448 research outputs found

    China`s xinjiang policy: an analysis based on the theory of relative deprivation

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    Xinjiang, which is China’s western province that comprised 18 percent of the country’s total land area and heavily populated by non-Han Chinese ethnic minorities, is a region increasingly beset by the problem of confrontation between two very distinct groups- the more recently arrived Han and the indigenous Uighur Turkish Muslims. The confrontation revolves primarily around the struggle for domination over the province between the two, and also Uighur quest for greater autonomy rights or even independence from the government of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In order to tackle these problems, the government of CCP has already taken and implemented both coercive and persuasive measures and policies in Xinjiang since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. However, disturbances by ethnic minorities in Xinjiang such as violent demonstrations and ethnic clashes continue and can recur anytime in the future with little forewarning if necessary steps were not taken. All these, reflect the failure of CCP government’s policies towards Xinjiang in its efforts to ensure stability in the region. To what extend the effectiveness of CCP’s policies towards Xinjiang depends on the factor of relative deprivation (RD) that exist among the minorities in Xinjiang, particularly the Uighurs when they compare themselves with their Han counterparts that obviously have better living conditions compared to them


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    Ancasing panalitĂšn mĂȘnikĂ„ kanggĂ©: (1) ngandharakĂȘn deskripsi naskah SNY, (2) ndamĂȘl transkripsi teks SNY, (3) ndamĂȘl transliterasi sĂ„hĂ„ suntingan teks SNY, (4) ndamel terjemahan teks SNY, (5) ngrĂȘmbag wĂȘdharan ngĂšlmi sajati SNY. PanalitĂšn mĂȘnikĂ„ ngginakakĂȘn metode panalitĂšn filologi modern sĂ„hĂ„ metode panalitĂšn deskriptif. Asiling panalitĂšn mĂȘnikĂ„ inggih (1) kawontĂȘnan naskah SNY taksih saĂ© sĂ„hĂ„ sĂȘratanipun taksih cĂȘthĂ„; (2) transliterasi SNY dipungarap kanthi ngĂ©wahi sĂȘratan aksĂ„rĂ„ JĂ„wĂ„ dhatĂȘng aksĂ„rĂ„ Latin; (3) kapanggihakĂȘn ĂȘnĂȘm tĂȘmbung ingkang dipun-sunting; (4) KapanggihakĂȘn gangsal tĂȘmbung ingkang kasĂȘrat wontĂȘn ing cathĂȘtan terjemahan; (5) kapanggihakĂȘn kalih bab isining teks SNY. Bab manungsĂ„, ngandharakĂȘn: (1) unsur-ing manungsĂ„, (2) gawanggawanganipun badan alus, (3) sangkan paraning dumadi, (4) wataking manungsĂ„, (5) pĂȘpĂ©nginaning manungsĂ„. Bab lampah ngĂšlmi sajati, ngandharakĂȘn: (1) lampah yatnĂ„mĂ„yĂ„, (2) sipatipun tiyang ambĂȘk utami, sĂ„hĂ„ (3) awratipun tiyang ambĂȘk utami

    Determination of suitable technique for seed germination of herbal plant, coriandrum sativum / Nur Ainina Jamil

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    Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) which is also known as Chinese parsley or cilantro is a common type of spice that widely used by Malaysian. Coriander has very diverse range of uses including nutritional and medicinal purpose. Coriander germinates by seed. The aim of this study is to determine which technique is most suitable to germinate coriander seed. The coriander seeds are treating with different treatment; in vitro culture of MSO media, in vitro culture of MSO + 0.5mg/l BAP, hydroponic, soil-based field soil and soil. At the end of this study, it is shown that seeds that treated with in vitro culture of MSO + 0.5mg/l BAP have the highest percentage of germination with 50%. With almost half of the seeds germinate, the treatment also took least time for each root and shoot germination. Due to the presence of hormone BAP and high water concentration, the seeds has highest number of root and shoot formation after the fourth week compare to other treatments. The length of the root formed also favored by presence of BAP hormone and water availability. It can be concludes that the germination of coriander seed is more suitable by in vitro culture of MSO + 0.5mg/l BAP


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    Autoimmune diseases occur when an inappropriate immune response takes place and produces autoantibodies to fight against human antigens. In order to detect autoimmune disease, a test called indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) will be carried out to identify antinuclear autoantibodies (ANA) in the HEp-2 cell. The outcome of the test includes observing fluorescence intensity of the sample and classifying the staining pattern of the cell. Current method of analysing the results is limited to subjective factors such as experience and skill of the medical experts. The results obtained from the visual analysis are debatable as it is inconsistent. Thus, there is a need for an automated recognition system to reduce the variability and increase the reliability of the test results. Automated system also saves time and cost as the system is able to process large amount of image data at one time. This project proposes a pattern recognition algorithm consisting of statistical methods to extract seven textural features from the HEp-2 cell images followed by classification of staining patterns by using fuzzy logic. This method is applied to the data set of the ICPR 2012 contest in which each cell has been manually segmented and annotated by specialists. The textural features extracted are based on the first-order statistics and second-order statistics computed from grey level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM). The first-order statistics features are mean, standard deviation and entropy while the features extracted by GLCM are contrast, correlation, energy and homogeneity. The extracted features will then be used as an input parameter to classify the staining pattern of the HEp-2 cell images by using Fuzzy Logic. The staining patterns are divided into five categories; homogeneous, nucleolar, centromere, fine speckled and coarse speckled. A working classification algorithm is developed by using MATLAB and the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox to differentiate and classify the staining pattern of HEp-2 cell images. The algorithm gives a mean accuracy of 84% out of 125 test images

    Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi Ditinjau Dari Persepsi Siswa Tentang Kepribadian Guru Dan Motivasi Belajar Pada Siswa Kelas XI IPS Di SMA Negeri Karangpandan Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh positif persepsi siswa tentang kepribadian guru terhadap prestasi belajar akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Karangpandan Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012; 2) Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh positif motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Karangpandan Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012; 3) Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh positif persepsi siswa tentang kepribadian guru dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Karangpandan Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan penarikan kesimpulan melalui analisis statistik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPS di SMA Negeri Karangpandan tahun ajaran 2011/2012 sebanyak 129 siswa. Sampel diambil sebanyak 95 siswa. Data yang diperlukan diperoleh melalui angket dan dokumentasi. Angket sebelumnya diujicobakan dan diuji validitas serta diuji reliabilitas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, uji F, uji t, uji R2 serta sumbangan relatif dan efektif. Hasil analisis regresi linier berganda memperoleh persamaan garis regresi: Y = 47,642+ 0,259X1 + 0,380X2. Persamaan menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar akuntansi dipengaruhi oleh persepsi siswa tentang kepribadian guru dan motivasi belajar. Kesimpulan yang diambil adalah: 1) Persepsi siswa tentang kepribadian guru berpengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Karangpandan, dapat diterima. Hal ini berdasarkan analisis regresi linier berganda (uji t) diketahui bahwa thitung > ttabel, yaitu 3,387 > 1,986 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,001 dengan sumbangan relatif sebesar 45% dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 12,6%; 2) Motivasi belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Karangpandan, dapat diterima. Hal ini berdasarkan analisis regresi linier berganda (uji t) diketahui bahwa thitung > ttabel, yaitu 3,848 > 1,986 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,000, dengan sumbangan relatif sebesar 55% dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 15,4%; 3) Persepsi siswa tentang kepribadian guru dan motivasi belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Karangpandan, dapat diterima. Hal ini berdasarkan analisis variansi regresi linier berganda (uji F) diketahui bahwa Fhitung > Ftabel, yaitu 17,877 > 3,095 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,000; 4) Hasil uji koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,280 menunjukkan bahwa besarnya pengaruh persepsi siswa tentang kepribadian guru dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar mata pelajaran akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Karangpandan adalah sebesar 28% sedangkan 72% sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti


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    This interim report is to finalize the Final Year Project II on the production enhancement from sand control management. The main objective of this report is to investigate the effectiveness of sand control, the classification and types of sand production, important factors that influencing the sand control selections and stimulate the process of sand control techniques in Tukau field using PROSPER software. Sand control is the limitation of sand production to an acceptable level. The purpose of sand control techniques are to control and manage sand production. The methodology of this project is by an enhanced gravel pack stimulation model and the screening of the sand control method. The project will do screening on the Tukau Field reservoir to find whether further study of sand control on mentioned field should be done. Initial model of using gravel pack is tested on some model as reference before applying to Tukau field model. This report will conclude the whole work done though out the semester

    Effectiveness of Elementary Students' Online Learning/Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    COVID-19 has become a global epidemic, many things have changed, including in terms of education which is usually done face-to-face, turning into online learning. During this pandemic, MIN throughout Tuban Regency also implemented online learning systems by means of Zoom online applications, WhatsApp groups, E-Learning, and Google from. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of learning with the online system of MIN students in Tuban Regency during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, with the place of research in MIN throughout Tuban Regency which was carried out on March 1 - May 31, 2021. The resource persons were the principal, the teacher council, students and guardians of students. Data was collected by using observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation techniques. Data analysis uses Miles and Hubeman's theory, namely by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of observations show that online learning for MIN students in Tuban Regency is not effective, as well as the results of interviews and questionnaires showing that online learning for MIN students in Tuban Regency is not effective with several indicators showing that the ideal percentage of time for student activities in the learning process has not been achieved, the teacher council not good at managing learning with an online system, as well as positive responses from students to the components of learning and learning activities that do not reach 80% of the number of subjects studied

    Tantangan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Di Era Society 5.0: Analisis Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Berbasis Aplikasi Interaktif

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    The Revolutionary Era 4.0, which has just been rolled out, has been replaced by the presence of the Society 5.0 era which directs people to utilize technology in every activity, including in the field of education. Arabic as a foreign language taught in various Indonesian educational institutions is also trying to keep up with the times. One of the breakthroughs made by educators is to convert and adapt Arabic teaching materials which were in the form of books, modules, and audio into interactive teaching materials designed with the latest applications. This brings out new ideas for the progress of learning Arabic, so that various difficulties experienced so far can be overcome properly. This study aims to identify and describe the challenges faced by Arabic language activists in the era of society 5.0 based on the use of interactive applications to make Arabic learning videos. The research was carried out with a descriptive quantitative approach to explain the results of research in various educational institutions in Bone Regency. The result of this research is that the teachers must have special skills to optimize the use of technology in the learning process, so that students can absorb more of the materials. It can be run by operating video editing applications such as Kine Master, Plotagon, PowerPoint, and other

    Students social presence in online learning: a review

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    One of the most highlighted issue in online learning as mentioned by Badrinathan and Gole (2011), is the teacher or instructor is responsible to ensure that interaction occurs among students. The interaction plays important role to encourage students to share opinion, think and argue critically, and respond towards peer’s reflection via computer mediated communication (CMC). To support the idea of having interactive and meaningful communication, Short et al (1976) had promoted a theory called social presence. This theory has then been frequently implemented and selected to be the core subject experimented in previous studies (Richardson & Swan, 2003; Rourke et.al, 1999; Wenger, 1998; Tu, 2001; Saenz, 2002; Lapadat, 2003; Sung & Mayer, 2012). As a result, Cobb (2009) clarifies that social presence should be nurtured for the successful of online learning

    The Use of Multimodal Text in Enhancing Students’ Reading Habit

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    Reading habit is a fundamental skill that is necessary for every student's life. However, Malaysia is far from a culture of reading. Therefore, to step forward to a world that enjoys reading, everyone needs to spread good reading habits as soon as possible. Thus, this conceptual paper provides a literature review that is relevant to students' reading habits by using multimodal text. Additionally, it explores reading habits, the importance of reading, multimodal text as instructional material, and the advantages of using multimodal text to improve students' reading habits. By identifying some advantages of using multimodal text in improving students' reading habits, such as making the learning environment more interesting and productive, encouraging more on reading habits and motivate students to read texts with passion. Thus, teachers should be encouraged to develop their own multimodal text to be used in the ESL classroom
