26 research outputs found

    Estudio a corto plazo en artroplastia total de cadera no cementada con par de fricción cerámica-cerámica

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    Se revisan 38 prótesis con par de fricción cerámica-cerámica en 31 pacientes intervenidos durante los años 2000 a 2003. La edad media era de 47,3 años. La valoración clínica con la escala de Harris pasó de 53 puntos de media en el preoperatorio a 97 en el postoperatorio lo que permitió establecer un 76,3% de resultados excelentes y un 23,7 de buenos. No hemos podido constatar ninguna complicación asociada al par cerámica-cerámica. Los resultados iniciales con el par cerámica-cerámica son superponibles a otras pares de fricción, su utilización en implantes que han demostrado su eficacia con otros pares de fricción, la mejoría en la fabricación y la estricta observación de la técnica quirúrgica permite obviar el riesgo de fractura. Merced a su baja incidencia de desgaste y buen comportamiento biológico representa una alternativa real para su implantación en pacientes jóvenes o con una actividad elevada.From 2000 to 2003, 38 patients underwent ceramic on ceramic bearing total hip artrhoplasty. Mean age was 47.3 years. Clinical evaluation with the harris hip score increased from 53 points preoperatively to 97 postoperatively. There were no complications associated with ceramic on ceramic bearing.Initial results are similar to those found with others bearing surfaces. The use of ceramics in implants that have shown their effectiviness with others bearing surfaces, improvement in manufactured of the ceramics and a carefull surgery decreased the risk os fracture. Low incidence of wear debris and biological caracteristics makes ceramics a real alternative in young or high activity patients

    Complicaciones a corto plazo de la artroplastia total primaria de cadera

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    Objetivos: Se pretende analizar las principales complicaciones a corto plazo (seis semanas) tras la Artroplastia total primaria de cadera. ;aterial y métodos: Se revisaron todos los pacientes a los que se realizó artroplastia total de cadera durante el año 2003. Las variables estudiadas fueron el índice de luxaciones, sangrado, infección, fracturas periprotésicas, complicaciones vásculo-nerviosas y mortalidad. Resultados: Obtuvimos una tasa del 4,4% de luxaciones; 1,7% de trombosis venosa profunda con un 0,87% de embolismo pulmonar, 1,7% de infecciones superficiales sin casos de infección profunda. El 14,9% de los casos necesitaron una transfusión postquirúrgica. Intraoperatoriamente observamos apertura del cálcar en el 3,5%, y fracturas periprotésicas postoperatorias en el 0,87%. No registramos complicaciones neurológicas ni mortalidad en estas primeras seis semanas del estudio. Conclusiones: La complicación más frecuente es la luxación, fundamentalmente en los casos secundarios a fractura. La trombosis venosa profunda, a èsar de la profilaxis, continúa siendo una complicación frecuente.Objectives: Our purpose was to analyze the main early complications (six weeks) after primary total hip arthroplasty. Materials and Methods: All patients who had undergone primary total hip replacement during 2003 were reviewed. The studied outcomes were the rates of dislocation, blood loss, infection, periprosthetic fractures, neural and vascular complications, and mortality. Results: Our rates were 4,4% for hip dislocation, 1,7% for deep vein thrombosis with 0,87% for pulmonary embolism, 1,7% for wound infection without cases of deep infection. 14,9% of the patients needed postoperative transfusion. We reported 3,5% fractures of the calcar during surgery and 0,87% of postoperative periprosthetic fractures. We didn ́t reported any neural complications or mortality within six weeks postoperatively. Conclusions: The most frequent complication is dislocation, mainly in cases whose underlying diagnose was hip fracture. Although prophylaxis is done, deep vein thrombosis goes on being a frequent complication

    Long‑term results of the augmented PFNA: a prospective multicenter trial

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    Producción CientíficaPertrochanteric fractures are increasing and their operative treatment remains under discussion. Failures needing reoperations such as a cut-out are reported to be high and are associated with multiple factors including poor bone quality, poor fracture reduction and improper implant placement. The PFNA® with perforated blade offers an option for standardized cement augmentation with a PMMA cement to provide more stability to the fracture fixation. It remains unclear if the augmentation of this implant does any harm in a longer time span. This prospective multicenter study shows clinical and radiological results with this implant with a mean follow-up time of 15 months

    Acció dels andrògens en el testicle: un paper per a la meiosi

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    La funció que duen a terme els andrògens en l'espermatogènesi és, encara en certa mesura, enigmàtica: mentre que llur implicació és absolutament vital en la iniciació i en el manteniment del procés espermatogènic normal, la seva funció específica encara no està definida de manera precisa. Els andrògens, com les altres hormones esteroïdals, actuen a través del seu corresponent receptor anomenat receptor d'andrògens (AR). Fins avui, no hi ha gaire evidència que recolzi l'existència de diverses isoformes de l'AR com en el cas del sistema estrògensreceptor d'estrògens. Per tant, la pregunta de com els andrògens duen a terme la seva acció en l'espermatogènesi s'ha d'abordar definint dos processos: en primer lloc, s'han d'identifi- car amb total certesa els tipus cell. ulars testiculars capaços de respondre directament a l'estimulació androgènica. De manera específica, la qüestió per resoldre és quins són els tipus cellulars que expressen l'AR en el testicle. En segon lloc, sabent també que el complex del lligand unit a l'AR actua com a factor de transcripció, caldrà determinar quins són els gens que estaran activats o reprimits en les cèll. ules que tenen AR en resposta a l'estimulació androgènica. Fins que aquestes dues preguntes no estiguin contestades amb tota certesa, el mecanisme pel qual els andrògens regulen l'espermatogènesi serà, en el millor dels casos, especulatiu. En aquesta revisió presentem evidència que els andrògens actuen únicament a les cèll. ules somàtiques del testicle, com són les cèll. ules de Sertoli, les de Leydig, les mioides peritubulars i les cèll. ules del múscul llis que envolten els vasos sanguinis. A més a més, també discutim la possibilitat que els andrògens siguin indispensables per a l'inici de la meiosi, encara que continua essent desconegut el mecanisme pel qual els andrògens actuen en aquest procés.The role that androgens play in spermatogenesis still remains enigmatic: whereas their involvement is absolutely vital to the initiation and maintenance of the normal spermatogenic process, their specific role is yet to be defined. Androgens, like other steroid hormones, act via their corresponding receptor termed the androgen receptor (AR). To date, there is little evidence to support the notion that there are multiple forms of AR as is the case for the estrogen-estrogen receptor system. Thus, the question of how androgens manifest their action on spermatogenesis becomes one of defining two processes: First, the cell types within the testis that are capable of responding directly to androgen stimulation must be identified with absolute certainty. Specifically, this question can be stated as what cell types in the testis express AR. Second, given that the ligand-bound AR serves as a transcription factor, the question then becomes what are the genes turned on or off in AR positive cells in response to androgen stimulation? Until these two questions are unequivocally answered, the mechanism of how androgens regulate spermatogenesis will remain speculative at best. In this review we present evidence that androgens act solely at the level of the somatic cells of the testis, including Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, peritubular myoid cells and smooth muscle cells surrounding blood vessels. In addition, we discuss the likely possibility that androgens are indispensable for the onset of meiosis, albeit how they accomplish this remains a mystery

    SIRT3-mediated inhibition of FOS through histone H3 deacetylation prevents cardiac fibrosis and inflammation.

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    Sirtuin 3 (SIRT3) is a deacetylase that modulates proteins that control metabolism and protects against oxidative stress. Modulation of SIRT3 activity has been proposed as a promising therapeutic target for ameliorating metabolic diseases and associated cardiac disturbances. In this study, we investigated the role of SIRT3 in inflammation and fibrosis in the heart using male mice with constitutive and systemic deletion of SIRT3 and human cardiac AC16 cells. SIRT3 knockout mice showed cardiac fibrosis and inflammation that was characterized by augmented transcriptional activity of AP-1. Consistent with this, SIRT3 overexpression in human and neonatal rat cardiomyocytes partially prevented the inflammatory and profibrotic response induced by TNF-alpha. Notably, these effects were associated with a decrease in the mRNA and protein levels of FOS and the DNA-binding activity of AP-1. Finally, we demonstrated that SIRT3 inhibits FOS transcription through specific histone H3 lysine K27 deacetylation at its promoter. These findings highlight an important function of SIRT3 in mediating the often intricate profibrotic and proinflammatory responses of cardiac cells through the modulation of the FOS/AP-1 pathway. Since fibrosis and inflammation are crucial in the progression of cardiac hypertrophy, heart failure, and diabetic cardiomyopathy, our results point to SIRT3 as a potential target for treating these diseases

    The syndrome of central hypothyroidism and macroorchidism: IGSF1 controls TRHR and FSHB expression by differential modulation of pituitary TGFβ and Activin pathways

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    IGSF1 (Immunoglobulin Superfamily 1) gene defects cause central hypothyroidism and macroorchidism. However, the pathogenic mechanisms of the disease remain unclear. Based on a patient with a full deletion of IGSF1 clinically followed from neonate to adulthood, we investigated a common pituitary origin for hypothyroidism and macroorchidism, and the role of IGSF1 as regulator of pituitary hormone secretion. The patient showed congenital central hypothyroidism with reduced TSH biopotency, over-secretion of FSH at neonatal minipuberty and macroorchidism from 3 years of age. His markedly elevated inhibin B was unable to inhibit FSH secretion, indicating a status of pituitary inhibin B resistance. We show here that IGSF1 is expressed both in thyrotropes and gonadotropes of the pituitary and in Leydig and germ cells in the testes, but at very low levels in Sertoli cells. Furthermore, IGSF1 stimulates transcription of the thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor (TRHR) by negative modulation of the TGFβ1-Smad signaling pathway, and enhances the synthesis and biopotency of TSH, the hormone secreted by thyrotropes. By contrast, IGSF1 strongly down-regulates the activin-Smad pathway, leading to reduced expression of FSHB, the hormone secreted by gonadotropes. In conclusion, two relevant molecular mechanisms linked to central hypothyroidism and macroorchidism in IGSF1 deficiency are identified, revealing IGSF1 as an important regulator of TGFβ/Activin pathways in the pituitary

    MALDI Profiling of Human Lung Cancer Subtypes

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    Proteomics is expected to play a key role in cancer biomarker discovery. Although it has become feasible to rapidly analyze proteins from crude cell extracts using mass spectrometry, complex sample composition hampers this type of measurement. Therefore, for effective proteome analysis, it becomes critical to enrich samples for the analytes of interest. Despite that one-third of the proteins in eukaryotic cells are thought to be phosphorylated at some point in their life cycle, only a low percentage of intracellular proteins is phosphorylated at a given time.In this work, we have applied chromatographic phosphopeptide enrichment techniques to reduce the complexity of human clinical samples. A novel method for high-throughput peptide profiling of human tumor samples, using Parallel IMAC and MALDI-TOF MS, is described. We have applied this methodology to analyze human normal and cancer lung samples in the search for new biomarkers. Using a highly reproducible spectral processing algorithm to produce peptide mass profiles with minimal variability across the samples, lineal discriminant-based and decision tree–based classification models were generated. These models can distinguish normal from tumor samples, as well as differentiate the various non–small cell lung cancer histological subtypes.A novel, optimized sample preparation method and a careful data acquisition strategy is described for high-throughput peptide profiling of small amounts of human normal lung and lung cancer samples. We show that the appropriate combination of peptide expression values is able to discriminate normal lung from non-small cell lung cancer samples and among different histological subtypes. Our study does emphasize the great potential of proteomics in the molecular characterization of cancer

    Plasma Levels of Transforming Growth Factor-β1 Reflect Left Ventricular Remodeling in Aortic Stenosis

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    Background: TGF-b1 is involved in cardiac remodeling through an auto/paracrine mechanism. The contribution of TGF-b1 from plasmatic source to pressure overload myocardial remodeling has not been analyzed. We investigated, in patients with valvular aortic stenosis (AS), and in mice subjected to transverse aortic arch constriction (TAC), whether plasma TGF-b1 relates with myocardial remodeling, reflected by LV transcriptional adaptations of genes linked to myocardial hypertrophy and fibrosis, and by heart morphology and function. Methodology/Principal Findings: The subjects of the study were: 39 patients operated of AS; 27 healthy volunteers; 12 mice subjected to TAC; and 6 mice sham-operated. Myocardial samples were subjected to quantitative PCR. Plasma TGF-b1 was determined by ELISA. Under pressure overload, TGF-b1 plasma levels were significantly increased both in AS patients and TAC mice. In AS patients, plasma TGF-b1 correlated directly with aortic transvalvular gradients and LV mass surrogate variables, both preoperatively and 1 year after surgery. Plasma TGF-b1 correlated positively with the myocardial expression of genes encoding extracellular matrix (collagens I and III, fibronectin) and sarcomeric (myosin light chain-2, b-myosin heavy chain) remodelling targets of TGF-b1, in TAC mice and in AS patients. Conclusions/Significance: A circulating TGF-b1-mediated mechanism is involved, in both mice and humans, in the excessive deposition of ECM elements and hypertrophic growth of cardiomyocytes under pressure overload. The possible value of plasma TGF-b1 as a marker reflecting preoperative myocardial remodeling status in AS patients deserves further analysis in larger patient cohorts

    Androgens Contribute to Sex Differences in Myocardial Remodeling under Pressure Overload by a Mechanism Involving TGF-β

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    Background: In clinical studies, myocardial remodeling in aortic valve stenosis appears to be more favorable in women than in men, even after menopause. In the present study, we assessed whether circulating androgens contribute to a less favorable myocardial remodeling under pressure overload in males. We examined sex-related differences in one-year-old male and female mice. Whereas male mice at this age exhibited circulating androgen levels within the normal range for young adults, the circulating estrogens in females were reduced. The contribution of gonadal androgens to cardiac remodeling was analyzed in a group of same-age castrated mice. Methodology/Principal Findings: Animals were subjected to transverse aortic constriction (TAC). Echocardiography was performed 2 weeks after TAC and myocardial mRNA levels of TGF-bs, Smads 2 and 3, collagens, fibronectin, b-myosin heavy chain and a-myosin heavy chain were determined by q-PCR. Protein detection of p-SMAD2/3 was performed by Western Blot. Histological staining of fibrosis was performed with picrosirius red and Masson’s trichrome. Compared with females, males developed more severe tissue fibrosis, LV dilation and hemodynamic dysfunction. TAC-males showed higher myocardial expression levels of TGF-bs and the treatment with a neutralizing antibody to TGF-b prevented myocardial fibrosis development. Orchiectomy diminished TAC-induced up-regulation of TGF-bs and TGF-b target genes, and it also reduced fibrosis and hemodynamic dysfunction. The capability of androgens to induce TGF-b expression was confirmed i

    PTRF/Cavin-1 and MIF Proteins Are Identified as Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Biomarkers by Label-Free Proteomics

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    With the completion of the human genome sequence, biomedical sciences have entered in the “omics” era, mainly due to high-throughput genomics techniques and the recent application of mass spectrometry to proteomics analyses. However, there is still a time lag between these technological advances and their application in the clinical setting. Our work is designed to build bridges between high-performance proteomics and clinical routine. Protein extracts were obtained from fresh frozen normal lung and non-small cell lung cancer samples. We applied a phosphopeptide enrichment followed by LC-MS/MS. Subsequent label-free quantification and bioinformatics analyses were performed. We assessed protein patterns on these samples, showing dozens of differential markers between normal and tumor tissue. Gene ontology and interactome analyses identified signaling pathways altered on tumor tissue. We have identified two proteins, PTRF/cavin-1 and MIF, which are differentially expressed between normal lung and non-small cell lung cancer. These potential biomarkers were validated using western blot and immunohistochemistry. The application of discovery-based proteomics analyses in clinical samples allowed us to identify new potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets in non-small cell lung cancer