336 research outputs found

    Cuentos brevísimos de Jaime Tatem Brache

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    Jaime Tatem Brache (biografía). Nació en Salcedo, República Dominicana, el 9 de mayo de 1962. Es narrador, poeta y ensayista. Hizo una licenciatura en psicololgía, y luego realizó una especialidad en gestión empresarial y una maestría en gerencia y productividad. Entre sus obras están La otra cara del sueño (2004), Rituales de la lluvia (texto poético de 2005 que fue nominado al Premio de la Real Academia Española y traducido al italiano) y Silencio en alta mar (obra ganadora del primer lugar en el concurso de la Editorial Givane Holden). Miembro de la Academia Dominicana de la Lengua, coordina el grupo Juglares de la Academia. También es miembro de la Asociación Quisqueyana de Intelectuales y del grupo interiorista. Fue director de Servicios Estudiantiles y del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de esta universidad, así como de APEC Cultural.Que la vida puede ser un infierno del que algún día habremos de despertar, que los sueños hermosos pueden también perder a un hombre, o que la belleza y el misterio están ahí, al alcance de todo aquel que tenga ojos y corazón para ver y sentir a un tiempo el pulso del mundo, son algunas de las ideas trabajadas en estos breves relatos que combinan belleza y peligro, serenidad y desgracia, y que en todo momento muestran la intensa pasión del autor por la vida y por la palabra que la narra y revela su esencia

    El libro que jamás ha sido escrito

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    Jaime Tatem Brache (biografía). Nació en Salcedo, República Dominicana, el 9 de mayo de 1962. Es narrador, poeta y ensayista. Hizo una licenciatura en psicología, y luego realizó una especialidad en gestión empresarial y una maestría en gerencia y productividad. Entre sus obras están La otra cara del sueño (2004), Rituales de la lluvia (texto poético de 2005 que fue nominado al Premio de la Real Academia Española y traducido al italiano) y Silencio en alta mar (obra ganadora del primer lugar en el concurso de la Editorial Givane Holden). Miembro de la Academia Dominicana de la Lengua, coordina el grupo Juglares de la Academia. También es miembro de la Asociación Quisqueyana de Intelectuales y del grupo interiorista. Fue director de Servicios Estudiantiles y del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de esta universidad, así como de APEC Cultural.Inscrito dentro del género fantástico, este cuento de Jaime Tatem Brache se inspira en Continuidad de los parques (Julio Cortázar), en La historia interminable (Michael Ende) y en El Aleph y las nostálgicas enumeraciones de Jorge Luis Borges. Es, de hecho, un homenaje a uno de nuestros más sagrados fervores, la literatura. Porque si contar, contarnos, parace ser la única forma de registrar lo que somos, de escapar del devenir de la nada, y si la vida es un libro que escribimos a medida que vivimos, ¿desde que otro ámbito sin espacio ni tiempo la leeremos?, ¿dónde y cuándo descifraremos su inasible sentido

    Proficiency-based High School Diploma Systems in Maine: Getting to Graduation

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    In the 127th Maine State Legislative Session, An Act to Implement Certain Recommendations of the Maine Proficiency Education Council (S.P. 660 -- L.D. 1627) was passed into law as Chapter 489. This amended the chaptered law passed in 2012, An Act to Prepare Maine People for the Future Economy (S.P.439 -- L.D.1422), requiring public school districts to implement proficiency-based high school diploma requirements and standards-based education systems. Beginning in 2012, the Maine Legislature\u27s Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs has annually requested that the Maine Education Policy Research Institute\u27s (MEPRI) work plan include empirical research studies designed to compile data, examine progress and explore impacts regarding implementation of this state policy within school districts across the state. This work has furthered the understanding of perceptions in the field and implications of proficiency-based diploma policies within the state, national and global context as well as the implementation in local schools and school administrative units. In 2017-2018, Phase VI of this ongoing research includes two separate research studies examining the impacts of implementing proficiency-based diploma systems within the immediate and wider contexts of public schooling in Maine. One of these studies focused on case studies of high schools to examine the practices, challenges and facilitators as well as the perceptions of high school educators and administrators about meeting the needs of students and their district\u27s requirements for earning a proficiency-based diploma. This report describes the updates to current related literature, methodology and findings from the case study research involving Maine high schools. Findings from this case study research indicate that, as part of the school and district work to implement a proficiency-based system, all case study schools were establishing definitions of proficient, aligning curricula and assessments to common content area standards, and building interventions to remediate with students struggling to demonstrate proficiency. Although specific practices, approaches and perceptions of this work varied among educators and across schools, diligent effort to create a transparent system that benefitted students was evident in all case study schools. Educators and administrators shared that challenges included uncertainty about state-level rules, defining proficient, needing resources to support all students, misalignment with standardized tests, and communication through grading practices. Also, participants in this study indicated that transition to a proficiency-based education system could raise expectations for lower performing students, offer greater professional collaboration, and provide more clarity regarding academic standards

    Proficiency-based High School Diploma Systems in Maine: Getting to Graduation (Supporting Students in High Schools Implementing Standards-based Education and Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements)

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    Findings from this case study research indicate that, as part of the school and district work to implement a proficiency-based system, all case study schools were establishing definitions of proficient, aligning curricula and assessments to common content area standards, and building interventions to remediate with students struggling to demonstrate proficiency

    Mapping City Potholes

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    The goal of this capstone design project was to design a fully automated data collection system that could be installed in any automotive vehicle to monitor road or highway pavement conditions. The system is based on recording and analyzing the output from an accelerometer mounted near a front wheel shock absorber. The data from the accelerometer is time and position tagged with GPS data from a GPS unit and stored to a DOS compatible file on a Compact Flash card. Once data is collected, Geographical Information System (GIS) software is used to remap the GPS surface roughness data to a physical location on a user viewable city map. This system can aid cities in the efficient release of road repair crew and lower the costs to the city due to civilian automobile damages

    Mapping Underwater Turbulence in Venice

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    The goal of this capstone design project was to design a fully automated data collection system that could be installed in diesel or gasoline motorboats to monitor engine RPM. The system is based on processing signals from: the w-terminal on a diesel engines alternator or an inductive pickup placed on a gasoline engines spark plug. These signals are processed, under software control, to calculate actual engine RPM. Once data is collected, post-processing occurs where Geographical Information System (GIS) software is used to remap the GPS engine RPM data to a physical location on a user viewable city map. The prototype is intended to be placed in motorboats that roam about the Venetian lagoon in order to map the occurrence of underwater turbulence in the form of engine RPM

    Phenomenology of Embodied Dreamwork with Puerto Rican Women: A Dissertation

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    The author investigated the experience of embodied dreamwork. Participants were eight Puerto Rican women who were chronically ill, of low socioeconomic status, who lived in Boston. The data were analyzed using transcendental phenomenology. Each participant engaged in one embodied dreamwork–unstructured interview session lasting approximately 1.5 hours. In addition, each participant drew a picture of how she felt after the dreamwork interview. This snowball, purposive sample gave detailed information about how they experienced embodied dreamwork. The participants’ statements were grouped into themes: (a) sense of place—environment, surroundings, spatiality; (b) the players—self, others; (c) plot; (d) in the sea of emotions—naming affective states; (e) the body speaks—somatic experience; (f) complexity—multiple affective states; (g) making meaning (atando cabos); (h) visual expressions; (i) self disclosures—desahogo (unburdening); and (j) cultural beliefs—de allá para acá (from there to here). As an expressive therapy, embodied dreamwork is grounded in the mind-body connection. This connection supports the making of meaning from the dreamwork. By being more aware of ambiguities, embodied dreamwork facilitates being less reactive to external cues. Embodied dreamwork may have applications in the treatment of anxiety, depression, bereavement, and trauma. The significance of this research contributes to the fields of psychology, Latino studies, and expressive arts therapies with chronically ill women. By including ethnic-specific studies, this investigation contributes to culturally sensitive mental health care. The study is limited to the experience of the participants and may not represent other Puerto Rican women of low socioeconomic status who are chronically ill

    Identificar la gestión empresarial y administrativa, en las pyme de Latinoamérica durante los últimos 10 años: una revisión de la literatura científica

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    Las PYME en Latinoamérica han sido objeto de diversos estudios e investigación durante los últimos años, destacando su incidencia como fuente de trabajo. Uno de sus problemas principales es que no cuentan con un adecuado conocimiento en gestión empresarial y administrativa, ya que trabajan con conceptos básicos. Es por ello, que el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar la gestión empresarial y administrativa en Latinoamérica durante los últimos 10 años, a fin de mencionar las investigaciones encontradas como una guía para futuros estudios. Por ello se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura, realizando búsquedas de datos en UPN Box, Google Académico, Renati SUNEDU, Redalyc. Asimismo, se tomaron en cuenta treinta y dos (32) investigaciones, entre nacionales e internacionales, el 45% del total utilizó el método descriptivo, el instrumento de medición más utilizado fue la encuesta con 40% y el componente que más se considera para identificar la gestión empresarial y administrativa son los procesos administrativos con 60%, en cuanto a las conclusiones la Gestión Empresarial y Administrativa, es el eje esencial de toda empresa, sea para emprender o desarrollarla aún más, sin embargo no es tarea sencilla para eso se debe contar con mucha paciencia y desarrollar habilidades gerenciales, para ello se deberá apoyar con herramientas de gestión que faciliten su debido análisis, logrando así una eficaz y eficiente gestión
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