17 research outputs found

    Academic Hardiness sebagai Mediator untuk Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial terhadap Academic Distress pada Mahasiswa Magister Psikologi Profesi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dukungan sosial terhadap academic distress pada 144 orang mahasiswa Magister Psikologi Profesi dengan academic hardiness sebagai mediator. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan mediasi sederhana dengan satu variabel mediator. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga instrumen yang telah dimodifikasi dan diadaptasi dari: (a) instrumen Kessler-10, Skala distress akademik (Chua, Ng, Park, 2018), dan GHQ (12) dari Goldberg dan Williams (1988) untuk mengukur academic distress. (b) instrumen RAHS dari Benishek, Feldman, Shipon, Mecham, dan Lopez (2005) untuk mengukur academic hardiness, dan (c) instrumen MSPSS dari Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, dan Farley (1988) untuk mengukur dukungan sosial. Analisis data menggunakan bootstrapping dengan bantuan program SPSS (Process 2.16) menunjukkan bahwa (a) terdapat korelasi negatif antara dukungan sosial dan academic distress (r=0.3, p0.05), (d) tidak terjadi efek mediasi pada pengaruh dukungan sosial terhadap academic distress melalui academic hardiness

    Online Learning Readiness, Academic Resilience, and Subjective Well-Being of Junior High School Students during the COVID 19 Pandemic

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    Online learning process in COVID-19 pandemic can decline the quality of subjective well-being of students. The constraints faced by the students in doing the online learning can make them more frequently feel negative emotions such as being anxious, stressful, confused or bored. The aim of this study is to test the online learning readiness and academic resilience on the subjective well-being among students. A number of previous researches showed that the students ready to have online learning and having a good academic resilience could increase their subjective well-being. This study involved 200 students of Junior High School ‘X’ Lampung having online learning. It used three instruments: (a) scale of positive and negative experience (SPANE) (Diener, Wirtz, Tov, Kim-Prieto, Choi, Oishi, & Biswas-Diener, 2009), (b) academic resilience scale (Martin & Marsh, 2006), and (c) scale of student’s e-learning readiness questionnaire (Aydin & Tasci, 2005). The test of hypothesis used the Doubled Regression Analysis Technique (SPSS 20). The results of this study showed that the online learning readiness and academic resilience simultaneously were effective in determining the subjective well-being of students (R = 0.09, p < 0.01).Keywords: subjective well-being, academic resilience, online                                    learning readiness, pandemic COVID-19

    The moderating effect of coping behavior on academic stress and subjective well-being in students during the Covid-19 pandemic

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     This study aimed to observe the correlation between academic stress and subjective well-being, with coping behavior as a moderator in students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This involved 212 students in the UII. This study used the Perceived Stress Scale (18 items, a = 0.757), stress coping scale (44 items, a = 0.880), and college student subjective well-being questionnaire (16 items, a = 0.893). This study showed a significant negative correlation between academic stress and subjective well-being (β = -0.562; p < 0.05). Furthermore, the moderator regression analysis (MRA) results showed that the R² value of the interaction between academic stress and coping behavior as the moderator in the third regression model was higher than that of the other models (0.213). However, the increase was not statistically significant. The results showed that coping behavior did not have a moderating effect on the relationship between academic stress and subjective well-being.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran perilaku coping sebagai noderator hubungan antara stres akademik dan kesejahteraan subjektif pada mahasiswa selama pandemi COVID-19. Sebanyak 212 orang mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia telah terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Perceived stress scale (18 item, a = 0.757), skala coping stress (44 aitem, a = 0.880), dan college student subjective well-being questionnaire (16 item, a = 0.893) merupakan alat ukur dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menemukan hubungan antara stres akademik dan kesejahteraan subjektif yang negatif dan signifikan (β = -0.562; p < 0.05). Selanjutnya, hasil moderator regression analysis (MRA) menunjukan bahwa nilai R² pada model regresi ke-3 (i.e., model interaksi antara stress akademik dan perilaku koping) meningkat sebesar 0,213 meskipun peningkatan ini tidak signifikan. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa perilaku coping tidak mampu menjadi moderator dalam hubungan antara stres akademik dan kesejahteraan subjektif

    Hubungan Antara Adversity Quotient Dan Work-Study Conflict Pada Mahasiswa Yang Bekerja

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate to relationship between adversity quotient and work-study conflict at 97 working college students in Yogyakarta. Data was collected using Adversity Quotient Scale and Work-study Conflict Scale. Analysis data using Pearson product moment showed that adversity quotient correlates negatively with work-study conflict (r=-0,639,

    Methodological Reflections on Online Data Collection during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The pandemic closed the door for the use of conventional, face-to-face data collection methods. At the same time, it built a momentum for the exploration and utilization of online data collection methods. However, the belief about superiority of the offline data collection persists. The literature review and the authors’ research experience reveal that offline and online data collection methods yield similar result in terms of data completion and quality. All data collection methods contain weaknesses and strengths. Nonetheless, the online data collection methods are very versatile. They allow the researchers to choose the tools that best align with their research objectives


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    Research shows that students with academic grit have better achievement, learning regulation, and resilience abilities than students without academic grit. Even so, research results show that it is still rare to find academic grit in a person. Academic hope is a positive psychological variable that has many benefits to positive educational variables and has been proven to be able to predict academic grit. This study tries to look back at the ability of academic hope to academic grit in middle school students. The participants used in this study were 194 students of SMK-SMAK Makassar. There were two instruments distributed to SMK-SMAK Makassar students, namely the academic hope scale and the academic grit scale which were distributed to research respondents. Tests on the data collected show that academic expectations can provide significant academic grit and make a large effective contribution. There are two aspects of academic expectations, namely pathway and agency. Path analysis as an additional analysis to see the predictive ability of each aspect of academic expectations shows that the path makes a large effective contribution, while the agency makes a small effective contribution. These results show the balance of academic expectations of one's academic grit

    Self-Instruction Training Untuk Meningkatkan Derajat Academic Buoyancy Mahasiswa

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    This study aims to determine the effect of self-instruction training interventions in increasing the level of student academic buoyancy. Students need to have a high level of academic buoyancy in order to be able to overcome daily academic challenges and overcome the decline in academic self-regulation (Martin &amp; Marsh, 2009). Students who have a low or moderate degree of academic buoyancy will have obstacles in overcoming daily academic challenges and academic setbacks. This condition causes low academic achievement that students have. In order to overcome this problem, this research examines whether self-instruction training interventions with CBT can help students increase their degree of academic buoyancy. This self-instruction technique is a behavior modification technique that has two uses, namely improving maladaptive mindsets, becoming positive mindsets, which are then used to direct individuals by giving positive instructions to themselves to make behavior changes to become more adaptive (Meichenbaum, in Martin &amp; Pear 2015). This study uses a single subject design with AB research pattern. The participant of this study was a male student at the Faculty of Medicine, with a moderate degree of academic buoyancy. The results of the study show that the self-instruction training technique can increase the degree of academic buoyancy

    Hubungan Antara Adversity Quotient Dan Work-Study Conflict Pada Mahasiswa Yang Bekerja

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate to relationship between adversity quotient and work-study conflict at 97 working college students in Yogyakarta. Data was collected using Adversity Quotient Scale and Work-study Conflict Scale. Analysis data using Pearson product moment showed that adversity quotient correlates negatively with work-study conflict (r=-0,639,

    Efektivitas Pelatihan Keajaiban Doa Islami Untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Emosi Pada Siswa SMK "X" Di Yogyakarta

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    This experiment research aimed to examine the effect of Keajaiban Doa Islamic Training to improve emotional well-being of high school students in SMK “X” Yogyakarta. This research used non-randomized Pre and Posttest Control Group Design. Participants of this research were divided into two group, control and experiment groups. Keajaiban Doa Islamic Training was only gave to 14 respondents from experiment group and have identified as low emotional well-being score. They were asked to complete Simsek’s emotional well-being scale (Cronbach’s Alpha = 0,86) before and after experiment. The result showed significancy p=0.00 (p < 0.05) for the comparison level of g score on experiment and control respondents at pre and posttest.  It means that Keajaiban Doa Islamic Training could improved  emotional well-being  of  high  school students in SMK “X” Yogyakarta.   Keywords: Emotional Well-Being,  Prayers,  Keajaiban  Doa  Islami, Trainin


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    This study aims to measure the improvement of the teacher’s social competence in teaching junior high school in "X" before being given training (pretest) and two weeks after training (posttest). The hypothesis in this study is authoritative teacher training can improve the teacher‘s social competence in teaching junior high school "X". Teachers are given the Authoritative Teacher Training will increase the teacher’s social competence in teaching. This study is a quasi-experimental design using one group pretest, posttest and follow-up. This study used the scale of the teacher’s social competence in teaching, observation scale, and opened scale. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The result shows that there were changes in the teacher’s social competence before being given training and two weeks after training (Wilcoxon Z = -3.660 with a value of p = 0.000 (si