26 research outputs found

    Frequency drift in MR spectroscopy at 3T

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    Purpose: Heating of gradient coils and passive shim components is a common cause of instability in the B-0 field, especially when gradient intensive sequences are used. The aim of the study was to set a benchmark for typical drift encountered during MR spectroscopy (MRS) to assess the need for real-time field-frequency locking on MRI scanners by comparing field drift data from a large number of sites.Method: A standardized protocol was developed for 80 participating sites using 99 3T MR scanners from 3 major vendors. Phantom water signals were acquired before and after an EPI sequence. The protocol consisted of: minimal preparatory imaging; a short pre-fMRI PRESS; a ten-minute fMRI acquisition; and a long post-fMRI PRESS acquisition. Both pre- and post-fMRI PRESS were non-water suppressed. Real-time frequency stabilization/adjustment was switched off when appropriate. Sixty scanners repeated the protocol for a second dataset. In addition, a three-hour post-fMRI MRS acquisition was performed at one site to observe change of gradient temperature and drift rate. Spectral analysis was performed using MATLAB. Frequency drift in pre-fMRI PRESS data were compared with the first 5:20 minutes and the full 30:00 minutes of data after fMRI. Median (interquartile range) drifts were measured and showed in violin plot. Paired t-tests were performed to compare frequency drift pre- and post-fMRI. A simulated in vivo spectrum was generated using FID-A to visualize the effect of the observed frequency drifts. The simulated spectrum was convolved with the frequency trace for the most extreme cases. Impacts of frequency drifts on NAA and GABA were also simulated as a function of linear drift. Data from the repeated protocol were compared with the corresponding first dataset using Pearson's and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC).Results: Of the data collected from 99 scanners, 4 were excluded due to various reasons. Thus, data from 95 scanners were ultimately analyzed. For the first 5:20 min (64 transients), median (interquartile range) drift was 0.44 (1.29) Hz before fMRI and 0.83 (1.29) Hz after. This increased to 3.15 (4.02) Hz for the full 30 min (360 transients) run. Average drift rates were 0.29 Hz/min before fMRI and 0.43 Hz/min after. Paired t-tests indicated that drift increased after fMRI, as expected (p &lt; 0.05). Simulated spectra convolved with the frequency drift showed that the intensity of the NAA singlet was reduced by up to 26%, 44 % and 18% for GE, Philips and Siemens scanners after fMRI, respectively. ICCs indicated good agreement between datasets acquired on separate days. The single site long acquisition showed drift rate was reduced to 0.03 Hz/min approximately three hours after fMRI.Discussion: This study analyzed frequency drift data from 95 3T MRI scanners. Median levels of drift were relatively low (5-min average under 1 Hz), but the most extreme cases suffered from higher levels of drift. The extent of drift varied across scanners which both linear and nonlinear drifts were observed.</p

    Serum biomarkers identify critically ill traumatic brain injury patients for MRI

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    Manganese and the Heart: Intracellular MR Relaxation and water exchange across the cardiac cell membrane

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    Ny kunnskap om billeddannelse av hjertet ved magnetisk resonans (MR) fremkommer i sivilingeniør Wibeke Nordhøys doktoravhandling ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU). Denne kunnskapen vil ha stor betydning for hvordan man kan finne fram til noninvasive undersøkelser, dvs. uten fysiske inngrep, av hjertemuskelens levedyktighet hos pasienter med tilstopninger i kransarterier (iskemisk hjertesykdom). Mangan som kontrastmiddel og markør for levedyktighet (viabilitet) Arbeidet har gitt ny kunnskap om mangan som intracellulær kontrastgiver og om vannutveksling i hjertemuskelen. Manganforbindelser har et stort potensial som kontrastmidler for MR av hjertet. I dyreforsøk har Nordhøy vist hvordan det magnetiske sporstoffet mangan tas opp i hjerteceller via fysiologiske ionekanaler, og hvordan det øker kontrasten i MR-bilder ved å «lyse opp hjertecellene innenfra». Hun har også gitt viktige bidrag til forståelsen av hvordan man med MR kan skille mellom vann inne i og utenfor hjertecellene. I sum betyr dette at man har kommet et skritt videre mot at MR av hjertet vil gi gradert informasjon om nettopp hjertecellenes tilstand. Avhandlingen representerer derfor et viktig norsk bidrag til den internasjonale forskning innen molekylær billeddannelse. Avhandlingen Avhandlingen har tittelen «Manganese and the heart: Intracellular MR relaxation and water exchange across the cardiac cell membrane / Mangan og hjertet: Intracellulær MR relaksasjon og vannutveksling over cellemembranen i hjertet.» Avhandlingen er blitt til innenfor et tverrfaglig samarbeid mellom biofysiker, fysiologer og kjemikere med professor Per Jynge, Institutt for sirkulasjon og bildediagnostikk, NTNU, som hovedveileder og professor Jostein Krane, Kjemisk institutt, NTNU, som medveileder. Arbeidet har vært initiert via Norges forskningsråds strategiske universitetsprogram for medisinsk teknologi (SUP-I) i Trondheim. Det er finansiert av Norges forskningsråd, Det medisinske fakultet (NTNU) og Amersham Health

    Voxel-wise perfusion assessment in cerebral white matter with PCASL at 3T; Is it possible and how long does it take?

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    Purpose To establish whether reliable voxel-wise assessment of perfusion in cerebral white matter (WM) is possible using arterial spin labeling (ASL) at 3T in a cohort of healthy subjects. Materials and Methods Pseudo-continuous ASL (PCASL) with background suppression (BS) optimized for WM measurements was performed at 3T in eight healthy male volunteers aged 25–41. Four different labeling schemes were evaluated by varying the labeling duration (LD) and post-labeling delay (PLD). Eight slices with voxel dimension 3.75x3.75x5 mm3 were acquired from the anterosuperior aspect of the brain, and 400 image/control pairs were collected for each run. Rigid head immobilization was applied using individually fitted thermoplastic masks. For each voxel in the resulting ASL time series, the time needed to reach a 95% significance level for the ASL signal to be higher than zero (paired t-test), was estimated. Results The four protocols detected between 88% and 95% (after Bonferroni correction: 75% and 88%) of WM voxels at 95% significance level. In the most efficient sequence, 80% was reached after 5 min and 95% after 53 min (after Bonferroni correction 40% and 88% respectively). For all protocols, the fraction of significant WM voxels increased in an asymptotic fashion with increasing scan time. A small subgroup of voxels was shown to not benefit at all from prolonged measurement. Conclusion Acquisition of a significant ASL signal from a majority of WM voxels is possible within clinically acceptable scan times, whereas full coverage needs prohibitively long scan times, as a result of the asymptotic trajectory

    Multisite reproducibility and test-retest reliability of the T1w/T2w-ratio: A comparison of processing methods

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    Background The ratio of T1-weighted (T1w) and T2-weighted (T2w) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images is often used as a proxy measure of cortical myelin. However, the T1w/T2w-ratio is based on signal intensities that are inherently non-quantitative and known to be affected by extrinsic factors. To account for this a variety of processing methods have been proposed, but a systematic evaluation of their efficacy is lacking. Given the dependence of the T1w/T2w-ratio on scanner hardware and T1w and T2w protocols, it is important to ensure that processing pipelines perform well also across different sites. Methods We assessed a variety of processing methods for computing cortical T1w/T2w-ratio maps, including correction methods for nonlinear field inhomogeneities, local outliers, and partial volume effects as well as intensity normalisation. These were implemented in 33 processing pipelines which were applied to four test-retest datasets, with a total of 170 pairs of T1w and T2w images acquired on four different MRI scanners. We assessed processing pipelines across datasets in terms of their reproducibility of expected regional distributions of cortical myelin, lateral intensity biases, and test-retest reliability regionally and across the cortex. Regional distributions were compared both qualitatively with histology and quantitatively with two reference datasets, YA-BC and YA-B1+, from the Human Connectome Project. Results Reproducibility of raw T1w/T2w-ratio distributions was overall high with the exception of one dataset. For this dataset, Spearman rank correlations increased from 0.27 to 0.70 after N3 bias correction relative to the YA-BC reference and from -0.04 to 0.66 after N4ITK bias correction relative to the YA-B1+ reference. Partial volume and outlier corrections had only marginal effects on the reproducibility of T1w/T2w-ratio maps and test-retest reliability. Before intensity normalisation, we found large coefficients of variation (CVs) and low intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), with total whole-cortex CV of 10.13% and whole-cortex ICC of 0.58 for the raw T1w/T2w-ratio. Intensity normalisation with WhiteStripe, RAVEL, and Z-Score improved total whole-cortex CVs to 5.91%, 5.68%, and 5.19% respectively, whereas Z-Score and Least Squares improved whole-cortex ICCs to 0.96 and 0.97 respectively. Conclusions In the presence of large intensity nonuniformities, bias field correction is necessary to achieve acceptable correspondence with known distributions of cortical myelin, but it can be detrimental in datasets with less intensity inhomogeneity. Intensity normalisation can improve test-retest reliability and inter-subject comparability. However, both bias field correction and intensity normalisation methods vary greatly in their efficacy and may affect the interpretation of results. The choice of T1w/T2w-ratio processing method must therefore be informed by both scanner and acquisition protocol as well as the given study objective. Our results highlight limitations of the T1w/T2w-ratio, but also suggest concrete ways to enhance its usefulness in future studies

    Imaging area and labeling position.

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    <p>Left image showing imaging area and labeling region, and right image demonstrates the placement of the label based on a quick time-of-flight angiogram.</p

    Multisite reproducibility and test-retest reliability of the T1w/T2w-ratio: A comparison of processing methods

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    Background The ratio of T1-weighted (T1w) and T2-weighted (T2w) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images is often used as a proxy measure of cortical myelin. However, the T1w/T2w-ratio is based on signal intensities that are inherently non-quantitative and known to be affected by extrinsic factors. To account for this a variety of processing methods have been proposed, but a systematic evaluation of their efficacy is lacking. Given the dependence of the T1w/T2w-ratio on scanner hardware and T1w and T2w protocols, it is important to ensure that processing pipelines perform well also across different sites. Methods We assessed a variety of processing methods for computing cortical T1w/T2w-ratio maps, including correction methods for nonlinear field inhomogeneities, local outliers, and partial volume effects as well as intensity normalisation. These were implemented in 33 processing pipelines which were applied to four test-retest datasets, with a total of 170 pairs of T1w and T2w images acquired on four different MRI scanners. We assessed processing pipelines across datasets in terms of their reproducibility of expected regional distributions of cortical myelin, lateral intensity biases, and test-retest reliability regionally and across the cortex. Regional distributions were compared both qualitatively with histology and quantitatively with two reference datasets, YA-BC and YA-B1+, from the Human Connectome Project. Results Reproducibility of raw T1w/T2w-ratio distributions was overall high with the exception of one dataset. For this dataset, Spearman rank correlations increased from 0.27 to 0.70 after N3 bias correction relative to the YA-BC reference and from -0.04 to 0.66 after N4ITK bias correction relative to the YA-B1+ reference. Partial volume and outlier corrections had only marginal effects on the reproducibility of T1w/T2w-ratio maps and test-retest reliability. Before intensity normalisation, we found large coefficients of variation (CVs) and low intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), with total whole-cortex CV of 10.13% and whole-cortex ICC of 0.58 for the raw T1w/T2w-ratio. Intensity normalisation with WhiteStripe, RAVEL, and Z-Score improved total whole-cortex CVs to 5.91%, 5.68%, and 5.19% respectively, whereas Z-Score and Least Squares improved whole-cortex ICCs to 0.96 and 0.97 respectively. Conclusions In the presence of large intensity nonuniformities, bias field correction is necessary to achieve acceptable correspondence with known distributions of cortical myelin, but it can be detrimental in datasets with less intensity inhomogeneity. Intensity normalisation can improve test-retest reliability and inter-subject comparability. However, both bias field correction and intensity normalisation methods vary greatly in their efficacy and may affect the interpretation of results. The choice of T1w/T2w-ratio processing method must therefore be informed by both scanner and acquisition protocol as well as the given study objective. Our results highlight limitations of the T1w/T2w-ratio, but also suggest concrete ways to enhance its usefulness in future studies

    (A) Plot of NSA versus percent significant WM voxels averaged across all subjects (blue dots) and the corresponding curve fit (red line) and the 95% confidence interval for the regression (green lines). (B) Plot of NSA versus mean WM t-value per subject averaged across all subjects (blue dots) and the corresponding curve fit (red line) and the 95% confidence interval for the regression (green lines).

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    <p>(A) Plot of NSA versus percent significant WM voxels averaged across all subjects (blue dots) and the corresponding curve fit (red line) and the 95% confidence interval for the regression (green lines). (B) Plot of NSA versus mean WM t-value per subject averaged across all subjects (blue dots) and the corresponding curve fit (red line) and the 95% confidence interval for the regression (green lines).</p