52 research outputs found

    Sistem Telemetri Pemantau Gempa Menggunakan Jaringan GSM

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    Seiringdenganperkembanganzaman,informasiyangcepatdanakuratsangatdiperlukandalammenunjangkinerjadiberbagaibidang.Salahsatunyaadalahinformasimengenaigempa,informasiiniperludisampaikandengancepatdanakuratsehinggadapatmengurangikerugianhartamaupunkorbanjiwa.Namunlokasigeografisdaristasiunpengamatyangbiasanyaadadipedalamanmenjadikurangmenguntungkan,kondisiinimengurangikelancaranpenyebaraninformasimengenaigempa.Salahsatusolusiuntukmenanggulangimasalahketerlambataninformasiiniadalahdenganmemanfaatkantelemetrinirkabel.Telemetrimerupakanserangkaianprosesmulaidaripengukurandilapangan,pengirimandatamelaluimediumtransmisitertentu,kemudianditerimaolehstasiunpengolahdata.Telemetriseringdigunakanuntukmemantaukondisididaerah-daerahyangsulitdijangkauataumembahayakanmanusia. Sistem telemetri ini memiliki beberapa keunggulan, yaitu biaya pembangunan yang relatif murah, sistem monitoring melalui web, dan menggunakan jaringan GSM sehingga jaungkauannya sangat luas.Kata Kunci:Gempa, GSM, GPRS, Nirkabe


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    This research was conducted in order to find out the organizational communication between superiors and subordinates at the Presidential Museum of the Republic of Indonesia Balai Kirti Bogor. The method used in the study was qualitative method, meanwhile the type of this research uses descriptive research. Sources of data in this study were divided into two, namely primary data and secondary data where primary data was obtained from in-depth interviews with key informants, informants and secondary data was obtained from documentation of the Presidential Museum of the Republic of Indonesia Balai Kirti Bogor. The results showed that organizational communication carried out by the Presidential Museum of the Republic of Indonesia Balai Kirti Bogor followed the wheel pattern. This wheel communication pattern is a leader or superior who has a good relationship with all of all members and all of them also have the same power to influence other members. This pattern is the participation of members in general. In decision-making, a meeting is always held first and involves all subordinates. In a meeting all suggestions or opinions are always appreciated, this will build a sense of satisfaction between leaders and employees

    Comparative Analysis of Earthing Resistance on Rod and Plate Electrodes for Improvement of Earthing Resistance Values

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    The availability of a grounding system must have the smallest grounding resistance value. To obtain a grounding resistance value with a certain value is influenced by several factors such as: the shape of the grounding system, soil type, soil temperature, soil moisture, electrode diameter, soil electrolyte content and others. the ground surface, and in the form of plates or plates, all of which are designed to reduce grounding resistance. From the results of measurements and calculations, the value of grounding resistance is obtained from the measurement results above, indicating the depth of the grounding electrode is 1.5 m deep, at this depth the value of grounding resistance is 0.98 Ω. The rod electrode, while the plate electrode is 1.6 Ω. and the calculation of the ground resistance using Dwight's formula, the average value of the rod electrode is 0.9 Ω and the plate, the average value is 0.5 Ω. There is a difference between the results of calculations and measurements this is due to differences in the perception of the type of electrode used. It is < 1 Ω meets the requirements of PUIL, 2000, for wet and moist soil types

    Profil Kondisi Fisik dan Keterampilan Psikologis Atlet Pencak Silat Perguruan Persinas ASAD Kota Bengkulu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Profil Kondisi Fisik dan Keterampilan Psikologis Atlet Pencak Silat Perguruan Persinas ASAD Kota Bengkulu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 18 orang atlet. Instrumen dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, kuesioner, tes pengukuran kodisi fisik, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan persentase. Pengukuran tes kondisi fisik terdiri dari 1) lari sprint 30 m untuk mengukur kecepatan, 2) shuttle run untuk mengukur kelincahan, 3) sit and reach untuk mengukur kelentukan, 4) push up dan sit up untuk mengukur kekuatan otot lengan dan perut, 5) multy fitness test untuk mengukur daya tahan. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa persentase hasil kondisi fisik atlet pencak silat Persinas ASAD secara keseluruhan sebesar 55.56% dengan kategori sedang. Sedangkan instrumen keterampilan psikologis terdiri dari 1) aspek motivasi, 2) aspek percaya diri, 3) aspek kontrol kecemasan, 4) aspek persiapan mental, 5) aspek konsentrasi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner The Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports (PSIS). Hasil keterampilan psikologis secara keseluruhan sebesar 61.11% dengan kategori baik

    Desain Untuk Disabilitas Perancangan Meja DAYA Untuk Mengakomodir Kebutuhan Mahasiswa Penyandang Tuna Daksa Pengguna Kursi Roda

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    Abstract —The provision of education that provides opportunities for all students regardless of limitations has been guaranteed by law. Unfortunately, adequate facilities for students with special needs such as wheelchair users in many Higher Institutions are still insufficient, especially in classrooms. This article is a summary of research activities and the design process of the DAYA table that accommodates the needs of wheelchair users in the classroom. The DAYA desk is designed with the Design Thinking methodology, that further elaborate on empathy studies so that the need s of the user are accommodated, so that they can be more independent in following the course of lectures. The design of the DAYA table proves that in designing a product for people with disabilities, ergonomics studies are not enough, because they have to consider the habits and needs of users through empathy studies. These two things are often left untouched by ergonomic studies that focus more on physical parameters alone. Keywords: Design Thinking, Disability, Empathic StudyAbstrak — Penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang memberikan kesempatan bagi semua peserta didik terlepas dari keterbatasannya telah dijamin oleh Undang-Undang. Sayangnya fasilitas yang memadai bagi mahasiswa berkebutuhan khusus (disabilitas) seperti pengguna kursi roda di berbagai perguruan tinggi masih belum mencukupi, terutama di ruang kelas. Artikel ini merupakan rangkuman kegiatan penelitian dan proses desain dari produk meja (meja DAYA) yang dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan peserta didik pengguna kursi roda di dalam kelas. Meja DAYA didesain dengan metodologi Design Thinking dengan lebih mengelaborasikan studi empati agar kebutuhan mahasiswa tersebut dapat terakomodasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat membantu mahasiswa disabilitas agar dapat lebih mandiri dalam mengikuti jalannya perkuliahan. Desain dari meja DAYA membuktikan bahwa dalam mendesain sebuah produk untuk kaum disabilitas, studi ergonomi saja tidaklah cukup, karena harus mempertimbangkan kebiasaan dan kebutuhan dari pengguna melalui studi empati. Kedua hal ini sering kali tidak tersentuh oleh studi ergonomi yang lebih fokus pada parameter fisik semata.Kata Kunci: Design Thinking, Disabilitas, Studi Empat

    Desain Untuk Disabilitas Perancangan Meja DAYA Untuk Mengakomodir Kebutuhan Mahasiswa Penyandang Tuna Daksa Pengguna Kursi Roda

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    Abstract —The provision of education that provides opportunities for all students regardless of limitations has been guaranteed by law. Unfortunately, adequate facilities for students with special needs such as wheelchair users in many Higher Institutions are still insufficient, especially in classrooms. This article is a summary of research activities and the design process of the DAYA table that accommodates the needs of wheelchair users in the classroom. The DAYA desk is designed with the Design Thinking methodology, that further elaborate on empathy studies so that the need s of the user are accommodated, so that they can be more independent in following the course of lectures. The design of the DAYA table proves that in designing a product for people with disabilities, ergonomics studies are not enough, because they have to consider the habits and needs of users through empathy studies. These two things are often left untouched by ergonomic studies that focus more on physical parameters alone. Keywords: Design Thinking, Disability, Empathic StudyAbstrak — Penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang memberikan kesempatan bagi semua peserta didik terlepas dari keterbatasannya telah dijamin oleh Undang-Undang. Sayangnya fasilitas yang memadai bagi mahasiswa berkebutuhan khusus (disabilitas) seperti pengguna kursi roda di berbagai perguruan tinggi masih belum mencukupi, terutama di ruang kelas. Artikel ini merupakan rangkuman kegiatan penelitian dan proses desain dari produk meja (meja DAYA) yang dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan peserta didik pengguna kursi roda di dalam kelas. Meja DAYA didesain dengan metodologi Design Thinking dengan lebih mengelaborasikan studi empati agar kebutuhan mahasiswa tersebut dapat terakomodasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat membantu mahasiswa disabilitas agar dapat lebih mandiri dalam mengikuti jalannya perkuliahan. Desain dari meja DAYA membuktikan bahwa dalam mendesain sebuah produk untuk kaum disabilitas, studi ergonomi saja tidaklah cukup, karena harus mempertimbangkan kebiasaan dan kebutuhan dari pengguna melalui studi empati. Kedua hal ini sering kali tidak tersentuh oleh studi ergonomi yang lebih fokus pada parameter fisik semata.Kata Kunci: Design Thinking, Disabilitas, Studi Empat

    Desain Kruk Multifungsi Untuk Membantu Aktivitas Perkuliahan Mahasiswa Difabel

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    Penyelenggaraan pendidikan pada dasarnya memberikan kesempatan kepada semua peserta didik tanpa memandang keterbatasan fisik, seperti peserta didik difabel. Fasilitas pendukung di kampus masih belum dapat mendukung untuk mahasiswa tersebut untuk beraktivitas di lingkungan kampus, terutama mahasiswa yang menggunakan kursi roda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan desain dan alternatif prototipe alat bantu berjalan yaitu Kruk yang telah diperbaiki fungsinya dan ditambahkan fitur tambahan agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa yang menggunakan kursi roda. Proses desain yang dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan referensi sumber data terkait aspek ergonomi dan metode tahapan proses desain menggunakan Design thinking disertai dengan peta empati sebagai dasar identifikasi kebutuhan dari mahasiswa difabel tersebut. Hasil akhir uji coba penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prototipe Kruk dengan desain yang diperbaharui dapat membantu mahasiswa difabel dalam beraktivitas diarea kampus yang tidak dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan kursi roda, seperti aktivitas di perpustakaan dan  melalui jalan sempit. Tindak lanjut untuk kedepannya dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan desain lanjutan agar prototipe layak untuk tahap produksi massal dan pengujian lebih lanjut terkait fungsi, keawetan produk, dan optimalisasi penggunaan produk oleh mahasiswa difabel pengguna kursi roda.

    Analisa Kerusakan Dan Perbaikan Power Train Pada Unit Excavator Kobelco SK200-5

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    Power train is a drive mechanism that works together to transmit power from the engine to the final drive, how the power train works when the engine rotates drives the main pump to circulate pressurized oil from the tank to the control valve and is passed on to the travel motor to drive the final drive. A visual inspection of the components is carried out to ensure that the power train components are damaged which causes the unit to stutter, along with several visual inspections of the power train components including checking the Control Valve, Idler, and Motor Travel. Based on the results of checking the power train has damage to the worn sprocket teeth. This damage is caused by soil or mud that sticks and hardens resulting in erosion of the components which makes the components wear out, the service life has exceeded the limit. Repairs to this sprocket component require replacing it with a new part because the Kobelco Sk200-5 excavator uses a solid type sprocket


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    Two types of floods can be happen in rice crops, i.e. flash floods and  stagnant floods. Flash floods cause complete submergence for up to 2 weeks, while stagnant floods (SF) could partially submerge part of rice  plant. To overcome yield loss due to the floods, introgression of SUB1 gene, known as a gene suppressing cell elongation and carbohydrate  metabolism, to rice genotype can increase plant tolerance to complete submergence for 10 days or more. The study aimed to evaluate the response of 18 rice genotypes, including the recently developed sixth pair SUB1 near isogenic lines (NILs) of mega-rice varieties (Swarna, Sambha Mahsuri, IR64, TDK1, BR11, and CR1009), to various flooding conditions. The rice genotypes were planted at field ponds at Los Banos, Philippines, in the wet season (WS) of 2009. The treatments were 15 days  submergence, SF, SF follows submergence and normal conditions. Each treatment was arranged in completely randomized block design with threereplications. The results showed that the SUB1 introgression rice lines had higher survival compared to the non-SUB1 and did not much elongate their shoots during submergence. Nevertheless, under SF the rice genotypes should elongates their shoots to allow restoring contact with the air. SF and SF follows submergence decreased the panicle number, grainnumber per panicle and panicle fertility. Consequently, the yield declined. It suggests that sensitive genotypes are mostly sourcelimited during grain filling. The SUB1 introgression lines had higher chlorophyll concentration and less depletion in soluble sugar and starch after submergence. Under SF, soluble sugar and starch contents between the SUB1 NILs and  non-SUB1 lines were not significantly different. Introgression of the SUB1 into high-yielding varieties improved submergence tolerance without affecting yield potential. The study indicates that introgression of the SUB1 into taller type rice varieties should be done to compensate the effect of suppressed elongation

    Design of a Sky Camera-Based Cloud Monitoring Camera at the Agam Space and Atmospheric Observation Station, Bukit Kototabang

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    Indonesia is a center of convection and acts as a driving force for global atmospheric circulation due to its geographical position. Moreover, Kototabang Hill is one of the national strategic areas in the equatorial atmospheric observation room with limited cloud cover data so that tools and development are needed to meet these data needs. Sky Camera for the purpose of observing clouds (Cloud Camera) is urgently needed to complement the need for cloud cover data to support observation and research activities in the field of the atmosphere. The Cloud Camera design is done by modifying the CCD Camera with several supporting devices including fish eye, solar tracker, sun filter and dome. Evaluation of the urgency of these enhancements is discussed in this paper. Among the four combinations of using supporting instruments (dome and sun filter) for the Cloud Camera device, the best image obtained is the device that uses a sun filter and without a dome. Among the four combinations of using supporting instruments (dome and sun filter) for the Cloud Camera device, the best image obtained is the device that uses a sun filter and without a dome
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