346 research outputs found

    Da Crítica à Religião à Teoria do Fetichismo em Marx

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    Seria possível sintetizar a crítica marxiana à religião na famosa assertiva em que nosso autor relaciona religião ao ópio? Grande parte dos defensores, assim como os acusadores, diria que sim. Para investigar os fundamentos teóricos e filosóficos desta leitura hegemônica, precisaremos retornar a Hegel, pois para Marx a religião é o que Hegel entendia como tal. Isso é, a religião verdadeira alicerceia ético-politicamente o Estado verdadeiro. Este Estado divinizado em Hegel é o que é combatido por Marx, primordialmente a partir de Feuerbach. Em seguida, apresentaremos a crítica à religião no original pensamento de Marx a partir de sua bibliografia primária, suas elaborações, continuidades e descontinuidades ao longo de sua trajetória intelectual. Pretendemos considerar os diálogos, aproximações, afastamentos e superações que se dão em relação a Hegel e Feuerbach, as duas maiores fontes do pensamento marxiano no que diz respeito ao fenômeno religioso. Por fim, adentraremos detidamente na teoria do fetichismo em Marx, apresentando a leitura enquanto Santíssima Trindade de Mammon (mercadoria, dinheiro e capital), proposta de inversão dialética a partir da categoria Santíssima Trindade em Hegel. A crítica à religião dá um passo fundamental e se torna momento negativo para a teoria do fetichismo, surge algo epistemologicamente e ontologicamente novo. O fetiche é a categoria central para se compreender o capitalismo como religião, é a mediação entre a vida real e o reflexo religioso que ocorre pelo valor (nas três formas funcionais, mercadoria, dinheiro e capital), sujeito das relações sociais. Ainda, faremos uma crítica à Marx por não ter aplicado a sua dialética universal-particular na religião, tal como fez por exemplo com a filosofia e a política, permanecendo ainda tributário do pensamento de identidade hegeliano, o que significa um grave problema lógico-metodológico interno ao pensamento de Marx. Mesmo que consiga captar o caráter dialético da religião protesto e legitimação, ao mesmo tempo , acaba abandonando sua coerência lógica de unidade dialética entre teoria e práxis, não dá o devido relevo ao potencial utópico da religião e a possibilidade concreta de existência de uma religião antifetichista

    Modelling innovation support systems for regional development - analysis of cluster structures in innovation in Portugal

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    The present article offers a concise theoretical conceptualization and operational analysis of the contribution of innovation to regional development. The latter concepts are closely related to geographical proximity, knowledge diffusion and filters and clustering. Institutional innovation profiles and regional patterns of innovation are two mutually linked, novel conceptual elements in this article. Next to a theoretical framing, the article employs the regional innovation systems concept as a vehicle to analyse institutional innovation profiles. Our case study addresses three Portuguese regions and their institutions, included in a web-based inventory of innovation agencies which offered the foundation for an extensive database. This data-set was analysed by means of a recently developed principal coordinates analysis followed by a Logistic Biplot approach (leading to a Voronoi mapping) to design a systemic typology of innovation structures where each institution is individually represented. There appears to be a significant difference in the regional innovation patterns resulting from the diverse institutional innovation profiles concerned. These profiles appear to be region specific. Our conclusion highlights the main advantages in the use of the method used for policy-makers and business companies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A novel pentacyclic triterpene from Leontodon filii

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    A novel oleanene triterpenetetrol was isolated from the chloroform extract of the aerial parts of Leontodon filii. Its structure was shown to be 2β,3β,15α,21β-olean-12-ene-2,3,15,21-tetrol by chemical and spectroscopic methods. The fungicidal efficacy of the chloroform and methanol extracts of the plant was also evaluated, a protective effect being found against Plasmopara viticola, Botrytis cinerea, particularly powerful against Pyricularia oryzae.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Glueballs, gluon condensate, and pure glue QCD below T_c

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    A quasiparticle description of pure glue QCD thermodynamics at T<T_c is proposed and compared to recent lattice data. Given that a gas of glueballs with constant mass cannot quantitatively reproduce the early stages of the deconfinement phase transition, the problem is to identify a relevant mechanism leading to the observed sudden increase of the pressure, trace anomaly, etc. It is shown that the strong decrease of the gluon condensate near T_c combined with the increasing thermal width of the lightest glueballs might be the trigger of the phase transition.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures; analysis refined in v2, explanations added; v3 to appear in EPJ

    Shear viscosity of the Quark-Gluon Plasma from a virial expansion

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    We calculate the shear viscosity η\eta in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) phase within a virial expansion approach with particular interest in the ratio of η\eta to the entropy density ss, i.e. η/s\eta/s. The virial expansion approach allows us to include the interactions between the partons in the deconfined phase and to evaluate the corrections to a single-particle partition function. In the latter approach we start with an effective interaction with parameters fixed to reproduce thermodynamical quantities of QCD such as energy and/or entropy density. We also directly extract the effective coupling \ga_{\rm V} for the determination of η\eta. Our numerical results give a ratio η/s≈0.097\eta/s\approx 0.097 at the critical temperature TcT_{\rm c}, which is very close to the theoretical bound of 1/(4π)1/(4\pi). Furthermore, for temperatures T≤1.8TcT\leq 1.8 T_{\rm c} the ratio η/s\eta/s is in the range of the present experimental estimates 0.1−0.30.1-0.3 at RHIC. When combining our results for η/s\eta/s in the deconfined phase with those from chiral perturbation theory or the resonance gas model in the confined phase we observe a pronounced minimum of η/s\eta/s close to the critical temperature TcT_{\rm c}.Comment: Published in Eur. Phys. J. C, 7 pages, 2 figures, 3 tabl

    Aphelenchoides besseyi causing leaf spot on cowpea under field conditions in Brazil.

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    Aphelenchoides besseyi was detected as the causal agent of foliar dark spots on cowpea plants growing in the field, and its pathogenicity was confirmed. The identity of the nematode was determined through morphological, morphometric, and molecular characterization, using species-specific primers Abess_11F/Abess_11R targeting 28S rDNA, which amplified a fragment of 570 bp. This is the first report of A. besseyi parasitizing cowpea under field conditions in Brazil

    On the Temperature Dependence of the Shear Viscosity and Holography

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    We examine the structure of the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio eta/s in holographic theories of gravity coupled to a scalar field, in the presence of higher derivative corrections. Thanks to a non-trivial scalar field profile, eta/s in this setup generically runs as a function of temperature. In particular, its temperature behavior is dictated by the shape of the scalar potential and of the scalar couplings to the higher derivative terms. We consider a number of dilatonic setups, but focus mostly on phenomenological models that are QCD-like. We determine the geometric conditions needed to identify local and global minima for eta/s as a function of temperature, which translate to restrictions on the signs and ranges of the higher derivative couplings. Finally, such restrictions lead to an holographic argument for the existence of a global minimum for eta/s in these models, at or above the deconfinement transition.Comment: references adde

    Three-loop HTL gluon thermodynamics at intermediate coupling

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    We calculate the thermodynamic functions of pure-glue QCD to three-loop order using the hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory (HTLpt) reorganization of finite temperature quantum field theory. We show that at three-loop order hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory is compatible with lattice results for the pressure, energy density, and entropy down to temperatures T≃3  TcT\simeq3\;T_c. Our results suggest that HTLpt provides a systematic framework that can used to calculate static and dynamic quantities for temperatures relevant at LHC.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figs. 2nd version: improved discussion and fixing typos. Published in JHE
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