1,046 research outputs found

    The Soviet Crisis: Causes & Meaning

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan antara tingkat stres pengasuhan ibu yang memilki anak reterdasi mental ditinjau dari strategi coping yang digunakan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner pada ibu yang memiliki anak reterdasi mental dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 36 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan statistik uji-t dengan teknik independent sampel t-tes dengan bantuan dari program SPSS 16 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan stress pengasuhan pada PFC dan EFC, dimana nilai rata-rata PFC sebesar 77,20 dan EFC sebesar 87,875. Perbedaan nilai rata-rata PFC tersebut relatif lebih rendah dari nilai ratarata EFC atau terdapat perbedaan stress pengasuhan pada PFC dan EFC. Hasil ini diperkuat dengan hasil uji independent sample t test, yang menunjukkan nilai thitung yang dihasilkan sebesar -2,318 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,027 (p<0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa H0 ditolak yang artinya terdapat perbedaan stress pengaruhan ditinjau dari strategi coping (PFC dan EFC)

    What Will Gorbachev Do?

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    Top 10 Mobile Apps To Support LIS Students\u27 Learning

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    This study intends to explore the use of mobile applications used by library diploma students, Universitas Airlangga in supporting their learning process. In this study, the 132 respondents were first, second, and third year of library diploma students who were willing to fill out questionnaires, taken from 200 active library diploma students. Online questionnaires were distributed for 2 weeks in February 2019, where students filled out online closed-ended questionnaires. The researcher also conducted in-depth interviews with several students to explore further data. There are 6 questions given, namely the type of smartphone used, the amount of memory and storage on the smartphone, the number of installed applications, applications that help in lectures, and application functions in supporting lectures.The most widely used applications are those which enable them to share information, communicate, and collaborate. Information sharing in the form of documents, videos, images, and text is mostly done by students through Whatsapp, Line, and Gmail. The mobile facebook application is used by students and students use this facebook group to monitor the tasks and information from lecturers and the department administrators. Mobile applications that are widely downloaded are translate applications and dictionaries; there are 3 applications that are commonly downloaded by students, namely Google translate, Kamusku, and KBBI (Indonesian Dictionary)

    Social Predictors of Case Syncretism in New York Hasidic Yiddish

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    This is a pilot study investigating synchronic variation in New York Hasidic Yiddish (HY) object pronouns. HY is a variety that has been transmitted directly by immigrants from Eastern Europe following the second world war and is presently the everyday language of thousands of Hasidic Jews in New York and other communities around the world. In Yiddish, pronominal forms in the dative case, \u27mir\u27 (1SG) \u27dir\u27 (2SG), have historically been used in four types of syntactic constructions: 1) when the pronoun referent is the recipient of an action in a double object construction; 2) with a transitive verb that inherently selects for an object in the dative form; 3) with a dative experiencer; and 4) as the object of a preposition. Anecdotal observations suggest an innovative leveled paradigm with accusative forms \u27mikh\u27 (1SG) and \u27dikh\u27 (2SG) in all four historically dative positions. Moreover, while other Yiddish dialects have dative case marking on definite articles and attributive adjectives, spoken HY has largely lost these. With \u27mir\u27 and \u27dir\u27 as the sole remaining dative forms in in the pronominal paradigm, learners of HY have less evidence for positing dative case than do learners of other dialects. The data for this study come from an online controlled judgement experiment with 113 native HY speakers from New York. Regression analysis reveals an age effect, with younger speakers tending toward innovative dative forms, and an interaction between age and gender, with younger females innovating more extensively than males. However, sex is confounded with language dominance in this community, largely because of an educational model that supports HY-English bilingualism among girls but gives primacy to HY in the education of boys. The model also selects speakers from Hasidic neighborhoods in Rockland County as the most likely innovators. Overall, the results of this study suggest an emergent reduction in the HY case system where, for some young speakers, the distinction between the accusative and dative case forms has been lost. HY offers linguists a unique opportunity to observe the development of a post-coterritorial Yiddish dialect in a new language contact environment. This investigation into HY in its unique sociocultural context contributes to Yiddish linguistics by highlighting changes that have occurred since its arrival to the US and to general theories of language change by identifying the social factors that may be playing a role in these developments

    Step by Step Strategi Penerapan Knowledge Sharing untuk Perpustakaan di Indonesia

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    Abstrak. Knowledge sharing banyak diyakini sebagai kegiatan yang mampu mendorong kreativitas dan terciptanya inovasi bagi sebuah organisasi. Banyak organisasi yang memiliki inisiatif menerapkan knowledge sharing demi terciptanya inovasi. Paper ini ingin memberikan wacana bagi perpustakaan yang ingin mengimplementasikan knowledge sharing di perpustakaan. Paper ini terdiri dari pemaparan dan analisis kondisi perpustakaan dan implementasi knowledge sharig di perpustakaan, teknologi yang mendukung knowledge sharing. Langkah-langkah yang bisa diimplementasikan dalam knowledge sharing antara lain dengan menciptakan leader dan champion, menciptakan budaya sharing dan trust antar pegawai, menciptakan office layout yang mendorong terjadinya kolaborasi, dan memberikan motivasi bagi para pegawai agar mau berpartisipasi dalam knowledge sharing. Metode yang digunakan pada paper ini adalah studi pustaka dengan menelusur sumber informasi baik dari jurnal, artikel, berita, studi kasus, dan standar terkait knowledge sharing. Kata kunci: knowledge sharing, knowledge sharing di perpustakaan, perpustakaan, strategi knowledge sharing Abstract. Knowledge sharing is believed to be an activity that is able to encourage creativity and create innovation in an organization. Many organizations have the initiative to implement knowledge sharing in order to create innovations. This paper proposes a discourse for libraries that want to implement knowledge sharing. This paper explains and analyzes the condition of the library and the implementation of knowledge sharing in the library and the technology that supports knowledge sharing. The steps that can be implemented in knowledge sharing include creating leaders and champions, creating sharing culture and trust among employees, creating office layout which encourage collaboration and motivating the employees to participate in knowledge sharing. This paper used literature study to search sources of information from journals, articles, news, case studies and standards related to knowledge sharing. Keywords: knowledge sharing, library, knowledge sharing strategie

    Public Library Innovation to Engage Users: A Case Study of Pusmintali

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    Public library is the center of information resources that has a major role in community information literacy activities. The Gresik City Library has innovations to bring information closer to the public with a Pusmintali Service (Mini Library in Wali City) which is located in the public bus stop of Gresik region. This paper aims to explore the user\u27s response to the existence of Pusmintali. The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to people who had used Pusmintali. The results of this study include, among other things, the community strongly supports Pusmintali services in the Gresik region. But some of them feel that there was still a lack of attention from the library in maintaining and developing book collections and its facilities


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    Produksi PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) dimulai sejak tahun 1992 dan menambang rata-rata 450 juta bcm overburden setiap tahunnya. Di tahun 2021, KPC memindahkan 453 juta bcm overburden menggunakan 85.000 ton bahan peledak. Aktivitas penambangan yang masif ini menghasilkan rata-rata 8 juta liter used oil setiap tahun. Secara konsisten KPC terus mengimplementasikan proses peledakan yang efektif dan efisien untuk mengoptimalkan biaya peledakan, salah satunya dengan mengganti bahan bakar (solar) dengan used oil pada bahan peledak. Used oil dikategorikan limbah B3 (Bahan Berbahaya Beracun) yang penanganannya cukup kompleks. Untuk mendapatkan used oil yang memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai campuran bahan peledak, used oil akan ditangani secara khusus sehingga kandungan air dan endapan lain berada di level yang dapat diterima. Untuk memenuhi ekspektasi KPC terkait penggunaan used oil pada bahan peledak, PT AEL Indonesia (AEL) menggunakan bahan peledak seri S300 Eco. Tipe bahan peledak S300 Eco ini didesain khusus agar kompatibel menggunakan used oil dengan tujuan mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar karbon dan proteksi terhadap lingkungan. Used oil yang memenuhi kualitas digabungkan dengan emulsifier khusus AEL berhasil menunjang penggunaan used oil menggantikan solar 100% pada bahan peledak dengan tetap menjaga kualitas dan performa bahan peledak yang dibuat. Sejak diimplementasikan pada tahun 2011 hingga 2021, KPC telah berhasil menghemat 25,5 juta liter solar yang ekuivalen dengan rata-rata 2,3 juta liter solar per tahun

    Step by Step Implementation of Knowledge Sharing for Library In Indonesia

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    Knowledge sharing banyak diyakini sebagai kegiatan yang mampu mendorong kreativitas dan terciptanya inovasi bagi sebuah organisasi. Banyak organisasi yang memiliki inisiatif menerapkan knowledge sharing demi terciptanya inovasi. Paper ini ingin memberikan wacana bagi perpustakaan yang ingin mengimplementasikan knowledge sharing di perpustakaan. Paper ini terdiri dari pemaparan dan analisis kondisi perpustakaan dan implementasi knowledge sharig di perpustakaan, teknologi yang mendukung knowledge sharing. Langkah-langkah yang bisa diimplementasikan dalam knowledge sharing antara lain dengan menciptakan leader dan champion, menciptakan budaya sharing dan trust antar pegawai, menciptakan office layout yang mendorong terjadinya kolaborasi, dan memberikan motivasi bagi para pegawai agar mau berpartisipasi dalam knowledge sharing. Metode yang digunakan pada paper ini adalah studi pustaka dengan menelusur sumber informasi baik dari jurnal, artikel, berita, studi kasus, dan standar terkait knowledge sharing