396 research outputs found


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    RSH Taman Sentosa Residence is an unpretentious residence type which is located at Ngargorejo Village, Boyolali Regency. Due to the condition of the area, which are short- separated to each house, limited land, a flat surface area, and the worried about the water pollution contamination if each of the the house build a septic-tank system, the developer of this residence will build a sewerage system for its domestic waste. The sewerage system applied an off-site system, means that the domestic waste will flow on a closed pipe network. Furthermore, for advanced treatment uses a sump well with pump, initial settled-basin, anaerobic filter basin, aerobic filter basin, and a collector basin. Hopefully, those advanced treatments can solve the environmental problem in the area of RSH Taman Sentosa Residence. On the conclusion with all the system and advanced treatments that applied can make a healty living residence, comfortable, have a good aesthetic value, and proper to be inhabited. keyword: RSH Taman Sentosa Residence, off-site system management, the advanced treatmen

    Picturing impact of the PEDIGREA program: a case study from Indramayu, Indonesia

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    Over the last twelve years, FIELD Indonesia staff has been using various participatory approaches towards measuring impact of its interventions, mainly in the framework of its involvement under FAO Community Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Asia program. Since 2002, FIELD is one of the partners in the PEDIGREA program, focusing on participatory crop and farm animal improvement. PEDIGREA is a regional program on farmer’s management of genetic resources, i.e. rice, local vegetables and poultry, which is implemented by three NGOs in Philippines, Cambodia and Indonesia, and supported by Wageningen UR, FAO, and IPGRI APO. The first attempt in 1991 (the development of three IPM Village Profiles) involved having farmers draw and discuss the benefits of participation in a Farmer Field School (FFS). Other approaches are relying on aerial planning and interactive participation techniques, iterative appraisal approaches, and socio-economic impacts. Comparing these approaches reveals that a wide scope of options for monitoring impact is available. Here we report on the results of an impact assessment method that appeared highly practical as a participatory tool: a participatory and interactive perception measuring technique for which farmers were asked to analyze the impact of the PEDIGREA program activities in their villages by making a photograph series of the project results and discussing the photographs in the community. The process distinguishes three steps: a) a three days workshop with farmer representatives from each group/village to discuss the concept of project results and impacts, to learn how to take useful photographs, and to make a work plan of objects and situations for each village to be photographed; b) a two week period of activities in each village to take photos, to select the interesting pictures, and to write the explanatory notes for each of the photos; c) a three days workshop to finalize the notes for each picture, to reflect on the program impacts and farmer’s benefits, to evaluate the impact study process, and to develop follow-up plan for each group/village. Some of the major results as visualized in the impact monitoring approach include: other farmers in the villages started to learn the breeding process from the farmer participants in the FFS; other farmers started to ask for and plant the local vegetable seeds, e.g. luffa and bitter gourd, which resulted from breeding activities in the village; better prices in local market for luffa produce by the farmer participants were realized; and some village authorities provided resources to the groups to conduct local field studies

    Prosedur Kredit Potong Gaji Pada PD. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat BKK Tulung Cabang Pedan

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    ABSTRAK PROSEDUR KREDIT POTONG GAJI PADA PD. BANK PERKREDITAN RAKYAT BKK TULUNG CABANG PEDAN ARIEF NUGROHO F3611011 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana alur pengajuan kredit pegawai dengan sistem potong gaji pada PD. BPR BKK Tulung Cabang Pedan. Penelitian ini dibuat dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan mengambil obyek pada PD. BPR BKK Tulung Cabang Pedan. Data yang didapatkan merupakan data primer dan sekunder berdasarkan observasi dan wawancara secara langsung, serta dengan study kepustakaan pada PD. BPR BKK Tulung Cabang Pedan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah prosedur pengajuan kredit potong gaji di PD. BPR BKK Tulung Cabang Pedan dilakukan melalui proses yang mudah dan sederhana. Ada 6 (enam) tahap yang harus dilakukan ketika akan mengajukan kredit di PD. BPR BKK Tulung Cabang Pedan, yaitu: tahap pengajuan, tahap pengecekan persyaratan, tahap survey, tahap analisis, tahap keputusan dan tahap pencairan. Saat ini potensi kredit pegawai merupakan lahan yang sangat luas dan menguntungkan bagi BPR, sehingga produk ini layak untuk di analisis. Berdasarkan hasil kesimpulan, kurang lebih produk dari berbagai perusahaan perbankan kurang lebih sama, yang perlu diperhatikan oleh PD. BPR BKK Tulung cabang Pedan adalah kualitas pelayanan harus senantiasa ditingkatkan sehingga mempunyai Brand kualitas pelayanan yang prima untuk menarik masyarakat menjadi nasabah yang loyal. Kata Kunci : Kredit pegawai, prosedur kredit potong gaj

    Analisis Faktor Lingkungan dalam Kejadian Leptospirosis di Kabupaten Tulungagung

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    Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis. Pada tahun 2012 ditetapkan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) dengan ditemukannya dua kasus leptospirosis di dua kecamatan dengan satu kasus meninggal. Penetapan ini dengan pertimbangan selama 20 tahun terakhir tidak pernah ditemukan leptospirosis. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan faktor lingkungan terhadap kejadian leptospirosis di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Rancangan penelitian yaitu cross sectional dilakukan melalui observasi lokasi, pengukuran lingkungan abiotik dan observasi kondisi rumah penduduk. Lokasi penelitian di Dusun Banjar, Desa Picisan RT 3 RW 1 Kecamatan Sendang, Kabupaten Tulungagung. Besar sampel sebanyak 50 rumah. Analisis data berupa analisis deskriptif dan statistik dengan uji Chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya sampah terbuka di depan atau belakang rumah berhubungan dengan kejadian leptospirosis dan  mempunyai resiko 16,3 kali lebih besar dalam penyebaran leptospirosis. pH, salinitas dan kelembaban udara menunjang pertumbuhan bakteri Leptospira  sp. pada badan air alami

    Sistem Deteksi Kontraksi Ventrikel Prematur Menggunakan Aplikasi Android Dengan Metode Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Propagasi Balik Berdasarkan Fitur Interval RR dan Lebar QRS

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    Telah dilaksanakan penelitian untuk system deteksi kontraksi ventrikel premature pada aplikasi android dengan metode Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) Propagasi Balik menggunakan fitur interval RR dan lebar QRS. Sistem deteksi telah diimplementasikan menggunakan perangkat lunak JAVA Eclipse Juno. Kontraksi Ventrikel Prematur adalah salah satu kelainan jantung aritmia. Tahapan pada penelitian ini adalah pengumpulan data, persiapan perangkat lunak, ekstraksi fitur dengan masukkan 2 fitur, pelatihan JST, pengujian JST, penentuan kinerja dan perancangan sistem Graphycal User Interface (GUI) antarmuka dengan di debug ke HP. Tahap pelatihan JST menggunakan 3 % sedangkan pengujian menggunakan 97% dari total keseluruhan data. Rancangan system dibuat dalam tampilan GUI untuk mempermudah tampilan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan 3 variasi jumlah fitur sebagai masukkan JST, yaitu interval RR dan lebar QRS, Interval RR, dan Lebar QRS. Hasil yang terbaik yang dihasikan pada pengujian JST Backpropagation dengan menggunakan masukkan 2 fitur yaitu interval RR dan lebar QRS dengan kinerja berupa spesifitas, sensitivitas, dan akurasi yang cukup baik yaitu 96.61%, 94.82%, dan 96.37%. Kata Kunci : Interval RR, Lebar QRS, JST Backpropagatio

    Perlawanan Pihak Ketiga (Derden Verzet) Terhadap Sita Jaminan Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Perdata (Study Kasus Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk lebih mendalami dan memahami bagaimana cara melakukan perlawanan pihak ketiga (derden verzet) serta alasan mengapa pelawan mengajukan perlawanan sita jaminan dan bagaimana langkah hakim dalam mempertimbangkan putusan terhadap perlawanan pihak ketiga (derden verzet) terhadap sita jaminan dalam penyelesaian sengketa perdata. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode pendekatan hukum metode pendekatan normatif sosiologis yaitu suatu pendekatan dengan cara pandang dari aspek hukum mengenai segala sesuatu yang terjadi didalam masyarakat yang mempunyai akibat hukum untuk dihubungkan dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku saat ini. Berdasarkan uraian hasil penelitian dan analisis data, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam mengajukan perlawanan pihak ketiga (derden verzet) haruslah jelas dalam penyampaian alasan-alasan yang diajukan terhadap perlawanan serta adanya bukti-bukti yang kuat agar dapat pengakuan bahwa pelawan adalah pelawan yang benar sehingga barang atau benda yang dijadikan jaminan tidak diangkat. Apa bila pelawan didalam perlawanannya tidak dapat membuktikan bahwa barang atau benda itu adalah hak miliknya maka pelawan atau pihak ketiga harus merelakan barang hak miliknya diangkat. Hakim dalam menentukan putusan terhadap perlawanan pihak ketiga haruslah sesuai dengan aturan-aturan yang sudah ditetapkan, dalam menentukan putusannya hakim menganalisa bukti-bukti yang diajukan oleh pelawan (pihak ketiga) dan terlawan kemudian hakim dapat menentukan apakah pelawan adalah pelawan yang benar atau tidak benar. Apabila pelawan dinyatakan pelawan yang tidak benar maka hakim menolak perlawanan pelawan dan begitu pula sebaliknya

    Analysis of Environmental Factors for Leptospirosis Cases in Tulungagung District

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    Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis. Pada tahun 2012 ditetapkan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) dengan ditemukannya dua kasus leptospirosis di dua kecamatan dengan satu kasus meninggal. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan faktor lingkungan terhadap kejadian leptospirosis di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Rancangan penelitian yaitu cross sectional dilakukan melalui observasi lokasi, pengukuran lingkungan abiotik dan observasi kondisi rumah penduduk. Lokasi penelitian di Dusun Banjar, Desa Picisan RT 3 RW 1 Kecamatan Sendang, Kabupaten Tulungagung. Besar sampel sebanyak 50 rumah. Analisis data berupa analisis deskriptif dan statistik dengan uji Chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya sampah terbuka di depan atau belakang rumah berhubungan dengan kejadian leptospirosis dan mempunyai resiko 16,3 kali lebih besar dalam penyebaran leptospirosis. pH, salinitas dan kelembaban udara menunjang pertumbuhan bakteri Leptospira sp. pada badan air alami. Kata kunci: leptospirosis, Tulungagung, lingkunga

    The Use of Microstrategies in Students' Translation: A Study on Classroom Translation Process and Product

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    This paper discusses about the microstrategies of translation used by undergraduate students of English studies of Dian Nuswantoro University. Accordingly, these microstrategies are proposed by Schjoldager (2008). The use of Schjoldager’s microstrategies is based on three reasons, they are: 1) these microstrategies are more specific and thorough and also outnumber the other translation strategies; 2) the use of translation microstrategies fits with students’ status as non professional translators; 3) they can show the degree of creativity applied in a translation work. In order to get the data, a translation task was applied in this study. Therefore, both translation process and products became crucial elements in this study. As a result, six microstrategies are applied by the students. Surprisingly, students who achieve the GPA below 2.75 are more creative than students who achieve 2.75 GPA or above. Keywords: Microstrategies, creativity, translation strategie

    MODEL ANALISIS Z SCORE TERHADAP PREDIKSI KEBANGKRUTAN ( Studi pada PT Garuda Indonesia,Tbk tahun 2015-2017)

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    The purpose of this study was able to be used in predicting bankruptcy using the Altman Z-score analysis method. This research is quantitative descriptive. The object of this research is PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk with the year of observation 2015 to 2017. Data from this research are secondary data and data sources taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the form of PT Garuda Tbk financial statements 2015 through 2017. The results of this research reveal that the variable X1 (working capital / Total Asset) in 2015 has a value of -0.047, in 2016 has a value of -0.0760 and in 2017 has a value of -0.1781. Variable X2 (retained earnings / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 0.00155, in 2016 has a value of 0.0013 and in 2017 has a value of 0.0013. Variable X3 (earning before interest and taxes / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 0.0057, in 2016 has a value of 0.0147 and in 2017 has a value of -0.1314. Variable X4 (market value equity / book value of total liabilities) in 2015 has a value of 1.442, in 2016 has a value of 1.442 and in 2017 has a value of 1.248. Variable X5 (sales / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 1,150, in 2016 has a value of 1,247 and in 2017 has a value of 1,105. For Z -Score value in 2015 has a value of 2.55, in 2016 has a value of 2.21 and in 2017 has a value of 2.04.. For the highest Z-Score number in 2015 is 2.55 and the lowest Z-Score is in 2017 at 2.04. Based on the results of the research it can be concluded that the Altman Z score method is able to answer bankruptcy predictions before 2 years the condition of corporate profits has decreased

    Model Analisis Z Score terhadap Prediksi Kebangkrutan ( Studi pada PT Garuda Indonesia,tbk Tahun 2015-2017)

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    The purpose of this study was able to be used in predicting bankruptcy using the Altman Z-score analysis method. This research is quantitative descriptive. The object of this research is PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk with the year of observation 2015 to 2017. Data from this research are secondary data and data sources taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the form of PT Garuda Tbk financial statements 2015 through 2017. The results of this research reveal that the variable X1 (working capital / Total Asset) in 2015 has a value of -0.047, in 2016 has a value of -0.0760 and in 2017 has a value of -0.1781. Variable X2 (retained earnings / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 0.00155, in 2016 has a value of 0.0013 and in 2017 has a value of 0.0013. Variable X3 (earning before interest and taxes / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 0.0057, in 2016 has a value of 0.0147 and in 2017 has a value of -0.1314. Variable X4 (market value equity / book value of total liabilities) in 2015 has a value of 1.442, in 2016 has a value of 1.442 and in 2017 has a value of 1.248. Variable X5 (sales / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 1,150, in 2016 has a value of 1,247 and in 2017 has a value of 1,105. For Z -Score value in 2015 has a value of 2.55, in 2016 has a value of 2.21 and in 2017 has a value of 2.04.. For the highest Z-Score number in 2015 is 2.55 and the lowest Z-Score is in 2017 at 2.04. Based on the results of the research it can be concluded that the Altman Z score method is able to answer bankruptcy predictions before 2 years the condition of corporate profits has decreased