247 research outputs found

    A fractional Malthusian growth model with variable order using an optimization approach

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    The goal of this work is to show, based on concrete data, that fractional differential equations with variable fractional order are more efficient to model the world population growth than the classical differential equation, or even a fractional differential equation with constant order. With these new models, we can predict more efficiently the population growth based on the present data.The first and second authors were supported by Portuguese funds through the CIDMA Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications, and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), within project UID/MAT/04106/2013; third author by the ALGORITMI R&D Center and project COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    An optimization method for the best fractional order to estimate real data analysis

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    In this paper we consider fractional differential equations, with dependence on a Caputo fractional derivative of real order. Using real experimental data of Blood Alcohol Level we obtain a system of fractional differential equations that model the problem. A numerical optimization approach based on least squares approximation is used to determine the order of the fractional operator that better describes real data as well as other related parameters. We prove that it describes better the dynamics than the classical one

    Ciclo anual de oogénesis en Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae)

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    Lipophrys pholis has been shown to be responsive to a variety of environmental contaminants, some of them able to impair reproduction. Description of the normal cycle of oogenesis of this newly proposed sentinel species is important since this data may function as a baseline for comparison in ecotoxicological studies, among other applications. Based on histological observations, L. pholis ovarian development in adult is asynchronous, and 7 ovarian germ cells can be described (oogonia, early and late perinuclear oocytes, cortical-alveolar oocytes, early vitellogenic oocytes, vitellogenic oocytes and spawning oocytes). Using a stereological approach together with the morphologic characteristics of ovarian cells, the ovarian cycle of L. pholis was divided into 3 maturation stages: early oogenesis (May); mid-oogenesis (September), and spawning (November to January). Ovarian cell proportions and gonadosomatic index confirmed that the reproductive period of L. pholis near the southern limit of distribution of the species occurs during cold-water periods, between November and May. The collected data will help to fill some of the gaps in information that still exist on L. pholis oogenesis, thus allowing a better integration of this species as a sentinel for the detection of contaminants in European coastal waters.En trabajos recientes, se ha visto que Lipophrys polis es sensible a diversos contaminantes medioambientales, algunos de los cuales pueden afectar a la reproducción. La descripción del ciclo normal de oogénesis de esta nueva propuesta de especie centinela es importante, ya que serviría como referencia para futuros estudios toxicológicos, entre otras aplicaciones. En base a observaciones histológicas, se pueden describir siete estados de los oocitos (oogonia, estado perinuclear temprano y tardío, estado cortico-alveolar, vitelogénesis temprana, vitelogénesis y oocitos desovados). Desde un enfoque estereológico, junto con las características morfológicas de las células ováricas, el ciclo ovárico de L. polis se ha dividido en tres estados de maduración: oogénesis temprana (mayo), oogénesis media (septiembre) y desove (de noviembre a enero). Las proporciones de las células ováricas y el índice gonadosomático, confirmaron que el periodo reproductivo de L. polis, en el límite meridional de distribución de la especie, se produce durante los periodos de agua fría, entre noviembre y mayo. Los datos obtenidos ayudarán a cubrir algunas de las lagunas que todavía existen en el conocimiento de la ovogénesis de L. pholis, permitiendo, por tanto, una mejor integración de esta especie como centinela para la detección de contaminantes en las aguas costeras europeas

    Motivational Correlates, Satisfaction with Life, and Physical Activity in Older Adults: A Structural Equation Analysis

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    Background: Motivation is a crucial factor in predicting health-related outcomes, and understanding the determinants of motivation can provide valuable insights into how to improve health behaviors and outcomes in older adults. In this study, we aimed to investigate the associations between intrinsic and extrinsic exercise motivation, basic psychological needs, satisfaction with life, and physical activity among the elderly population. Methods: The sample consisted of 268 older adults (59 male, 209 female) aged 65–90 years old (Mage = 68.11, SD = 6.95). All participants reported that they were exercising, on average, 1.65 days (SD = 0.51) per week. Factor analysis was conducted using a two-step approach. First, a confirmatory factor analysis and then a structural equation model considering all variables under analysis was performed. Results: the structural model displayed acceptable fit to the data: χ2/df = 3.093; CFI = 0.913; TLI = 0.908; SRMR = 0.071; RMSEA 0.079 [0.066, 0.092]. Significant direct effects were found as theoretically proposed, namely: (a) intrinsic motivation were positively and significantly associated with basic psychological need satisfaction (p < 0.001); (b) extrinsic motivation were negatively but not significantly associated with basic psychological needs (p < 0.001); and (c) basic psychological need satisfaction were positively and significantly associated with satisfaction with life (p < 0.001) and physical activity (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Intrinsic motivation and basic psychological needs play a crucial role in shaping exercise behavior and overall well-being. By understanding these motivation and needs, exercise and health professionals can work towards fulfilling them and achieving a greater sense of satisfaction in the life of the elderly and promote exercise adherence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of the Effect of Different Physical Exercise Protocols on Depression in Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Context:Physical exercise (PE) is an effective treatment for depression, alone or as an adjunct. Objective:There is a lack of indicators regarding the frequency, intensity, duration, and type of physical exercise (PE). This study aims to synthesize and analyze the dose-effect of different PE protocols in adult subjects in the treatment of depression, based on the analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Data Sources:The search was conducted using Web of Science, PubMed, and Cochrane Library electronic databases. Study Selection:Studies with an exercise-based intervention published by December 31, 2021 were identified. RCTs and meta-analyses involving adults with depression were also included; 10 studies were selected, including a total of 956 subjects. Study Design:Systematic review and meta-analysis. Level of Evidence:Level 1. Results:Effect sizes were summarized using standardized mean differences (95% confidence interval) by effected randomized models. The results reinforce that exercise appears to be beneficial in improving depression among adults aged 18 to 65 years. Interventions lasting above 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity and group interventions seem to have a more significant effect on reducing depression. Studies have revealed that aerobic exercise, compared with resistance or flexibility, has a more positive effect on depression. Conclusion:PE can be a way to reduce depression and can be used as a possible adjunctive tool for pharmacological and/or alternative treatments. Considering the findings of this study, it is important that health professionals (eg, exercise physiologists, physicians, nurses, psychologists) promote the practice of PE as a complementary alternative and act early to prevent the worsening of depression.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring the critical barriers to the implementation of renewable technologies in existing univeristy buildings

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    [EN] For more than a decade, the European Union has been implementing an ambitious energy policy focused on reducing CO2 emissions, increasing the use of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency. This paper investigates the factors that hinder the application of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in existing university buildings in Spain and Portugal. Following a qualitative methodology, 33 technicians working in the infrastructure management offices of 24 universities have been interviewed. The factors identified have been classified into economic-financial, administrative and legislative barriers, architectural, urban planning, technological, networking, social acceptance, institutional and others. It is concluded that there have not been sufficient economic incentives to carry out RETs projects in this type of building. Conditioning factors can act individually or jointly, generating a greater effect. Most participants consider that there are no social acceptance barriers. Knowledge of these determinants can facilitate actions that help implement this technology on university campuses in both countries.This research received funds given by the Department of Civil Engineering and Building (University of Castilla-La Mancha), for covering part cost of manuscript¿s publicationFuentes-Del-Burgo, J.; Navarro Astor, E.; Monteiro Ramos, NM.; Martins, JP. (2021). Exploring the critical barriers to the implementation of renewable technologies in existing univeristy buildings. Sustainability. 13(22):1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212662124132

    Fatores ambientais que influenciam a produção de leite da ovelha Saloia explorada em várias zonas de dispersão da raça

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    A ovelha Saloia é uma raça ovina autóctone explorada em Portugal, com o seu solar na região de Lisboa e Península de Setúbal. É uma raça de nítida vocação leiteira, cujo objetivo principal é a produção de leite, destinado parcialmente ao fabrico do “Queijo de Azeitão”. Utilizou-se a informação do contraste leiteiro, num total de 13.420 lactações válidas, submetidas a análise com o objetivo de estudar os fatores ambientais que influenciam a produção leiteira. Analisaram-se as Produções Total de Leite (PTOT) e Normalizada aos 150 dias de lactação (P150), sendo considerados os efeitos do concelho, criador, ano de contraste, mês e tipo de parto, e os efeitos linear e quadrático da idade ao parto. Registaram-se valores médios de 123,52 ± 55,55 e 110,31 ± 48,06 L de leite para a PTOT e a P150, respetivamente. A duração média da lactação foi de 180 dias e a idade média ao parto de 51,8 meses. Todos os fatores considerados influenciaram significativamente (P<0.01) a produção leiteira analisada, sendo os efeitos do criador e do concelho responsáveis por grande parte da variabilidade entre observações. O ano de contraste também apresentou um nível de significância elevado nas produções analisadas. Os partos concentraram-se em duas épocas, janeiro-março e julho-dezembro, registandose as maiores produções de leite nos partos ocorridos nos meses de março, novembro e dezembro. Os partos múltiplos originaram produções superiores. A produção de leite aumentou com a idade da ovelha, atingido o valor máximo aos 60 meses, idade a partir da qual começou a decrescer.The Saloia is a local Portuguese sheep breed from the Lisbon and Setúbal peninsula area. It has a distinctly milking aptitude, and is mainly exploited for its milk, which is partly used in “Azeitão” cheese production. Milk records data totalling 13420 valid lactations were analysed to study the effect of environmental factors on milk yield. Total Milk Yield (TMY) and 150-day Adjusted Milk Yield (150Y) were analysed for the effects of municipality ; f lock ; season, month and type of lambing ; and the linear and quadratic effects of ewe age at lambing. Mean values for TMY and 150Y were 123.52 ± 55.55 and 110.31 ± 48.06 L, respectively. Average lactation length was 180 days, and average age of ewe at lambing was 51.8 months. All analysed factors affected milk yield significantly (p<0.01), flock and municipality accounting for a large share of the variation. The year of lambing also had a highly significant effect on yield. Lambings were concentrated in two seasons: January-March and July-December. Yield was higher in lactations following March, November and December lambings. Yield was higher in lactations following multiple lambings. Milk yield increased with age of the ewe at lambing until 60 months, and decreased thereafter

    Aerodynamic analysis of human walking, running and sprinting by numerical simulations

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    The drag in walking, running, and sprinting locomotion can be assessed by analytical procedures and experimental techniques. However, assessing the drag variations by these three main locomotion’s (i.e., walking, running, and sprinting) were not found using computational fluid dynamics. (CFD). Thus, the aim of this study was two-fold: (1) to assess the aerodynamics of human walking, running, and sprinting by CFD technique; 2) compare such aerodynamic characteristics between walking and running. Three 3D models were produced depicting the walking, running, and sprinting locomotion techniques, converted to computer aided design models and meshed. The drag varied with 4 locomotion type. Walking had the lowest drag, followed-up by running and then sprinting. At the same velocities, the drag was larger in walking than in running and increased with velocity. In conclusion, drag varied with locomotion type. Walking had the lowest drag, followed-up by running and then sprinting. At the same velocities, the drag was larger in walking than in running and increased with velocity.This project was founded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (project UIDB04045/2020)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio