410 research outputs found

    Examining associative memory errors with the DRM paradigm – an Estonian version pilot study

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    Deese-Roediger-McDermott’i (DRM) paradigma on üks levinumaid assotsiatiivsete valemälestuste uurimisprotseduure. Käesoleva uurimuse läbiviija püüdis rakendada Kent- Rosanoffi Eesti assotsiatsiooninorme (Toim, 1980; 1987) sarnaselt varasematele DRM uurimustele (nt Roediger ja McDermott, 1995), et leida assotsiatiivsetele valemälestusele alust ka eesti versioonis. Koostatud assotsiatiivsed nimekirjad Kent-Rosanoffi stiimulitele esitati katseisikutele visuaalselt kolmes katsetingimuses, et leida tõendeid valemälestuste tekkimisele erinevates meenutamistingimustes. Nii vahetu kui hilise vaba meenutamise tulemused olid sarnased varasemate uurimustega. Samuti näitasid äratundmistesti tulemused võrreldavaid, kohati ka kõrgemaid tulemusi assotsiatiivsete valemälestuste tekitamisel. Õigete sõnade vahetul vabal meenutamisel ilmnesid ka selged esmasuse ja värskuse efektid. Kokkuvõttes leiti, et koostatud eestikeelne adaptsioon DRM paradigmast viis sarnastele tulemustele võrreldes varasemate uurimustega assotsiatiivsete valemälestuste tekitamisel

    Consumerism and the New Orthodoxy in Latin America

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    SUMMARY The role played by imitative consumption patterns in developing countries has long been studied by Latin American economists; however, the subject has been neglected by sociologists. This article discusses the increase in consumption and the change in its pattern resulting from the application of monetarist models in the Southern Cone of Latin America. In particular, emphasis is placed on the increased demand, for all strata, for modern goods and styles of consumption. RESUMEN El consumismo y la nueva ortodoxia en America Latina El rol de la imitación de los patrones de consumo en los países en desarrollo, estudiado desde hace tiempo por los economistas latinoamericanos, es un tema que los sociólogos han descuidado. Este artículo examina el incremento y cambio de estructura del consumo, resultantes de la aplicación de los modelos monetaristas en el Cono Sur de América Latina. En especial, se enfatiza la demanda creciente por bienes y estilos modernos de consumo, en todos los estratos sociales. RESUME L'économie de consummation et la nouvelle orthodoxie en Amérique latine Le rôle joué par les habitudes de consommation imitatives dans les pays en voie de développement est étudié depuis longtemps par les économistes latino?américains. Ce sujet a toutefois été négligé par les sociologues. Cet article porte sur l'accroissement de la consommation et sur l'évolution entraînée par la mise en oeuvre de modèles monétaristes dans le cône’ sud?américain (Argentine, Chili). Il souligne l'accroissement de la demande, touchant les couches sociales, pour les produits et styles de consommation modernes

    The mother of all sudden stops: capital flows and reversals in Europe, 1919-32

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    New data documenting European bond issues in major financial centres from 1919 to 1932 show that conditions in international capital markets and not just in borrowing countries are important for explaining the surge and reversal in capital flows. In particular, the sharp increase in stock market volatility in the major financial centres at the end of the 1920s figured importantly in the decline in foreign lending. This article draws parallels with Europe after 200

    Explaining Structural Change: Actions and Transformations

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    Theories of structural change identify the range of transformations that are possible under given economic structures. However, in order specify a path of change out of those which are possible, these theories need to make explicit or implicit assumptions about actions taking place within structures. This, we argue, suggests that (i) these theories can identify potential, but not actual paths of change; and (ii) structural change is to some degree open-ended, because existing structures open up a range of possibilities but do not determine the specific actions taken therein. In order to explain which path of structural change is activated under specific historical conditions, we need to study how actual actions take place within structures. The paper suggests a way to do so, pointing to the interface between theory, which highlights possibilities for structural change, and history, which may 'close' such open-endedness in different ways depending on context

    Inclusão, democracia e novo-desenvolvimentismo : um balanço histórico

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    Este trabalho analisa o processo do desenvolvimentismo brasileiro compreendido entre a fase clássica dos anos 1950 até a perspectiva atual do novo-desenvolvimentismo, privilegiando o papel e a função desempenhadas pelo tema da democracia e da inclusão distributiva em cada arranjo. Na primeira seção, analisa-se a constelação semântica que envolve os termos progresso e desenvolvimento, procurando separá-los do processo/projeto denominado desenvolvimentismo. Na segunda seção, discutem-se as fases e características centrais do velho e do novo-desenvolvimentismo brasileiro e a perspectiva de sua subdivisão em três ondas históricas, separadas pelo aspecto político democrático e pelo tema da redistribuição. Por último, apresentam-se algumas considerações sobre o novo-desenvolvimentismo em seu arranjo democrático-inclusivo.This paper analyzes the process of the Brazilian developmentalism between the classical phase of the 1950s to the current perspective of new developmentalism, emphasizing the role and function played by the theme of democracy and distributive inclusion in every arrangement. In the first section, it is analyzed the semantic constellation involving the terms progress and development, seeking to separate them from the process / project called developmentalism. In the second section, it is discussed the phases and the central features of the old and the new Brazilian developmentalism and the prospect of their subdivision into three historical waves, separated by the political democratic aspect and by the theme of redistribution. Finally it presents some considerations about the new developmentalism in its democratic-inclusive arrangement