104 research outputs found

    A proibição das manufaturas no Brasil e a política econômica portuguesa do fim do século XVIII

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    O Alvará de 5 de janeiro de 1785, por que se proibem nas capitanias do Brasil as manufaturas têxteis, tem sido reitera-damente tomado como a manifestação mais expressiva da per-sistência de uma política colonial de tipo mercantilista tradi-cional, por parte da Corôa portuguêsa, a discrepar das tendên-cias francamente reformistas da Época das Luzes. Já Varnhagen, ao tratar do reinado de D. Maria I, no que se refere à legislação especialmente respeitante ao Brasil, menciona Unica-mente a referida determinação, acrescentando tratar-se do "ato mais arbitrário e opressivo da metrópole contra o Brasil desde o princípio do reinado anterior"

    A visual analytics framework for cluster analysis of DNA microarray data

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    Prova tipográficaCluster analysis of DNA microarray data is an important but difficult task in knowledge discovery processes. Many clustering methods are applied to analysis of data for gene expression, but none of them is able to deal with an absolute way with the challenges that this technology raises. Due to this, many applications have been developed for visually representing clustering algorithm results on DNA microarray data, usually providing dendrogram and heat map visualizations. Most of these applications focus only on the above visualizations, and do not offer further visualization components to the validate the clustering methods or to validate one another. This paper proposes using a visual analytics framework in cluster analysis of gene expression data. Additionally, it presents a new method for finding cluster boundaries based on properties of metric spaces. Our approach presents a set of visualization components able to interact with each other; namely, parallel coordinates, cluster boundary genes, 3D cluster surfaces and DNA microarray visualizations as heat maps. Experimental results have shown that our framework can be very useful in the process of more fully understanding DNA microarray data. The software has been implemented in Java, and the framework is publicly available at http://www. analiticavisual.com/jcastellanos/3DVisualCluster/3D-VisualCluster.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Plan E from the Spanish Government, the European Union from the ERDF (TIN2009-14057-C03-02)

    Mobility and agility with an improved sight

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    This paper briefly describes the main changes on Minho Team robots since the last RoboCup participation. Work has been carried out on the robots in order to constantly improve their capabilities, based on the experience from previous participations. The team stopped for one year in order to implement structural changes and to add new features. The main topics to deal in this paper are related to structural changes of the robot, the in-house development of a robust and configurable motor driver used for each of the three motors and the improvement in the robot head and vision system for a better sight. Also on this paper a description of the whole software changes and implementation, and the use of Object Oriented paradigm for robot programming

    Health literacy: importance of assessment in nephrology

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    Health literacy (HL) or basic reading and numeracy that allow an individual to function in the health care environment, is a relatively new topic, yet has increasingly been gaining interest over the past few years both in the research and policy agendas, particularly in the develop countries. Where studied, inadequate HL has been associated with poor health care quality and more cost. Yet many physicians do not recognize the problem or is not skilled enough to approach the subject with their patients. In this review, important aspects of HL, such as its epidemiology, associations with poor outcomes, assessment, determinants and interventions, particularly in nephrology, are discussed. Because it is common and associated to adverse clinical outcomes, inadequate HL should be incorporated into the list of assessments of patients with renal disease.Letramento em Saúde (LS) ou habilidade de leitura e numeramento que permite ao indivíduo transitar no ambiente de saúde, é um tema relativamente novo e que vem ganhando espaço nas agendas de pesquisa e política de saúde, particularmente nos países desenvolvidos. Onde estudado, o LS inadequado associa-se com cuidados de saúde de pior qualidade e maior custo. Mesmo assim, a maioria dos médicos não conseguem identificar o problema e não têm preparo para lidar com o paciente que apresenta LS inadequado. Na presente revisão, os autores discutem aspectos importantes do LS, tais como a sua epidemiologia, associações com desfechos clínicos, avaliação, determinantes e oportunidades de intervenções, particularmente na nefrologia. Por ser comum e associar-se com desfechos clínicos indesejáveis, o LS inadequado deveria ser regularmente avaliado nos pacientes com doença renal

    A degenerate primer MOB typing (DPMT) method to classify gamma-proteobacterial plasmids in clinical and environmental settings

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    Transmissible plasmids are responsible for the spread of genetic determinants, such as antibiotic resistance or virulence traits, causing a large ecological and epidemiological impact. Transmissible plasmids, either conjugative or mobilizable, have in common the presence of a relaxase gene. Relaxases were previously classified in six protein families according to their phylogeny. Degenerate primers hybridizing to coding sequences of conserved amino acid motifs were designed to amplify related relaxase genes from γ-Proteobacterial plasmids. Specificity and sensitivity of a selected set of 19 primer pairs were first tested using a collection of 33 reference relaxases, representing the diversity of γ-Proteobacterial plasmids. The validated set was then applied to the analysis of two plasmid collections obtained from clinical isolates. The relaxase screening method, which we call "Degenerate Primer MOB Typing" or DPMT, detected not only most known Inc/Rep groups, but also a plethora of plasmids not previously assigned to any Inc group or Rep-type

    Twelve-Month Follow-Up of Dexamethasone Implants for Macular Edema from Various Diseases in Vitrectomized and Nonvitrectomized Eyes

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    Purpose. To evaluate the best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), central retinal thickness (CRT), and the number of dexamethasone implants needed to treat cystoid macular edema (CME) from various etiologies over 12 months in vitrectomized and nonvitrectomized eyes. Methods. This multicenter retrospective cohort study included 112 patients with CME secondary to retinal diseases treated pro re nata (PRN) with a 0.7 mg intravitreal dexamethasone implant for 12 months. The BCVA, CRT, adverse events, safety data, and number of implants were recorded. Results. Vitrectomized and nonvitrectomized eyes received means of three implants and one implant, respectively, over 12 months (P<0.001). The mean BCVA of all patients improved from 0.13 at baseline to 0.33 (P<0.001) 12 months after one (P=0.001), two (P=0.041), and three (P<0.001) implants but not four implants (P=0.068). The mean baseline CRT decreased significantly (P<0.001) from 463 to 254 microns after 12 months with one (P<0.001), two (P=0.002), and three (P=0.001) implants but not with four implants (P=0.114). The anatomic and functional outcomes were not significantly different between vitrectomized and nonvitrectomized eyes. Increased IOP was the most common adverse event (23.2%). Conclusions. Dexamethasone implant administered PRN improved VA and decreased CRT in CME, with possible long-term clinically relevant benefits for treating CME from various etiologies. Vitrectomized eyes needed more implants compared with nonvitrectomized eyes