186 research outputs found

    Ahmadi Women Resisting Fundamentalist Persecution

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    Since the start of the Reforamsi era and the fall of the New Order Regime led by President Soeharto in 1998, there have been numerous incidents of violence against the Ahmadiyya in Indonesia stemming from different interpretations of the Qur’an, which has led to cases of murder and the destruction of mosques. These incidents, and others like them, suggest the importance of understanding the context of such discrimination against the Ahmadi and in particular Ahmadi women to establish a peaceful and more equitable Indonesia. This dissertation focuses on Ahmadi women’s experiences in dealing with conflict and the ways they organize themselves to resist against conflict for the betterment of their lives in the face of social and institutional discrimination

    Srikandi Lintas Iman: Religiosity in Diversity

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    This article explores the religiosity of Muslim women joining Srikandi Lintas Iman, a women interfaith community in Yogyakarta. Using Glock and Stark’s theory on religiosity from the sociological perspective and Tiliouine & Belgoumidi’s domains of religiosity, the research questions are how the religiosity of Muslim women in SRILI, and how their activities in interfaith dialogue contribute to their religiosity dimensions as an individual. Data was gathered through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. This paper finds out that Muslim women joining an interfaith community can improve their religiosity in several ways. Activities and programs of SRILI contribute to its member religiosity both directly and indirectly


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    Abstract: In a family, apart from being a wife, women also work as housewives who educate children and are devoted to their husbands. Many things are considered to create a prosperous family so that life is more comfortable and also various motivations for working, one of which is to ease the burden on households with a high number of dependents, want to earn their own money, seek experience, and want to transfer their knowledge to others. This study aims to find out whether working women's welfare has increased or there are many problems behind it. As for this research, it can be seen from working women in terms of age, work done by women, and family welfare conditions. This study uses an approach approach with the interview method to 4 informants who can provide correct and clear information related to the research being conducted. The research findings show that women in the Nologaten market who are over 40 years old are self-willed, self-employed and want to have their own money. Even though their children are well off and have enough jobs, the mothers who work in the Nologaten market still want to work alone because they are used to it, and they also have the help of their husbands. There are various kinds of work at that place, such as selling spices, vegetables, and also selling chicken. This research was conducted at Nologaten Caturtunggal Market, Depok District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta.Keywords: Women; Welfare; Family. Abstrak: Dalam sebuah keluarga perempuan selain berperan sebagai istri juga berfungsi sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang mendidik anak dan berbakti kepada suami. Banyak hal yang dipertimbangkan untuk menciptakan keluarga yang sejahtera agar hidup lebih nyaman Berbagai motivasi perempuan ingin bekerja yaitu untuk meringankan beban rumah tangga dengan jumlah tanggungan cukup tinggi, ingin mencari uang sendiri, mencari pengalaman, dan ingin mentransfer ilmunya kepada orang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perempuan bekerja apakah kesejahteraan keluarganya meningkat atau banyak permasalahan dibaliknya. Adapun penelitian ini dapat dilihat perempuan bekerja dari segi umur, pekerjaan yang dilakukan perempuan, dan kondisi kesejahteraan keluarga. Dalam penelitian ini merupakan suatu pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode wawancara kepada 4 informan yang bisa memberikan tanggapan atau infomasi dengan benar dan jelas yang terkait dengan penelitian yang ingin dilakukan. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perempuan yang bekerja di pasar Nologaten yang berusia di atas 40 tahun adalah kemauan diri sendiri, kesenangan sendiri dan ingin mempunyai uang sendiri. Walaupun anak-anaknya sudah berkecukupan dan mempunyai pekerjaan yang cukup namun ibu-ibu yang bekerja di pasar Nologaten tetap ingin bekerja sendiri dikarenakan sudah terbiasa berdagang. Berbagai macam kerjaannya ditempat tersebut seperti menjual rempah-rempah, sayur-sayuran dan juga menjual ayam. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pasar Nologaten Caturtunggal, Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.Kata Kunci: Perempuan; Kesejahteraan; Keluarga

    Analisis Perilaku Belanja Online Warga Muhammadiyah Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fakitor-faktor yang mempeingaruhi warga Muhammadiyah dalaim belanja onliine pada maisa pandemi Covid-19. Pada penelitian ini di analisis 100 kuesioner yang disebar secara online. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah nonprobability sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  kepercayaan, kenyamanan, kemudahan, keamanan, kualitas produk, dan harga secara simultan (bersama-sama) berpengaruh terhadap perilaku belanja atau berarti siginifikan. Besarnya pengaruh secara simultan adalah  0,537 atau 53,7 %. Sedangkan sisanya (100% - 53,7% = 46,3%) dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar persamaan regresi ini atau variabel yang tidak diteliti. Beberapa variabel yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara parsial adalah kemudahan memiliiki pengaruh siginifikan secara parsial terhaidap variabiel perilaku belanja online sebesar 0,455 atau 45,5 %, keamanan memiiliki pengaruh signiifikan secara parsial terhadap variiabel perilaku belanja online sebesar 0,300 atau 30 %, kualiitas produk  memiliki penigaruh signifikan secara parsiial terhadap variabel perilaku belanja online sebesar  0,488 atau 48,8 %. Beberapa variabel yang tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap perilaku belanja online adalah kepercayaan, kenyamanan dan harga

    Social Ethics in Inter-Religious Interaction

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    It seems impossible to think of religion’s contribution to the development of social ethics when religion is practiced in a space and time where it is in its ostensibly exclusive form. In the last few years, the Indonesian space has been letting out an ambiance of presenting a closed understanding of religious guidance to followers who adhere to it with minimum wiggle space for the “goodness” of God’s guidance to embrace the people out there. Generosity to contribute a part of religious tradition to another group, on the one hand, is held back by the spirit of differentness and history of enmity, while on the other, the willingness to acquire from the neighbouring treasure-trove is obstructed by the concern of tainting the “holy” teaching of religion itself. In addition to that, how shared living spaces which overlaps in various issues with an individual and/ or religious followers living spaces is established so that all the people in a diverse society as Indonesia can live life freely, safely, and peacefully, as well as advance their self-potential without fear or prejudice from other members. Notions of this matter can be obtained from religious sources, although this is achieved sometimes by developing a certain exegesis of religious principles, that is through the creation of a wholly new exegesis or acquiring a dated source aged by history. Aside from technical knowledge in reading of religious text, this effort takes courage. The writings provided to the reader of this book, although collected under the title “Social Ethics in Inter Religious Interaction”, consist of nine articles which could be further specified into three categories: five writings regarding religious theme of particular traditions, three writings referring to social theme which take on thoughts from religious traditions, and one writing discussing public space where religion plays a role as a quite determining factor


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    Religious education which is taught in schools has a significant role in forming religious exclusivism and inclusivism, especially in Indonesia. It influences student’s views on others. It also depends on the way those religion educations taught. There is also a need to have more efforts to bring the idea of interfaith dialogue into educational system including in higher educational level. There are some educational institutions which already involved in inter-faith dialogue in their curriculum such as the CRCS (Center for Religious and Cross Cultural Studies) and the ICRS (Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies) at Gadjah Mada University. However, the number of primary educational institutions which involves interfaith dialogue is still limited. This work suggests that, for today’s situation in Indonesian multicultural society, a need for reforming religion education curriculum in primary education is emerging. To make interfaith dialogue real in schools, the Ministry of Education in collaboration with Ministry of Religious Affairs is in a front line to arrange a new curriculum on religious education to be more pluralistic and affirm religious diversity in Indonesia including multi-religious education or inter religious education. Key words: religious, multicultural, education, interfaith

    The Use of Local Context Learning Material in Integrated Teaching and Learning Instruction at Junior Secondary School (JSS): A Case Study in Pekanbaru District, Riau Province, Indonesia

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    Teaching material plays an important role in teaching and learning instruction. Local context learning material experiences students to grasp and understand their potential culture and social as well as their local natural resources. However, not many teachers particularly Junior Secondary School (JSS) teachers use the local context learning material for their subject of study. Therefore, it is useful to use the natural local context material for integrated teaching and learning instruction for certain subject of study. This study aims to develop an integrated teaching and learning instruction model with a combination of five teaching subjects (Science, Indonesian Language, Social Science, Art Culture, and Craft) in JSS using local context as a theme of subject learning material. Need analysis is based on the results of the questionnaire, FGD, and interview to get the data before setting up a model, then tried out with JSS teachers. This model has proved and changed the method and technique of instructional learning which affects the improvement of students competence and understanding their environment

    Kajian Kapasitas Masyarakat Dalam Upaya Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Banjir Berbasis Komunitas Di Desa Tangguh Bencana Kecamatan Mojolaban

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    Flood disaster in sub-district Mojolaban is a flood disaster with an average height of 2.5 meters and caused a lot of casualties. Secondary data from BPBD Sukoharjo District stated that at least 300-950 households per village per flood incident. Many of the victims of this flood caused the village that experienced flood disaster was designated as “Tangguh Bencana Village” by BPBD Sukoharjo Regency. Tangguh Village Disaster in Sub-district Mojolaban includes: Tegalmade, Laban, and Gadingan Villages. The aforementioned determination is aimed to enable the community to handle the flood disaster independently. This study aims to determine the value of flood disaster risk; and to assess community capacity in community-based disaster risk reduction efforts. Technique of data collecting done in primary and secondary. Primary data using questionnaires about the capacity of the community in the face of flood disaster whereas, secondary data includes data on the height of flood disaster, population monograph data, and maps RBI Central Java and Yogyakarta. Data processing methods used are scaling and scoring methods, and the approach method used is the ecology approach method. The results showed that Tegalmade Village has low flood disaster risk, flood disaster in Laban village, and Gadingan Village high flood disaster risk category. The results of the study show that to reduce the risk of flood disaster by increasing the capacity of the community. This method can be done by conducting flood prevention training


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi pembelajaran pendidikan anak usia dini dimasa pandemi COVID-19 di TK Pertiwi 2 Rajabasa Lama. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan menggambarkan secara objektif keadaan ditempat penelitian dengan menggunakan kata-kata atau kalimat. Alat pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Metode wawancara untuk mengetahui sejauh mana guru dalam meningkatkan perkembangan bahasa anak, metode observasi sebagai metode pengamatan atau metode pokok, sedangkan metode dokumentasi sebagai penunjang dalam penelitian. Data analisis dilakukan secara reduksi data, display data, dan verifikasi atau penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran pendidikan anak usia dini di masa pandemi COVID-19 di TK Pertiwi 2 Rajabasa Lama untuk menambah pengetahuan mengenai strategi pembelajaran anak usia dini dimasa pandemi COVID-19 di TK Pertiwi 2 Rajabasa Lama dan dapat dijadikan informasi yang berguna untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan belajar mengajar yaitu dengan merancang tujuan, bahan, metode, alat, serta evaluasi untuk mencapai tujuan dalam belajar. hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil survey peneliti bahwa guru telah semaksimal mungkin dalam meningkatkan mutu strategi pembelajaran pendidikan anak usia dini, sehingga perkembangan guru di TK Pertiwi 2 Rajabasa Lama telah menunjukkan hasil yang optimal dengan baik (80%)

    Analisis Pemetaan Tingkat Kriminalitas di Kabupaten Karawang menggunakan Algoritma K-Means

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    Kriminalitas merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi di masyarakat yang perlu diperhatikan karena merugikan dan menimbulkan dampak negatif kepada masyarakat. Dilansir dari jabar.tribunews.com Kabupaten Karawang menjadi ranking pertama tingkat kriminalitas tertinggi di Jawa Barat pada awal masa pandemi. Ini menjadi PR pemerintah dan Polres Karawang khususnya untuk dapat menangani dan mengupayakan penanggulangan kriminalitas di Karawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode clustering dengan algoritma k-means dan dilakukan pemetaan daerah rawan kriminalitas menggunakan QGIS. Hasil pengelompokan daerah rawan kriminalitas di Karawang pada 2019 didapatkan cluster tidak rawan sebanyak 23 kecamatan, cluster rawan sebanyak 3 kecamatan dan cluster sangat banyak sebanyak 4 kecamatan. Sedangkan pada 2020 didapatkan cluster tidak rawan sebanyak 22 kecamatan, cluster rawan sebanyak 4 kecamatan, dan cluster sangat rawan sebanyak 4 kecamatan. Hasil evaluasi clustering menggunakan silhouette coefficient pada tahun 2019 yaitu sebesar 0,52 dan 0,54 pada tahun 2020, keduanya masuk dalam kategori medium strucutre dengan interpretasi penempatan klaster yang waja