44 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la eficacia de la formación permanente del profesorado en las modalidades de autoformación y formación presencial

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    Fecha de lectura de Tesis Doctoral: 6 de febrero 2019.Actualmente las políticas educativas en materia de formación continua docente en Andalucía se decantan por hacer prevalecer la autoformación con respecto a otras modalidades. La presente tesis doctoral recoge los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo para determinar comparativamente la eficacia de las modalidades de autoformación y formación presencial en Andalucía y, en concreto, en el CEP de Málaga. Partiendo de que la eficacia de una formación dependerá de la satisfacción de los participantes con esta y del grado de transferencia al puesto de trabajo que alcance, se elaboraron dos cuestionarios con un alto grado de fiabilidad y validez para medir sendos aspectos. Los resultados avalan las políticas regionales de esta Comunidad, siendo la autoformación la tipología que más satisface a los participantes y la que garantiza mayor transferencia al puesto de trabajo. Lejos de ser una simple comparativa entre diferentes modalidades de formación, esta investigación ha permitido identificar una serie de factores que facilitan y obstaculizan el proceso de transferencia, formulándose propuestas de mejora orientadas a optimizarlo. Las conclusiones de esta tesis permitirán adoptar decisiones, a nivel político y técnico, en cuanto a las actividades formativas que deben promoverse desde aquellas instituciones que trabajan por desarrollar y mejorar la formación permanente del profesorado


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    The crisis of the summer of 1917 in Spain was the consequence of a growing social discontent, which spread to the sectors and forces that were outside of the Political System of the Restoration, exacerbated as a result of the First World War. The confluence of the Juntista movement, the Assembly of Parliamentarians and the labor movement (anarchsyndicalism and socialist), led to a general strike, which precipitated the crisis of the Restoration System and the turnismo System. With the use of historical methodology and discourse analysis techniques, the work approaches the perception of Diario de la Marina, a Cuban media in the beginning of the XX Century, about the events that took place in the old Hispanic metropolis, showing the viability of the use of the press as a historical source. The marked pro-monarchical and conservative character of this newspaper is expressed in the manipulation of the information it offers.La crisis del verano de 1917 en España fue la consecuencia de un creciente descontento social, que se extendió a los sectores y fuerzas que se encontraban al margen del Sistema Político de la Restauración, agudizado como consecuencia de la Primera Guerra Mundial. La confluencia del movimiento juntista, la Asamblea de Parlamentarios y el movimiento obrero (arcosindicalista y socialista), condujo a una huelga general de carácter político, que precipitó la crisis del sistema y el turnismo en el poder. Con el empleo de la metodología histórica y técnicas del análisis del discurso, el trabajo se acerca a la percepción del Diario de la Marina, órgano de prensa cubano, acerca de los acontecimientos se sucedían en la antigua metrópoli hispánica, mostrando la viabilidad del empleo de la prensa como fuente histórica. El marcado carácter pro monárquico y conservador de este periódico se expresa en la manipulación de la información que ofrece. A crise do verão de 1917 na Espanha foi a consequência de um crescente descontentamento social, se espalhando a setores e forças que encontravam-se na beira do sistema político de restauração, agravado como resultado da Primeira Guerra Mundial. A confluência do movimento juntista, a Assembleia de Parlamentares e o movimento trabalhista (arco-sindicalista e socialista) levou a uma greve geral de caráter político que precipitou a crise do sistema e o turnismo no poder. Com a utilização da metodologia histórica e técnicas de análise do discurso, o trabalho se aproxima a uma percepção do Jornal da Marinha, instituição de imprensa cubana, sobre os fatos ocorridos na antiga metrópole hispânica, mostrando a viabilidade do uso da imprensa como fonte histórica. O marcante caráter pró-monárquico e conservador deste jornal se expressa na manipulação da informação que oferece

    Amino acetaldehyde conformers: structure and spectroscopic properties

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    Producción CientíficaWe present a computational study of the different conformers of amino acetaldehyde. This molecule is a precursor of glycine and also an isomer of the detected molecules acetaldehyde and methylformamide. In addition, a previous theoretical result shows that amino acetaldehyde could be formed from the gas phase reaction of formamide with CH+5⁠. Different computational approaches, going from density functional theory (DFT) to coupled cluster (CC) calculations, are employed for the characterization of the amino acetaldehyde conformers. We locate four low-lying conformation on the singlet potential energy surface (PES), two with a synperiplanar arrangement of the carboxylic oxygen atom and the NH2 group, and the other two conformers with an anticlinal disposition. All levels of theory predict the conformer with a synperiplanar arrangement and the H atoms of the NH2 group pointing in the direction of the oxygen, denoted as in-sp-amino acetaldehyde, as the most stable. The viability of the interconversion processes between the four conformers in space is analysed. Relevant spectroscopic parameters to rotational spectroscopy with ‘spectroscopic’ accuracy at the composite level are reported. Vibrational frequencies and infrared intensities are also computed at the CC with single and double excitations (CCSD) level including anharmonic corrections. This information could help in the experimental characterization of amino acetaldehyde that could be considered as a good candidate molecule to be searched for in space.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Grant AYA2017-87515-P)Junta de Castilla y León (Ref. project VA010G18

    Formation of Protonated Glycine Isomers in the Interstellar Medium

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    Producción CientíficaA computational study of protonated glycine isomers with [H6C2O2N]+ molecular formula has been carried out. All of them are possible products of the reaction between protonated hydroxylamine and acetic acid. All reaction processes that could form the [H6C2O2N]+ isomers considered in this work are exothermic except for those initiated by the most stable isomer of protonated hydroxylamine which give CH3CONH2+OH and CH3COHNOH2+ isomers. The analysis of the potential energy surfaces corresponding to the reaction of protonated hydroxylamine and acetic acid has been focused on the most abundant products, namely, CH3CONH2+OH, CH3COONH3+, and CH3C(OH)+ONH2, obtained from a previous chemical dynamics simulations study. From this analysis we found that even if the reactions of formation of the CH3COONH3+ and the CH3C(OH)+ONH2 isomers are exothermic processes, significant activation barriers were found in the paths leading to these products. The only exothermic process (ΔE = −23.9 kcal mol–1 at the CCSD(T) level) with no net activation barrier was initiated by the high-energy isomer of protonated hydroxylamine, which leads to the CH3CONH2+OH isomer. Therefore, the formation of this isomer could be feasible under interstellar conditions from the reaction of the less stable isomer of protonated hydroxylamine and acetic acid. In addition, an analysis of their neutral counterparts, with [H5C2O2N] molecular formula, has been carried out. The relevant spectroscopic parameters for [H6C2O2N]+ and [H5C2O2N] isomers that could help in their laboratory or astronomical detection, by radioastronomy or infrared spectroscopy, are reported.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad ( grant AYA2017-87515-P)Junta de Castilla y León (Grant VA010G18)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Predoctoral FPU Grant FPU17/02987

    Nonautonomous linear-quadratic dissipative control processes without uniform null controllability

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    Producción CientíficaIn this paper the dissipativity of a family of linear-quadratic control processes is studied. The application of the Pontryagin Maximum Principle to this problem gives rise to a family of linear Hamiltonian systems for which the existence of an exponential dichotomy is assumed, but no condition of controllability is imposed. As a consequence, some of the systems of this family could be abnormal. Sufficient conditions for the dissipativity of the processes are provided assuming the existence of global positive solutions of the Riccati equation induced by the family of linear Hamiltonian systems or by a convenient disconjugate perturbation of it.MEC-FEDER MTM2012-30860JCYL VA118A12-

    Null controllable sets and reachable sets for nonautonomous linear control systems

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    Producción CientíficaUnder the assumption of lack of uniform controllability for a family of time-dependent linear control systems, we study the dimension, topological structure and other dynamical properties of the sets of null controllable points and of the sets of reachable points. In particular, when the space of null controllable vectors has constant dimension for all the systems of the family, we find a closed invariant subbundle where the uniform null controllability holds. Finally, we associate a family of linear Hamiltonian systems to the control family and assume that it has an exponential dichotomy in order to relate the space of null controllable vectors to one of the Lagrange planes of the continuous splitting.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MTM2015-66330-P

    Equadiff 2017

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    Producción CientíficaThis talk will be devoted to study oscillation properties of nonautonomous linear Hamiltonian systems applying some fundamental methods of topological dynamics and of ergodic theory. In particular, we will define and characterize the uniform weak disconjugacy concept and we will analyze the connections between disconjugacy, uniform weak disconjugacy, weak disconjugacy, and nonoscillation. A formula for the rotation number in terms of the multiplicity of the proper focal points of a conjoined basis will also be shown.MINECO/FEDER Grant MTM2015-66330-

    Towards Ratiometric Sensing of Amyloid Fibrils In Vitro

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    This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: Chemistry - A European Journal 2015, 21, 3425–3434, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201406110. The final form has been published at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/chem.201406110. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsThe aggregation of amyloid‐β peptide and its accumulation in the human brain has an important role in the etiology of Alzheimer’s disease. Thioflavin T has been widely used as a fluorescent marker for these amyloid aggregates. Nevertheless, its complex photophysical behavior, with strong wavelength dependencies of all its fluorescence properties, requires searching for new fluorescent probes. The use of 2‐(2′‐hydroxyphenyl)imidazo[4,5‐b]pyridine (HPIP), which shows two emission bands and a rich excited‐state behavior due to the existence of excited‐state intramolecular processes of proton transfer and charge transfer, is proposed. These properties result in a high sensitivity of HPIP fluorescence to its microenvironment and cause a large differential fluorescence enhancement of the two bands upon binding to aggregates of the amyloid‐β peptide. Based on this behavior, a very sensitive ratiometric method is established for the detection and quantification of amyloid fibrils, which can be combined with the monitoring of fluorescence anisotropy. The binding selectivity of HPIP is discussed on the basis of the apparent binding equilibrium constants of this probe to amyloid‐β (1–42) fibrils and to the nonfibrillar protein bovine serum albumin. Finally, an exhaustive comparison between HPIP and thioflavin T is presented to discuss the sensitivity and specificity of these probes to amyloid aggregates and the significant advantages of the HPIP dye for quantitative determinationsXunta de Galicia European Regional Development Fund Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Xunta de Galicia. Grant Numbers: CTQ2010‐21369, CTQ2010‐17835, GPC2013/052, R2014/051 RS MacDonald Charitable TrustS

    Procedimiento de canalización y cuidados de la vía venosa periférica. FEMORA 2017

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    O programa FEMORA recompila procedementos estandarizados, con evidencia científica, para os profesionais do Sergas. Protocolizar os coidados confórmase como instrumento indispensable de soporte para a práctica clínica. Entre as súas numerosas vantaxes cabe destacar a redución na diversidade inapropiada da práctica clínica, o que propicia unha atención máis xusta e equitativa para os nosos pacientes. Este procedemento unifica, así mesmo, criterios de actuación que nos serven de punto de partida para unha avaliación da calidade do proceso asistencial.El programa FEMORA recopila procedimientos estandarizados, con evidencia científica, para los profesionales del Sergas. Protocolizar los cuidados se conforma como instrumento indispensable de soporte para la práctica clínica. Entre sus numerosas ventajas cabe destacar la reducción en la diversidad inapropiada de la práctica clínica, lo que propicia una atención más justa y equitativa a nuestros pacientes. Este procedimiento unifica, asimismo, criterios de actuación que nos sirven de punto de partida para una evaluación de la calidad del proceso asistencia