye en la continuidad de práctica. Existen relaciones significativas entre las dimensiones de calidad del servicio y cultura organizativa de la organización con la satisfacción y valor percibido del usuario, siendo el factor humano la principal dimensión predictora de calidad percibida. Objetivos del estudio: i) conocer la cultura organizativa que manifiestan los Técnicos deportivos, ii) averiguar la satisfacción, el valor percibido del usuario/a y la cultura organizativa en las diferentes organizaciones y iii) relacionar satisfacción y valor percibido de los usuarios con la cultura organizativa de los Técnicos del deporte extraescolar. Métodos: La población de estudio estuvo formada por 1.080 alumnos/as y 95 Técnicos de actividades deportivas extraescolares de 22 centros de Secundaria. Resultados: La valoración de la satisfacción por los deportistas fue de 4.33±0.78 y del valor percibido fue de 3.72±1.06. La cultura organizativa mostró unos valores medios de 3.63±0.41, siendo la variable Implicación la mejor valorada. Al relacionar cultura organizativa con satisfacción y valor percibido, dio como resultado modelos de regresión lineal conformados por dos variables: Misión con un valor Beta de (coeficientes).173 y de .262 e Implicación con valor Beta (coeficientes).140 y de .198. Conclusión: Una buena cultura organizativa conlleva un aumento de la fidelización, lo que la convierte en un factor más a tener en cuenta en la reducción del abandono deportivo extraescolar y la mejora del beneficio empresarial.The high withdrawal rate in extracurricular sports represents a concern for sports organizations. Satisfaction and perceived value of users of extracurricular sports activities is a reason for continuity in them. There are significant relationships between the dimensions of service quality and organizational culture of the organization with satisfaction and perceived value of users, human factor being the main predictive dimension of perceived quality. Objectives of the study: i) to know the organizational culture expressed by sports technicians, ii) to find out satisfaction and perceived value of users, and the organizational culture in the different organizations and iii) to relate satisfaction and perceived value of users with organizational culture of extracurricular sports technicians. Methods: The study population was composed by 1,080 students and 95 extracurricular sports activities technicians from 22 secondary schools. Results: Satisfaction assessment for athletes was 4.33 ± 0.78 and perceived value was 3.72 ± 1.06. The organizational culture showed average values of 3.63 ± 0.41, the «Implication» variable being the best valued. By relating organizational culture with satisfaction and perceived value, it led to linear regression models consisting of two variables: Mission with a Beta coefficient values of .173 and .262, and Implication with Beta coefficient values of .140 and .198. Conclusion: A good organizational culture leads to increase in loyalty, which points this out as another factor to be taken into account for the reduction of extracurricular drop-out and the improvement of business profit

    Sport service quality at school age from a double perspective

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    Para determinar la calidad percibida de los servicios deportivos en edad escolar hemos utilizado una escala de elaboración propia. La población objeto de estudio ha estado formada por los monitores y los clientes de un sistema deportivo, siendo un total de 463 usuarios y 29 prestadores. La valoración global de los servicios ha sido buena. Existen diferencias entre los dos grupos objeto de estudio en la valoración global y en la dimensión técnicos deportivos. Por lo que se refiere a las diferentes prácticas físico-deportivas baile, tenis y aeróbic han sido las mejor valoradas. Los aspectos peor calificados están relacionados con los recursos, materiales e instalaciones, y la imagen que transmiten las propias organizaciones. El punto fuerte del servicio deportivo en edad escolar lo constituye el recurso humano.In order to determine the perceived quality about sport services at school age we have used the EPOD scale. The target population that has been studied was composed of coaches and customers of a sport system, with a total of 463 users and 29 service providers. The global valuation of services and activities has been positive. There are some differences between the two groups under consideration in the overall size and sports technicians’ category. As regards to the different physical-sports activities, the best valued ones are dance, tennis and aerobics. The worst valued aspects are related to resources, materials and facilities, and also the organisations public image. Human resources are the strongest point of sport services for students at school age

    Communication as a Strategy to Promote Sports and Health Activities Designed for Adolescents

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    Physical activity reduces the risk of developing noncommunicable diseases and improves quality of life, providing health benefits for present and future generations. This is especially relevant for adolescents. Educational institutions are promoters of healthy habits through the organisation of different activities such as extracurricular sports programmes. These activities increase the rates of sports practice among adolescents. The literature shows that the perceived quality of sports and health services is an antecedent of users' behavioural intentions. The aim of this paper is to find out whether communication from educational/sports organisations influences adolescents' intentions to continue engaging in physical activity. A total of 1080 students participated, with a mean age of 13.76 +/- 1.39 years, 34.1% of whom were girls. Tests were conducted to verify the validity and reliability of the model that relates communication with value, satisfaction, and future intentions. Tests were conducted to verify the validity (average variance extracted was between 0.754 and 0.583) and reliability (composite reliability was between 0.925 and 0.813) of the model that relates communication with value, satisfaction, and future intentions. Confirmatory analyses and factor invariance tests were performed. The results revealed that communication is an antecedent of value, satisfaction, and future intentions. In conclusion, communication is a good strategy to consolidate sporting habits in both male and female adolescents