674 research outputs found


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    The aims of this study are: (1) to investigate the level of students’ critical thinking skill generally and based on science topics embodied on living things and environmental sustainability theme, (2) to examine the critical thinking difference among different gender, academic achievement, and cognitive development level of the students, and (3) to investigate the correlation between critical thinking skill with students’ academic achievement and logical thinking skill. This research was conducted due to the importance of critical thinking evaluation or measurement to get the current skill description as the basic consideration for further critical thinking skill improvement in lower secondary science. The method used in this study was descriptive research method. 331 seventh grade students taken from five lower secondary schools in Cirebon were tested to get the critical thinking and logical thinking scores data, by using Science Virtual Test for critical thinking skill measurement based on Inch, and Test of Logical Thinking (TOLT). Generally, the mean scores on eight Inch’ critical thinking elements and the overall score from statistical descriptive shows a moderate attainments level, with the range 43.74 ≤ score < 74.59. The students also achieve moderate overall critical thinking skill level on each science topics embodied on living things and environmental sustainability theme. In another side, at significance level 0.05 there is no significant difference between male and female critical thinking skill, while significant difference is founded on three different academic achievement level (Low, Middle, and High) and three cognitive development level (Concrete, Transitional, and Formal) groups on their critical thinking skill. Supporting those tendency, it is also founded that there is moderate positive correlation (r = 0.400) between students’ critical thinking skill with students’ academic achievement and weak positive correlation (r = 0.295) between students’ critical thinking skill and logical thinking skill. At the end, the holistic analysis presents that there is relationship between logical thinking and critical thinking skills, which eventually also related to students’ academic achievement. ---; Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; (1) menelusuri tingkat kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa, baik secara umum maupun berdasarkan topik-topik sains yang terkandung dalam ranah tema pelestarian lingkungan dan mahluk hidup, (2) untuk menguji perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa berdasarkan jenis kelamin, tingkat prestasi academic siswa, dan tingkat pengembangan kognitif siswa, (3) untuk menguji hubungan antara kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dengan prestasi akademik siswa dan tingkat pengembangan kognitif siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan pentingnya evaluasi atau pengukuran kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa untuk mencapai deskripsi kemampuan terkini sebagai dasar pengembangan tingkat lanjut kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Sebanyak 331 siswa SMP kelas VII di Cirebon telah melakukan tes kemampuan berpikir kritis dan berpikir logis dengan menggunakan Science Virtual Test dan Test of Logical Thinking (TOLT), untuk mendapatkan data penelitian. Secara umum, nilai rata-rata siswa dalam delapan elemen berpikir kritis Inch menujukan tingkat pencapaian kemampuan berpikir kritis “sedang”, dengan nilai nilai antara 43.74 ≤ nilai < 74.59. Hal yang sama juga ditunjukan pada tingkat pencapaian kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada topik-topik sains dalam ranah tema kelestarian lingkungan dan mahluk hidup. Disisi lain, ditemukan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan berpikir siswa laki-laki dan perempuan pada tingkat siginifikansi 0.05, sedangkan perbedaan yang signifikan ditemukan antara tiga kelompok siswa yang memiliki tingkat prestasi akademik yang berbeda (prestasi rendah, sedang, dan tinggi) dan tingkat perkembangan kognitif yang berbeda (konkret, transisi, dan formal). Untuk mendukung kecenderungan tersebut, ditemukan pula terdapat korelasi positif (r = 0.400) antara kemampuan berpikir kritis dan prestasi akademik siswa, dan korelasi positif (r = 0.295) antara kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan berpikir logis siswa. Dengan demikian, berdasarkan analisis secara holistik, ditemukan hubungan antara kemampuan berpikir logis dan berpikir kritis, yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi presatasi akademik siswa


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan literasi sains peserta didik SMP setelah diterapkan levels of inquiry pada tema limbah dan upaya penanggulangannya. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah soal tes literasi sains yang berupa pilihan ganda. Penelitian dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali pertemuan pada 32 peserta didik kelas VII di salah satu SMP Negeri Kota Cimahi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pra-eksperimen dengan one group Pretest-Posttest Design. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa setelah diterapkan levels of inquiry, literasi sains mengalami peningkatan sebesar 12,2%. Hasil paired t-test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata nilai pretest dan posttest. Selain uji paired samples t-test, hasil penghitungan effect size sebesar 0,9 yang termasuk dalam kategori besar (large). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa levels of inquiry memiliki kontribusi yang besar dalam meningkatkan literasi sains peserta didik. ---------- The purpose of this study is to analyze the increase scientific literacy of junior high school students after the applied levels of inquiry theme the waste and the way to ward off. The study was conducted three times a meeting on 32 students of class VII at one of junior high school in Cimahi city. This study used a pre-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The result showed that scientific literacy was increase after the implementation levels of inquiry. The increasing of scientific literacy was 12,2%. The paired t test show that there is the difference significantly between mean pretest and mean postest. Beside the paired t test, the magnitude of effect size is 0,9 that show large category. This results indicate that levels of inquiry has large contribution to increase the scientific literacy

    Palm Oil Mill Efluent - Zeolite Mixture Improves Acid and Base Cations in Acid Sulfate Soil

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    Acid sulfate soil contains high acid cations. Palm oil mill effluent (POME) mixed with zeolite can increase pH of acid sulfate soil. Base cations (Ca, K and Mg) on zeolite are exchangeable with H+  and Al3+ ions in acid sulfate soil. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of application of POME-zeolite mixture on acid cations of acid sulfate soil. The study was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design, with 9 treatments of POME applied on 10 kg of acid sulfate soil. Acid sulfate soil was put into 45cm x 40cm polybag. POME plus zeolite powder (60 mesh, type clinoptilolite) was applied on soil by watering evenly and incubated for 4 weeks at room temperature. The results showed that the content of acid cations of exchangeable-Al and exchangeable-H decreased by 71.21% and 27.71%, respectively after application of POME -zeolite. The application of POME without zeolite decreased the content of exchangeable-Al and exchangeable-H by 46.54% and 42.75%, respectively. Aluminium saturation has decreased after POME-zeolite application from 42.68% (high) to 8.52% (very low). Base saturation increased after application of POME-zeolite application from 17.64% (very low) to 34.88% (low). Application of palm oil mill effluent-zeolite mixture decreased acid cations in acid sulfate soil. Base saturation correlates positively to pH and cation exchange capacity and negatively correlates to Al saturation. The main factors controlling the increase of pH, base saturation and cation exchange capacity of acid sulfate soil after POME-zeolite application were the decrease of exchangeable-H, followed by exchangeable-Al and total-Fe


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    Belajar dengan senang hati tanpa ada paksaan akan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan belajar dengan memaksa anak dalam keadaan yang tidak menyenangkan bahkan dalam kondisi diri siswa tidak ada ketertarikan ingin belajar.  Tidak dipungkiri dalam matematika misalnya dalam ruang lingkup Trigonometri diperlukan siswa mampu menghafal serta terampil dalam menentukan nilai-nilai Sinus, Cosinus dan Tangen , sudut-sudut istimewa yang ada dalam perbandingan Trigonometri. Karena di aplikasi materi perbandingan Trigonometri diperlukan siswa trampil menyebutkan nilai nilai. Dilihat dari kemampuan matematika masih ada beberapa siswa yang belum sampai pada taraf terampil, bahkan ada yang belum bisa.. Untuk mengatasi masalah di atas, perlu diadakan penelitian tentang implementasi penggunaan media dalam pembelajaran materi perbandingan trigonometri. diharapkan dapat memberikan penguatan ingatan siswa dalam memahami materi perbandingan trigonometri. Media yang murah yang dibuat oleh siswa yaitu Tangan sinus cosinus dan tangen (TaSiCoTg) sebagai media pembelajaran materi perbandingan trigononetri. Dengan subyek penelitian ini adalah kelas X SMA N Kalitidu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sesuai dengan jenis data yang dikumpulkan, yaitu  analisis kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Penggunaan media TaSiCoTg sangat membantu siswa kelas X dalam mengingat nilai-nilai sudut istimewa dan menyeleseikan soal-soal perbandingan Trigononetr

    Students' Perception Toward Online Learning in COVID19 Era at XI MIA MA Al-Maarif Singosari Malang

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    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture to develop regulations by converting traditional classrooms into online classrooms. Unfortunately, students are still unable to attend  according to the schedule and less enthusiastic about attending lectures conducted online. The purpose of this study is to examine students' perception  toward online learning in the Covid-19 period. An exploratory qualitative technique was applied in this investigation. The information was gathered through a Google Form that included both closed-ended and open-ended questions. Participants in this study were students of class XI MIA MA Al-Maarif Singosari Malang. In this study, qualitative descriptive research was used. According to data, students' perception about online learning during the epidemic are positive because they learn a lot of new things. One of the reasons is the flexibility of using time and place when learning online. Furthermore, their positive assessment of the class's non-boring handling is a benefit in this regard. Solving the challenges that each student has in their own different ways is also a point of this research. So they can overcome their laziness and internal problems. Key Words: Online Learning, Perception, Effective Learning

    Pelatihan Mengelola Utang dan Persiapan Pensiun untuk Karyawan PT Atrya Swascipta Rekayasa

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    Perencanaan keuangan merupakan hal penting yang harus dilakukan oleh setiap orang agar uang yang diperoleh dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup, tanpa adanya perencanaan keuangan yang baik maka tidak menutup kemungkinan akan terjadi pengeluaran yang lebih besar daripada pemasukkan. Di Indonesia ternyata baru 12,6 % masyarakat yang telah melakukan perencanaan keuangan. Oleh karena itu sangat penting untuk memperoleh pengetahuan mengenai perencanaan keuangan yang mempelajari cara mengelola utang, investasi dan mempersiapkan pensiun melalui suatu kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada karyawan PT Atrya Swascipta Rekayasa mengenai perencanaan keuangan, cara mengelola utang dan persiapan pensiun agar dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan karyawan PT Atrya Swascipta Rekayasa. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di PT Atrya Swascipta Rekayasa adalah mengadakan talkshow singkat dan workshop mengenai perencanaan keuangan, mengelola utang dan persiapan pensiun. Hasil yang diharapkan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah karyawan PT Atrya Swascipta Rekayasa dapat memperoleh pengetahuan dan berusaha menerapkan pengetahuan mengenai perencanaan keuangan, cara mengelola utang dan persiapan pensiun sehingga kesejahteraan karyawan tersebut dapat meningkat dari waktu ke waktu

    Penerapan Expressive Writing Pada Mahasiswa Yang Menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir Dengan Tingkat Stres Di Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta

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    Background: Final-year students are entrusted with the responsibility of completing their final assignments as a prerequisite for graduation and degree attainment. The prevalence of mental health problems among these students is higher, with more pronounced stress symptoms compared to new students. Central Java is ranked third, reporting 95,461 cases of emotional and mental disorders among individuals aged 15 and above. Expressive writing, which revolves around emotions, assists each student in channeling and expressing their anger through written words. Objective: Depicting students' stress levels through the implementation of expressive writing to reduce stress among those finalizing their Independent Study (KTI) at Universitas 'Aisyiyah Surakarta. Method: A case study approach is employed. A pretest utilizing the DASS-42 (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) questionnaire determines respondents' stress levels. Following implementation, a posttest is conducted using the same scale. Results: Findings indicate moderate stress levels pre-implementation, which decrease to mild stress post-implementation. Conclusion: The application of expressive writing significantly influences the reduction of stress levels experienced by final-year students at Universitas 'Aisyiyah Surakarta


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    ABSTRACTThis research is entitled Review of Sharia Economic Law of the Practice of theLiability System in Cooperatives at PT. PNM Mekaar Mariana Branch has two things thatare the focus of the study. First, how is the practice of the joint responsibility system by thecooperative for each member who uses the Collection Method of Savings and Loans(PSPMK) at PT. PNM Mekaar Mariana Branch ?; and second, how is the review of ShariaEconomic Law of the joint responsibility system by the cooperative for each member whouses the Collaborative Savings and Loans Method (PSPMK) at PT. PNM Mekaar MarianaBranchThis type of research is field research (field research) with data collectiontechniques through interviews and qualitative descriptive data analysis. Based on theanalysis of the data, it is concluded that inductive conclusions can be drawn in accordancewith the problem formulation. This type of research used by the author in this thesis is touse the type of field research (field research) where the data source is obtained from theresults of field data management which is closely related to the title of this thesis. Thetypes and sources of data in this study are qualitative data, namely in the form ofdescriptions of ideas and opinions that come from interviews, regarding data collectiontechniques, namely by using interviews by asking respondents directly related to thisthesis. By conducting these interviews, which were then analyzed and concluded, severalopinions were obtained regarding the practice of the joint responsibility system for savingsand loans using the Collaborative Savings and Loans Method (PSPMK).The results of the study concluded that 1) the Tanggung Renteng System in thecooperative at PT. PNM Mekaar Mariana Branch system of joint responsibility is anagreement that targets people with middle to lower economies and the PT. PNM Mekaar(Permodalan Nasional Madani Fostering a Prosperous Family Economy), this cooperativesavings and loan group is based on groups of as many as 10 members in one group, in thecooperative at PT. PNM Mekaar Mariana Branch implemented a Renteng Liability Systemwith the aim of smooth installments and has been enforced since the inception of one of theBUMN products which later became the responsibility of the group; 2) Review of IslamicEconomic Law on the Renteng System at PT. PNM Mekaar Mariana Branch has fulfilledthe requirements and the harmonious conditions that have been enforced are also a meansof helping and mutual cooperation for fellow members in the group and creating disciplinethat is felt to be clear in guaranteeing installments and for the smooth running of thetogether because it provides more benefits than harm.Keywords: Sharia Economic Law, Responsibility System Practices, Cooperative

    Reviews on functional size measurement in mobile application and UML model

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    The increasing popularity of game industry has motivated some exploratory research in mobile games technology.This maturing technology,provided with complex functionality in development process requires software analyst to measure the size of mobile application properly, which relatively affect the software development cost and duration.Expert judgement is used in most of the mobile application development estimation.However, literatures suggest that formal effort estimation is more comprehensive and able to avoid misunderstandings.Therefore, most of literatures adapted Functional Size Measurement (FSM) in estimating the mobile development effort.Some literatures use FSM with UML modelling because UML model can represent the functional requirement of mobile application.This paper aims to review the FSM in mobile application and UML modelling in terms of measurement process and rules

    Empirical Experience of the Prophet as a Source of Knowledge Hadith Perspective

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    Empiricism is a branch of Western epistemology that is based on experience and discourages reason. According to empiricism, the source of knowledge is experience or empirical. Reason is not a source of knowledge; instead, reason is tasked with processing knowledge gained from experience. The aim of this research is to find out hadiths about the life of the Prophet which can constitute epistemology as science. This research uses a descriptive method with a literature review. Thus, this research concludes that the application of Islamic epistemology based on the life of the Prophet is proven in the Muslim hadith no. index 2336 about the wrong story of the Prophet to date palm farmers. This hadith is a tribute to the Prophet because of his expertise and ability in the professional field. In other words, the Prophet\u27s hadith shows that the only people who understand agricultural issues better are farmers. Judging from the asbab al-wurud hadith, the Prophet was born and raised on the barren Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, the Prophet only expressed his opinion without having experience in farming dates. From this experience of the Prophet\u27s erroneous opinions, lessons can be made for farmers, as those who understand more about the world of Islamic boarding schools are the kyai and Islamic boarding school administrators.Empirisme adalah salah satu cabang epistemologi Barat yang berasaskan pengalaman dan mengecilkan akal. Menurut paham empirisme, sumber pengetahuan adalah pengalaman atau empirik. Akal bukan sebagai sumber pengetahuan; sebaliknya, akal ditugaskan untuk memproses pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari pengalaman. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hadis tentang kehidupan Nabi yang dapat merupakan epistemologi sebagai ilmu pengetahuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan kajian literatur. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan epsitemologi Islam berdasarkan kehidupan Nabi terbukti dalam hadis riwayat muslim no. indeks 2336 tentang kisah Nabi yang salah kepada petani kurma. Hadis ini merupakan sebuah penghormatan terhadap Nabi karena kepakaran dan kemampuan dalam bidang profesi. Dengan bahasa lain, hadis Nabi menunjukkan bahwa yang lebih mengerti tentang masalah pertanian hanyalah para petani. Dilihat dari asbab al-wurud hadis, bahwa Nabi lahir dan dibesarkan di Jazirah Arab yang tandus. Oleh karenanya, Nabi hanya menyampaikan pendapat tanpa memiliki pengalaman dalam bertani kurma. Dari pengalaman atas kesalahan pendapat Nabi ini bisa dibuat pelajaran bagi para petani, sebagaimana yang lebih paham tentang dunia pesantren adalah kyai dan pengurus pesantren