6 research outputs found

    Resources for Self-Learning: An Analysis from the Learning Ecologies of Educational Counsellors

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    Este artículo se ha elaborado en el marco de los proyectos de investigación titulados: «Cómo aprenden los mejores docentes universitarios en la era digital: Impacto de las ecologías de apren-dizaje en la calidad de la docencia» (Referencia EDU2015-67907-R) y «Ecologías de aprendi-zaje en la era digital: nuevas oportunidades para la formación del profesorado de educación secundaria» (Referencia RTI2018-095690-B-I00), parcialmente financiados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, y el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España[Resumen] Las ecologías de aprendizaje sitúan al individuo como aprendiz activo que autorregula su adquisición de nuevos conocimientos mediante el uso de recursos variados. Este estudio investiga los procesos de autoaprendizaje que desarrollan los orientadores y las orienta-doras a partir del análisis del tipo y la frecuencia de uso de determinados recursos, en su mayoría tecnológicos. Para ello se empleó una metodología de investigación cuantitativa, exploratoria y descriptiva, con diseño ex post facto y transversal, aplicando un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc a 101 orientadores y orientadoras de A Coruña. Los resultados mostraron un uso superior de herramientas de acceso, búsqueda y gestión de la información, frente a las de creación y edición de contenido, y de interacción y comunicación. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función del sexo ni de los años de experien-cia. Se encontró una tendencia significativamente creciente de uso entre el profesorado más joven y un empleo también superior en profesionales con mayor formación. En definitiva, se observa un creciente interés por la incorporación y la actualización de cono-cimiento sobre los recursos que la sociedad digital pone a disposición de los orientadores y las orientadoras, sobre todo entre las personas más jóvenes, entendiendo la importancia de la formación permanente y autorregulada en el marco de las ecologías de aprendizaje[Resum] Les ecologies d’aprenentatge situen l’individu com un aprenent actiu, que autoregula l’ad-quisició de coneixements nous mitjançant l’ús de recursos variats. Aquest estudi investiga els processos d’autoaprenentatge que desenvolupen els orientadors i les orientadores a par-tir de l’anàlisi del tipus i la freqüència d’ús de determinats recursos, majoritàriament tecno-lògics. Per treballar-hi es va utilitzar una metodologia de recerca quantitativa, exploratòria i descriptiva, amb un disseny ex post facto i transversal, aplicant un qüestionari dissenyat ad hoc a 101 orientadors i orientadores de la Corunya. Els resultats van mostrar un ús supe rior de recursos d’accés, cerca i gestió d’informació davant de creació i edició de contingut i d’interacció i comunicació. No hi va haver diferències estadísticament significatives en funció del sexe ni dels anys d’experiència. Es va trobar una tendència significativament creixent d’ús entre el professorat més jove i una ocupació també superior en professionals amb més formació. En definitiva, s’observa un interès creixent per la incorporació i l’ac-tualització de coneixement sobre els recursos que la societat digital posa a disposició de les persones orientadores, sobretot entre les més joves, entenent la importància de la formació permanent i autoregulada en el marc de les ecologies d’aprenentatge[Abstract] Learning ecologies position the individual as an active learner who self-regulates her own learning using varied resources. This study investigates the self-learning processes that edu-cational counsellors develop, through an analysis of the type and frequency of use of certain resources, mostly technological. For this, a quantitative, exploratory and descriptive research methodology was used, with an ex post facto and cross-sectional design, applying a bespoke questionnaire with five blocks of content to n = 101 educational counsellors in A Coruña, Spain. The results showed a higher use of resources for accessing, searching and managing information, as opposed to those for creating and editing content, and for interaction and communication. No statistically significant differences were found according to sex or years of experience. A significantly increasing trend of use was found among younger teachers, and higher use was also found in professionals with more training. In short, the study found a growing interest in incorporating and updating knowledge of the resources that the digi-tal society makes available to educational counsellors, especially among younger groups; and an understanding of the importance of on-going and self-regulated training within the framework of learning ecologie

    Radiocarbon dating of human burials from Raqefet Cave and contemporaneous Natufian traditions at Mount Carmel

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    International audienceThe Natufian culture (c. 15–11.5 ka cal BP) marks a pivotal step in the transition from hunting and gathering to sedentism and farming in the Near East. Although conventionally divided into Early and Late phases, this internal chronology lacks support from reliable absolute dates. This is now addressed by new AMS dating from two neighbouring Natufian sites at Mount Carmel in Israel: Raqefet Cave, conventionally assigned to the Late phase of the Natufian; and el- Wad Terrace, spanning the entire Natufian sequence. Results indicate that these two sites were in fact contemporaneous at some point, but with distinct lunate assemblages. Distinguishing between Natufian phases is, therefore, more complex than previously thought; the social implications of diverse but co-existing cultural manifestations must be considered in any future reconstruction of the Natufian

    Carriers involved in targeting the cytostatic bile acid-cisplatin derivatives cis-diammine-chloro-cholylglycinate-platinum(II) and cis-diammine-bisursodeoxycholate-platinum(II) toward liver cells

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    Molecular bases for targeting bile acid-cisplatin derivatives Bamet-R2 [cis-diammine-chloro-cholylglycinate-platinum(II)] and Bamet-UD2 [cis-diammine-bisursodeoxycholate-platinum(II)] toward liver cells were investigated. Carriers for bile acids [human Na(+)-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP)], organic anions [organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP)], and organic cations [organic cation transporter (OCT)] were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes (XO) and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Drug uptake was measured by flameless atomic absorption of platinum. Rat Oatp1- or rat Ntcp-transfected CHO cells were able to take up Bamets, but not cisplatin, severalfold more efficiently than wild-type cells. This uptake was enhanced by butyrate-induced expression of both carriers. Uptake of both Bamets by Ntcp-transfected CHO cells was stimulated by extracellular sodium. The amount of Bamets, but not cisplatin, taken up by XO was enhanced when expressing OATP-A, OATP-C, NTCP, OCT1, or OCT2, a nonhepatic OCT isoform used for comparative purposes. Bamet uptake by XO was inhibited by known substrates of these carriers (glycocholate for NTCP and OATP-C, ouabain for OATP-A, and quinine for OCT1 and OCT2). Drug uptake versus substrate concentration revealed saturation kinetics (K(m) was in the 8-58 microM range), with the following order of efficiency of transport (V(max)/K(m)) for Bamet-R2: OATP-C < OCT2 < OATP-A < NTCP < OCT1; and the following order of efficiency of transport for Bamet-UD2: OATP-C < OCT2 < OATP-A < OCT1 < NTCP. Increasing the generation of cationic forms of Bamets by incubation in the absence of chloride increased drug uptake by OATP-A, OCT1, and OCT2 but reduced that achieved by NTCP and OATP-C. These results suggest a role for carriers of organic anions and cations in Bamet-R2 and Bamet-UD2 uptake, which may determine their ability to accumulate in liver tumor cells and/or be taken up and efficiently excreted by hepatocytes

    Earliest floral grave lining from 13,700–11,700-y-old Natufian burials at Raqefet Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel

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    International audienceFlowering plants possess mechanisms that stimulate positive emotional and social responses in humans. It is difficult to establish when people started to use flowers in public and ceremonial events because of the scarcity of relevant evidence in the archaeological record. We report on uniquely preserved 13,700–11,700-y-old grave linings made of flowers, suggesting that such use began much earlier than previously thought. The only potentially older instance is the questionable use of flowers in the Shanidar IV Neanderthal grave. The earliest cemeteries (ca. 15,000–11,500 y ago) in the Levant are known from Natufian sites in northern Israel, where dozens of burials reflect a wide range of inhumation practices. The newly discovered flower linings were found in four Natufian graves at the burial site of Raqefet Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel. Large identified plant impressions in the graves include stems of sage and other Lamiaceae (Labiatae; mint family) or Scrophulariaceae (figwort family) species; accompanied by a plethora of phytoliths, they provide the earliest direct evidence now known for such preparation and decoration of graves. Some of the plant species attest to spring burials with a strong emphasis on colorful and aromatic flowers. Cave floor chiseling to accommodate the desired grave location and depth is also evident at the site. Thus, grave preparation was a sophisticated planned process, embedded with social and spiritual meanings reflecting a complex preagricultural society undergoing profound changes at the end of the Pleistocene