363 research outputs found

    On subdiffusive continuous time random walks with stochastic resetting

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    We analyze two models of subdiffusion with stochastic resetting. Each of them consists of two parts: subdiffusion based on the continuous-time random walk (CTRW) scheme and independent resetting events generated uniformly in time according to the Poisson point process. In the first model the whole process is reset to the initial state, whereas in the second model only the position is subject to resets. The distinction between these two models arises from the non-Markovian character of the subdiffusive process. We derive exact expressions for the two lowest moments of the full propagator, stationary distributions, and first hitting times statistics. We also show, with an example of a constant drift, how these models can be generalized to include external forces. Possible applications to data analysis and modeling of biological systems are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Set Aggregation Network as a Trainable Pooling Layer

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    Global pooling, such as max- or sum-pooling, is one of the key ingredients in deep neural networks used for processing images, texts, graphs and other types of structured data. Based on the recent DeepSets architecture proposed by Zaheer et al. (NIPS 2017), we introduce a Set Aggregation Network (SAN) as an alternative global pooling layer. In contrast to typical pooling operators, SAN allows to embed a given set of features to a vector representation of arbitrary size. We show that by adjusting the size of embedding, SAN is capable of preserving the whole information from the input. In experiments, we demonstrate that replacing global pooling layer by SAN leads to the improvement of classification accuracy. Moreover, it is less prone to overfitting and can be used as a regularizer.Comment: ICONIP 201

    Kur yra gėjus: erdvės pavadinimai lenkiškuose zinuose ir žurnaluose

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    The circulation of zines and the first gay magazines is treated as one of the most important elements of alternative communication. Zines created an opportunity for gay communities to communicate, which in the 1980s and 1990s was clearly difficult, and in small towns even impossible (communication via the Internet began to be discussed only in the mid-1990s). That is why the press became a kind of gay news agency, a platform for the exchange of information and experiences, and, most importantly, a record of the language of the non-heterosexual communities at the time. The aim of the article is to present a fragment of their reality: the space written in gay magazines, their names and the codes and behaviors associated with them. In my research, I have referred to M. Foucault’s heterotopia and the subversion of space. In this way, I have drawn a linguistic map of the space of gay culture.Zinų ir pirmųjų gėjams skirtų žurnalų sklaida yra vienas svarbiausių alternatyvios komunikacijos elementų. Zinai sukūrė galimybę bendrauti gėjų bendruomenėse, nes XX a. devintą ir dešimtą dešimtmečius tai buvo akivaizdžiai sudėtinga, o mažose gyvenvietėse veik neįmanoma (apie bendravimą internetu pradėta kalbėti tik paskutinio dešimtmečio viduryje). Todėl spauda tapo savotiška gėjų naujienų agentūra, informacijos ir patirties mainų platforma, o svarbiausia – tuometinių neheteroseksualių asmenų bendruomenių kalbos įrašu. Straipsnio tikslas – pristatyti jų tikrovės fragmentą: gėjų žurnaluose aprašomas erdves, jų pavadinimus ir su jais susijusius kodus bei elgseną. Savo tyrime remiuosi M. Foucault heterotopija ir erdvės subversija. Taip atskleidžiu lingvistinį gėjų kultūros erdvės žemėlapį

    Molecular jamming - the cystine slipknot mechanical clamp in all-atom simulations

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    A recent survey of 17 134 proteins has identified a new class of proteins which are expected to yield stretching induced force-peaks in the range of 1 nN. Such high force peaks should be due to forcing of a slip-loop through a cystine ring, i.e. by generating a cystine slipknot. The survey has been performed in a simple coarse grained model. Here, we perform all-atom steered molecular dynamics simulations on 15 cystine knot proteins and determine their resistance to stretching. In agreement with previous studies within a coarse grained structure based model, the level of resistance is found to be substantially higher than in proteins in which the mechanical clamp operates through shear. The large stretching forces arise through formation of the cystine slipknot mechanical clamp and the resulting steric jamming. We elucidate the workings of such a clamp in an atomic detail. We also study the behavior of five top strength proteins with the shear-based mechanostability in which no jamming is involved. We show that in the atomic model, the jamming state is relieved by moving one amino acid at a time and there is a choice in the selection of the amino acid that advances the first. In contrast, the coarse grained model also allows for a simultaneous passage of two amino acids

    The use of active thermography to detect material inclusions in the walls

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    One of the non-destructive testing methods of building envelope of unknown structure is active thermography in reflective mode. This method was used to test a model of the concrete wall with the material inclusions with significantly different thermal properties. The study performed in climatic chambers consisted of heating the model wall with a 7.2 kW heat pulse, and then recording the thermograms during wall cooling, at regular intervals, using a thermal imaging camera. Based on the recorded temperature distribution on the thermograms the thermal properties and location of subsurface defects were concluded

    Nanomechanics of Ig-like domains of human contactin (BIG-2)

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    Contactins are modular extracellular cell matrix proteins that are present in the brain, and they are responsible for the proper development and functioning of neurons. They contain six immunoglobulin-like IgC2 domains and four fibronectin type III repeats. The interactions of contactin with other proteins are poorly understood. The mechanical properties of all IgC2 domains of human contactin 4 were studied using a steered molecular dynamics approach and CHARMM force field with an explicit TIP3P water environment on a 10-ns timescale. Force spectra of all domains were determined computationally and the nanomechanical unfolding process is described. The domains show different mechanical stabilities. The calculated maxima of the unfolding force are in the range of 900–1700 pN at a loading rate of 7 N/s. Our data indicate that critical regions of IgC2 domains 2 and 3, which are responsible for interactions with tyrosine phosphatases and are important in nervous system development, are affected by even weak mechanical stretching. Thus, tensions present in the cell may modulate cellular activities related to contactin function. The present data should facilitate the interpretation of atomic force microscope single-molecule spectra of numerous proteins with similar IgC2 motives

    Mappa mundi w kodeksie Jakuba z Kowalewic (BUP Rkp. 1746) a Historia Brittonum Nenniusza

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    The present article provides a content analysis of the mappa mundi (world map) in the code compiled by Jakub of Kowalewice (BUP MS. 1746) and attempts to establish the provenance of the text that had been contained in the codex, its authorship, and the approximate date of its origin. Furthermore, the article analyses the list of provinces that had been labelled and inscribed into the diagrammatic world maps (mappae mundi) based on the T-O diagram, which depicted the three known continents as a T contained in a circle, and those included outside the map form in a group of codices that include parallel texts to that of the Poznan codex (that originally came from the ninth century work by Nennius – Historia Brittonum). Finally, the results of the query for the maps using the T-O type in Polish collections that could have provided the model (pattern) for the map included in the codex by Jakub of Kowalewice are presented. An attempt is also made to perform a content analysis of the list of provinces inscribed into the map and to indicate the differences and commonfeatures between the maps found in the query and the copy in MS 1746.Niniejszy artykuł stanowi analizę treściową mappae mundi zawartej w kodeksie Jakuba z Kowalewic (BUP Rkp. 1746),  próbę odpowiedzi na pytania o proweniencję wpisanego w  nią tekstu i jej autora oraz orientacyjne określenie czasu jej powstania. Ponadto poddano analizie listy prowincji  wpisane zarówno w mapy typu T-O, jak i te zmieszczone  poza nimi, w zebranych kodeksach zawierających analogiczny tekst do tego z poznańskiego kodeksu,  pochodzący pierwotnie z IX-wiecznego dzieła autorstwa Nenniusza pt. Historia Brittonum. Artykuł prezentuje wyniki poszukiwania w polskich zbiorach map typu T-O, które  mogły być wzorem dla mapy znajdującej się w kodeksie Jakuba z Kowalewic. Podjęto również próbę analizy  treściowej listy prowincji wpisanej w mapę oraz wskazania różnic i cech wspólnych w znalezionych mapach i  egzemplarzu w kodeksie Rkp. 1746

    Holenderski Podręcznik do porządkowania i opisu archiwów autorstwa S. Mullera, J. Feitha i R. Fruina z 1898 roku i jego późniejsze wydania

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    The Dutch Manual for the Arrangement and Description of Archives by S. Muller, J. Feith and R. Fruin, published in 1898, is one of the most groundbreaking publications in the history of archival science. The book, as one of the first in the world, provides detailed guidelines on the organization of archives and the work of archivists, and its authors aimed to unify the rules prevailing in European archives. Thanks to its translations into foreign languages, the textbook aroused wide interest outside the Netherlands and sparked a discussion on the validity of applying the principle of provenance in the archives. Ultimately, it also became the driving force for its adoption by most European archives, as evidenced by the resolution on this matter adopted at the 1st International Congress of Archivists and Librarians in Brussels in 1910. The article answers questions about the historical context of writing the manual, what motives guided the authors when writing individual chapters and what was the course of the editorial work. The rest of the text presents and analyzes the content presented in the book. The last part of the article is a brief overview of the context of the individual editions of the manual and a list of its translations into foreign languages.Wydany w 1898 r. holenderski Podręcznik do porządkowania i opisu archiwów S. Mullera, J. Feitha i R. Fruina jest jedną z najbardziej przełomowych publikacji w historii archiwistyki. Książka jako jedna z pierwszych na świecie podaje szczegółowe wskazówki odnośnie do organizacji archiwów i pracy archiwistów, a jej autorzy mieli na celu ujednolicenie zasad panujących w archiwach europejskich. Dzięki tłumaczeniom dokonanym na języki obce podręcznik wzbudził szerokie zainteresowanie poza Holandią i wywołał dyskusję na temat zasadności stosowania w archiwach zasady proweniencji. Ostatecznie stał się również motorem napędowym do jej przyjęcia przez większość europejskich archiwów, czego wyrazem była uchwała w tej sprawie podjęta na I Międzynarodowym Kongresie Archiwistów i Bibliotekarzy w Brukseli w 19010 r. Artykuł odpowiada na pytania o to, jaki był kontekst historyczny napisania podręcznika, jakie motywy kierowały autorami przy pisaniu poszczególnych rozdziałów i jaki był przebieg prac edytorskich. Dalsza część tekstu zawiera prezentację i analizę treści przedstawionych w książce. Ostatnia część artykułu stanowi krótkie omówienie kontekstu powstania poszczególnych wydań podręcznika oraz zawiera wykaz jego tłumaczeń na języki obce.

    Greetings from Spinalonga! O wyspie ciszy w fotografii społecznościowej i o kulturze pamięci na Instagramie

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    In modern narratives, the island of Spinalonga appears an attractive tourist destination with an interesting and enigmatic history. In fact, Spinalonga is a memory space, encumbered with past political decisions and medical negligence. This is the story of the great confinement, the isolation of the sick who were symbolically killed. Meanwhile, the photos shared on Instagram show the island in a completely different light. The article seeks to answer the following questions: Does the behavior of Instagram users disrupt the culture of memory and how do these photos (digital representations of memory) influence the image of the island? To this end, I outline the history of the island in the context of exclusion mechanisms for those with Hansen's disease. I discuss the issues of dark tourism, social photo and desemantization of communication. I juxtapose the whole thing with the examples of photos from Spinalonga published on Instagram in 2022.In modern narratives, the island of Spinalonga appears an attractive tourist destination with an interesting and enigmatic history. In fact, Spinalonga is a memory space, encumbered with past political decisions and medical negligence. This is the story of the great confinement, the isolation of the sick who were symbolically killed. Meanwhile, the photos shared on Instagram show theisland in a completely different light.The article seeks to answer the following questions: Does the behavior of Instagram users disrupt the culture of memory and how do these photos (digital representations of memory) influence the image of the island? To this end, I outline the history of the island in the context of exclusion mechanisms for those with Hansen's disease. I discuss the issues of dark tourism, social photoand desemantization of communication. I juxtapose the whole thing with the examples of photos from Spinalonga published on Instagram in 2022

    O kulturowych relacjach między wybranymi nazwami geja

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    The article is a contribution to research on the sociolect of Polish gays and the lexis of homosexuality. In it, a comparison is made between selected Polish terms for homosexual men (ciota and ciepły) with semantically equivalent terms in some European languages English, German, French, Italian, Czech, Slovak, and Slovene. By studying relationships between the lexemes and their derivatives, with account being taken of the aspects of (covertly developing) culture, a network of links between these units is revealed. This illustrates the idea of (a degree of) linguistic unification of the gay community regardless of nationality.W artykule (stanowiącym przyczynek do badań socjolektu polskich gejów i słownictwa z pola leksykalnego homoseksualności) autor porównuje wybrane w języku polskim nazwy mężczyzn o homoseksualnej orientacji (ciota i ciepły) z tożsamymi semantycznie nazwami w wybranych językach indoeuropejskich, tj. angielskim, niemieckim, francuskim, włoskim, czeskim, słowackim i słoweńskim. Badając relacje między wskazanymi wyżej leksemami wraz z ich derywatami, przy jednoczesnym uwzględnieniu wpływających nań elementów (kształtującej się w ukryciu) kultury, autor pokazuje zachodzące między nimi wzajemne powiązania, potwierdzające pewien stopień językowej unifikacji społeczności gejów niezależnie od ich narodowości