322 research outputs found

    Random Sample Consensus Algorithm with Enhanced Latency for Fingerprint Matching

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    This publication describes a random sample consensus algorithm with enhanced latency for fingerprint matching. A fingerprint image can be represented by a fingerprint image template which includes key points (X and Y locations) and feature vectors. Key points correspond to various minutiae points of the fingerprint image. Feature vectors are rotationally invariant encodings of image blocks centered around key points. Fingerprint matching is done by comparing feature vectors from a verify fingerprint image template to feature vectors from an enrolled fingerprint image template to generate matching key point pairs. A geometric transformation between the verify fingerprint image template and the enrolled fingerprint image template is inferred by a random sample and consensus process of matching key point pairs. The geometric transformation between two matching fingerprint image templates is mainly a rigid two-dimensional (2D) transformation with a translation vector, a rotation matrix, and minimal stretch. Rather than comparing every matching key point pair to infer the geometric transformation, the disclosed fingerprint matching algorithm implements a stretch ratio check. For any two key points, the stretch ratio is the distance between the two key points from the verify fingerprint image template divided by the distance between matching key points from the enrolled fingerprint image template. If the stretch ratio falls outside an acceptable range of stretch ratios, the fingerprint matching algorithm skips the set of matching key point pairs of that stretch ratio when inferring the geometric transformation. By so doing, the fingerprint matching algorithm improves matching speed and makes matching and non-matching latencies consistent


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    An examination was made of the effect of changes in the osmolarity and the ionic composition of the homogenizing medium on the partition of lysosomal arylsulphatase and N -acetylglucosaminidase of cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and thalamus of the rat. Sulphatase appeared to be more sensitive to hypotonicity than glucosaminidase, since a higher proportion of the sulphatase was released from the lysosomes into the soluble fraction of the cells from all three neuroanatomical areas examined. In the presence of 250 mM-sucrose, supplementation with 10 mM-Mg led to clumping of the lysosomes and their translocation into the heavy-particulate fraction; no such effect of 10 mM-Mg was noted in the absence of 250 mM-sucrose. The intracellular distribution of bound N -acetylneuraminic acid (bound-NANA) was also examined. The shifts observed in its intracellular localization as a result of changes in the ionic composition of the homogenizing medium rule out bound-NANA as a structural component of the membrane of the cortical lysosome. However regional differences in the response of bound-NANA to ionic factors were observed. Lysosomes from cerebral cortex of adult and 12-day-old rats were also compared. Differences in the pattern of distribution of lysosomes in linear sucrose gradients and in response to ionic factors were uncovered. The results support the previously enunciated concept (Sellinger and Hiatt, 1968) of a regional microheterogeneity of lysosomes and add a new, age-related dimension to it.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65807/1/j.1471-4159.1969.tb05969.x.pd

    Turnus-/skiftarbeid og dets effekt pÄ fysisk aktivitet og treningsvaner hos vernepliktige vaktsoldater - En kvantitativ studie ved Baseforsvarsbataljonen pÄ Ørland Hovedflystasjon

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    Hver dag driver vernepliktige vaktsoldater med vakthold av Forsvarets militĂŠre baser. Tjenesten som vakt- og sikringssoldat gĂ„r ut pĂ„ Ă„ gjennomfĂžre rutineoppgaver som Ă„ sitte pĂ„ vaktpost og gĂ„ patruljer. I tillegg er vaktsoldatene pĂ„ beredskap for Ă„ rykke ut pĂ„ oppdukkende hendelser som forstyrrer ro og orden. Alle Forsvarets baser har dĂžgnkontinuerlig vaktbemanning. Skiftet til en vaktsoldat varer vanligvis 12 timer, med pĂ„fĂžlgende 12 timer hvile. PĂ„ grunn de lange skiftene og den hĂžye arbeidsbelastningen, har de fleste vakttropper en form for turnusordning (Forsvaret, 2021). For eksempel at et vaktlag gĂ„r to uker pĂ„ dagskift etterfulgt av Ă©n uke utdanning, deretter Ă©n uke permisjon fĂžr man neste mĂ„ned gĂ„r to uker nattskift, Ă©n uke utdanning og Ă©n uke permisjon. Slik kan en turnus gĂ„ kontinuerlig for Ă„ sĂžrge for at leiren er bevoktet til alle dĂžgnets tider, samtidig som man fĂ„r gjennomfĂžrt utdanning og permisjon for soldatene. FĂžrstegangstjenesten som vaktsoldat er dynamisk og tidvis fysisk krevende. Parallelt med et vaktoppdrag som byr pĂ„ tidvis hĂžy arbeidsbelastning skal vaktsoldatene ogsĂ„ gjennomfĂžre utdanning i grunnleggende militĂŠre ferdigheter (GMF). Dette krever at soldaten deltar pĂ„ Ăžvelser og annen fysisk krevende utdanning. Videre stilles det ogsĂ„ fysiske minstekrav for at soldaten skal regnes som skikket til tjeneste. Å ha evne til Ă„ vedlikeholde og utvikle sin fysiske form er altsĂ„ essensielt for en vaktsoldat. Med en tjenestehverdag bestĂ„ende av 12-timersskift og tidvis fysisk krevende tjeneste kan det vĂŠre utfordrende Ă„ utvikle og ivareta den fysiske formen som kreves gjennom tilstrekkelig fysisk trening med hĂžy nok intensitet (Bahr, 2015, s. 10). Samtidig har det de siste Ă„rene kommet ny forskning pĂ„ de fysiologiske og psykologiske konsekvensene av turnus- og skiftarbeid pĂ„ blant annet sykepleiere (Kecklund & Axelsson, 2016) og flere andre yrker med turnusordning (Hulsegge et.al, 2017; Hulsegge et.al, 2021). I tillegg har det kommet nyere forskning som tilsier at man ikke nĂždvendigvis oppnĂ„r god helse eller fysisk form ved Ă„ ha en fysisk aktiv jobb (Holtermann et al, 2018). Hvorvidt turnus-/skiftordningen har effekt pĂ„ vaktsoldatenes fysiske aktivitetsnivĂ„ og treningsvaner er derfor hĂžyst relevant Ă„ fĂ„ mer kunnskap om, for bĂ„de offiserer og befal som er ledere innenfor dĂžgnbemannede vaktfunksjoner i Forsvaret. Hensikten med denne oppgaven er derfor Ă„ belyse temaet ved Ă„ undersĂžke fĂžlgende problemstilling: «Hvilken effekt har turnus-/skiftarbeid pĂ„ fysisk aktivitet og treningsvaner hos vernepliktige vaktsoldater?»publishedVersio

    Colouring within the lines internet, fence breaking and the blogosphere in Vietnam

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    I lĂžpet av det siste tiĂ„ret har internettveksten eksplodert i Vietnam – det samme har landets integrasjon i den globale Ăžkonomien. Samtidig befinner Vietnam seg i verdens bunnsjikt hva angĂ„r presse- og ytringsfrihet, og Vietnams fengsler huser verdens nest stĂžrste antall nettjournalister, bloggere og aktivister (RSF 2011). Til tross for at kommunistpartiet har gjennomfĂžrt en rekke reformer de siste 25 Ă„rene, har de fremdeles stram regi pĂ„ den politiske arena. De viser en nulltoleranse overfor nettsider, bloggere og journalister som synes Ă„ utfordre myndighetsapparatet og den politiske stabiliteten. Sett med vestlige briller, finnes det lite Ă„pning for et kritisk, offentlig ordskifte i Vietnam eller debattarenaer for viktige samfunnsspĂžrsmĂ„l. Likevel har en vietnamesisk blogosfĂŠre, spekket av kritiske diskusjoner og borgerjournalistikk, vokst frem og utfoldet seg i lĂžpet av de siste 5-6 Ă„rene. For Ă„ kunne forstĂ„ dette fenomenet og de politiske konsekvensene det kan medfĂžre, er det derfor avgjĂžrende Ă„ se nĂŠrmere pĂ„ hvordan enkelte profilerte bloggere ”overlever” og opererer pĂ„ internett. Mine undersĂžkelser viser fĂžrst og fremst at selvsensur er utbredt. Halvparten av utvalget mitt holder seg langt innenfor de strenge lovene og bestemmelsene som er satt for Ă„ regulere borgernes ytringsfrihet. Den Ăžvrige halvparten av utvalget derimot, utfordrer ”grensen” i stĂžrre grad. De beveger seg tydelig utenfor hva myndighetene tillater. Ved Ă„ ta i bruk satire, litteratur og andre ”overlevelsesstrategier” forsĂžker de Ă„ unngĂ„ myndighetenes radar. De publiserer uautoriserte nyheter ”fra gata” og skaper grobunn for kritiske diskusjoner og debatter – spesielt blant den yngre generasjonen. Siden to tredeler av befolkningen i Vietnam er under 35 Ă„r, vil dette antagelig skape vidstrakte ringvirkninger i fremtiden (Nguyen 2009: 156). NĂžkkelord: Vietnam; blogosfĂŠre; politisk rom; ytringsfrihe

    Quantifying the escape mortality of trawl caught Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)

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    <div><p>Antarctic krill (<i>Euphausia superba</i>) is an abundant fishery resource, the harvest levels of which are expected to increase. However, many of the length classes of krill can escape through commonly used commercial trawl mesh sizes. A vital component of the overall management of a fishery is to estimate the total fishing mortality and quantify the mortality rate of individuals that escape from fishing gear. The methods for determining fishing mortality in krill are still poorly developed. We used a covered codend sampling technique followed by onboard observations made in holding tanks to monitor mortality rates of escaped krill. Haul duration, hydrological conditions, maximum fishing depth and catch composition all had no significant effect on mortality of krill escaping 16 mm mesh size nets, nor was any further mortality associated with the holding tank conditions. A non- parametric Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to model the relationship between mortality rates of escapees and time. There was a weak tendency, though not significant, for smaller individuals to suffer higher mortality than larger individuals. The mortality of krill escaping the trawl nets in our study was 4.4 ± 4.4%, suggesting that krill are fairly tolerant of the capture-and-escape process in trawls.</p></div

    Cerebral lysosomes. VI. The in vivo uptake of Triton-WR-1339 by the lysosomes of the immature cerebral cortex and cerebellum

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    The detergent Triton-WR-1339 was injected intrathecally into immature rats and its uptake by the lysosomes of the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum was demonstrated. Uptake was assessed in vitro by examining the shift of the lysosomes centrifugal fractions sedimenting at lower speeds than those commonly yielding these granules from control brains. This shift was maximal after 3 daily injections of Triton when arylsulfatase and , the two lysosomal hydrolases studied, exhibited peaks of relative specific activity (RSA) in fractions known to contain myelin fragments and nerve endings rather than in the heavier fraction known to concentrate lysosomes. A significant proportion of the cortical and cerebellar lysosomes failed to take up the detergent even after 3 days of continued administration.The apparent irreversibility of the uptake process was suggested by the finding that the RSA values for the two hydrolases were still highest in the myelin and light nerve ending fractions 4 days after the administration of Triton-WR-1339 had been discontinued. Sedimentation in linear density gradients of sucrose readily separated the populations of Triton-filled and Triton-devoid lysosomes.The results demonstrate the ability of cerebral lysosomes to perform a functional task characteristic of their extracerebral counterparts. It has not been established whether the uptake of Triton-WR-1339 was selective into the lysosomes of neuronal or glial cells or wether it proceeded uniformly into both cell types.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33687/1/0000199.pd

    The action of trypsin and neuraminidase on the synaptic membranes of brain cortex

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    The population of intracellular membranes of rat cerebral cortex which exhibited the highest relative specific concentration of bound N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) and the highest relative specific activity of acetylcholinesterase (EC (synaptic membranes) was incubated with bacterial neuraminidase and with trypsin under a number of experimental conditions. The electrokinetic profile displayed by the membrane preparation upon zonal density gradient electrophoresis changed as a result of the removal of bound NANA by neuraminidase, while its acetylcholinesterase activity remained unaffected; conversely, the action of trypsin led to the inactivation of acetylcholinesterase before any significant alterations of the electrophoretic mobility of the membranes became apparent. Prolonged incubation alone or in the presence of either neuraminidase or trypsin, resulted in the loss of membrane electrophoretic homogeneity, a circumstance which, most likely, reflects a disaggregation of the structural matrix of the membrane.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33001/1/0000385.pd

    Detecting Eating Episodes with an Ear-mounted Sensor

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    In this paper, we propose Auracle, a wearable earpiece that can automatically recognize eating behavior. More specifically, in free-living conditions, we can recognize when and for how long a person is eating. Using an off-the-shelf contact microphone placed behind the ear, Auracle captures the sound of a person chewing as it passes through the bone and tissue of the head. This audio data is then processed by a custom analog/digital circuit board. To ensure reliable (yet comfortable) contact between microphone and skin, all hardware components are incorporated into a 3D-printed behind-the-head framework. We collected field data with 14 participants for 32 hours in free-living conditions and additional eating data with 10 participants for 2 hours in a laboratory setting. We achieved accuracy exceeding 92.8% and F1 score exceeding 77.5% for eating detection. Moreover, Auracle successfully detected 20-24 eating episodes (depending on the metrics) out of 26 in free-living conditions. We demonstrate that our custom device could sense, process, and classify audio data in real time. Additionally, we estimateAuracle can last 28.1 hours with a 110 mAh battery while communicating its observations of eating behavior to a smartphone over Bluetooth

    Survey of advances and challenges in intelligent autonomy for distributed cyber-physical systems

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    With the evolution of the Internet of things and smart cities, a new trend of the Internet of simulation has emerged to utilise the technologies of cloud, edge, fog computing, and high-performance computing for design and analysis of complex cyber-physical systems using simulation. These technologies although being applied to the domains of big data and deep learning are not adequate to cope with the scale and complexity of emerging connected, smart, and autonomous systems. This study explores the existing state-of-the-art in automating, augmenting, and integrating systems across the domains of smart cities, autonomous vehicles, energy efficiency, smart manufacturing in Industry 4.0, and healthcare. This is expanded to look at existing computational infrastructure and how it can be used to support these applications. A detailed review is presented of advances in approaches providing and supporting intelligence as a service. Finally, some of the remaining challenges due to the explosion of data streams; issues of safety and security; and others related to big data, a model of reality, augmentation of systems, and computation are examined

    Number of addictive substances used related to increased risk of unnatural death: A combined medico-legal and case-record study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Substance use disorders have repeatedly been found to lead to premature death, i.e. drug-related death by disease, fatal intoxications, or trauma (accidents, suicide, undetermined suicide, and homicide). The present study examined the relationship between multi-drug substance use and natural and unnatural death.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All consecutive, autopsied patients who had been in contact with the Addiction Centre in Malmö University Hospital from 1993 to 1997 inclusive were investigated. Drug abuse was investigated blindly in the case records and related to the cause of death in 387 subjects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Every substance apart from alcohol used previously in life added to the risk of unnatural death in a linear way. There were independent increased risks of fatal heroin overdoses or undetermined suicide. Death by suicide and violent death were unrelated to additional abuse.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The number of drugs used was related to an increased risk of unnatural death by undetermined suicide (mainly fatal intoxications) and heroin overdose.</p
