35 research outputs found

    The potential of sago larva as insect meal for poultry feed: preliminary study

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    Indonesia were an island countries which is had a huge biodiversity. The one of potential were to produce the insect meal as an alternatives source of protein in Indonesia. The research purposes to determine of possibility of sago larvae meal as insect meal for poultry feed. A review and materials were sago warm meal from Moluccas and Papua determined using proximate analysis. The data were analyzed using SAS Version Red hat University 64-bit. The result showed the sago larva were significant differences on (p < 0.05) on protein and metabolizable energy. It can be concluded sago larva meal has positive result on as poultry feed in the future.

    Growth Performance, Mortality, Relative Organ Weight, Blood Biochemistry, and Intestinal Microbial of Arbor Acres Broiler Fed Diets Containing Mannan-Riched Fraction (Mrf) and Probiotic-Enhanced Liquid Acidifier

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    The research purpose was to carry out the effect of mannan-riched fraction (MRF) and probiotic enhanced water as natural growth promoters (NGPs) on Growth Performance, mortality, relative organ weight, blood biochemistry, and intestinal microbial flora. A total of 3000 day old chicks (DOC) Arbor Acres broiler were randomly allocated to 4 dietary treatments and 4 replications of 187 broilers per cage. Four treatments used in research were as follows: i) CON, basal diet, ii) basal diet, CON+ MRF (Actigen™) 80g/100kg/feed , iii) basal diet, CON+ 0.2% drinking water + 2 ml/L Combination feed additive (Acid-Pak 4-way®), and iv) ) basal diet, CON+ MRF (Actigen™) 80g/100kg/feed+ drinking water 2 ml/L Combination feed additive (AcidPak 4-way®). The results showed that using mannan riched fraction (MRF) (feed) and combination with probiotic-enhanced liquid acidifier (drinking water) presented significant difference (P>0.05) on body weight gain at 1-28 days and intestinal microbial. On the blood biochemistry, the effect of combination began to reduce the amount of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) at 21 days periods. To sum up, the addition of mannan-riched fraction and combination with probiotic enhanced liquid acidifier doesn’t impacted on growth Growth Performance, blood biochemistry, relative organ weight but give significant effect on intestinal microbial and reduces mortality of broiler

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Biji Asam Jawa (Tamarindus indica) sebagai Pengganti Bekatul Terhadap Kualitas Karkas dan Berat Organ Dalam Ayam Pedaging

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    Biji asam jawa mempunyai potensi besar sebagai penggati bekatul. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggantian bekatul dengan tepung biji asam jawa dalam pakan terhadap bobot karkas, persentase karkas, dan organ dalam ayam pedaging. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan : P0 = Jagung 60% + konsentrat 30% + bekatul 10% ( kontrol ), P1 = Jagung 60% + konsentrat 30% + bekatul 7,5% + tepung biji asam jawa 2,5%, P2 = Jagung 60% + konsentrat 30% + bekatul 5% + tepung biji asam jawa 5%, P3 = Jagung 60% + konsentrat 30% + bekatul 2,5% + tepung biji asam jawa 7,5%, P4 = Jagung 60% + konsentrat 30% + bekatul 0% + tepung biji asam jawa 100%, dengan 4 kali pengulangan dan pada setiap ulangan terdiri dari 5 ekor ayam pedaging. Penggantian bekatul dengan tepung biji asam jawa dilakukan pada saat umur ternak 21 hari pemeliharaan. Variabel penelitian yang diamati terdiri dari bobot karkas, persentase karkas dan berat organ dalam ayam pedaging. Pengunaan tepung biji asam jawa sebagai pengganti bekatul memberikan pengaruh tidak berbada nyata (P>0,05) terhadap berat karkas ayam pedaging. Pemberian tepung biji asam jawa sebagai pengganti bekatul dalam pakan belum mampu meningkatkan bobot karkas, persentase karkas dan berat organ dalam ayam pedaging

    Dried of Poultry Waste Urea-Molasses Block (dpw-umb) as Potential for Feed Supplementation

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    ABSTRACT. The research purpose was to determine the nutrient content of dried poultry waste molasses block (DPW-UMB). The use of dried poultry waste in the manufacture of the urea-molasses block was as a substitute of urea and could improve the value added in dry season. The treatments used for research were T1 (15% manure layer chicken and 25% molasses), T2 (10% manure layer chicken and 30% molasses), and T3 (20% manure layer chicken and 30% molasses). Chemical analysis: the dried of poultry waste were analyzed for dry matter, crude protein, crude fibre, ash, fat, and gross energy. The statistical formulation diet composed with Microsoft Excel Ver. 2016. The results showed that the 20% manure layer chicken and 30% molasses (T3) were better than T2 and T1 on nutrient content with 92.04% Dry Matter (DM), 13.34% Crude Protein (CP), 13.39% Crude Fiber (CF), 37.16% ash, 3.44% fat, but low in Gross Energy (GE) (2631.63 kcal/kg). It could be concluded that dpw-umb T3 were dried of poultry waste contained sufficient levels of gross energy, crude protein, crude fibre, ash, and fat it could be used as feedstuff for ruminants for supplementation with the required nutrients.(Kotoran Ayam Molasses (Kamblok) Sebagai Potensi Supplementasi Pakan) ABSTRAK. Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kandungan nutrisi dari Kotoran Ayam Molasses Blok (KAMBLOK) dengan analisis proksimat. Sebagai bahan pengganti urea dengan kotoran ayam kering dalam pembuatan urea molasses blok dan meningkatkan nilai tambah dalam suplementasi Kotoran Ayam Molasses Blok (KAMBLOK) pada musim kemarau. Perlakuan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Kotoran Ayam Molasses Blok (KAMBLOK) dengan T1 (Kotoran Ayam Petelur 15% dan Molasses 25%), T2 (Kotoran Ayam Petelur 10% dan Molasses 30%), T3 (Kotoran Ayam Petelur 20% dan Molasses 30%). Analisis kandungan nutrisi yang dilakukan adalah bahan kering, protein kasar, serat kasar, abu, lemak, dan gross energi. Analisis statistik menggunakan Microsoft excel versi 2016. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan Kotoran Ayam Molasses Blok (KAMBLOK) T3 lebih baik dari T2 dan T1 pada bahan kering (BK) 92, 04%, protein kasar (PK) 13,34%, serat kasar (SK) 13,39%, abu 37,16%, lemak 3,44% tetapi rendah dalam gross energi (GE) adalah 2.631,63 kal/kg. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kotoran ayam mengandung beberapa kandungan yaitu protein kasar, gross energy, serat kasar, abu, dan lemak yang bisa digunakan sebagai pakan potensial untuk supplementasi

    Meta-Analisis: Pengaruh Substitusi Jagung dengan Bahan Pakal Lokal Terhadap Kualitas Karkas Daging Broiler

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of substitution of corn with local ingredients on the quality of broiler meat using meta-analysis technique. This study used meta-analysis technique to integrate 55 data from 9 journals that contain information about replacing corn with local feedstuffs. The meta-analysis technique begins with collecting data from several scientific publications that contain tannin and saponin levels. Furthermore, the data was tabulated in the form of database with the help of microsoft excel, in this tabulation process the units of each data are equalized, after that the data was tabulated and analyzed using comprehensive meta-analysis version 3. The effect of corn replacement on the quality of broiler meat was not significant, this can be seen on the content of the percentage of carcasses, carcass weights, and cholesterol of meat was not different. The results show that the distance between the given model and the actual model indicates that there was decrease in the amount of cholesterol in meat with the replacement of corn in feed ingredients (0.05<P<0.1). The conclusion from the results of this meta-analysis was that the replacement of corn does not improve the quality of the broiler carcass

    The Effects of Different Sources of Protein on the Growth Performance and Digestibility Protein of Local Chickens Crossbreed: A Meta-analysis

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    A meta-analysis was conducted to determine the effects of different sources of energy on the growth performance and digestibility protein of local chickens crossbreed. A dataset was constructed based on relevant published papers. An algorithm was constructed from 2015 to 2023, with a search in Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, and Medline using the MESH terms “chicken”, “digestibility”, “local chicken”, “performance”, and “nutrient digestibility”. After careful evaluation, the final dataset consisted of 8 in-vivo studies comprising 31 treatment units. The data analysis and coding were performed using software R version 4.2.1 “Funny-looking kid” computing with library mode (cowplot); (tidyverse); and (viridis); and (nlme). Our meta-analysis with regard to growth performance, the different sources of protein did not affect the body weight, FCR, body weight gain (BWG), final body weight (FBW), and feed intake (FI) (p > 0.05).  In conclusion, the different source of protein negatively affects parameters for growth performance and nutrient digestibility in local chicken crossbreeds

    Effect of Dietary Modified-Banana-Tuber Meal Substituting Dietary Corn on Growth Performance, Carcass Trait and Dietary-Nutrients Digestibility of Coloured-Feather Hybrid Duck

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    In this experiment, we investigate the effect of modified banana tuber meal (M-BTM) to substitute dietary maize in growing-finisher colored-feathered hybrid duck. One hundred and ninety six hybrid ducks (Pekin x Khaki Campbell) with 421.31 ± 0.183g body weight (BW) were allotted to 5 dietary treatments with 9 ducks (unsexed) per pen and 4 replications per treatment. These dietary treatments were: NC (negative control; maize-soyabean-meal based diet), BTM25 (25% maize was replaced by M-BTM-), BTM50 (50% maize was replaced by M-BTM), BTM75 (75% maize was replaced by M-BTM), and BTM100 (100% maize was replaced by M-BTM). The experimental design applied using completely randomize design (CRD). Data of this experiment were statistically analysed by one-way-analysis-of-variance of SAS University version 4.0 red hat (64-bit) University Online Edition. Result demonstrated that M-BTM improved significantly (p 0.05) digestibility of dry matter and crude protein. It is concluded that M-BTM enhanced apparently growth performaces and digestibility parameters of colored-feathered hybrid duck (Pekin x Khaki Campbell)

    Evaluation of the Use of Date Seed Flour in Feed on the Small Intestine Characteristics of Broiler

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and evaluate the use of date seed flour in feed on the small intestine characteristics of broilers. This study used 200 Day Old Chick (DOC) broilers with type MB 202. This study used a field experiment method with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments used were P0: basal feed without the use of date seed flour (DSF), P1: basal feed using 2.5% DSF, P2: basal feed using 5% DSF, P3: basal feed using 7.5% DSF, P4: basal feed using 10% DSF. The variables measured in this study were the number of villi, villi height, villi surface area, crypt depth, digesta pH, and digesta viscosity. The data obtained during the study were processed using Microsoft Excel software and analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test if the results obtained were significantly different (P0.05) on the number of villi, villi height, villi surface area, crypt depth, and digesta pH. However, this study was able to give very significantly different results (P<0.01) in digesta viscosity. The conclusion of this study is the use of date seed flour in feed up to 10% was able to give good results on the number of villi, villi height, villi surface area, crypt depth, and digesta pH of the small intestine of broilers, but it has not been able to give good results on the digesta viscosity of the small intestine of broilers

    Kualitas Fisik Silase Rumput Gajah dan Ampas Tahu Segar dengan Penambahan Sirup Komersial Afkir: The Physical Quality of Elephant Grass and Fresh Tofu Dregs Silage with Rejected Commercial Syrup Addition

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    This study aimed to evaluate the addition of rejected commercial syrup on the physical quality of silage made from elephant grass and fresh tofu dregs. The making process and harvesting of silage were conducted out at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, UIN Suska Riau. The ingredients used were elephant grass, fresh tofu dregs, and commercial syrup. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 3 treatments and 7 replications was used in this study. The treatments in this study were P1: elephant grass + fresh tofu dregs, P2: P1 + 5% commercial syrup, and P3: P1 + 10% commercial syrup. Variable observed were dry matter loss, temperature, pH, color, texture, aroma, and fungal growth. The data obtained were analyzed based on analysis of variance, and if there was a significant effect between treatments, then it was followed by Duncan's test at 5% level. The results of this study that the addition of rejected commercial syrup had a significant effect (p&lt;0.05) on dry matter loss, pH, color, texture, and aroma, while temperature and fungal growth were not significant. Silage dry matter loss was in the range of 5.83%-7.61%, silage temperature under normal conditions was 28.7°C -29.6°C, silage pH was within normal limits of 3.61-3.95, silage color followed the color of the commercial syrup used, the aroma was typical of silage to fresh, the texture of the silage was medium to fine, and was not overgrown with fungus. Increasing the level of addition of rejected commercial syrup showed a decrease in the pH value and dry matter loss was better than the control. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that the addition of commercial syrup at the level of 10% BK could improve the physical characteristics of silage made from elephant grass and fresh tofu dregs which were stored for 30 days. Key words:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; elephant grass, silage, syrup, tofu dreg

    Potential of Small-Scale Business Development and Sociocultural of Beef Cattle Farm at Pamekasan Regency: Case Study at Madura Island

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    Most of beef cattle farmers in Indonesia are dominated by small-scale farmer with ownership of three heads per household, homever the existence of small-scal farmer is expected to contribute to the development of the livestock sectore as whole. The interview was conducted with the total respondent at 30 beef cattle farmers at Larangan Dalam and Panaguan Village, Larangan Sub-District, Pamekasan Regency. The majority of the respondents' age range is 46-50 years old, with male breeders dominating, namely 76.67%, with the most educational qualifications being elementary school, namely 46.67%. The age and education level significantly affect the adoption rate of new technology. The objectives of raising livestock include fattening, breeding, and savings. In summary, the socio-culture was acted as important support in small-scale business development. The correlation between each socio-culture with new adaptation was a help to increase productivity in the future.