2,598 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepercayaan Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Produk Sepatu Fladeo

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    This study was to determine the effect of brand trust on brand loyalty FLADEO shoes. Researchers chose the city of Palembang as a research site. The data obtained by observation, by distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents who use the product FLADEO brand shoes. Brand trust is measured by the variable Brand Characteristic, Characteristic Company, Consumer-Brand Characteristic.Metode analysis used in this study was the Multiple Linear Regression analysis to determine whether there is a relationship between the effect of brand trust on brand loyalty FLADEO shoes. Based on the results of data analysis, there is a positive influence among the attributes of brand trust on brand loyalty, amounting to 0.84 or 84% variation FLADEO footwear brand loyalty is affected by the Consumer-Brand Characteristic while the remaining 16% are caused by variations that are not included in this study

    Gypsy culture, children, schooling and life opportunities

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    Prova tipográfica (In Press

    A relação dos ciganos com a escola pública: contributos para a compreensão sociológica de um problema complexo e multidimensional

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    Tendo em consideração o tradicional afastamento da escola pública das crianças e jovens de cultura cigana, quer em Portugal, quer nos países da Europa onde estas comunidades estão presentes, procura-se neste artigo desenvolver algumas reflexões em torno de alguns dos processos sócio-culturais, complexos e multidimensionais, que estão na origem deste fenómeno. Através da análise interpretativa dos contextos e dos processos observados durante uma pesquisa de terreno de carácter etnográfico, onde a observação participante se constituiu no complexo metodológico privilegiado de recolha de informação, procura-se desconstruir a tradicional e linear explicação deste afastamento baseada na assunção de que “os ciganos não gostam da escola”.Taking into consideration the traditional withdrawal from public school of children and young people of Gypsy culture, either in Portugal or in European countries where these communities are present, we attempt, in this article, the development of some reflections around some of the socio-cultural processes that are at the source of this phenomenon. Through the interpretative analysis of the observed contexts and processes throughout field research of an ethnographical character, where the participating observation was constituted by the privileged methodological complex of the information collection, we attempt to deconstruct the traditional and linear explanation of this withdrawal based on the assumption that “Gypsies do not like school”


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    Abstrak: Dalam keadaan gawat darurat, penanganan korban kecelakaan dalam satu jam pertama merupakan waktu yang sangat penting untuk menghindari kondisi buruk bahkan kematian. Salah satu pelayanan prehospital adalah transportasi ambulans yang sudah tersedia baik dibawah kewenangan dinas kesehatan setempat, maupun unit masyarakat yang memiliki ambulans mandiri. Meskipun demikian, pelayanan ambulans mandiri kurang dilengkapi pengetahuan dan keterampilan mengenai penanganan pre hospital dan cara rujuk yang memadai. Tujuan kegiatan pelatihan prehospital dan Basic Life Support (BLS) bertujuan untuk memperluas pengetahuan dan keterampilan tim Ambulans mandiri di Yogyakarta sehingga dapat meningkatkan angka hidup pasien/korban yang dirujuk ke rumah sakit. Pelatihan ini dilakukan dengan pemaparan materi dan praktik menggunakan manekin agar peserta yang berjumlah 30 orang mampu melakukan penanganan Prehospital dan BLS dengan benar. Selanjutnya kegiatan evaluasi dilakukan dengan membagikan kuesioner yang terdiri dari 15 pertanyaan pilihan ganda pada saat sebelum kegiatan pelatihan dan sesudah dilakukannya pelatihan. Hasil evaluasi peserta pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan sebesar 1.07 pada keterampilan dan pengetahuan peserta pelatihan dalam melakukan penanganan Prehospital dan BLS pada pasien gawat darurat. Sehingga harapannya kegiatan serupa dapat dilakukan oleh lebih banyak organisasi/institusi agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas. Abstract: Handling accident patients within the first hour of an emergency is crucial to avoid destructive conditions and even death. One of the prehospital services is an ambulance which is already available under the authority of the local health office, as well as community units that have independent ambulances. Independent ambulance services must gain knowledge and skills regarding prehospital handling and adequate referral methods. The prehospital and Basic Life Support (BLS) training activities aimed to increase the knowledge and skills of the independent Ambulance team in Yogyakarta to increase the survival rate of patients/victims referred to hospitals. This training was carried out by presenting material and practicing using mannequins so that the 30 participants were able to carry out prehospital and BLS treatment properly. Furthermore, evaluation activities were carried out by distributing questionnaires consisting of 15 multiple choice questions at the time before the training activities and after the training is carried out. The evaluation results of the training participants showed an increase of 1.07 in the skills and knowledge of the training participants in carrying out prehospital and BLS treatment in emergency patients. So it is expected that similar training activities can be carried out by more organizations/institutions so that they can benefit the wider community

    Etnicidade e educação familiar : o caso dos ciganos

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    O presente artigo tem por objectivo reflectir sobre os resultados de uma pesquisa de terreno (de carácter qualitativo) desenvolvida junto de uma comunidade cigana no que concerne às formas e processos de socialização e educação familiares das crianças relativamente à estruturação do seu habitus primário. Releva-se a existência, nestas famílias, de uma valorização de determinado tipo de valores e normas de comportamento que, em diversos estudos já realizados, são atribuídos a formas e processos de educação familiar que derivam da pertença a classes sociais favorecidas. Tendo em consideração que as famílias estudadas se enquadram nas chamadas classes sociais desfavorecidas, defende-se que a educação familiar que se realiza nestas famílias deriva de uma sobreposição da pertença étnica sobre a pertença de classe, estando simultaneamente na origem de uma certa segurança para a acção e na manutenção de determinadas características culturais definidoras dos estilos e de algumas oportunidades de vida da etnia cigana. Trata-se, em certa medida, de procurar compreender como se construiu/constrói a baixa permeabilidade à assimilação cultural que a etnia cigana tem demonstrado ao longo dos anos de permanência na sociedade portuguesa e a importância da socialização e educação familiares neste processo.The present article has the aim of reflecting on the results of an on-the-ground research (of a qualitative character) udeveloped in a Gypsy community in what the forms and processes of family socialization and education of children is concerned, in relation of the structuring of their primary habitus. The existence, in these families, of a valorization of certain kind of values and norms of behaviour is given importance. These values and norms, already realized in diverse studies, are attributable to forms and processes of family education that derive from the belonging to favoured classes. Taking into consideration that the families studied fit in the so-called disfavoured social classes, we defend that the family education that is realized in these families derives from an overlapping of an ethnic belonging over a class belonging, being simultaneously at the origin of a certain security for action and the maintenance of certain cultural characteristics that define the lifestyles and some life opportunities of the Gypsy ethnic group. This is about, in certain way, trying/ attempting to understand how the low permeability to cultural assimilation was/is constructed that/ which the Gypsy ethnic group has demonstrated throughout the years of permanency in the Portuguese society and the importance of family socialization and education in this process


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    Nowadays,estimated about 500 millions people (12%) of the population wolrldwide are obese. In Padang Panjang city, found obese category in adults 18 years and over as much as 37%, which is the highest prevalence compared with other districts or cities in West Sumatra. The purpose of this study was to assess factors related to obesity in adults in Padang Panjang. It is a cross sectional research. The population is the entire number of adults in Padang Panjang. The sample size is 178 people, taken by Simple Random Sampling. Data were collected by questionnaire and interview using Food Frequency Quantitative (FFQ). Data processing was done by SPSS and analyzed by Chi-square test at p value 0,05. The result showed that there were significant correlation between knowledge level (p =0,023), physical activity (p= 0,026), mean intake of energy (p=0,000)with obesity and no signiicant correlation between smoking habbits and obesity (p=0,344). We concluded that low physical activity and knowledge, as well as high energy intake were risk factors for obesity.

    Why Does the Poor Glycemic Control Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Remain High in Southeast Asia?

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    Presently, as well, 55% of the world’s diabetic population is Asian, with an estimated 230 million. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) shows that the number of people with diabetes in the Southeast Asia (SEA) Region is 16.8% of all people with diabetes worldwide. To manage a patient’s blood glucose level, consider minimizing the worst effects of diabetes mellitus. Glycemic control using HbA1c levels is one of the important factors in the risk of diabetes that is associated with complications and mortality. A PubMed and Google Scholar databases were searched using the following: We only screened original-type articles for relevance and considered them further. Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Southeast Asia mostly experience uncontrolled blood glucose. More than 50% of research subjects show poor glycemic control. The influencing factors of poor glycemic control in Southeast Asia were age, BMI, hypertension, smoking activity, education, physical activity, and dyslipidemia. The awareness of glycemic control must be improved in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan yang kami laksanakan di semester khusus ini merupakan salah satu mata kuliah program pendidikan dari setiap jurusan kependidikan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari praktik pengalaman lapangan adalah mengembangkan kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru anak usia dini yang profesional, memberi pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang pembelajaran dan manajerial di sekolah dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi keguruan. Serta meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang telah dikuasai ke dalam kehidupan nyata di sekolah. Pada kegiatan PPL kali ini untuk Prodi PG PAUD mengambil tempat di TK KKLKMD Sidomaju yang diselenggarakan selama 2 bulan yang dimulai pada tanggal 15 Juli sampai dengan 15 September 2016. Pelaksanaan PPL diawali dengan observasi lembaga pendidikan yang akan digunakan untuk PPL, selanjutnya tahap pelaksanaan PPL yang meliputi progam pengajaran di sekolah, kegiatan pengajaran dilakukan di 2 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5 kelas yaitu kelas A1 dengan jumah siswa 14, kelas A2 dengan jumlah siswa 15, kelas A3 dengan jumlah siswa 16, kelas B1 dengan jumlah siswa 26 dan kelas B2 dengan jumlah siswa 17. Masing-masing mahasiswa memiliki kesempatan mengajar sebanyak delapan kali yaitu empat kali di kelas A dan empat kali di kelas B yang meliputi dua kali terbimbing, empat kali mandiri, dan dua kali ujian. Selain kegiatan pembelajaran kegiatan PPL juga meliputi kegiatan mural di dinding bangunan sekolah, special day berupa kegiatan jalan-jalan, menghias roti dan makan bersama-sama dan mengadakan lomba-lomba untuk memperingati HUT RI. Kegiatan PPL yang dilaksanakan di TK KKLKMD Sidomaju ini berlangsung lancar meskipun terdapan beberapa factor penghambat seperti yang nantinya akan dijelaskan dalam laporan namun bsemua penghambat tersebut bisa kami atasi berkat dukungan yang diberikan oleh semua pihak antara lain Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan, Guru, peserta didik dan seluruh warga sekolah.. Dalam hal ini semua jajaran yang ada di TK KKLKMD Sidomaju menjalankan fungsi masing-masing dengan sangat baik sehingga sangat membantu bagi kami dalam memnuntaskan semua program yang telah kami susun. Setelah pelaksanaan progam PPL mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk menyusun laporan hasil kegiatan PPL yang telah diaksanakan selama dua bulan