253 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Congress: A Citizen\u27s Ability to Influence Politics Today

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    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. -Constitution of the United States Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus and spurred a year long political bus boycott that helped later change the U.S. Constitution. A mother with a cause rallied a million other moms to march onto Capital Hill and lobby legislators for gun control. There are amazing situations in which one person made a huge difference in today\u27s politics merely because a value-driven belief; but is there more to it? Can one person really make a difference just by believing in something strongly, or does the success of your cause rely upon how much money you have, what your last name is, or if you know the right people

    Addressing a forgotten struggle: Victims of enforced disappearance in Africa

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    Abstract: Enforced disappearance in Africa occurs on a daily basis and no one is immune from becoming a victim. The practice, which commenced during the colonial times, continues today. Governments routinely use enforced disappearance as a tool to oppress the opposition and instill fear among the population in order to retain power. It is also used in the context of migration, as well as in many other contexts and against a variety of victims. As enforced disappearance is a crime committed by State officials with an interest in concealing it, the statistics on its prevalence are limited and do not show the full extent of the crime in Africa. Further, the lack of political will to acknowledge the use of this practice means that many African States lack policies and laws to prevent, investigate and punish the perpetrators of enforced disappearance. In the last two years, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights adopted two resolutions raising awareness of the crime and paving the way for drafting and adopting specific guidelines to address this crime, which would be a first step in setting up a holistic framework to eradicate enforced disappearances on the continent

    Ion engine thrust vector study, phase 2 Quarterly report

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    Performance prediction for expected thrust misalignment in electron bombardment ion thruste

    Ion engine thrust vector study

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    Probability of thrust vector misalignment in ion thrustor arra

    A redundant arithmetic CORDIC system with a unit scale factor

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    The CORDIC algorithm for the calculation of trigonometric functions has traditionally suffered from two problems; speed, and the necessity to pre-scale the inputs. The speed problem is overcome to a large extent by the introduction of redundant number systems which have been shown by others. Here we show a new CORDIC system which has a unit scale factor that can be ignored. The unit scale factor is achieved by rotating the vector in 3 dimensional space in a manner which scales its projection onto the X-Y plane by the reciprocal of the overall scale factor. This new technique takes the same number of cycles as the standard CORDIC algorithm, with only marginally slower cycle times than the redundant system of Takagi. The system is shown to be entirely compatible with redundant number system implementations of the CORDIC algorithm

    Exploring performance and power properties of modern multicore chips via simple machine models

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    Modern multicore chips show complex behavior with respect to performance and power. Starting with the Intel Sandy Bridge processor, it has become possible to directly measure the power dissipation of a CPU chip and correlate this data with the performance properties of the running code. Going beyond a simple bottleneck analysis, we employ the recently published Execution-Cache-Memory (ECM) model to describe the single- and multi-core performance of streaming kernels. The model refines the well-known roofline model, since it can predict the scaling and the saturation behavior of bandwidth-limited loop kernels on a multicore chip. The saturation point is especially relevant for considerations of energy consumption. From power dissipation measurements of benchmark programs with vastly different requirements to the hardware, we derive a simple, phenomenological power model for the Sandy Bridge processor. Together with the ECM model, we are able to explain many peculiarities in the performance and power behavior of multicore processors, and derive guidelines for energy-efficient execution of parallel programs. Finally, we show that the ECM and power models can be successfully used to describe the scaling and power behavior of a lattice-Boltzmann flow solver code.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures. Typos corrected, DOI adde

    Dual Credit & Early College Experiences: Myths & NAD Opportunities

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    Predicting the cache miss ratio of loop-nested array references

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    The time a program takes to execute can be massively affected by the efficiency with which it utilizes cache memory. Moreover the cache-miss behavior of a program can be highly unpredictable, in that small changes to input parameters can cause large changes in the number of misses. In this paper we present novel analytical models of the cache behavior of programs consisting mainly of array operations inside nested loops, for direct-mapped caches. The models are used to predict the miss-ratios of three example loop nests; the results are shown to be largely within ten percent of simulated values. A significant advantage is that the calculation time is proportional to the number of array references in the program, typically several orders of magnitude faster than traditional cache simulation methods

    From Animaculum to single-molecules : 300 years of the light microscope

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    Although not laying claim to being the inventor of the light microscope, Antonj van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) was arguably the first person to bring this new technological wonder of the age properly to the attention of natural scientists interested in the study of living things (people we might now term 'biologists'). He was a Dutch draper with no formal scientific training. From using magnifying glasses to observe threads in cloth, he went on to develop over 500 simple single lens microscopes (Baker & Leeuwenhoek 1739 Phil. Trans. 41, 503-519. (doi:10.1098/rstl.1739.0085)) which he used to observe many different biological samples. He communicated his finding to the Royal Society in a series of letters (Leeuwenhoek 1800 The select works of Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, containing his microscopical discoveries in many of the works of nature, vol. 1) including the one republished in this edition of Open Biology. Our review here begins with the work of van Leeuwenhoek before summarizing the key developments over the last ca 300 years, which has seen the light microscope evolve from a simple single lens device of van Leeuwenhoek's day into an instrument capable of observing the dynamics of single biological molecules inside living cells, and to tracking every cell nucleus in the development of whole embryos and plants

    Lunar lander conceptual design

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    This paper is a first look at the problems of building a lunar lander to support a small lunar surface base. A series of trade studies was performed to define the lander. The initial trades concerned choosing number of stages, payload mass, parking orbit altitude, and propellant type. Other important trades and issues included plane change capability, propellant loading and maintenance location, and reusability considerations. Given a rough baseline, the systems were then reviewed. A conceptual design was then produced. The process was carried through only one iteration. Many more iterations are needed. A transportation system using reusable, aerobraked orbital transfer vehicles (OTV's) is assumed. These OTV's are assumed to be based and maintained at a low Earth orbit (LEO) space station, optimized for transportation functions. Single- and two-stage OTV stacks are considered. The OTV's make the translunar injection (TLI), lunar orbit insertion (LOI), and trans-Earth injection (TEI) burns, as well as midcourse and perigee raise maneuvers
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