56 research outputs found

    Betül İpşirli Argıt, Rabia Gülnûş Emetullah Sultan: 1640-1715

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    Fracture statistics of dental ceramics: Discrimination of strength distributions

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    The Weibull distribution is the most widely used function in the reliability analysis and structural design of dental ceramics; however, it is still unclear whether Weibull distribution is always the most suitable one. With wide applications of dental ceramics, a special attention has been paid in discriminating their strength distributions. In this paper, three versatile functions, involving normal, log-normal and Weibull distributions, are applied to the analysis of ten strength data sets of dental ceramics with different compositions and the results are compared in terms of the Akaike information criterion and the Anderson-Darling test. It reveals that various microstructures and compositions in the investigated dental ceramics cause their strength distributions deviated from the Weibull distribution. The influence of microstructure induced fracture properties (multiple-modal flaw size distribution, R-curve behavior and subcritical crack growth) on strength distributions is discussed

    Influence of Surface Treatment on Strength Distribution of Vita VMK 68 Dental Porcelains

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    Weibull distribution function is the most commonly used statistical model for the investigation of mechanical properties of dental ceramics and design process with dental ceramics. However, it is still unclear whether the Weibull distribution function is the most appropriate function for fitting the strength data of dental ceramics with different surface treatments. In this paper, three-point bending test results of feldspathic body porcelain (Vita VMK 68) specimens with four different surface treatments are analysed. According to goodness-of-fit tests (Anderson-Darling test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and Akaike information criterion), it is shown that the type of surface treatment has an important influence on deviation of strength distribution from perfect Weibull statistics. It is concluded that estimation of the most suitable statistical model for Vita VMK 68 is not only a material-dependent but also a process-dependent (machining of the specimens) procedure

    An Evaluation on the Madrasa Careers of the Muderris from the Ulemâ Family in the Hagia Sophia Madrasa in the XIXth Century

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    Osmanlı Devleti’nde tüm müderris adayları bir sistem dahilinde mesleğe giriş yapıyor ve medrese kariyerlerine belirli hiyerarşi ile devam ediyordu. Bununla birlikte ulemâ ailesinden gelen isimlerin kendilerine tanınan imtiyazlarla meslektaşlarına göre daha kısa sürede kariyer basamaklarında ilerleyebildiği görülüyordu. XV. yüzyılın ortalarından itibaren bazı ulemâ ailelerine verilen sözkonusu ayrıcalıklar zamanla diğer ulemâ ailelerine de sunulmuş; fakat bu uygulama, suistimallerle farklı noktalara taşınmış ve ilmiyedeki bozulmaların önemli sebeplerinden biri olmuştur. Bu durum, uygulamanın devam ettiği dönemde çeşitli eserlerde eleştirildiği gibi Osmanlı dönemi sonrasında da muhtelif açılardan değerlendirilmiştir. Ancak konuyla ilgili ilk çalışmalarda ağırlıklı olarak Osmanlı erken dönemindeki örneklere odaklanılarak neticede ulemâ ailesine mensup isimlerin ilmiye sınıfında aristokratik yapı oluşturduğu ve ilmiyede bir tekel bulunduğu kanaati ağırlık kazanmıştır. Özellikle XIX. yüzyılın farklı zaman dilimlerindeki ulemâları merkeze alan güncel çalışmalarda ise ilmiye sınıfının muhtelif aile tabanlarından gelen isimlere açık bir kariyer imkanı sunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada konuyla ilgili yapılan araştırmalardan farklı olarak imtiyaz meselesine bir medresenin müderrisleri üzerinden yaklaşılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı Ayasofya Medresesi’ne XIX. yüzyılda tayin edilen ulemâ ailesine mensup müderrislerin medrese kariyerlerinin takip edilerek kendileriyle aynı yüzyılda bu medreseye gelen diğer müderrislere göre medrese derecelerinde yükselmedeki imtiyaz durumlarının ortaya koyulmasıdır. Çalışmada temel veri kaynağı olarak Tarik Defterleri kullanılmıştır.In the Ottoman Empire, all muderris candidates entered the profession within a system and continued their madrasa careers with a certain hierarchy. However, it was observed that the names coming from the ulema family could advance up the career ladder in a shorter time than their colleagues with the privileges granted to them. These privileges, which had been granted to some ulemā families since the mid-15th century, were eventually extended to other ulemā families; however, this practice was carried to different points through abuses and became one of the important reasons for the deterioration of the scholarship. This situation was criticized in various works during the period when the practice continued, and it was also evaluated from various angles after the Ottoman period. However, the first studies on the subject mainly focused on the examples in the early Ottoman period, and as a result, the belief that the names belonging to the ulemā family formed an aristocratic structure in the ilmiye class and that there was a monopoly in the ilmiye gained weight. Recent studies focusing on ulemās from different time periods of the nineteenth century, on the other hand, have found that the ilmiye class offers an open career opportunity to names from various family backgrounds. In this study, unlike other studies on the subject, the issue of privilege is approached through the muderris of a madrasah. The aim of the study is to follow the madrasa careers of the muderris belonging to the ulemā family who were appointed to the Hagia Sophia Madrasa in the nineteenth century and to reveal the privileges of the other muderris who were appointed to this madrasa in the same century. The main source of data for this study is the Tarik Books

    Dynamic localization of a helper NLR at the plant-pathogen interface underpins pathogen recognition

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    Plants employ sensor-helper pairs of NLR immune receptors to recognize pathogen effectors and activate immune responses (1). Yet the subcellular localization of NLRs pre- and post-activation during pathogen infection remains poorly understood. Here we show that NRC4, from the ‘NRC’ solanaceous helper NLR family (1), undergoes dynamic changes in subcellular localization by shuttling to and from the plant-pathogen haustorium interface established during infection by the Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Specifically, prior to activation, NRC4 accumulates at the extra-haustorial membrane (EHM), presumably to mediate response to perihaustorial effectors, that are recognized by NRC4- dependent sensor NLRs. However not all NLRs accumulate at the EHM, as the closely related helper NRC2, and the distantly related ZAR1, did not accumulate at the EHM. NRC4 required an intact N-terminal coiled coil domain to accumulate at the EHM, whereas the functionally conserved MADA motif implicated in cell death activation and membrane insertion was dispensable for this process. Strikingly, a constitutively autoactive NRC4 mutant did not accumulate at the EHM and showed punctate distribution that mainly associated with the plasma membrane, suggesting that post-activation, NRC4 may undergo a conformation switch to form clusters that do not preferentially associate with the EHM. When NRC4 is activated by a sensor NLR during infection however, NRC4 forms puncta mainly at the EHM and to a lesser extent at the plasma membrane. We conclude that following activation at the EHM, NRC4 may spread to other cellular membranes from its primary site of activation to trigger immune responses

    The mechanical strength of a ceramic porous hollow fiber

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    The mechanical strength of inorganic porous hollow fibers is a critical constraint that limits their wide scale application. Various methods, including 3-point bending, 4-point bending, and diametrical compression are used for the quantification of the mechanical strength. Here, we show that these methods cannot be used in an interchangeable manner. For large sets of alumina hollow fibers, the parameters describing the cumulative probability of failure functions depend on the type of measurement, i.e., 3 or 4-point, the span size, and the measurement geometry. This implies that reporting data on mechanical properties of inorganic hollow fibers requires that extensive information about the experimental details is provided, and that a direct quantitative comparison between datasets is unjustifiable. The mechanical strength of the alumina hollow fibers tends to follow a normal distribution, or log-normal distribution, instead of the often used Weibull distribution. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that, especially at small sample set sizes, it is difficult to accurately determine the shape of the probability distribution. However, detailed knowledge of the type and the shape of this distribution function is essential when mechanical strength values are to be used in further design

    Digital Tunnel Twin Using Procedurally Made 3D Models

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    A digital twin is a dynamic information model that provides real-time monitoring and controlling functionalities by connecting the physical and virtual environments. This thesis focuses on the road tunnel use case for the digital twins and aims to create a tunnel twin framework for a given tunnel. Extending a previous work that creates procedural 3D models of the Norwegian road tunnels from the NVDB public database, this thesis builds connections to link the static models with the related information. The developed application connects to NVDB and an emulation server that creates sensor data in the absence of the actual and parses them to the usable format in a database for the virtual twin to use. The virtual twin utilizes this information to reflect the real-time changes in the physical environment. The digital twin framework is observed to generate twins for the given tunnel, create solid connections to the given sources, and the virtual twin component can reflect the changes. However, the developed application was working slower than expected, and optimization in database utilization is undoubtedly needed


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    Tezin konusu AİLE KONUTU dur. Tez giriş ve sonuç bölümleri dışında üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde; aile konutu kavramı, aile konutunun önemi ve düzenlenme amacı ele alınarak, Türk hukukundaki özellikleri vurgulanmak istenmiştir. İkinci bölümde, aile konutunun ne olduğu belirtildikten sonra, bu konut üzerinde üstün hak sahibi olan eşin, bu hak sahipliğinin niteliğini ve söz konusu haklarını kullanırken hangi hukuki işlemlerin TMK. m. 194 kapsamında, diğer eşin rızasını gerektireceği hususu açıklanmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde, TMK. m. 194 gereği zorunlu olan diğer eşin rızasının hukuki niteliği, rıza vermemenin sonuçları ve rıza vermekten kaçınma halinde, hak sahibi eşin TMK. m. 194/II gereği mahkemeden tek başına yetki talebi ile son bölümde TMK. m. 194/III ile getirilen aile konutu şerhinin hukuki niteliği incelenmiştir