18 research outputs found

    Die INIS Collection Search - Einlicke und Fallbeispiele zu neuen Entwicklungen

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    INIS (International Nuclear Information System) ist die weltweit grĂ¶ĂŸte Datenbank im Bereich der friedlichen Nutzung von Nuklearwissenschaften und wird von der IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) und ihren Mitgliedsstaaten betrieben. Das österreichische INIS-Zentrum befindet sich an der Zentralbibliothek fĂŒr Physik und ist zustĂ€ndig fĂŒr die Auswahl und die Eingabe von relevanter, in Österreich publizierter Literatur. Mit ĂŒber 3,3 Millionen bibliographischen Records ermöglicht die INIS Collection Zugriff auf eine einzigartige Sammlung von grauer Literatur im Bereich der Nuklearwissenschaften. Dazu gehören ĂŒber 280.000 Volltext-Dokumente wie u.a. wissenschaftliche und technische Reports, Konferenzprotokolle und Patente, welche nicht auf herkömmlichem Wege zur VerfĂŒgung stehen. Dieser Beitrag beschĂ€ftigt sich im speziellen mit der INIS Collection Search, welche mithilfe des multilingualen INIS-Thesaurus ein Ă€ußerst prĂ€zises Suchergebnis ermöglicht. Der Thesaurus umfasst 30.000 Begriffe und ist in allen Amtssprachen der IAEA (Arabisch, Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, Russisch, Japanisch, Spanisch und Deutsch) erhĂ€ltlich. Der Zugriff auf die INIS Collection, die INIS bibliographische Datenbank und auf die Volltext-Dokumente ist kostenlos ĂŒber die INIS Website http://www.iaea.org/INIS möglich. INIS Collection Search wird von Google Search Appliance betrieben, wobei besonderer Wert auf die Benutzerfreundlichkeit des Suchsystems gelegt wurde. Die Sucheingabe kann dabei auf zwei grundlegende Sucharten erfolgen: Standard Search und Advanced Search. FĂŒr registrierte INIS-Benutzer ist der Zugriff auf ein umfassendes Informationsangebot der IAEA sowie auf ein eigenes »User profile« und einen »Workspace« gewĂ€hrleistet, wo sich u.a. Suchergebnisse und Suchabfragen (Queries) speichern und verwalten lassen. Nach einerkurzen, allgemeinen EinfĂŒhrung ĂŒber INIS und ICS werden ausgewĂ€hlte Fallbeispiele zur Anwendung der ICS gezeigt. Abschließen werden noch neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der INIS Collection Search besprochen

    Alkoholi Ruotsin televisiossa

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Alkoholbilden i tv : en analys av fiktionsprogram LilianNowa

    Generation of neutralizing antibodies and divergence of SIVmac239 in cynomolgus macaques following short-term early antiretroviral therapy.

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    Neutralizing antibodies (NAb) able to react to heterologous viruses are generated during natural HIV-1 infection in some individuals. Further knowledge is required in order to understand the factors contributing to induction of cross-reactive NAb responses. Here a well-established model of experimental pathogenic infection in cynomolgus macaques, which reproduces long-lasting HIV-1 infection, was used to study the NAb response as well as the viral evolution of the highly neutralization-resistant SIVmac239. Twelve animals were infected intravenously with SIVmac239. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) was initiated ten days post-inoculation and administered daily for four months. Viral load, CD4(+) T-cell counts, total IgG levels, and breadth as well as strength of NAb in plasma were compared simultaneously over 14 months. In addition, envs from plasma samples were sequenced at three time points in all animals in order to assess viral evolution. We report here that seven of the 12 animals controlled viremia to below 10(4) copies/ml of plasma after discontinuation of ART and that this control was associated with a low level of evolutionary divergence. Macaques that controlled viral load developed broader NAb responses early on. Furthermore, escape mutations, such as V67M and R751G, were identified in virus sequenced from all animals with uncontrolled viremia. Bayesian estimation of ancestral population genetic diversity (PGD) showed an increase in this value in non-controlling or transient-controlling animals during the first 5.5 months of infection, in contrast to virus-controlling animals. Similarly, non- or transient controllers displayed more positively-selected amino-acid substitutions. An early increase in PGD, resulting in the generation of positively-selected amino-acid substitutions, greater divergence and relative high viral load after ART withdrawal, may have contributed to the generation of potent NAb in several animals after SIVmac239 infection. However, early broad NAb responses correlated with relatively preserved CD4(+) T-cell numbers, low viral load and limited viral divergence

    Die Inis Collection Search – Einblicke und Fallbeispiele zu neuen Entwicklungen

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    INIS (International Nuclear Information System) is the world's largest database in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear science and is operated by the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in collaboration with the INIS Member States. The Austrian INIS center is located at the Central Library of Physics and is responsible for the selection and input of relevant, in Austria published literature. With over 3.3 million bibliographic records the INIS Collection provides access to a unique collection of gray literature in the field of nuclear science. This includes over 280,000 full-text documents, such as, scientific and technical reports, conference protocols and patents, which would be difficult to obtain elsewhere. This paper deals specifically with the INIS Collection Search, which allows an extremely precise search result using the INIS multilingual Thesaurus. The Thesaurus contains 30,000 terms and is available in all the IAEA's official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Japanese, Spanish and German). Access to the INIS Collection, the INIS bibliographic database and to the full-text document is free of charge and via the INIS website http://www.iaea.org/INIS possible. The INIS Collection Search is powered by Google Search Appliance, and particular attention has been paid to the usability of the search system. INIS supports information retrieval through two basic search modes: Standard Search and Advanced Search. User registration for INIS Collection is provided through NUCLEUS, the common access point to the IAEA's scientific, technical and regulatory information resources. Registered INIS-users have access to a comprehensive range of information, to an “user profile” and to a “workspace”, where, among other things search results can be saved and search queries (queries) can be managed. After a brief general introduction about INIS and ICS selected case studies on the application of ICS are shown. Last but not least, new developments related to the INIS Collection Search are discussed

    U-landsinformation 1974

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    The research project 'Information strategies - analysis and evaluation of trials to spread information on developing countries through multimedia' (Informationsstrategier - Analys och utvÀrdering av försök med spridning av u-landsinformation genom multimedia) was requested to evaluate an information campaign on developing countries generally, and Tanzania especially. The campaign was namned Karibu-project and data was gathered in several surveys. The aim of this investigation was to define and measure variables assumed to be important conditions for the exposure of information about developing countries, concern for developing countries, etc. The survey includes information on the respondentŽs interest in different subject fields in mass media, opinion on the future prospects for different groups in society, and threaths against the future. Furthermore the respondent was asked about the reason of why some countries are poor, her/his attitude to different kinds of help to developing countries, and reason for being concerned with/not concerned with developing countries. Other questions dealt with the respondentŽs knowledge about developing countries and judgement of the policy held by the different political parties. Most of these questions can also be found in the study World picture of the opinion leaders (SSD 0126), and a smaller number in Daily press journalists and the foreign information (SSD 0170).The research project ŽInformation strategies - analysis and evaluation of trials to spread information on developing countries through multimediaŽ (Informationsstrategier - Analys och utvÀrdering av försök med spridning av u-landsinformation genom multimedia) was requested to evaluate an information campaign on developing countries generally, and Tanzania especially. The campaign was namned Karibu-project and data was gathered in several surveys. The aim of this investigation was to define and measure variables assumed to be important conditions for the exposure of information about developing countries, concern for developing countries, etc. The survey includes information on the respondentŽs interest in different subject fields in mass media, opinion on the future prospects for different groups in society, and threaths against the future. Furthermore the respondent was asked about the reason of why some countries are poor, her/his attitude to different kinds of help to developing countries, and reason for being concerned with/not concerned with developing countries. Other questions dealt with the respondentŽs knowledge about developing countries and judgement of the policy held by the different political parties. Most of these questions can also be found in the study World picture of the opinion leaders (SSD 0126), and a smaller number in Daily press journalists and the foreign information (SSD 0170)

    Insights into library and information science at CERN

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    This report summarizes my tasks and activities during the summer student programme 2015. For the 8-week long programme I worked in the CERN library. My work mainly focused on the High Energy Physics Database INSPIRE-HEP and the online Encyclopedia Wikipedia

    Investigating a doubly sympathetic cooling scheme for antiprotons using SIMBUCA

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    Diese Arbeit fasst meine TĂ€tigkeiten und BemĂŒhungen, wĂ€hrend des Technical Student Programm’s in 2016/17 am CERN zusammen. ZunĂ€chst erfolgt eine Beschreibung des Hauptexperiments Aegis, sowie dessen theoretischer Hintergrund. Aegis ist eines der Experimente, die um den Antiprotonen-Entschleuniger (Antiproton Decelerator) am CERN gebaut sind. Das vorwiegende wissenschaftliche Ziel von Aegis ist eine Messung der Fallbeschleunigung von Anti-Wasserstoff im Gravitationsfeld der Erde. Um die Genauigkeit dieser Gravitationsbeschleunigungsmessung zu verbessern, wurde von Michael Doser (CERN) und Alban Kellerbauer (UniversitĂ€t Heidelberg) ein doppelt sympathisches KĂŒhlungsschema vorgeschlagen, bei dem Antiprotonen, eine kationische und eine anionische Spezies, gleichzeitig in einer Penningfalle eingeschlossen sind, wobei nur die kationische Spezies aktiv gekĂŒhlt wird. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der ÜberprĂŒfung der FunktionalitĂ€t dieses doppelt sympathetischen KĂŒhlungsschemas unter Verwendung eines Penningfallen-Simulationsprogramms namens Simbuca, das die Coulomb-Kraft auf einer GPU berechnet, was die Simulationszeiten signifikant reduziert. Außerdem wird der physikalische Hintergrund vorgestellt, der notwendig ist, um den nachfolgenden Simulationen folgen zu können. Die durchgefĂŒhrten Simbuca-Simulationen werden im Detail analysiert und das Verhalten der geladenen Teilchen in der Penning-Falle beschrieben. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde ein sympathetischer KĂŒhleffekt zwischen den entgegengesetzt geladenen Teilchen eindeutig beobachtet, allerdings konnte die FunktionalitĂ€t des vorgeschlagenen Schemas nur mit starken EinschrĂ€nkungen nachgewiesen werden.This thesis summarises my tasks and efforts during the Technical Student Programme at CERN in 2016/17. First, the main experiment Aegis and its theoretical background are introduced. Aegis is located at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator (AD) and its main scientific goal is to measure Earth's gravitational acceleration on antihydrogen. To enhance the accuracy of this gravitational acceleration measurement a doubly sympathetic cooling scheme was proposed by Michael Doser (CERN) and Alban Kellerbauer (University of Heidelberg), involving antiprotons, a cationic and an anionic species, which are simultaneously confined in a penning trap, with only one actively cooled (cationic) species. The focus of this thesis lies on testing the functionality of this doubly sympathetic cooling scheme using a penning trap simulation program called Simbuca, which calculates the coulomb force on a GPU, what reduces the simulation times significant. Besides, the theoretical physical background is presented, which is necessary to follow the subsequent simulations. The performed Simbuca-simulations are analysed in detail and the behaviour of the trapped, charged particles is described. Furthermore, although a sympathetic cooling effect between the oppositely charged particles was clearly observed, the functionality of the proposed scheme could only be confirmed with severe limitations

    Landsat ETM+ and SRTM Data Provide Near Real-Time Monitoring of Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Habitats in Africa

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    All four chimpanzee sub-species populations are declining due to multiple factors including human-caused habitat loss. Effective conservation efforts are therefore needed to ensure their long-term survival. Habitat suitability models serve as useful tools for conservation planning by depicting relative environmental suitability in geographic space over time. Previous studies mapping chimpanzee habitat suitability have been limited to small regions or coarse spatial and temporal resolutions. Here, we used Random Forests regression to downscale a coarse resolution habitat suitability calibration dataset to estimate habitat suitability over the entire chimpanzee range at 30-m resolution. Our model predicted habitat suitability well with an r2 of 0.82 (±0.002) based on 50-fold cross validation where 75% of the data was used for model calibration and 25% for model testing; however, there was considerable variation in the predictive capability among the four sub-species modeled individually. We tested the influence of several variables derived from Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) that included metrics of forest canopy and structure for four three-year time periods between 2000 and 2012. Elevation, Landsat ETM+ band 5 and Landsat derived canopy cover were the strongest predictors; highly suitable areas were associated with dense tree canopy cover for all but the Nigeria-Cameroon and Central Chimpanzee sub-species. Because the models were sensitive to such temporally based predictors, our results are the first to highlight the value of integrating continuously updated variables derived from satellite remote sensing into temporally dynamic habitat suitability models to support  near real-time monitoring of habitat status and decision support systems