26 research outputs found

    Animal disease data complementing the European Union One Health 2022 Zoonoses Report

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    <p>This dataset contains the mandatory annual data reported for bovine tuberculosis and for bovine and ovine and caprine brucellosis based on Directive 2003/99.</p><p>EU; Excel; [email protected]</p&gt

    Animal disease data complementing the European Union One Health 2021 Zoonoses Report

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    This dataset contains the mandatory annual data reported for bovine tuberculosis and for bovine and ovine and caprine brucellosis based on Directive 2003/99.EU; Excel; [email protected]

    ANT and politics:working in and on the world

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    Actor-network theory (ANT) comes from Science, Technology and Society (STS), a discipline that is distinctive because it thinks theoretically through a rich tradition of qualitative case studies. This means that while it is possible to define ANT in a series of abstract bullet points, attempts to do so miss most of the point. Words aren’t enough. You need to practise it. For this reason this paper draws on an ANT-inflected ethnography of farming. For related reasons we also work dialogically, because in ANT theory doesn’t pre-exist, waiting to be applied. Instead it is created, recreated, explored and tinkered with in particular research practices. Hence we argue that ANT is best understood as a sensibility to features of the world that aren’t quite those of standard social science: to the heterogeneous materialities, relationalities and uncertainties of the practices that compose the world. And, as we have also tried to show, this is a sensibility that has political consequences. ANT works on the assumption that other worlds are possible, then it tries to articulate them. The hope is that if we can craft appropriate tools for articulation it will be possible to know and make space for different and better social arrangements