39 research outputs found

    Significance of Literary Ecranization in the Development of the Nation’s Character

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    The purpose of this study is: (1) to describe the benefits of literary ecranization as a mass media; (2) to describe the strategic role of Indonesian literary ecranization in the nation and character building; (3) to reveal the constraints of literary ecranization in the development of Indonesian culture. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a phenomenological approach; data are collected by using library techniques, observation, and in-depth interviewing; data analysis is performed using a content analysis technique and critical analysis. The results of this study are as follows: (1) literary ecranization is a potential mass media favored by the public given its great audiovisual power; (2) the strategic role of Indonesian literary ecranization in the development of a nation’s character is advantageous in offering life values (social, cultural, moral, psychological, gender, and religious) and its allure in educating and entertaining the audience without patronizing; (3) the constraints of literary ecranization in the development of a nation’s character are: literary ecranization as an audiovisual media often loses the literary essence of the original literary work; not many filmmakers are able to achieve literary essence in ecranization.     Keywords: literary ecranization, nation’s character building, significanc

    Pemanfaatan Nanobentonit sebagai Bahan Tambahan pada Formula Grease, Kosmetik dan Nanokomposit Polimer

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    Bentonit merupakan salah satu Sumber daya mineral Indonesia dengan jumlah yang sangatmelimpah. Beberapa wilayah penghasil bentonit adalah Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan. Bentonitmerupakan suatu jenis tanah liat, yang tersusun dari berbagai mineral phyllosilicate, dengankandungan utama monmorilonit. Karena kandungan mineral yang beragam, maka bentonitmerupakan bahan baku yang penting bagi berbagai macam aplikasi industri. Selama ini bentonitbanyak digunakan sebagai adsorben zat warna maupun pengotor-pengotor minyak atau limbah cair.Kegunaan lain adalah sebagai katalis baik dengan modifikasi bentonit maupun tidak. Kajian inimerupakan kajian deskriptif dari data sekunder mengenai pemanfaatan lain bentonit sesuai dengankarakteristiknya, yaitu (1) Sebagai thickenergrease, (2) Rheological Modifier oleh dispersi bentonitdi dalam pelarut organik kosmetik, dan (3) filler pada nanokomposit polimer yang ditinjau daripeningkatan kinerja pada aplikasinya dan peningkatan nilai tambahnya. Metode penambahannanobentonit pada setiap formula adalah dengan cara dicampur pada temperatur dan kecepatanputaran tertentu. Aplikasi nanobentonite pada berbagai formula menghasilkan peningkatanperformansidan reologi. Sebagai thickener pada grease dapat menghasilkan grease yang memilikiketahanan terhadap temperatur tinggi dan memiliki stabilitas kerja baik,dengan ukuran droppingpoint,hal ini terjadi karena bentonit bersifat tidak meleleh pada temperatur tinggi. Pada formulakosmetik mampu mendispersikan bentonit dalam pelarut organik yang banyak digunakan padakosmetik berbentuk gel dan kinerja diukur dengan shear test. Selanjutnya peran nanobentonitsebagai filler pada formula nanokomposit polimer adalah dapat meningkatkan beberapa sifat dasarpolimer seperti sifat ketahanan termal dan sifat mekanik, dan diantaranya diukur besarnya tensilestrength,hal ini disebabkan karena adanya sifat fisik bentonityaitu tingginya daya serap, derajatplastisitas, maupun faktor ukurannya

    Karakterisik Granul Dan Tablet Propranolol Hidroklorida Dengan Metode Granulasi Peleburan

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    The effect of carnauba wax consentration to pharmacotechnical characteristics on the granules and tablets that made by hot melt granulation method have been studied. Fomula I? V with composition : 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% w/w carnauba wax, propranolol hydrochloride 60 mg/tablet, and lactose to the 340 mg was mixed and melted, and than sieved to the mesh 16 siever. The granules were evaluated and lubricated by 1% magnesium stearat and 2% talcum. Then it were compressed into tablet which each weight was 350 mg and the tablets were evaluated. The results showed that hot melt granulatin form granules and tablets that acceptable pharmacotechnical properties

    Metode Monte Carlo Untuk Menentukan Harga Opsi Barrier Dengan Suku Bunga Takkonstan

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    Asumsi suku bunga konstan pada penentuan harga opsi barrier tidak sesuaidengan kondisi sebenarnya dalam dunia keuangan, karena suku bungaberfluktuasi terhadap waktu. Modifikasi metode Monte Carlo adalah metodeyang dibuat untuk menghitung harga opsi barrier dengan suku bungatakkonstan. Ide dasar dari metode ini adalah menggunakan model Cox-Ingersoll-Ross sebagai model suku bunga dan menggunakan bilangan acakberdistribusi seragam dan sebuah exit probability untuk menampilkanestimasi Monte Carlo dari waktu pertama kali harga saham menyentuh levelbarrier

    Uji Aktivitas Antistres dan Sedatif Minyak Biji Pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) pada Mencit Jantan Galur Swiss Webster

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    Telah diteliti efek antistres minyak biji pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) yang diberikan secara oral dan aromaterapi secara inhalasi pada mencit jantan Swiss Webster yang diinduksi stres dengan cara imobilisasi. Efek antistres ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah perpindahan mencit dalam kotak transisi terang-gelap dan lama tidur yang diinduksi dengan tiopental. Mencit yang stres ditandai dengan penurunan bobot badan yang bermakna (p<0,05). Minyak biji pala yang diberikan secara oral dengan dosis 16,90 μL/kg bobot badan dan secara aromaterapi dengan konsentrasi 0,4 g/mL dalam minyak kelapa dengan lama inhalasi dua jam memperpanjang waktu tidur (berturut-turut sebesar 208,29±159,63 menit dan 531,00±265,22 menit) secara bermakna (p<0,05) dibadingkan terhadap kontrol (38,00±7,70 menit). Efek antistres minyak biji pala ditandai dengan peningkatan jumlah perpindahan mencit dalam kotak transisi terang-gelap yang berbeda bermakna bermakna dibandingkan terhadap kontrol (9,71±2,98 kali dan 6,71±3,03 kali secara berurutan, p<0,05).Kata kunci: minyak biji pala, Myristica fragrans Houtt, antistres, sedatif.The antistress effect of nutmeg seed oil (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) given orally and as an aromatherapy through inhalation had been evaluated in stressed-male Swiss Webster mice induced by immobilization. The antistress effect was determined based on total number of crossings of mice in light-dark transition box and sleep duration induced by thiopental. Stressed mice were indicated by significant decreased of mice body weight (p<0.05). Nutmeg oil given orally at 16.90 μL/kg body weight and as aromatherapy at concentration of 0.4 g/mL in virgin coconut oil through inhalation for two hours prolonged sleep duration (208.29±159.63 minutes and 531.00±265.22 minutes respectively) significantly (p<0.05) compared to that of control (38.00±7.70 minutes). The nutmeg oil given as aromatherapy by inhalation for two hours significantly increased total number of crossing of mice in light-dark transition box compared to that of control (9.71±2.98 times and 6.71±3.03 times respectively, p<0.05) indicated the antistress effect.Keywords: nutmeg seed oil, Myristica fragrans Houtt, antistress, sedative


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    For daylighting purpose, office buildings should have a shallow plan and increase the ratio of surface to building’s volume. However, intensive use of air-conditioning drives office building’s plan to be deep with a minimum surface to volume ratio. This leads to the presence of areas that have insufficient daylight level at the work plane. Considering limitations of some daylighting methods in distributing daylight to these areas, Horizontal Light Pipe (HLP) was selected. The aim of this research was to evaluate and explain the effect of HLP branching on daylight quantity and distribution inside open plan office space. Experimental with simulation as a tool was used as the research method. HLP branching’s uniformity ratio, illuminance and Daylight Factor were compared with unbranching HLP, simultaneously with daylighting standards. Results showed that office space with HLP-L branching had higher daylight level than HLP-T branching, 296 lux and 295 lux, HLP-L and HLP-T, respectively. However, HLP-T branching distributed daylight more evenly than HLP-L branching, with uniformity ratio as 1.49:1 and 1.50:1, HLP-T and HLP-L, respectively. Both of them met the illuminance target value and uniformity at work plane. Light’s deflection and improvement amount of opening distribution decreased average illuminance and Daylight Factor up to 3.59%. Those also decreased uniformity of daylight inside the space


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    The use of daylight within an office building in the tropics provides energy savings, psychological and physiological health advantages for building occupants. In order to promote the daylight admission, the building should have a narrow depth. However, plans of modern air-conditioned buildings tend to be deep, in order to minimize heat gain from the building envelope. A deep plan office building design limits access to daylight and generates an insufficient daylight level on the workspace distant from the side window. Horizontal Light Pipe (HLP) is one of light transport systems that can deliver daylight to these areas. The research aim was to explain and evaluate the effect of HLP�s opening distribution area on daylight performance at deep plan-private office space in the tropics. The research method was experiment with simulation as a tool. Daylight level and daylight uniformity of the base case, HLP with an opening distribution area of 6.6 m2 were compared with the case, HLP with an opening distribution area of 3.41 m2. The results showed that HLP with a smaller opening distribution area of 3.41 m2 could illuminate working spaces where a simple visual task is performed. A 50% reduction of HLP�s opening distribution area, from 6.6 m2 to 3.41 m2 improved average Daylight Factor (DF) as much as 6.42%. The presence of highly specular material on opening distribution area contributed to the specular reflection of daylight before being transmitted to office space by a translucent glass. A lower illuminance uniformity ratio but still meet the recommended illuminance uniformity ratio on workspace was resulted in a smaller HLP�s opening distribution area. Considering the improvement of daylight level and high uniformity ratio resulted, HLP with a smaller opening distribution area can be applied as the main source of daylight on deep-plan office spaces

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Public Speaking melalui Metode Pelatihan Anggota Forum Komunikasi Remaja Islam

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    Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. Speaking in front of audience is not an easy task. It needs a good speaking skill. Fear and nervousness become major problem, especially for beginners who have not experienced in public speaking. This also occurs in members of the Muslim Youth Forum Gayamsari (Foksari). Their speaking competence is inadequate. That is why Public Speaking training activity is held. It is expexted to improve their skills. This activity is performed in two stages, namely the delivery of content and practice. Based on the evaluation, the results obtained are very significant. The existence of enthusiastic participants indicates that they are very interested. Besides, there is a seriousness of the participants who attend a series of events organized by the team from beginning to end

    Effects of Drying TIME on Yield and Moisture Content of “Sumahe” Powdered Drink Using Spray Dryer

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    As people today are becoming more health-conscious, various efforts have been made to keep up one's health, such as by consuming highly nutritious food and drinks. One of the nutritious food sources produced from bees is honey, bioactive compounds of polyphenols, glyoxal and methylglioxal. Honey could be used as a health drink by mixing with ginger. This health drink is also produced as powdered drink to simplify storing, reduce the use of plastic packaging, and to add product value to increase market share. The aim of this research was to analyze the effects of drying time for 5, 15, and 25 minutes with an addition of maltodextrin on the yield, density, and moisture content of “Sumahe” instant powdered drink, made from cow's milk, honey, and ginger. The results showed that the longer the drying time, the lower the moisture content of the drink. Meanwhile, the longer the drying time, the higher the yield became. A taste test of “Sumahe” also indicated that from 25 minutes of drying time, most of the panelists rated the drink as tasteful and delicious