105 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Ketel Uap Pipa Air Sebagai Penggerak Turbin Dengan Kapasitas Uap Hasil 40 Ton/Jam, Tekanan Kerja 17 Atm, dan Temperatur 350 Derajat C

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    Ketel uap adalah suatu pesawat energi yang digunakan untuk mengubah air menjadi uap air pada kapasitas dan tekanan tertentu, salah satu jenis ketel uap yang dipakai untuk kebutuhan industri adalah ketel uap pipa air. Ketel uap pipa air merupakan pengembangan ketel uap yang dimana didalam pipa air mengalir fluida yang berupa air, sedangkan gas pemanasnya dari hasil pembakaran dari ruang bakar mengitari diluar pipa – pipa air tersebut. Pada ketel uap pipa air ada sebuah alat bantu yang sangat berperan yaitu ekonomiser dan superheater. Dimana ekonomiser digunakan untuk memanasi air isian ketel sebelum masuk ketel, adapun fungsinya memanaskan air isian ketel sampai mendekati titik didih ketel, sehingga kerugian kalor dalam ketel berkurang, maka efisiensi ketel akan meningkat dan menghemat pemakaian bahan bakar. Sedangkan superheater merupakan alat untuk memanaskan uap kenyang menjadi uap yang dipanaskan lanjut. Untuk meningkatkan kapasitas uap diperlukan adanya perlakuan pada air isian ketel terhadap air isian ketel agar dapat menjaga kualitas air bebas dari kotoran dan endapan yang dapat mengakibatkan kerak pada pipa – pipa dan tangki. Bahan bakar yang digunakan adalah ampas tebu yang terdapat disekitar pabrik gula. Dalam perencanaan ini didapatkan kesimpulan menurut analisis perhitungan yaitu, kualitas air isian yang kotor mengakibatkan perpindahan panas pada ketel uap menjadi terhambat, karena diakibatkan bertambah tebalnya dinding pipa dari endapan lumpur. Nilai kalor pembakaran yang dihasilkan oleh ampas tebu adalah sebesar 5.152 BTU/lb bb. efisiensi ketel uap yang direncanakan yaitu 82,2

    Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Kinerja Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling yang Bersertifikasi Pendidik

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    This study aimed to describe the perception of students on teacher performance counseling certified educators (the field of guidance and counseling). the method in this research is descriptive quantitative research. The research was conducted in SMP N 1 Banguntapan, with a population of students of class IX in SMP N 1 Banguntapan with the number of 30 students. Instruments in this study using a questionnaire with data analysis techniques using grouping criteria, moderate, and less. The results obtained in this study concluded that students' perceptions of teacher performance guidance and counseling in both categories on the basis of the data categories of each aspect, among others: aspects of personal competence with the number of 14 students (47%), aspects of social competence with number 25 students (83%), and aspects of professional competence by the number of 23 students (77%). This study may provide information to teachers BK to improve performance related to personal competence, social, and professional, so it can be a teacher BK capable of carrying out its duties and responsibilities in providing guidance and counseling services in schools optimally

    Perencanaan Sistem Struktur Pada Stadion Tambaksari Surabaya

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    Stadio~ adala~ ba~;~~a~ yang dig~naka~ ~ntuk :nenye:enggaraka~ even-ever. ole~ raga, se~i can sosial cengan menarap•.::-.g ba:~ya~< pe~onton/oranc; . Stadion pe;:lu didesain dengan bentu~ yang beragam sesuai dengan kebu:uhan serca denga~ menerapka~ berbaga i s~stem scruktur yang ada. Sehingga dapat secara ma ksima l mewu j udkan desa!n perencar.aan yang sesuai denga~ perencana . Dalam tugas akhir ~n i Stadion Tarrbaksar i Surabaya pada bagian bangunar. utama didesain dengan menggunakan stru~ tur beton mengingat pacta bagian i~.i digunakan untuk menarapung pe:-.onton. !?ada bag ian rangka a tap didesa:.r. de::gan sistem struk:ur baja berbentuk kar.:ilever yang didesain dengar. pro:i: pipa (circular r.ollo·.- se.:tionl . Sedar.gkar. paca ba·g:.an pe:-.utup atap diguna:<an sis:em struktur yang raeraanfaacka~ stru:<tur ter.da de~gar, bahan ::-.er.i.bra :1 agar dapat mengakcmocasi ben:ar.g yang leas dan der.;an beban mati yang relatif kecil. 6angcnan s:adio:1 r::eniliki ke k:-tasan dalar:\ rr.enper:irr.bangi yang ;:elatif besar dibandin;~a~ dengan je~is - je~is ba ~guna n yang :a!n, yaitc sebesa= 5CO kg /:r.2 • Ha~ :n~ da;>c:;: di:ii'.a: pada fungsi s::adion se~diri ~,;~tuk menar.~p·;:-~g penonton, yc:~~ gerakannya cenden.:ng ak::i:. Den;ar. syara: - syarat te=sebur: maka Stadion ir.i a!<:an diren::anakan dengan raenggunakan sis;;.em s:r~;ktu= yang ada , sehingga dida~at kan sebua~ desain yang memadai

    Optical Hydrogen Nanothermometry of Plasmonic Nanoparticles under Illumination

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    The temperature of nanoparticles is a critical parameter in applications that range from biology, to sensors, to photocatalysis. Yet, accurately determining the absolute temperature of nanoparticles is intrinsically difficult because traditional temperature probes likely deliver inaccurate results due to their large thermal mass compared to the nanoparticles. Here we present a hydrogen nanothermometry method that enables a noninvasive and direct measurement of absolute Pd nanoparticle temperature via the temperature dependence of the first-order phase transformation during Pd hydride formation. We apply it to accurately measure light-absorption-induced Pd nanoparticle heating at different irradiated powers with 1 \ub0C resolution and to unravel the impact of nanoparticle density in an array on the obtained temperature. In a wider perspective, this work reports a noninvasive method for accurate temperature measurements at the nanoscale, which we predict will find application in, for example, nano-optics, nanolithography, and plasmon-mediated catalysis to distinguish thermal from electronic effects

    Nanoplasmonic Alloy Hydrogen Sensors

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    The hydrogen economy proposes hydrogen gas as the main energy carrier thanks to its high energy density and the possibility to produce it in a sustainable way without CO2 emission. However, the wide flammability range of hydrogen-air mixtures dictates that hydrogen sensors will be a mandatory accessory to any appliance or vehicle fueled by hydrogen. Exploiting a phenomenon occurring at the nanoscale, a new type of hydrogen sensor based on the strong interaction of light with metal nanoparticles has rapidly developed in the past years. These so-called nanoplasmonic hydrogen sensors rely on hydride-forming metal nanoparticles that sustain localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR); a collective oscillation of electrons in the nanoparticles induced by irradiated light. The energy at which the resonance occurs depends on the permittivity, as well as size and shape of the nanoparticles. Since both size and permittivity change significantly when a metal transforms into a metal hydride upon absorption of hydrogen, this effect can be used to detect it. To this date, palladium (Pd) has been the prototype material for both fundamental studies related to hydrogen sorption mechanisms in metals and in next-generation hydrogen detection devices across all sensing platforms. Specifically for the hydrogen detection, however, pure Pd does not satisfy the required sensing performance standard due to its inherent hysteresis during hydrogen absorption and desorption and slow kinetics. Furthermore it is also prone to deactivation by species like carbon monoxide and nitric oxides.To address these limitations, in this thesis a new class of plasmonic hydrogen sensors based on noble metal alloy nanoparticles comprised of Pd, Gold (Au) and Copper (Cu) is explored. To enable such sensors, we first developed a nanofabrication method to produce alloy nanoparticles with precise control of their composition, size and shape. Investigating the fundamental properties of these alloy systems upon interaction with hydrogen, we found a universal correlation between the amount of hydrogen absorbed and the optical response, independent of alloy composition. Moreover, we demonstrated how segregation of Au atoms to surface of PdAu nanoparticles can be measured as a distinct change in the plasmonic response. Focusing on the optical hydrogen sensor application, we then studied in detail the performance of various PdAu, PdCu and PdAuCu alloys, as well as the use of thin polymer selective membrane coatings to prevent sensor deactivation by poisoning gases. As the main result, we created sensors with hysteresis-free sub-second response with sub-5 ppm sensitivity that meet or exceed stringent performance targets. To push the concept closer to application, we also demonstrated the integration of alloy nanoparticles with optical fibers for hydrogen sensing

    Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Hypertension Among Working-Age Population in Indonesia

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    Introduction: One of the diseases which are continuously becoming a public health problem is hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension in working-age or productive age in Indonesia has increased significantly in recent years. There are many risk factors for hypertension in adults, one of which is lack of sleep. Sleep disorders can increase the risk of hypertension. This study aimed at finding out the relationship between sleep quality and the incidence of hypertension among the working-age population in Indonesia. Methods: This study utilized secondary data from the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) 5 data with a cross-sectional study design. The sample in IFLS 5 was taken using Multistage random sampling. The number of samples was 8,815 with inclusion criteria, which included that respondents were 15-64 years old and had complete data on the variables studied, namely: age, sex, sleep quality, physical activity, Body Mass Index (BMI), smoking habits and hypertension. Data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression. Results: Respondents with poor sleep quality had 1.39 higher odds of experiencing hypertension compared to respondents who had good sleep quality after being controlled by variables of gender, age, smoking status, physical activity, and nutritional status. (Poor-good sleep quality=1.39, 95% CI 1.20-1.61 p=0.000). Conclusions: It is necessary to strengthen information about health promotion regarding the prevention of hypertension in the community, especially good time management, to maintain sleep quality and the need for health programs on prevention of hypertension carried out by the ministry of health to the community through existing health-workers


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    UMKM Jumputan Salsabila merupakan usaha mikro yang bergerak pada penjualan kerajinan jumputan dengan berbagai motif, menjadi objek dalam permasalahan laporan akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan dan memperhitungkan harga pokok produksi berdasarkan pesanan pada UMKM Jumputan Salsabila. Penulis mengumpulkan data berdasarkan makna observasi dengan teknik dokumentasi dan wawacara kepada perusahaan. Setelah melakukan analisis, diketahui bahwa perusahaan belum melakukan pengklasifikasian biaya bahan baku langsung dan biaya bahan baku tidak langsung, pembebanan biaya listrik, dan penyusutan aset. Oleh karena itu penulis mencoba membuat perhitungan harga pokok produksi yang tepat dan mendokumentasikannya kedalam penulisan laporan akhir dengan judul “ Analisis Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi Berdasarkan Pesanan Pada UMKM Jumputan Salsabila”. Diharapkan dengan adanya penulisan ini perusahaan dapat melakukan pengklasifikasian unsur-unsur harga pokok produksi dan memasukkan biaya listrik, serta biaya penyusutan kedalam harga pokok produksi


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    Cement and lime are widely used as stabilizing agents for soft clays. Some pozzolanic materials have also been used as additives such as asphalt, geosta, fly ash (geopolymer), base ash, salt. Industrial waste such as rice husk ash, coal burning ash (geopolymer) is also used as an alternative for stabilization materials. This research aims to study the effect of sawdust ash, as wood waste, to replace cement and lime on the stabilization of high plasticity clay. The effectiveness of sawdust ash, in this study, was evaluated from the CBR value. The test samples were also reviewed under conditions with and without immersion and with and without curing. Based on the test results, lime is very effective as an additive because it increases the CBR value of more than 100 at a level of 10%. Wood husk ash also increases the CBR value by 100%. The use of cement, lime and wood husk ash requires curing time so that there is a strong bond between the clay and additives. The use of additives without curing did not increase the CBR value. In the stabilization of clay with 10% lime, replacement of lime with wood husk ash by 4%-6%, can be used as a road sub-grade with good quality

    Plasmonic Metasurface for Spatially Resolved Optical Sensing in Three Dimensions

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    The highly localized sensitivity of metallic nanoparticles sustaining localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) enables detection of minute events occurring close to the particle surface and forms the basis for nanoplasmonic sensing. To date, nanoplasmonic sensors typically consist of two-dimensional (2D) nanoparticle arrays and can therefore only probe processes that occur within the array plane, leaving unaddressed the potential of sensing in three dimensions (3D). Here, we present a plasmonic metasurface comprising arrays of stacked Ag nanodisks separated by a thick SiO2 dielectric layer, which, through rational design, exhibit two distinct and spectrally separated LSPR sensing peaks and corresponding spatially separated sensing locations in the axial direction. This arrangement thus enables real-time plasmonic sensing in 3D. As a proof-of-principle, we successfully determine in a single experiment the layer-specific glass transition temperatures of a bilayer polymer thin film of poly(methyl methacrylate), PM/VIA, and poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly(methacrylic acid), P(MMA-MAA). Our work thus demonstrates a strategy for nanoplasmonic sensor design and utilization to simultaneously probe local chemical or physical processes at spatially different locations. In a wider perspective, it stimulates further development of sensors that employ multiple detection elements to generate distinct and spectrally individually addressable LSPR modes

    Pengaruh Waktu Curing Terhadap Nilai Swelling Pada Tanah Lempung Dengan Campuran Fly Ash Dan Bottom Ash

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    Tanah lempung yang berplastisitaas tinggi memiliki masalah dengan kembang susut yang cukup tinggi, oleh karena itu perlu adanya stabilisasi agar nilai pengembangan pada tanah lempung plastisitas tinggi turun dan dapat digunakan sebagai tanah dasar dalam suatu konstuksi. Upaya stabilisasi yang dilakukan dengan dengan cara mencampurkan tanah lempung dengan bahan adiktif berupa abu dasar, abu terbang, dan kapur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama waktu pemeraman untuk mendapatkan nilai pengembangan terkecil pada tanah lempung plastisitas tinggi akibat penambahan bahan adiktif berupa kapur, abu dasar dan abu terbang. Hasil menunjukan bahwa dengan penambahan bahan adiktif dan memberi perlakuan berupa pemeraman pada campuran tanah lempung dapat menurunkan nilai swelling. Untuk kondisi optimum potensi pengembangan terjadi pada variasi campuran L 5% + MS6 95%, dimana pada campuran tersebut potensi pengembangan sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan tanah asli dan tanah campuran lainnya. Dapat dilihat dari kondisi pemeraman 28 hari penurunan yang terjadi sebesar 98% dibanding tanah asli yang tidak diberi perlakuan. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan dengan memberi campuran bahan adiktif dan diberi pemeraman dapat memperbaiki tanah asli dan dapat memperkecil nilai swelling potentia