6 research outputs found

    OP Ryhmän strategiamuutos OP Kainuun henkilöstön näkökulmasta

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    Opinnäytetyö käsittelee OP Ryhmän strategiamuutosta ja henkilöstön osaamisvaatimuksia digitalisaation tuodessa muutoksia tulevaisuuden työskentelyyn finanssialalla. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajaksi valikoitui OP Kainuu, joka on yksi OP Ryhmään kuuluva aluepankki. Tavoitteena oli tutkia OP Kainuun henkilöstön kokemuksia strategian tuomista muutoksista ja löytää mahdollisia puutteita osaamisen kehittämisessä. Työn avulla pyritään tuomaan esille mahdollisia osaamisen kehittämistarpeita ja helpottamaan seuraavia suuria strategiamuutoksia ja niiden läpivientiä. Toimeksiantaja voi hyödyntää kyseistä työtä kehittämään henkilöstöään mahdollisia tulevaisuuden tuomia haasteita vastaan. Aihetta tutkittiin laatimalla sähköinen kysely henkilöstölle. Opinnäytetyön viitekehyksen muodostavat digitalisaatio, strategiamuutos ja henkilöstön osaaminen. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään yritysstrategiaa, strategiamuutosta sekä muutosjohtamista. Näiden lisäksi käsittelyyn ovat valikoituneet digitalisaatioon liittyvät aihealueet sekä tulevaisuuden osaamisvaatimukset finanssialalla. Teoriaosuuden avulla saadaan selville, mitkä ovat juuri ne vaatimukset osaamisen kannalta, joihin yrityksen pitäisi panostaa henkilöstön kehittämisen suhteen. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena tutkimuksena, mutta avoimien kysymyksien analysointiin hyödynnettiin kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Opinnäytetyön empiirinen osuus suoritettiin sähköisellä strukturoidulla kyselyllä, joka lähetettiin vastattavaksi OP Kainuun henkilöstölle. Opinnäytetyön teoria pohjautuu kyselyyn valittuihin kysymyksiin, jotka on jaettu kahden eri otsikon alle: strategia ja sen muutokset sekä digitalisaatio ja osaamisvaatimukset. Tutkimustuloksien perusteella vastaajat kokivat, että uusi strategia on tuonut muutoksia työhön. Pääsääntöisesti strategian muutokset koettiin positiivisena muutoksena. OP Kainuun henkilöstön mukaan digitaalisuus muuttaa toimintaympäristöä ja moniosaamisella koettiin olevan suuri rooli tulevaisuudessa finanssialalla. Valikoiduilta vastaajilta kysyttiin erilaisista osaamisalueista tulevaisuuden työn edellyttämissä asioissa. Tiimityöskentelytaidot sekä vuorovaikutus- ja viestintätaidot olivat pääosin kunnossa, kuten taas digi- ja ajanhallintataidot edellyttivät jonkin verran kehittämistä. Tulokset osoittivat, että eri toimenkuvissa työskentelevät henkilöt kokivat strategian muutokset ja tulevaisuuden osaamisen haasteet eri tavalla. Jokaisessa ikäryhmässä ja eri toimenkuvissa kaivattiin perehdyttämistä syvemmin digitaitoihin, joita tarvitaan tulevaisuudessa finanssialalla.This thesis is based on OP Bank Group’s strategy changes and competencies of personnel, now that digitalization is bringing changes into work in the financial sector. The commissioner of this thesis is OP Kainuu, which is part of the OP Bank Group. The target was to study the OP Kainuu personnel perspective and to find some potential development areas. The theoretical framework consists of digitalization, strategy changes and the competence of personnel. The theory part is made up of corporate strategy, strategy changes and management of change. In addition, the theoretical background studies digitalization and the future skills requirements in the financial sector. It will help to investigate what are the competence requirements that a company should invest in. The research was executed as a quantitative study, but when analyzing the open questions, the author developed a qualitative method. The empirical part was conducted in the form of an electronic structured questionnaire sent to the OP Kainuu personnel. Its questions were based on the thesis theoretical part divided under two headlines – strategy & strategy changes and digitalization & the competence of personnel. The results revealed that the new strategy has brought changes to the respondents’ work. Changes in strategy were mainly regarded as positive. The OP Kainuu personnel experienced that digitalization changes the operating environment and multi-expertise was considered to have a great role in the future in the financial sector. The survey included questions about various areas of expertise required in future working life. Teamwork skills, interaction and communication skills are mainly in good condition, but digital and time management skills require some development. The results indicated that persons having different job descriptions experienced changes in strategy and the challenges of the future skills in a different way. Each age group and job type needed deeper orientation into digital skills that will be needed in future in the financial sector.

    Taming the massive genome of Scots pine with PiSy50k, a new genotyping array for conifer research

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    Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) is the most widespread coniferous tree in the boreal forests of Eurasia, with major economic and ecological importance. However, its large and repetitive genome presents a challenge for conducting genome-wide analyses such as association studies, genetic mapping and genomic selection. We present a new 50K single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping array for Scots pine research, breeding and other applications. To select the SNP set, we first genotyped 480 Scots pine samples on a 407 540 SNP screening array and identified 47 712 high-quality SNPs for the final array (called 'PiSy50k'). Here, we provide details of the design and testing, as well as allele frequency estimates from the discovery panel, functional annotation, tissue-specific expression patterns and expression level information for the SNPs or corresponding genes, when available. We validated the performance of the PiSy50k array using samples from Finland and Scotland. Overall, 39 678 (83.2%) SNPs showed low error rates (mean = 0.9%). Relatedness estimates based on array genotypes were consistent with the expected pedigrees, and the level of Mendelian error was negligible. In addition, array genotypes successfully discriminate between Scots pine populations of Finnish and Scottish origins. The PiSy50k SNP array will be a valuable tool for a wide variety of future genetic studies and forestry applications.Peer reviewe

    Taming the massive genome of Scots pine with PiSy50k, a new genotyping array for conifer research

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    Abstract Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) is the most widespread coniferous tree in the boreal forests of Eurasia, with major economic and ecological importance. However, its large and repetitive genome presents a challenge for conducting genome-wide analyses such as association studies, genetic mapping and genomic selection. We present a new 50K single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping array for Scots pine research, breeding and other applications. To select the SNP set, we first genotyped 480 Scots pine samples on a 407 540 SNP screening array and identified 47 712 high-quality SNPs for the final array (called ‘PiSy50k’). Here, we provide details of the design and testing, as well as allele frequency estimates from the discovery panel, functional annotation, tissue-specific expression patterns and expression level information for the SNPs or corresponding genes, when available. We validated the performance of the PiSy50k array using samples from Finland and Scotland. Overall, 39 678 (83.2%) SNPs showed low error rates (mean = 0.9%). Relatedness estimates based on array genotypes were consistent with the expected pedigrees, and the level of Mendelian error was negligible. In addition, array genotypes successfully discriminate between Scots pine populations of Finnish and Scottish origins. The PiSy50k SNP array will be a valuable tool for a wide variety of future genetic studies and forestry applications

    Improving ITS sequence data for identification of plant pathogenic fungi

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    Plant pathogenic fungi are a large and diverse assemblage of eukaryotes with substantial impacts on natural ecosystems and human endeavours. These taxa often have complex and poorly understood life cycles, lack observable, discriminatory morphological characters, and may not be amenable to in vitro culturing. As a result, species identification is frequently difficult. Molecular (DNA sequence) data have emerged as crucial information for the taxonomic identification of plant pathogenic fungi, with the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region being the most popular marker. However, international nucleotide sequence databases are accumulating numerous sequences of compromised or low-resolution taxonomic annotations and substandard technical quality, making their use in the molecular identification of plant pathogenic fungi problematic. Here we report on a concerted effort to identify high-quality reference sequences for various plant pathogenic fungi and to re-annotate incorrectly or insufficiently annotated public ITS sequences from these fungal lineages. A third objective was to enrich the sequences with geographical and ecological metadata. The results – a total of 31,954 changes – are incorporated in and made available through the UNITE database for molecular identification of fungi (http://unite.ut.ee), including standalone FASTA files of sequence data for local BLAST searches, use in the next-generation sequencing analysis platforms QIIME and mothur, and related applications. The present initiative is just a beginning to cover the wide spectrum of plant pathogenic fungi, and we invite all researchers with pertinent expertise to join the annotation effort