74 research outputs found


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    Decreasing in quantity and quality of land including available land for crop cultivations leads to many efforts to develop appropriate technology for genetic improvement through biotechnology approach. A novel trending tools to perform genetic modification intensively discussed is genome editing, which is developing rapidly. By applying genome editing, many researches have been performed successfully to improve the genetic trait of organism by modification of DNA with no traces of foreign gene in the final products. There are research reports concerning the development of climate-compatible crops, high productivity, high quality and specific trait for animals and fish, effective and specifically targeted biocatalytic processes by using microorganism, health-promoting foodstuffs and environmentally friendly production using genome editing approach. The genome editing approach will be an important alternative for modern breeding, which is different to the existing GMO technologies, which has already been developed for almost 30 years. Many assessments concluded that genome editing will catalyze important innovations in the bioeconomy. This paper will discuss about the global trends of genome editing and the opportunity and challenge faced in Indonesia. Moreover, it will also discuss the roles of the existing regulations and how they adapt to respond to this new technology

    Physiological Characteristics to Indicate Water Use Efficiency and Drought Tolerance of 30 Indonesian Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Accessions

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    Water use efficiency (WUE) is an essential subject in drought-restricted agricultures. Physiological parameters can be used to understand plant efficiencies in water usage. This research aimed to understand the physiological characteristics of 30 Indonesian sorghum accessions (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), which indicate WUE and drought tolerance. Field research was conducted at Cibinong Science Center, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) using Randomized Block Design with 30 sorghum accessions in 3 replicates. Experimental parameters included photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), stomatal conductance (GSW), photosynthetic (A) and transpiration (E) rates, and Leaf Area Index (LAI). The WUE was measured using four different approaches: instantaneous WUE (A:E), intrinsic WUE (A:GSW), and the relation between the biomass dry weight (BDW)/A and BDW/E. Based on WUE measurements, we concluded that sorghum accessions could be clustered into five groups, from the most efficient to inefficient water use. We also found that in some cases, WUE based on single leaf measurement had a positive correlation with WUE based on biomass, indicating its sufficiency in determining WUE status. The inconsistencies may be due to different sorghum physiological characteristics regarding gas exchange due to external stimuli (PPFD)

    Implementasi Algoritma C5.0 Pada Smart Lamp Berbasis Website

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    Lighting from lamps plays an important role, but manually controlling lamps often makes users forget to turn off the lights when leaving home. This research introduces smartlamp, which is a lamp integrated with IoT system. In this research, smartlamp is designed to provide automatic control by recognizing the habit data of home occupants using the C5.0 Algorithm method. This system focuses on recognizing data on the habits of home residents using the C5.0 Algorithm method with the use of 864 training data conducted for 20 days and 48 testing data for 2 days resulting in system implementation with an accuracy of 98.61%, recall 98.47%, precision 98.47%, and an error rate of 1.39%. The results of this study show the ability of the C5.0 Algorithm method to recognize user habit data. Suggestions for further research are to build a system that uses a bluetooth connection so that it can be used when there is no internet network and add several sensors to measure the level of efficiency of power usage at homePenerangan dari lampu memiliki peranan penting, tetapi pengendalian lampu secara manual seringkali membuat pengguna lupa mematikan lampu saat meninggalkan rumah. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, penelitian ini memperkenalkan smartlamp, yaitu lampu yang terintegrasi dengan sistem IoT. Dalam penelitian ini, smartlamp dirancang untuk memberikan kendali otomatis dengan mengenali data kebiasaan penghuni rumah dengan menggunakan metode Algoritma C5.0. Sistem ini berfokus pada pengenalan data kebiasaan penghuni rumah menggunakan metode Algoritma C5.0 dengan penggunaan 864 data pelatihan yang dilakukan selama 20 hari dan 48 data pengujian selama 2 hari menghasilkan implementasi sistem dengan akurasi 98,61%, recall 98,47%, precision 98,47%, dan laju error 1,39%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kemampuan metode Algoritma C5.0 dalam mengenali data kebiasaan pengguna. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya yaitu membangun sistem yang menggunakan koneksi bluetooth sehingga bisa digunakan ketika tidak ada jaringan internet dan menambahkan beberapa sensor untuk mengukur tingkat efisiensi penggunaan daya pada rumah

    Growth and Productivity Parameters of 4 Insertional-Mutant-rice Lines under Salinity Stress and their Insertion Patterns

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    This experiment was aimed to observe the agronomy traits of 4 insertion-mutant-transgenic-Nipponbare rice lines in salinity stress condition and to evaluate the insertion patterns. The lines, (60, 170, 480 and 654), had been selected for their salinity tolerance from previous salinity test experiments. This experiment was conducted from the germination stage until the harvest time by planting the experiment plants in poly-bags and put them in flow tanks. The rice plants were treated with electrical conductivity of 3 mS/cm by means of NaCl using tap water. Nipponbare rice was used as wild type control. Amplifications for hpt and bar genes were conducted using their specific primers and the agronomy traits were measured of the experiment plants from germination stage, vegetative stage (plant height, tiller number) and reproductive stage (heading, seed number, productive tiller number). The observation of agronomic traits of the 4 mutant rice lines showed that each rice mutant lines of 60, 170, 480 and 654 has their own superior agronomic traits. However, the 170 rice mutant line is dominating the agronomic traits from germination and vegetative stage when treated with salinity stress. It has the smallest reduction percentages of germination, plant height in germination stage and length of flag leaves. In the productive stage, the line with the best reduction percentage for average of seed number per tiller was line 60; while the mutant rice line with the best reduction percentages of tiller number and plant height was line 654. The result of the PCR amplifications of hpt and bar genes showed different insertion patterns of each mutant line

    Perancangan Interior Kantor PT Matrix Primatama

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    PT Matrix Primatama merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang konstruksi gedung, rumah tinggal, dan interior. PT Matrix Primatama merencanakan pembangunan kantor baru agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia sehingga dapat menciptakan tenaga kerja yang berkualitas, serta menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif yang dapat mendukung work life balance karyawannya dengan mengedepankan konsep ramah lingkungan seperti penggunaan material olahan yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, perancang memilih untuk menggunakan konsep "biophilic design" yang menonjolkan elemen alam dalam interior. Hasil yang didapatkan untuk perancangan ini yaitu digunakannya pendekatan biophilic design dengan konsep ā€œbrings outside to insideā€ serta menciptakan suasana ruangan yang sejuk dan bersih dengan menggunakan bentuk, bahan, tekstur, warna, dan elemen alami yang terinspirasi dari Garden by The Bays di Singapura. Dalam konsep ini, unsur-unsur alam yang disajikan di dalam ruangan diharapkan dapat menciptakan persepsi ruang yang segar sehingga dapat mengurangi tingkat stress dan meningkatkan produktivitas serta kreativitas karyawan. Pengambilan konsep ini dinilai sangat cocok untuk diterapkan pada lingkungan perkotaan/urban, terutama ditengah- tengah kota Bandung yang memiliki tingkat kepadatan dan polusi yang cukup tinggi

    Pengaruh strategi korporasi terhadap kinerja perusahaan foods & beverages di Indonesia selama pandemi covid-19

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    This study aims to analyze 4 F&B companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), namely PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. (INDF.JK), PT. Mayora Indah Tbk. (MYOR.JK), PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk. (GOOD.JK), and PT Siantar Top Tbk. (STTP.JK). This study uses secondary data obtained from Yahoo Finance for the period March 11, 2020 to March 31, 2022. By using a Monte-Carlo simulation. Based on the results of the Monte-Carlo simulation, the sharpe ratio increased to 261.87% and volatility decreased to 43.16%. These results show that investment in the F&B sector in Indonesia is still very profitable and even experienced a fairly large increase in returns compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic. This is also in line with the government's prediction that with the economic recovery after the pandemic, the F&B industry sector in Indonesia will also grow. This study also found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant change in the weight of the optimal investment portfolio, where GOOD.JK's performance far outperformed the other 3 companies due to the successful implementation of their corporate strategy in 2020 and 2021


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kasus-kasus kekerasan verbal pada anak usia dini, baik secara di sadari maupun tidak disadari. Fenomena ini seperti sudah menjadi hal biasa di lingkungan sekitar anak, baik dalam lingkungan keluarga maupun di lingkungan sekolah. Banyak orang tua yang belum sadar akan fenomena kekerasan verbal ini, meskipun ada beberapa orang tua yang mengetahui bahwa dampak dari kekerasan verbal bisa berakibat buruk pada anak tapi tetap saja masih ada yang melakukannya. Maka, dari sinilah titik balik peneliti ingin menggali lebih dalam mengenai persepsi orang tua dalam kasus tersebut, bagaimana pun tolak ukur pemahaman mereka dapat membantu dalam mencairkan masalah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lebih dalam persepsi orang tua terhadap kekerasan verbal pada anak usia dini, baik dalam pengetahuan orang tua, hal yang mempengaruhi orang tua melakukan kekerasan verbal dan upaya untuk pencegahannya. Sedangkan, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemahaman orang tua masih kurang mengetahui dalam hal kekerasan verbal, hal ini terlihat saat orang tua belum mampu mengendalikan emosinya dan menjadikan bentakan sebagai sebuah cara untuk mendisiplinkan anak. Simpulannya adalah tidak akan terjadi kasus kekerasan verbal, kalau kita sebagai orang tua tidak dapat menahan emosi dan membimbing anak dengan baik sebagai cara mendisiplinkannya. Kedepannya mudah-mudahan bagi peneliti selanjutnya dapat mengembangkan strategi penyelesaiannya. ;---This research is motivated by cases of verbal abuse in early childhood, both consciously and unconsciously. This phenomenon has become commonplace in the environment around children, both in the family environment and in the school environment. Many parents are not yet aware of the phenomenon of verbal abuse, although there are some parents who know that the effects of verbal abuse can have a negative effect on children but still some do it. So, from here the researchers' turning point wanted to dig deeper into the perceptions of parents in the case, however their benchmark of understanding could help in diluting the problem. The purpose of this study was to find out more in parental perceptions of verbal abuse in early childhood, both in the knowledge of parents, things that affect parents to verbal abuse and efforts to prevent it. Whereas, the research method used is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The results of the research show that understanding parents still lack knowledge in terms of verbal abuse, this is seen when parents have not been able to control their emotions and make clashes as a way to discipline children. The conclusion is that there will not be cases of verbal abuse, if we as parents cannot resist emotions and guide children well as a way of disciplining them. In the future, hopefully the next researcher can develop a solution strategy

    Identifikasi Salmonella pullorum pada Ayam Petelur Periode Grower dengan Uji Aglutinasi dan Makroskopik di Peternakan Ayam Kabupaten Sidrap

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    ABSTRAKPenyakit pullorum merupakan penyakit yang sering menginfeksi ayam yang disebabkan oleh Salmonella pullorum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi ada tidaknya penyakit pullorum pada ayam petelur periode grower di peternakan ayam kabupaten Sidrap. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sampel serum dan organ diambil dari 19 peternakan ayam di Batu-Batu. Sebanyak 57 sampel serum diuji dengan uji aglutinasi. Diperoleh sebanyak 26 sampel serum yang positif dan dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan makroskopik. Pemeriksaan makroskopik ditemukan adanya hepatomegali, lesi berwarna kuning-pucat, konsistensi lunak, dan nodul-nodul di permukaan hati serta adanya kardomegali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peternakan ayam layer periode grower di kabupaten Sidrap telah terinfeksi Salmonella pullorum dangan gambaran patologis yang bervariasi. Ā Kata kunci: ayam petelur, identifikasi, Salmonella pullorum, makroskopikIdentification of Salmonella Pullorum in Grower Period of Laying Hens By Agglutinated and Macroscopic Test in Layer Farms of Sidrap RegencyABSTRACTPullorum is a bacterial disease that commonly infected the chicken infected by Salmonella pullorum. This research aimed to identify Salmonella pullorum in the growing period of laying hen in Batu-Batu. The research used a purposive sampling method. The organ and serum samples were collected from 19 farms. Agglutination test for serum and macroscopic test for organ was performed. There were 26 samples that tested positive from 57 serum samples. There were 26 organ samples of macroscopic treatment that resulted in liver damages in the forms of swelling, pale yellow lesions, soft consistency, and nodules on the surface. The heart also experienced changes through swelling, soft consistency, uneven surface, and a mixture of fluid and fibrin inside the pericardium. It can be concluded that layer farms in Sidrap districts have been infected by Salmonella pullorum affecting the growing period.Keywords : laying hens, identification, Salmonella pullorum, macroscopi

    Respon Pertumbuhan Padi Mutan Insersi pada Kondisi Nitrogen Rendah

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    Nurhasanah et al, 2017. Response Rice Mutant Insertion Growth in the Low Nitrogen Conditions. JLSO 6(1):49-58.Nitrogen is an essential fertilizer for growing rice because N needed higher than other nutrients. Therefore, many farmers apply a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer to obtain high production. Unfortunately, the plant not utilized much and only 50-60 % of the total N was applied which able to used. It would be lost through a combination of leaching, surface run-off, denitrification, volatilization and microbial consumption. Thus, the large amount N fertilizer application increase input cost and damage the environment. To build sustainable agriculture, the screening of varieties or mutant which is capable of using N efficiently is necessary. In addition, knowledge of N regulation and mechanisms in plants needs to be exploited for efficient plant development in the use of N. This study aims to look at the response of mutant rice plants in the low N conditions and obtain mutant rice plant candidates which is efficiently in using N. Seventen mutan insertion and Niponbare as wildtype are used in this experiment. Rice mutant plants were grown hydroponically inYoshida solution with different N concentration. Under normal conditions the N concentration was 1.14 mM/L and in the low N concentration was about 0.114 mM./L. Parameters was measured in this study were plant height, root length and dry weight. The results showed that plant height mutant insertion wasnot influenced by N concentration in nutrient solution. Meanwhile root lenght and dry weight plant parameter are affected by N consentration. There are mutant insertion plant that have potential and the optimum growth ability at low N concentration, especially B101. Validation on that mutants will be done in the next research
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