46 research outputs found

    A new landscape of host–protozoa interactions involving the extracellular vesicles world

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    This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works. © Cambridge University Press 2018Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are released by a wide number of cells including blood cells, immune system cells, tumour cells, adult and embryonic stem cells. EVs are a heterogeneous group of vesicles (~30–1000 nm) including microvesicles and exosomes. The physiological release of EVs represents a normal state of the cell, raising a metabolic equilibrium between catabolic and anabolic processes. Moreover, when the cells are submitted to stress with different inducers or in pathological situations (malignancies, chronic diseases, infectious diseases.), they respond with an intense and dynamic release of EVs. The EVs released from stimulated cells vs those that are released constitutively may themselves differ, both physically and in their cargo. EVs contain protein, lipids, nucleic acids and biomolecules that can alter cell phenotypes or modulate neighbouring cells. In this review, we have summarized findings involving EVs in certain protozoan diseases. We have commented on strategies to study the communicative roles of EVs during host–pathogen interaction and hypothesized on the use of EVs for diagnostic, preventative and therapeutic purposes in infectious diseases. This kind of communication could modulate the innate immune system and reformulate concepts in parasitism. Moreover, the information provided within EVs could produce alternatives in translational medicine.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes do not support replication of Zika virus

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    The rapid spread of Zika virus (ZIKV) in the Americas raised many questions about the role of Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes in transmission, in addition to the key role played by the vector Aedes aegypti. Here we analysed the competence of Cx. quinquefasciatus (with or without Wolbachia endosymbionts) for a ZIKV isolate. We also examined the induction of RNA interference pathways after viral challenge and the production of small virus-derived RNAs. We did not observe any infection nor such small virus-derived RNAs, regardless of the presence or absence of Wolbachia. Thus, Cx. quinquefasciatus does not support ZIKV replication and Wolbachia is not involved in producing this phenotype. In short, these mosquitoes are very unlikely to play a role in transmission of ZIKV


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    Penelitian uini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi pengembangan pemasaran usaha udang di desa Lambur Kecamatan Muara Sabak Timur Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur dan Skripsi ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi pemasaran usaha udang di desa Lambur berdasarkan strategi bauran pemasaran 7p. (2) untuk mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan dalam strategi pemasaran usaha udang di desa lambur. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan hasil wawancara 7 orang pemilik usaha udang, teknik analisis data yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data model iteraktif dari miles dan huberman yang meliputi pengumpulan data, penyajian data, redaksi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan dalam strategi pengembangan usaha kerupuk di desa lambur kecamatan muara sabak timur kabupaten tanjung jabung timur memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing masing masing dalam memproduksi usaha udang, salah satu kelebihannya adalah penggunaan udang yang berkualitas dan juga memiliki sisi kekurangan seperti peralatan yang digunakan masih manual sedangkan jumlah produk yang ingin di produksi banyak, tetapi terkendala oleh keterbatasan alat yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari 7 strategi bauran pemasaran (7p) yang di perlukan suatu usaha, sabjek penelitian menerapkan strategi dengan baik strategi tersebut yaitu product, price, promotion, place, dan people, sebaliknya pelaku usaha tersebut masih memiliki kelebihan dalam penerapan strategi bauran pemasaran pada strategi proses dan physical Evidence

    Excreted/Secreted Proteins from Trypanosome Procyclic Strains

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    Trypanosoma secretome was shown to be involved in parasite virulence and is suspected of interfering in parasite life-cycle steps such as establishment in the Glossina midgut, metacyclogenesis. Therefore, we attempted to identify the proteins secreted by procyclic strains of T. brucei gambiense and T. brucei brucei, responsible for human and animal trypanosomiasis, respectively. Using mass spectrometry, 427 and 483 nonredundant proteins were characterized in T. brucei brucei and T. brucei gambiense secretomes, respectively; 35% and 42% of the corresponding secretome proteins were specifically secreted by T. brucei brucei and T. brucei gambiense, respectively, while 279 proteins were common to both subspecies. The proteins were assigned to 12 functional classes. Special attention was paid to the most abundant proteases (14 families) because of their potential implication in the infection process and nutrient supply. The presence of proteins usually secreted via an exosome pathway suggests that this type of process is involved in trypanosome ESP secretion. The overall results provide leads for further research to develop novel tools for blocking trypanosome transmission

    Exosomes and Other Extracellular Vesicles:The New Communicators in Parasite Infections

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as a ubiquitous mechanism for transferring information between cells and organisms across all three kingdoms of life. In addition to their roles in normal physiology, vesicles also transport molecules from pathogens to hosts and can spread antigens as well as infectious agents. Although initially described in the host–pathogen context for their functions in immune surveillance, vesicles enable multiple modes of communication by, and between, parasites. Here we review the literature demonstrating that EVs are secreted by intracellular and extracellular eukaryotic parasites, as well as their hosts, and detail the functional properties of these vesicles in maturation, pathogenicity and survival. We further describe the prospects for targeting or exploiting these complexes in therapeutic and vaccine strategies

    Evolutionary dynamics of endocellular bacteria Wolbachia and cytoplasmic incompatibilities in the mosquito Culex pipiens

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    Les Wolbachia sont des α-Protéobactéries endocellulaires transmises maternellement et qui manipulent la reproduction des Arthropodes pour augmenter leur transmission. Chez le moustique Culex pipiens, Wolbachia induit l'incompatibilité cytoplasmique (IC) qui se traduit par une forte mortalité embryonnaire lors de croisements entre individus infectés par des souches incompatibles de Wolbachia. Ce moustique se caractérise par une forte diversité génétique de ses Wolbachia (nommées wPip) et par des patrons d'IC complexes. Nous avons examiné les mécanismes qui façonnent la dynamique de cette association symbiotique aux niveaux génomique, phénotypique et populationnel. Nous avons montré que les souches wPip ont une origine génétique commune récente et qu'elles s'organisent en groupes génétiques présentant une structuration géographique. Nous avons mis en évidence des évènements de recombinaison entre souches wPip qui pourraient jouer un rôle majeur dans la diversité génétique des Wolbachia et dans l'évolution rapide des patrons d'IC. En croisant des lignées de moustiques d'origines géographiques diverses et infectées par des souches de différents groupes génétiques, nous avons montré que les IC (i) évoluent très rapidement chez Cx. pipiens; (ii) sont contrôlées par plusieurs déterminants génétiques, et (iii) qu'il y a une relation entre les patrons d'IC et les groupes génétiques des Wolbachia. Dans les populations naturelles, il apparaît que les IC sont contre sélectionnées au sein d'une population mais qu'une zone de contact entre populations infectées par des souches incompatibles peut se maintenir de façon stable.Wolbachia are maternally inherited endocellular α-Proteobacteria that manipulate the reproduction of Arthropods to promote their own transmission. In the mosquito Culex pipiens, Wolbachia induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) which results in high embryonic mortality in crosses between mosquitoes infected with incompatible Wolbachia strains. This mosquito is characterized by high genetic diversity of its Wolbachia (referred as wPip strains) and by complex CI patterns. We examined mechanisms that shape the dynamics of this symbiotic association at genomic, phenotypic and field population levels to understand how it evolves. We showed that wPip strains have a unique and recent evolutionary origin and that their diversity clusters into distinct genetic groups with a geographic structure. We revealed the existence of extensive recombinations among wPip strains, which could influence their adaptive dynamics by creating new wPip strains and thus allow the rapid emergence of new CI patterns. The analysis of crossing relationships between mosquito lines from different geographic origins and infected with wPip strains belonging to different genetic groups showed that CIs (i) evolve rapidly in Cx. pipiens; (ii) are controlled by several genetic factors, and (iii) there is a significant relationship between CI patterns and genetic divergence of wPip strains. In field populations, it appears that CIs are selected against within a population but a contact zone between populations infected by incompatible Wolbachia strains can be stably maintained

    Evolutionary dynamics of endocellular bacteria Wolbachia and cytoplasmic incompatibilities in the mosquito Culex pipiens

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    Les Wolbachia sont des a-Protéobactéries endocellulaires transmises maternellement et qui manipulent la reproduction des Arthropodes pour augmenter leur transmission. Chez le moustique Culex pipiens, Wolbachia induit l'incompatibilité cytoplasmique (IC) qui se traduit par une forte mortalité embryonnaire lors de croisements entre individus infectés par des souches incompatibles de Wolbachia. Ce moustique se caractérise par une forte diversité génétique de ses Wolbachia (nommées wPip) et par des patrons d'IC complexes. Nous avons examiné les mécanismes qui façonnent la dynamique de cette association symbiotique aux niveaux génomique, phénotypique et populationnel. Nous avons montré que les souches wPip ont une origine génétique commune récente et qu'elles s'organisent en groupes génétiques présentant une structuration géographique. Nous avons mis en évidence des évènements de recombinaison entre souches wPip qui pourraient jouer un rôle majeur dans la diversité génétique des Wolbachia et dans l'évolution rapide des patrons d'IC. En croisant des lignées de moustiques d'origines géographiques diverses et infectées par des souches de différents groupes génétiques, nous avons montré que les IC (i) évoluent très rapidement chez Cx. pipiens; (ii) sont contrôlées par plusieurs déterminants génétiques, et (iii) qu'il y a une relation entre les patrons d'IC et les groupes génétiques des Wolbachia. Dans les populations naturelles, il apparaît que les IC sont contre sélectionnées au sein d'une population mais qu'une zone de contact entre populations infectées par des souches incompatibles peut se maintenir de façon stable.Wolbachia are maternally inherited endocellular a-Proteobacteria that manipulate the reproduction of Arthropods to promote their own transmission. In the mosquito Culex pipiens, Wolbachia induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) which results in high embryonic mortality in crosses between mosquitoes infected with incompatible Wolbachia strains. This mosquito is characterized by high genetic diversity of its Wolbachia (referred as wPip strains) and by complex CI patterns. We examined mechanisms that shape the dynamics of this symbiotic association at genomic, phenotypic and field population levels to understand how it evolves. We showed that wPip strains have a unique and recent evolutionary origin and that their diversity clusters into distinct genetic groups with a geographic structure. We revealed the existence of extensive recombinations among wPip strains, which could influence their adaptive dynamics by creating new wPip strains and thus allow the rapid emergence of new CI patterns. The analysis of crossing relationships between mosquito lines from different geographic origins and infected with wPip strains belonging to different genetic groups showed that CIs (i) evolve rapidly in Cx. pipiens; (ii) are controlled by several genetic factors, and (iii) there is a significant relationship between CI patterns and genetic divergence of wPip strains. In field populations, it appears that CIs are selected against within a population but a contact zone between populations infected by incompatible Wolbachia strains can be stably maintained.MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    Rapid evolution of Wolbachia incompatibility types

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    International audienceIn most insects, the endosymbiont Wolbachia induces cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), an embryonic mortality observed when infected males mate either with uninfected females or with females infected by an incompatible Wolbachia strain. Although the molecular mechanism of CI remains elusive, it is classically viewed as a modification-rescue model, in which a Wolbachia mod function disables the reproductive success of the sperm of infected males, unless eggs are infected and express a compatible resc function. The extent to which the modification-rescue model can predict highly complex CI pattern remains a challenging issue. Here, we show the rapid evolution of the mod-resc system in the Culex pipiens mosquito. We have surveyed four incompatible laboratory isofemale lines over 50 generations and observed in two of them that CI has evolved from complete to partial incompatibility (i.e. the production of a mixture of compatible and incompatible clutches). Emergence of the new CI types depends only on Wolbachia determinants and can be simply explained by the gain of new resc functions. Evolution of CI types in Cx. pipiens thus appears as a gradual process, in which one or several resc functions can coexist in the same individual host in addition to the ones involved in the self-compatibility. Our data identified CI as a very dynamic process. We suggest that ancestral and mutant Wolbachia expressing distinct resc functions can co-infect individual hosts, opening the possibility for the mod functions to evolve subsequently. This gives a first clue towards the understanding of how Wolbachia reached highly complex CI pattern in host populations

    Multiple Wolbachia determinants control the evolution of cytoplasmic incompatibilities in Culex pipiens mosquito populations.

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    International audienceWolbachia are maternally inherited endosymbionts that can invade arthropod populations through manipulation of their reproduction. In mosquitoes, Wolbachia induce embryonic death, known as cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), whenever infected males mate with females either uninfected or infected with an incompatible strain. Although genetic determinants of CI are unknown, a functional model involving the so-called mod and resc factors has been proposed. Natural populations of Culex pipiens mosquito display a complex CI relationship pattern associated with the highest Wolbachia (wPip) genetic polymorphism reported so far. We show here that C. pipiens populations from La Réunion, a geographically isolated island in the southwest of the Indian Ocean, are infected with genetically closely related wPip strains. Crossing experiments reveal that these Wolbachia are all mutually compatible. However, crosses with genetically more distant wPip strains indicate that Wolbachia strains from La Réunion belong to at least five distinct incompatibility groups (or crossing types). These incompatibility properties which are strictly independent from the nuclear background, formally establish that in C. pipiens, CI is controlled by several Wolbachia mod/resc factors