1,471 research outputs found

    Perceptions of Nutritional Students and Nurses on the Implementation of Nutritional Care and Nursing Care in The Hospital in the Nutrition and Nursing Partnership Relationship at Study Program Nursing STIK Makassar

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    The implementation of a partnership between the nutrition and nursing professions is very much needed in health services, especially in hospitals. This is as suggested by Pew Health Profession (1991) that prospective health workers should learn about collaboration while in education. The aim of this research is to determine the perceptions of nutrition and nursing students at the Study Program Nursing STIK Makassar regarding nutritional care and nursing care in the relationship between nutrition and nursing partnerships. This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional approach. Data was collected through closed questionnaires and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) on research subjects, namely Nutrition Students and Class B Nursing Students or who had practical experience in Clinics or Hospitals. This research was conducted from June to October 2004. Quantitative results show that: (a) Nutrition students' perceptions of the implementation of nursing care are in several categories, namely: very good 27.2%, quite good 41%, not good 27.3% , as well as the very bad category of 4.5%. (b) Nursing students' perceptions of the implementation of nutritional care are in the very good category 22.90%, quite good 49.20%, not good 22% and very bad 5.90%. (c) Nutrition students' perceptions of the relationship between nutrition partnerships and nurses in three categories, namely: very good 23.63%, quite good 74.55% and not good 1.82%. (d) Nursing students' perceptions of the relationship between the Nutrition Partnership and Nursing are in two categories, namely: Very good 31.36% and quite good 68.64%. And the qualitative results show that nursing students' perceptions of the implementation of nutritional care have generally been implemented and some hospitals are in the development stage, although the evaluation stage is still lacking. Nursing Students' Perceptions of the Nutrition and Nursing Partnership Relationship in general have been implemented but not yet optimal. Nutrition Students' perceptions of the implementation of Nursing Care have been applied but are still within the minimum limit and Nutrition Students' perceptions of the Nutrition and Nursing Partnership Relationship in general have been running but are not yet optimal. Nutrition and Nursing Students' perceptions of the implementation of Nutrition Care and Nursing Care are mostly in the quite good category and perceptions of Partnership are in the quite good category. There is a relationship between the perception of Nutrition Students and the perception of Nursing Students regarding the application of Nutrition Care and Nursing Care to the perception of Partnership

    Teknologi Pendidikan di Amerika Serikat: Tinjauan Integrasi, Sumber Daya, dan Efektivitasnya

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    ABSTRAK. Tidak dapat disangkal bahwa cara orang hidup, berinteraksi, berkomunikasi, dan menjalankan bisnis sedang mengalami perubahan yang besar dan cepat. Perubahan ini sering disebut sebagai “revolusi digital”, yaitu kemajuan teknologi dari alat-alat analog, elektronik dan mekanik ke alat-alat digital yang ada saat ini. Selain itu, teknologi telah mulai mengubah pendidikan, mempengaruhi bagaimana  siswa memperoleh keahlian yang dibutuhkan untuk mempersiapkan perguruan tinggi dan karir dan bagaimana pendidik mengintegrasikan strategi instruksional teknologi digital untuk mengajar. Melalui sintesis tema yang dipilih, kami menemukan sejumlah besar strategi pembelajaran teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi ke dalam kelas K-12. Terakhir, beberapa meta-analisis menunjukkan hasil yang menjanjikan dari efektivitas teknologi di kelas. Namun, beberapa masalah metodologis dan desain studi yang melekat mengurangi jumlah varians yang diperhitungkan oleh teknologi.

    Fine Motor Development in Toddlers Aged 36-60 Months Before and After Stimulation in Bineh Blang Village, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency, Indonesia

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    Fine motor skills are integral to child development, often receiving insufficient attention despite their significant impact on overall cognitive abilities. This study aims to evaluate the difference in the development of fine motor skills before and after receiving developmental stimulation among children aged 36-60 months in the village of Bineh Blang, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency. The research method employed a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test approaches. A sample of 30 toddlers was selected using a purposive sampling technique. The given data shows a significant improvement in fine motor skills among 36-month-old children after receiving developmental stimulation. In the test of placing 4 cubes, there was an increase from a score of 1.00 in the pre-test to 1.00 in the post-test. In the test of placing eight cubes, there was an improvement from 0.83 (pre-test) to 1.00 (post-test). The test for building a bridge also increased from 0.67 (pre-test) to 1.00 (post-test). Although the tests of stacking blocks into a tower and drawing a cross line displayed minor improvements, progress was still seen from 0.33 to 0.50 and from 0.17 to 0.33, respectively. The test of drawing a circle also demonstrated improvement from 0.50 to 0.67

    Manajemen Sarana dan Prasarana Sekolah

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the management of facilities and infrastructure in the Primary School 02 East Curup. Methods this study uses a qualitative descriptive study. Subjects in this study were the principal and teacher. The conclusions of this study indicate the facilities and infrastructure planning and procurement conducted by the principal in accordance with the provisions, an inventory of school facilities and infrastructure has been done well, distribution is done directly and indirectly, maintenance of school facilities and infrastructure is done by periodically and incidental, control and accountability (reporting)infrastructure carried out by the principal and done once a year when the new school year. general management of facilities and infrastructure already implemented


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    This article discusses about the characteristic of woman leadership which described in the Alquran.  The Alquran specifically dokumenting a women who success leading her country in al-Naml. Moreover in the letter of the verse the are signs or symbols of interest that indicate the characteristic of leadership. Therefore, interest to research by using semiotic. Through a semiotic understanding, on surah An-Naml verse 23-44 not only describes the existence of woman leadership, but also describes the characteristics of  Balqis in leading the country of  Saba’. Some of the Balqis’s characteristic leadership are democrasy, wisdom, intelligent, diplomasy and she also loves peace. This story shows that phenomeno woman leadership there was in Alquran and she has good characteristics of woman leadership


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk mengaplikasikan/menerapkan ilmu yang telah dipelajarinya di bangku perkuliahan. Pada saat PPL ini mahasiswa diberikan kesempatan untuk mengaplikasikan teori-teori tersebut sekaligus mencari ilmu secara empirik dan bersifat faktual, tidak sekedar teoritis seperti pada saat di perkuliahan. Kegiatan PPL dapat bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman nyata dan langsung kepada mahasiswa sebagai calon pendidik, sehingga mahasiswa dapat menerapkan, mempersiapkan, dan mengembangkan kemampuannya sebagai pendidik. Kegiatan PPL ini dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa kependidikan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran PPL langsung pada lingkungan sekolah. Sekolah yang digunakan sebagai tempat praktik ini adalah SMP Negeri 1 Salam, yang dilaksanakan mulai dari tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 hingga tanggal 12 September 2015. Pelaksanaan PPL ini dilakukan dengan mengajar di kelas selama kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah tersebut sesuai jadwal yang sudah ditentukan. Pengajaran di kelas pada kegiatan PPL ini diharapkan dapat dilakukan minimal 4 kali pertemuan, namun mahasiswa dapat melakukan kegiatan pengajaran di kelas sebanyak 8 kali dalam satu kelas, sedangkan kelas yang diajar sebanyak 2 kelas, yaitu kelas VII A dan VII B. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengajaran di kelas, antara lain observasi, demonstrasi, eksperimen, diskusi kelompok, dan tanya jawab. Untuk mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran digunakan beberapa media, antara lain gambar, slide power point, LKPD beserta alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam praktikum. Banyak kendala dan hambatan selama waktu dilaksanakannya PPL, diantaranya dalam pengelolaan kelas, peserta didik sulit untuk dikendalikan karena terlalu gaduh. Akan tetapi hal ini bukanlah merupakan hambatan yang berarti, karena memang perkembangan anak usia SMP sedang dalam proses pencarian jati diri. Dengan adanya kegiatan PPL ini, mahasiswa mendapat bekal pangalaman dan gambaran nyata tentang kegiatan dalam dunia pendidikan khususnya di sekolah. Kegiatan PPL ini dapat terlaksana dengan lancar dan sukses berkat kerjasam dan kerja keras semua pihak. Dengan terselesaikannya kegiatan PPL ini diharapkan dapat tercipta tenaga pendidik yang professional dan berkualitas

    Strategi Manajemen Perubahan dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Perkembangan ekspor dan impor di Indonesia saat ini sedang mengalami kemajuan. Perkembangan serta pertumbuhan tersebut harus diikuti dengan fungsi pengawasan dan pelayanan secara maksimal oleh instansi terkait. Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai (DJBC) merupakan salah satu instansi pemerintah di bawah Menteri Keuangan yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam mengatur lalu lintas barang masuk (impor) dan barang keluar (ekspor) dari daerah pabean serta melakukan pemungutan bea masuk dan bea keluar.Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai tersusun atas beberapa level kantor yaitu mulai dari kantor pusat sampai pangkalan operasi yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, salah satunya adalah Kantor Pelayanan dan Pengawasan Bea dan Cukai Belawan.Tujuan dibentuknya Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai yaitu untuk meningkatkan kelancaran arus barang dalam rangka mendukung sistem logistik nasional (SISLOGNAS), melakukan penegakan hukum yang efektif sertameningkatkan penerimaan negara disektor kepabeanan dan cukai yang optimal Pengaturan lebih lanjut mengenai fungsi dari Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai sendiri sudah diatur dalam UU Nomor 17 tahun 2006 tentang Kepabeanan. Tujuan dibentuknya UU tersebut yaitu untuk menjamin kepastian hukum, keadilan,transparansi dan akuntabilitas pelayanan publik. Selain itu, untuk mendukung upaya peningkatan dan pengembangan perekonomian nasional yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan global, mendukung kelancaran arus barang dan meningkatkan efektivitas pengawasan atas lalu lintas barang yang masuk atau keluar daerah pabean dan lalu lintas barang tertentu dalam daerah pabean, serta untuk mengoptimalkan pencegahan dan penindakan penyelundupan

    Analysis of Birth Certificate Issuance Services at the Medan City Population and Civil Registration Service

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    A Civil Registry document which explains the child's name, gender, parents' names, and citizenship status recorded as a result of a birth is called a Birth Certificate. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Medan City Population and Civil Registry Office created media to facilitate birth certificate issuance services, which were supported by the increasing development of technology and information. The purpose of this study was to find out the birth certificate issuance services carried out by the Department of Population and Civil Registration in Medan City using descriptive qualitative methods which were made into narrative form with data collection techniques through direct observation and interviews with the community. The results obtained from this study indicate that the process carried out to make a Birth Certificate is sufficient in accordance with the SOP. The online SIBISA service simplifies and speeds up the administrative process for issuing birth certificates during the pandemic.
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