1,329 research outputs found

    Foraminiferal Evidence of Late Holocene Sea-Level Change and Amerindian Site Distribution at Montague Harbour, British Columbia

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    Foraminiferal and sedimentological analysis of an underwater stratigraphie section from an Amerindian habitation site at Montague Harbour, British Columbia has further documented late Holocene sea level changes. It appears that part of the documented transgression was caused by tectonic subsidence of the area (Event 1 at approx. 3500 calendar years BP and Event 2 sometime before 1100 calendar years BP) and was recognized in the stratigraphie record by rapid environmental changes. The environmental changes caused by rapid shifts in water depth were recognized through sedimentological and foraminiferal evidence. The tectonic subsidence events, coupled with gentle late Holocene transgression, caused the breaching of Montague Harbour's northwestern channel. The breaching of the channel improved water circulation and increased salinity within the harbour. The salinity changes are reflected in the shift from a low salinity Cribroelphidium excavatum (Terquem, 1876) phenotype "clavata" dominated biofacies (1) at the base of the section to a higher salinity Buccella tenerrima (Bandy, 1950) and Elphidiella hannai (Cushman and Grant, 1927) dominated biofacies (2) at the top. These sea-level changes would have eventually forced local Amerindian settlements inland. The 14C dating of wood and shell, indicates that the recovery of archaeological remains of the Charles culture (ca.6500-3200 years BP) requires investigation in deeper waters.L'analyse des foraminifères et des sédiments d'une coupe stratigraphique sous-marine d'un habitat amérindien a permis d'accroître les connaissances sur les changements du niveau marin. Il semble qu'une partie de la transgression connue ait été causée par une subsidence de nature tectonique (1er épisode vers 3500 cal. BP et 2e épisode un peu avant 1100 cal. BP) qui a entraîné des changements environnementaux rapides consignés dans la stratigraphie. Les sédiments et les foraminifères ont en effet enregistré les changements rapides de la profondeur de l'eau. Les épisodes de subsidence, accompagnés par une transgression modérée à l'Holocène supérieur, ont provoqué la formation d'une brèche dans le chenal nord-ouest du Montague Harbour, qui a facilité la circulation des eaux et fait augmenter la salinité à l'intérieur du havre. Ce changement de salinité s'est manifesté par le remplacement du biofaciès (1) de faible salinité dominé par Cribroelphidium excavatum (Terquem, 1876) type « clavata », à la base de la coupe, par le biofaciès (2) de forte salinité dominé par Bucella tenerrima (Bandy, 1950) et Elphidiella hannai (Cushman et Grant, 1927) au sommet. Les changements du niveau marin ont forcé les Amérindiens à déménager vers l'intérieur. La datation au 14C sur bois et coquille montre que la récupération de vestiges archéologiques de la culture Charles (ca 6500-3200 BP) devra se faire en eaux plus profondes.Die Foraminiferen- und Sediment-Analyse eines stratigraphischen Unterwasserabschnitts von einer Indianer-Siedlung am Montague Harbour, British Columbia, hat weitere Belege ùber Meeresniveauwechsel im spàten Holozàn geliefert. Es scheint, daB ein Teil der dokumentierten Transgression durch tekton-ische Senkung des Gebiets verursacht wurde (Ereignis 1 urn circa 3500 Kalenderjahre v.u.Z. und Ereignis 2 irgendwann vor 1100 Kalenderjahren v.u.Z.) und in dem stratigraphischen Beleg durch rasche Umweltverànderungen kenntlich wurde. Die durch schnelle Wechsel der Wassertiefe verursachten Umweltverànderungen sind durch Sediment- und Foraminiferen-Belege aufgezeichnet worden. Die Episoden tektonischer Senkung verursachten zusammen mit einer sanften Transgression im spàten Holozàn die Bildung einer Bresche im nordwestlichen Kanal von Montague Harbour. Die Bresche im Kanal verbesserte die Wasserzirkulation und erhôhte den SaIzgehalt im Hafen. Die Verànderungen im Salzgehalt spiegeln sich im Wechsel von einer Biofazies (1) mit einem niedrigen Salzgehalt beherrscht von Cribroelphidium excavatum (Terquem, 1876) des Phânotypus "clavata" an der Basis des Schnittes, zu einer Biofazies (2) mit hôherem Salzgehalt, beherrscht von Bucella tenerrima (Bandy, 1950) und Elphidiella hannai (Cushman und Grant, 1927) an der Spitze. Diese Meeresniveau-Wechsel haben wohl die ôrtlichen indianischen Siedlungen gezwungen, landeinwàrts zu Ziehen. Die '4C-Datierung von HoIz und Muscheln zeigt, daB das Auffinden von archàologischen Spuren der Charles-Kultur (ca. 6500-3200 Jahre v.u.Z.) eine Suche in tieferen Wassern erfordert

    Type 1 diabetes incidence in Scotland between 2006 and 2019

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    Aims: To describe type 1 diabetes incidence in Scotland between 2006 and 2019. Methods: Repeated annual cross‐sectional studies of type 1 diabetes incidence were conducted. Incident cases were identified from the Scottish Care Information—Diabetes Collaboration (SCI‐DC), a population‐based register of people with diagnosed diabetes derived from primary and secondary care data. Mid‐year population estimates for Scotland were used as the denominator to calculate annual incidence with stratification by age and sex. Joinpoint regression was used to investigate whether incidence changed during the study period. Age and sex‐specific type 1 diabetes incidence over the whole time period was estimated by quintile of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), an area‐based measure, in which Q1 and Q5 denote the most and least deprived fifths of the population, respectively, with quasi‐Poisson regression used to compare incidence for Q5 compared to Q1. Results: The median (IQR) age of the study population of 14,564 individuals with incident type 1 diabetes was 24.1 (12.3–42.4) years, 56% were men, 23% were in Q1 and 16% were in Q5. Incidence of T1DM was higher in men than women overall (at around 22 and 17 per 100,000, respectively) and in under 15 year olds (approximately 40 per 100,000 in both sexes) than other age groups and was similar across the study period in all strata. There was an inverse association between socio‐economic status and type 1 diabetes incidence for 15–29, 30–49 and 50+ year olds [incidence rate ratio (IRR) for Q5 compared to Q1; IRR (95% CI) 0.52 (0.47–0.58), 0.68 (0.61–0.76) and 0.53(0.46–0.61), respectively] but not for under 15 year olds [1.02 (0.92–1.12)]. Conclusion: Incidence of type 1 diabetes varies by age, sex and socio‐economic status and has remained approximately stable from 2006 to 2019 in Scotland

    Effects of probe geometry on transscleral diffuse optical spectroscopy

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how the geometry of a fiber optic probe affects the transmission and reflection of light through the scleral eye wall. Two geometrical parameters of the fiber probe were investigated: the source-detector distance and the fiber protrusion, i.e. the length of the fiber extending from the flat surface of the fiber probe. For optimization of the fiber optic probe geometry, fluorescence stained choroidal tumor phantoms in ex vivo porcine eyes were measured with both diffuse reflectance- and laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. The strength of the fluorescence signal compared to the excitation signal was used as a measure for optimization. Intraocular pressure (IOP) and temperature were monitored to assess the impact of the probe on the eye. For visualizing any possible damage caused by the probe, the scleral surface was imaged with scanning electron microscopy after completion of the spectroscopic measurements. A source-detector distance of 5 mm with zero fiber protrusion was considered optimal in terms of spectroscopic contrast, however, a slight fiber protrusion of 0.5 mm is argued to be advantageous for clinical measurements. The study further indicates that transscleral spectroscopy can be safely performed in human eyes under in vivo conditions, without leading to an unacceptable IOP elevation, a significant rise in tissue temperature, or any visible damage to the scleral surface

    Determination of nucleotide and enzyme degradation in haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and herring (Clupea harengus) after high pressure processing

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    Publication history: Accepted - 22 July 2019, Published - 27 August 2019Background The degradation of nucleotides and their enzymes had been widely used to evaluate fish freshness. Immediately after fish death, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) degrades into inosine-5-monophosphate (IMP) via adenosine-5-diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine-5-monophosphate (AMP). IMP degradation continues to produce inosine (ino) and hypoxanthine (Hx) and further deteriorates the fish by producing xanthine and uric acid. The dephosphorylation of IMP to Ino is carried out by the enzyme 5′-nucleotidase (5′-NT), whereas the degradation of Ino to Hx is carried out by the enzyme nucleoside phosphorylase (NP). This study assesses the application of high pressure processing (HPP) in two species of fishes; haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and herring (Clupea harengus) as a means to extend the shelf-life by slowing down the rate of nucleotides degradation. Methods Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and herring (Clupea harengus) fillets were subjected to HPP at 200, 250 and 300 MPa for 1 and 3 min before being stored for 14 days. In addition, 5′-NT and NP enzyme activities were determined on both fish species that were subjected to 100–600 MPa for 1 and 3 min. Results Adenosine triphosphate, ADP and AMP in both haddock and herring were lower at higher pressure levels. Inosine (Ino) increased (p 0.05) affected by the pressure treatment. H values are ratio of Hx to the sum of IMP, Ino and Hx. H values in haddock were significantly decreased (p 0.05) after pressure treatment. Furthermore, K values in control herring were significantly higher (p 0.05) after pressure treatment. Pressure treatment brought a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in protein content in both haddock and herring. 5′-NT activity was 20–35 fold higher compared to NP activity in haddock and 15–44 fold higher than NP activity in herring. 5′-NT and NP activities decreased significantly with increasing pressure level in both species. Discussion High pressure processing effectively slows down the conversion of Ino to Hx, delaying the undesirable flavour that develops in spoiling fish. The autolytic conversion of IMP to Ino by endogenous 5′-NT predominates in the earliest stages of storage is an autolytic process. However, both bacterial and endogenous NP enzymes are probably responsible for the gradual accumulation of Hx in fish. K values are recommended as a useful measurement of fish freshness.Funding This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Grant Disclosures The following grant information was disclosed by the authors: Ministry of Education, Malaysia and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

    TPU v4: An Optically Reconfigurable Supercomputer for Machine Learning with Hardware Support for Embeddings

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    In response to innovations in machine learning (ML) models, production workloads changed radically and rapidly. TPU v4 is the fifth Google domain specific architecture (DSA) and its third supercomputer for such ML models. Optical circuit switches (OCSes) dynamically reconfigure its interconnect topology to improve scale, availability, utilization, modularity, deployment, security, power, and performance; users can pick a twisted 3D torus topology if desired. Much cheaper, lower power, and faster than Infiniband, OCSes and underlying optical components are <5% of system cost and <3% of system power. Each TPU v4 includes SparseCores, dataflow processors that accelerate models that rely on embeddings by 5x-7x yet use only 5% of die area and power. Deployed since 2020, TPU v4 outperforms TPU v3 by 2.1x and improves performance/Watt by 2.7x. The TPU v4 supercomputer is 4x larger at 4096 chips and thus ~10x faster overall, which along with OCS flexibility helps large language models. For similar sized systems, it is ~4.3x-4.5x faster than the Graphcore IPU Bow and is 1.2x-1.7x faster and uses 1.3x-1.9x less power than the Nvidia A100. TPU v4s inside the energy-optimized warehouse scale computers of Google Cloud use ~3x less energy and produce ~20x less CO2e than contemporary DSAs in a typical on-premise data center.Comment: 15 pages; 16 figures; to be published at ISCA 2023 (the International Symposium on Computer Architecture


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    The following publications have been reviewed by the authors; Programmes of Study for Design & Technology - Reviewed by Jim PattersonManaging Design & Technology in the National Curriculum - Reviewed by David DickinsonFocus on Technology - Reviewed by Ian McLintockAccommodating Technology in Schools - Reviewed byJ.R. MathiasDesigning and Making - Reviewed by Paul SpencerTreasury of Historic Pattern and Design - Reviewed by Geoff SmithDesign & Technology in Process - Reviewed by Jonty CrockettTechnology Through Home Economics - Reviewed by Rhona HumphriesThe Soft Toy Workshop - Reviewed by Margaret Jeavons02 PAGES (Quarterly) - Reviewed by AIf MerricksAdventures in Technology - Reviewed by John EvansDesigning Starts here - Reviewed by Trevor TaylorTechnology Shaping Our World - Reviewed by Alan TruemanIntroducing Design: Technology Across the Curriculum - Reviewed by Norman CassonThe Tapestry Makers - Reviewed by Goeff SmithWoodcut with Rigby Graham - Reviewed by John Lancaste

    Lack of quantitative training among early-career ecologists: a survey of the problem and potential solutions

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    Proficiency in mathematics and statistics is essential to modern ecological science, yet few studies have assessed the level of quantitative training received by ecologists. To do so, we conducted an online survey. The 937 respondents were mostly early-career scientists who studied biology as undergraduates. We found a clear self-perceived lack of quantitative training: 75% were not satisfied with their understanding of mathematical models; 75% felt that the level of mathematics was “too low” in their ecology classes; 90% wanted more mathematics classes for ecologists; and 95% more statistics classes. Respondents thought that 30% of classes in ecology-related degrees should be focused on quantitative disciplines, which is likely higher than for most existing programs. The main suggestion to improve quantitative training was to relate theoretical and statistical modeling to applied ecological problems. Improving quantitative training will require dedicated, quantitative classes for ecology-related degrees that contain good mathematical and statistical practice