26 research outputs found

    Xenotransplantasi Unsur Khinzir sebagai Medium Terapeutik Menurut Perspektif Islam dan Saintifik

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    Man and pig have an almost similar physiology. This similarity is found in the physiological systems that provides certain health benefits in particular as a therapeutic medium. The suitability of porcine-based tissues and cells for xenotransplantation at that point in time only involve heart valves, β cells, renal cells, hepatic cells and porcine insulin. Other parts are deemed unsuitable due to rejection by the human body and the inability to function normally. This article used the method of content analysis to look at the suitability of using porcine-based elements in certain situations as outlined in Islam. From this analysis, it is found that, while both man and pig have similar physiological systems, this does not mean that porcinebased elements are allowed to be used in normal circumstances in Islam unless its usage is governed by the principle of darurah. The use of porcine-based elements is only allowed in high risk situations which endanger the life of man if porcine-based elements are not used


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    Fatwa has the most important role to play in the development of society from time to time, and without exception Indonesia as a nation with the largest Muslim majority which requires the role of fatwa surely in order to dealt with or adapt to new issues. For instance, the recent fatwa issued by the Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) of Aceh on the prohibition of PUBG caused by an incident of terrorist attacks to the Muslim community in New Zealand. Therefore, the aims of this study is to analyse the fatwa issued by Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) of Aceg regarding the status haram of the PUBG based on the findins of Islamic principles, maslahah dan mafsadah. Particularly, the objectives of this research are as follows: 1). To explain the factors behind the Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) of Aceh in issuing a forbidden fatwa for the PUBG. 2). To describe the arguments or judgments that became the foundation of Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) of Aceh regarding their fatwa. 3). To analyse the haram fatwa against PUBG issued by Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) of Aceh through the concept of masalah and mafsadah

    Core proteome mediated therapeutic target mining and multi-epitope vaccine design for Helicobacter pylori

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    Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative spiral-shaped bacterium that infects half of the human population worldwide and causes chronic inflammation. In the present study, we used the art of computational biology for therapeutic drug targets identification and a multi-epitope vaccine against multi-strains of H. pylori. For drug target identification, we used different tools and softwares to identify human non-homologous but pathogen essential proteins, with virulent properties and involved in unique metabolic pathways of H. pylori. For this purpose, the core proteome of 84 strains of H. pylori was retrieved from EDGAR 2.3 database. There were 59,808 proteins sequences in these strains. Duplicates and paralogous protein sequence removal was followed by human non-homologous protein miningPathogen essential and virulent proteins were subjected to pathway analysis Subcellular localization of the virulent proteins was predicted and druggability was also checked, leading to 30 druggable targets based on their similarity with the approved drug targets in Drugbank. For immunoinformatics analysis, we selected two outer membrane proteins (HPAKL86_RS06305 and HPSNT_RS00950) and subjected to determined immunogenic B and T-Cell epitopes. The B and T-Cell overlapped epitopes were selected to design 9 different vaccine constructs by using linkers and adjuvants. Least allergenic and most antigenic construct (C-8) was selected as a promiscuous vaccine to elicit host immune response. Cloning and in silico expression of the constructed vaccine (C-8) was done to produce a clone having the desired (gene) vaccine construct. In conclusion, the prioritized therapeutic targets for 84 strains of H.pylori will be useful for future therapy design. Vaccine design may also prove useful in the quest for targeting multi-strains of H. pylori in patients


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    Background and Purpose: Several classical scholars who contributed to developing the theory of the maqāṣid al-sharīʿah are overlooked in the contemporary studies of maqāṣid. Most ‎contemporary studies focused on al-Juwaynī, al-Ghazālī and al-Shāṭibī. However, studying a theory requires investigating all the classical works that pioneered the theory without discrimination. This could provide new insights for the study of maqāṣid. This paper addresses this oversight by reviewing the works of early maqāṣid scholars, how much attention contemporary studies have paid to those scholars’ contribution, and suggests directions for future research.   Methodology: This study used the qualitative content analysis technique to identify the scholars who contributed to the theory of maqāṣid al-sharīʿah via a thorough reading of the history of the maqāṣid al-sharīʿah as found in contemporary literature. To trace the available studies conducted on the classical scholars and gaps in the literature, the researchers examined the catalogues, indexes, and lists collected. This study encompassed scholars who lived between the 2nd and 13th centuries when the philosophy of the maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah evolved.    Findings: The theorisation of maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah was initiated by al-ʿĀmirī‎, formalised by al-Juwaynī followed by al-Ghazālī and crystallised by al-Shāṭibī‎. Moreover, several other scholars contributed to the development of the theory even though they did not document their works as books. Nonetheless, most contemporary studies are confined to studying the works of the famous three scholars mentioned earlier.      Contributions: It is expected that the research gap identified in this paper pertaining to studying the works of classical maqāṣid scholars may ‎serve as a springboard for future studies in this field. Most importantly, investigating the works of Imām Abū Ḥanīfah, al-Rāghib al-Aṣfahānī, Abū Zayd al-Balakhī, Abū Bakr al-Jaṣṣāṣ, Abul Ḥasan‎ Al-ʿĀmirī‎, al-Qāḍī ʿAbdul Jabbār al-Hamadhānī, Abū ‘Abdullāh Muḥammad ʿAbdur Raḥmān al-Bukhārī, Ibn Khaldūn‎ and al-Shawkānī may offer fresh perspectives on the understanding of maqāṣid al-sharīʿah.    Keywords: Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah, classical scholars, contemporary studies, Islamic jurisprudence, research gap.   Cite as: Monawer, A. T. M., Rahman, N. N. A., & Abdullah, M. F. (2023). The contributions of classical ‎scholars to the theory of maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(2), 242-265. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss2pp242-26

    Praktis metodologi penetapan fatwa oleh Jawatankuasa Syar'iyyah Negeri Perlis (JSNP): Kajian berasakan fatwa-fatwa tahun 1990-2000

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    Jawatankuasa Syar'iyyah Negeri Perlis (JSNP) merupakan satu badan yang telah diberikan kuasa oleh Undang-Undang Pentadbiran Agama lslam Negeri Perlis 1964 sebagai penasihat kepada Majlis Agama lslam dun Adat lstiadat Melayu Perlis (MAIPs) dalam perkara berkaitan fatwa.Sebagai badan berautoriti fatwa negeri, JSNP telahpun membuat satu panduan terhadap metodologi penetapan fatwa yang perlu diikuti sebelum sesuatu fatwa diputuskan.Metodologi tersebut melibatkan dua perkara besar iaitu rujukan sumber hukum dun status pandangan mazhab.Metodologi yang diterapkan oleh JSNP adalah berbeza dengan Jawatankuasa Fatwa di negeri-negeri lain.Oleh itu satu kajian perlu dilakukan bagi melihat Secara lebih dekat praktis metodologi penetapan fatwa ini melalui pendekatan content analysis terhadap fatwa-fatwa JSNP daripada tahun 1990 sehingga 2000.Pendekatan analisis kandungan merupakan cara yang terbaik bagi menguji praktis yang diamalkan oleh JSNP di dalam memutuskan sesuatu fatwa.Hasil daripada pengujian tersebut telah menjelaskan secara tepat status pengamalan yang berlaku terhadap metodologi penetapan fatwa JSNP yang berbeza dengan badan-badan berautoriti fatwa di negerinegeri yang lain. Perkara ini perlu bagi membuka luaskan skop fatwa sebagai jawapan kepada permasalahan semasa masyarakat lslam yang berbeza mengikut masa, keadaan dun tempat berteraskan sumber-sumber yang sah di sisi syarak

    Sejarah penginstitusian fatwa di negeri Perlis: Pentadbiran dan metodologi penetapan

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    Di negeri Perlis, fatwa berada pada kedudukan yang sangat signifikan sejak dahulu sehingga kini.Ini kerana masyarakat Islam telah meletakkan medium fatwa sebagai rujukan yang berautoriti di dalam menjawab sebarang isu berkaitan hukum syarak.Sejarah fatwa dan kewujudan institusinya di negeri Perlis bermula sebelum daripada kewujudan Perlis sebagai sebuah negeri yang rasmi.Setelah itu, kedudukan fatwa dan institusi berkaitan melalui peringkat-peringkat penambahbaikan dan transformasi di dalam pelbagai aspek melibatkan aspek pentadbiran dan pengurusan, begitu juga dengan aspek metodologi penetapan fatwa.Kedua-dua perkara ini adalah sangat perlu diteliti dari sudut sejarah dan perkembangan serta perubahannya bagi menjelaskan secara tepat kedudukan fatwa dan institusinya di negeri Perlis.Ini kerana negeri Perlis merupakan satu-satunya negeri di Malaysia yang mempunyai perbezaan ketara melibatkan perkara-perkara tersebut.Oleh itu, artikel ini akan cuba mengetengahkan fakta-fakta sejarah melibatkan bahan temubual dengan pihak yang berautoriti dan juga bahan berbentuk dokumen. Hasil daripada data-data yang terkumpul tersebut boleh menjadi fakta berautori berkenaan sejarah fatwa dan institusinya di negeri Perlis secara menyeluruh

    Muslim’s trust property issues in Malaysia: A preliminary study / Luqman Abdullah ... [et al.]

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    Wealth or property is an essential part of Muslim life whether it is related to religious affairs or life preservation. Therefore, the trust property management aspect should be emphasized in preserving the benefits of society, especially Muslims. For this reason, this study will review the management of Muslim property trusts in Malaysia and issues related to it. This study was conducted based on a qualitative approach in identifying issues that arose in the management of property trusts. The findings show that there are some issues especially in the management of zakat, waqf, bequeathal and inheritance have become polemic and debate in Malaysia. These issues need to be assessed and resolved from the perspective of Islamic law

    Urgent Development on Contemporary Medical Fiqh in Malaysia

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    The contemporary scientific and technology development give impacts on the development of Islamic law. The dynamic of fiqh in handling issues especially on medicine become a momentum of the synergy of the two diciplines, science and the Islamic jurisprudence of medicine. Many medical issuess are yet to require legal completions that are contemporary ijtihad based on perubatan discipline. On the other hand, ijtihad not only as exclusively unilateral, moreover inclusive multilateral approach (ijtihad jama’i) is needed on handling fiqh issues. It is because expert opinions also important in describing about those issuess. Without those opinions, Islamic law scholar could not give appropriate legal decision. However, this study will explore about the importance of development of Fiqh of Medicine based on contemporary ijtihad. These studies will explain some contemporary Medicine issuees, which is proof the requirement of contemporary ijtihad. For example on the issues of reproduktif organ donation. Some ijtihad instruments which are compatible will be aplicated based on the issuess. Research findings about perubatan issuess gave fact that there were not exact explanations on al-Qur’an and al-Sunnah also did not directly examined on fiqh book in the past. This condition cause contemporary ijtihad on those studies as an important study to give law answer about perubatan issues appear. Generally speaking, the current studies require the sinergized between the dynamic of Islamic law and the advance of science and technology


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    ABSTRACTMemorization is one of the mental functions generated by neuronal activities of the human central nervous system. Memorization activity involves the learning process after receiving external stimulation, such as information about something new, followed by the formation of memory, and its retention in the brain. This memory can then be accessed to be used, such as to recite al-Quran verses without visual or auditory aid. Through observation of performance or behavior of concerned individuals, it is found that external factors, like reinforcements in the form of reward (either positive reward or negative reward) and/or punishment are expected to have effects on efficiency of memory. This article discussed the changes to a specific behavior after being reinforced through targhib, tsawab, tarhib and ‘uqubah approaches, as stated in the Islamic perspective and also practiced in the sample school, which is a religious secondary school in Terengganu. Discussed results from the study are the implementation of the common reinforcement practice involving reward (either positive reward or negative reward) and/or punishment in al-Quran memorization process in the school. The qualitative research method employed involved structured interviews as the main data source. A total of six (6) teachers and ten (10) students in lower secondary level were interviewed. It was discovered that activities that were commonly practiced as reinforcement to improve al-Quran memorization performance by students in the school included all positive reward, negative reward and punishment provision. Good practices and effective approaches based on reinforcement concept and/or punishment in the learning process as identified in this study are shared with education practioners for general improvement of the education system in Malaysia.Keyword: Reinforcement; Memorization; Punishment; Positive Reward; Negative Rewar