417 research outputs found


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    HADI NUGROHO, APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT THEORY OF TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL (TAM) to the intention STUDENTS AND MOTIVATION FOR USING TABLET IN JAKARTA, Thesis, Jakarta: Education Program Rules of Commerce, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, in June 2016. This study aims to test the research model that builds on the existing theories, with consideration of whether the proposed model can be applied / implemented in subsequent studies. The number of samples in this study was 202 respondents. Then the sampling technique used was purposive sampling techniques and data collection techniques with 6 Likert scale scores / points. Data were analyzed using SPSS v23 exploratory and confirmatory analysis using Amos v22 factors. Four of the five proposed hypothesis is accepted and the rest is rejected, rejected, which means H2 concluded that students in Jakarta after having perceived ease of positive indirect impact on attitudes possitif anyway, but affects the perception of the benefits first and have an impact on the attitude of the peggunaan. And following the results of the hypothesis, H1 has a critical ratio value of 5.533 which means that the hypothesis is accepted. H2 was rejected because the score critical ratio -, 371 means 1.96

    Korelasi Antara Batuan Induk dan Minyak Bumi Berdasarkan Analisis Geokimia Hidrokarbon Pada Sumur Luk-2, Sub-cekungan Jambi, Cekungan Sumatera Selatan

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    Kegiatan eksplorasi hidrokarbon saat ini semakin meningkat seiring dengan meningkatknya kebutuhan energi di Indonesia. Sub-cekungan Jambi, Cekungan Sumatera Selatan memiliki sumur-sumur tua yang ditinggalkan, namun beberapa juga masih berproduksi dalam jumlah yang terus mengalami penurunan. Eksplorasi perlu dilakukan untuk menemukan kemungkinan cadangan baru dalam cekungan ini. Salah satu metode dalam eksplorasi adalah geokimia. Melalui geokimia hidrokarbon, karakteristik kimia detil suatu sampel minyak bumi dan batuan induk dapat diketahui sehingga dapat dilakukan korelasi di antara keduanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis metode penelitian yaitu metode deskriptif dan metode analisis. Metode deskriptif meliputi fakta-fakta yang diperoleh melalui studi literatur dan studi kasus. Sedangkan metode analisis meliputi beberapa metode yaitu Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Rock Eval Pyrolisis, Vitrinite Reflectance in Oil (VRo), ekstraksi soxhlet, Gas Chromatography (GC) serta Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry(GC-MS). Jenis sampel yang digunakan berupa sampel ditch cuttings sebanyak 20 sampel. Selain itu terdapat satu sampel minyak bumi yang diambil dari reservoir. Berdasarkan data-data tersebut dilakukan analisis screening batuan induk meliputi kualitas, kuantitas, dan kematangan. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis asal material organik, lingkungan pengendapan, dan tingkat kematangan untuk menentukan korelasi antara batuan induk dan minyak bumi. Batuan induk pada Sumur Luk-2 adalah batuan dengan litologi batulempung pada kedalaman 1840 m, 1900 m, 2080 m, 2150 m, dan 2210 m dengan jumlah TOC tergolong fair-good (0,7-1,36 wt%), kerogen tipe III, derajat kematangan menurut VRo dengan nilai 0,55-0,61%Ro dan TAI (Thermal Alteration Index) dengan nilai 2-2+ tergolong immature-early mature. Berdasarkan pola terpana trisiklik, terpana, dan sterana sampel bitumen secara umum diendapkan pada kondisi oksisitas oksik-suboksik dengan indikasi lingkungan pengendapan campuran dan input material organik dominan angiospermae dan sedikit alga. Tingkat kematangan early mature - peak mature menurut parameter non-biomarker fraksi aromatics MPI. Sampel minyak bumi secara umum diendapkan pada lingkungan pengendapan darat dengan input material organik angiospermae dan alga. Tingkat kematangan menurut parameter non-biomarker fraksi aromatics MPI masuk ke dalam zona peak mature. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa antara sampel batuan induk dengan minyak bumi berkorelasi negatif. Kata kunci: Cekungan Sumatra Selatan, korelasi, geokimia, hidrokarbon, batuan induk, minyak bumi, biomarke

    Pola njawani cerpen remaja masa kini : analisis peletakan warna Jawa pada cerpen kakilangit

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menjelaskan cara mpengarang menggunakan warna daerah (Jawa), (2) menjelaskan posisi dan fungsi warna daerah (Jawa), dan (3) menjelaskan potensi budaya lain yang belum dimuat di Kakilangit. Generasi muda sebagai penerus budaya bangsa harus dipersiapkan dengan baik, sehingga tidak mudah tergerus dengan budaya modern yang mudah masuk dan merasuk

    Human Resources Management In Improving Performance And Motivation Of Personnel By Reward System

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    Human resources (HR) is an important factor in an organization or a company. This is because an organization or company will not run if there are no good human resources. It will also not work well if there is no management of human resources in an organization or company. This study aims to analyze the Management of Human Resource Management to improve performance and motivation through the Reward System ". This research analyzes the effect of Management, HR Management, Reward Systems, on efforts to improve Employee Performance and Motivation, a study of Human Resource Management literature. The research results obtained are whatever the form and purpose, the organization or company is made based on the vision and mission to achieve goals for the benefit of humans and is managed by humans as well. Management of human resource management is very important to do and this research work to explain briefly the analysis of what kind of managerial efforts to improve performance and motivation through the Reward System to achieve success in an organization or company


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    There are quite a lot of Indonesian-speaking learners who study foreign languages in Indonesia, one of which is French Literature students of UNNESwho study French can be called B2 (second language) because the main language or first language learned, namely Indonesian called B1.  This study used qualitative research methods. The purpose of this study was to describe the interference of Indonesian to writing about French-language semester holidays of French Literature Students of UNNES.  Furthermore, this study used a sample of 6 student writings in the Production Écrite Élementaire coursework.  Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, there were 41 interferences made by students of the class of 2021 French Literature FBS UNNES in writing about semester holidays  in the Production Écrite Élementaire course. The details of the 41 interference errors are 22 grammatical interferences, 9 lexical inteferences, 10 orthographic interferences, and 0 phonological interferences

    Application of Bio-pore Infiltration Hole as an Urban Runoff Management

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    The application of bio-pore infiltration holes (BIH) can be one solution for urban runoff management by reducing surface runoff to the ground. But, the difference in soil types and characteristics could affect the runoff reduction that can be achieved by BIH. This research aims to determine the runoff reduction can be achieved by bio-pore infiltration hole (BIH) from different soil types and conditions. The methods in this study mainly focus on hydraulic conductivity calculations using Porchet method and the implementation of Minister of Environment Regulation Numb. 12/2009 for the BIH installations. Based on the implementation of Minister of Environment Regulation Numb. 12/2009, the required BIHs for the area of 500 m2 are 1,000, both for silt and clay soils. The runoff reductions that can be achieved with the application of BIHs are 38.98 - 95.73% for silt soils and 20.67 - 54.28% for clay soils, depends on the soil condition

    Menyingkap Religiositas Hikayat Hang Tuah Melalui Penggunaan Kosakata Islamiah: Kajian Manuskrip Sastra Pendidikan pada Era Merdeka Belajar

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    Hikayat Hang Tuah is actually written in Arabic-Malay script. In addition, the vocabulary used in it is not a little that comes from Arabic. The romance of Islamic Malay culture also seems thick in every story. Thus, it is interesting to conduct a study whose purpose is to describe the form of Islamic Malay/Islamic Malay cultured vocabulary in terms of lexical and grammatical meanings and to describe the religiosity of the vocabulary in the Hikayat Hang Tuah. This research uses qualitative research with philological research approach. The data from this study are the results of the researchers' notes, in the form of vocabulary and entries that form the background of the vocabulary in the saga. While the source of data in this study is the Hikayat Hang Tuah I in 2010 published by the Language Center of the Ministry of National Education. The instrument used in this research is a vocabulary classification guide as well as a rubric for collecting and analyzing data. The results of the study revealed that there were at least 77 data found based on lexical and grammatical meanings. This meaning then shows the existence of Islamic religiosity in the form of Islamic faith which is still influenced by the existence of gods, honorifics of the king which states that the king is a descendant of gods and "representatives of God" in the world and litotes on figures who have lower degrees, work related to religion. Islam, the authority of the king, the equation, and the typical expression of the hikayat.Hikayat Hang Tuah sejatinya ditulis dengan aksara Arab-Melayu. Selain itu, kosakata yang digunakan didalamnya tidak sedikit yang berasal dari bahasa Arab. Romansa kultur Melayu Islam pun nampak kental dalam setiap ceritanya. Dengan demikian, menarik dilakukan penelitian yang tujuannya untuk mendeskripsikan wujud kosakata islamiah/berkultur Melayu Islam yang dipandang dari makna leksikal dan gramatikal serta mendeskripsikan religiositas kosa kata tersebut dalam hikayat Hang Tuah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian filologi. Data dari penelitian ini adalah hasil pencatatan peneliti, berupa kosakata maupun lema yang melatarbelakangi kosakata dalam hikayat. Sedangkan sumber data dalam penelitian ini berupa Hikayat Hang Tuah I tahun 2010 yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Bahasa Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa panduan klasifikasi kosakata serta rubrik pengumpul dan analisis data. Hasil penelitian  mengungkap setidaknya terdapat sebanyak 77 data yang ditemukan berdasarkan makna leksikal dan gramatikal. Makna tersebut kemudian menunjukkan adanya religiositas Islam berupa keimanan Islam yang masih terpengaruh dengan keberadaan dewa-dewa, honorifik raja yang menyatakan bahwa raja adalah keturunan dewa dan “wakil Allah” di dunia serta litotes pada tokoh yang memiliki derajat lebih rendah, pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan agama Islam, wewenang raja, penyamaan, dan ungkapan khas hikayat

    The Assessment of Company Performance Target Using Balanced Scorecard Methods

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine the performance of a company by comparing the targets and company achievements to produce the final score of the balanced scorecard achieved.   Theoretical framework: This study discusses several theoretical frameworks which include Target Achievement, Company Performance and Balanced Scorecard theory along with company key performance indicators   Design/methodology/approach: This research is a descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative approaches using the calculation through the balanced scorecard concept for each key performance indicator in the four balanced scorecard business perspectives by comparing the targets and their achievements to produce the final score of the balanced scorecard achieved by the company.   Findings: The results of this study indicate that (1) The balanced scorecard achievement at Company A in 2020 is 4.15. This value indicates that the target achievement achieved by the company is slightly higher than the predetermined target. (2) Key Performance Indicators (KPI) determined by Company A in 2020 are (a) Financial perspective consisting of Profitability index, Return on Capital Employed, Return on Investment, Current Ratio reaching a cumulative Balanced Scorecard score of 1, 58. (b) Customer Perspective which is carried out by analyzing customer satisfaction which consists of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and care to achieve a BSC cumulative score of 1.00. (c) Internal Business Process Perspective which consists of the innovation ratio and the compliance level ratio reaching the BSC cumulative score of 0.70. (d) Growth and learning perspective consisting of employee satisfaction, the number of employees attending education and training, education and training costs, the implementation time of 0.87.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The results are useful for decision makers in finance companies and other organizations on work culture in Indonesia because they show that the proposed practices have an important impact on organizational excellence.   Originality/value: The value of this study stems from its handling of one of the important sectors, namely the financial industry sector in companies, because this sector is considered the most important and effective in the process of corporate economic development
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