163 research outputs found

    Islamic Profit and Loss Sharing Contracting versus Regular Equity in Entrepreneurial Finance: Risk Sharing and Managerial Incentives

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    An entrepreneur shares business risk with the investors providing capital for her firm. Risk sharing is per se beneficial, but also results in an agency problem from diminished incentives for the entrepreneur. This classical trade-off depends on the financial contracting between the entrepreneur and the financier. As an alternative to debt or equity, we consider musharaka financing, an Islamic profit and loss sharing contract. First, we show that debt is inferior to equity or musharaka even though debt financing ensures first best efforts in our model. Whether financing with equity or by use of musharaka results in higher utility for the entrepreneur depends on how the firm’s risks are related and on the structure of the costs the entrepreneur has to bear when spending effort

    Legale und illegale Leiharbeit: ein soziales Problem und dessen Kontrolle

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    In dem Beitrag werden Formen und Auswirkungen legaler und illegaler Leiharbeit beschrieben, strukturelle Bedingungen der Expansion dieses Teilarbeitsmarktes analysiert sowie die Entwicklung gewerbsmĂ€ĂŸiger ArbeitnehmerĂŒberlassung im Kontext aktueller Arbeitsmarktpolitik in der Bundesrepublik dargestellt. Die Ziele dieser Politik werden mit den Begriffen Flexibilisierung und Deregulierung beschrieben. Diese Entwicklungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt implizieren verstĂ€rkt Probleme auf individueller und gesellschaftlicher Ebene. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt des Beitrags liegt in der Analyse der kontrollierenden und sanktionierenden Intervention staatlicher und halbstaatlicher Institutionen sowie in der Bewertung und Aufzeichnung ihrer MĂ€ngel. Die Möglichkeiten staatlicher Kontrolle im Bereich prekĂ€rer BeschĂ€ftigungsverhĂ€ltnisse werden durch entsprechende Veröffentlichungen und Skandalisierung in den Medien zunehmend auch öffentlich diskutiert. (pka

    An Interoperable Resuscitation Registry for the University Hospital of Bern.

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    During resuscitation, the patient is the primary focus with the documentation of actions and outcomes being secondary. In most cases, a cardiac event leads to further treatment or hospitalization, in which complex patient pathways, independent documentation systems and information loss represent the key challenges for successful quality management. Hence, the need for a system that takes all these aspects into account. Market research, system analysis and requirements engineering for such a solution were performed and a prototype was created. A complete reference architecture for a web-based electronic data capture system was developed and implemented that enables healthcare professionals to enter resuscitation-relevant data uniformly and store it centrally in compliance with human research legislation. A qualitative evaluation concerning the process flows of the as-is and the to-be situation suggests that there is potential to achieve benefits in the form of improved data quality and quantity

    Traditions allemandes des sciences de l’Antiquité : entretien avec Wilfried Nippel

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    Le mardi 6 avril 2011, l’équipe plh-erasme recevait Wilfried Nippel pour un long Ă©change autour de son parcours en Histoire ancienne, ses intĂ©rĂȘts pour l’Historiographie et la RĂ©ception de l’AntiquitĂ©, les perspectives dans ces domaines, ses projets, etc. Hinnerk Bruhns (Directeur de recherche Ă©mĂ©rite du cnrs et membre du ComitĂ© Scientifique d’Anabases) nous fit l’amitiĂ© de se joindre Ă  nous pour discuter avec un ami de longue date.AprĂšs des Ă©tudes d’histoire et de Germanistik Ă  Cologne et Ma..

    Marianne Elster, Die Gesetze der spĂ€ten römischen Republik. Von den Gracchen bis Sulla (133–80 v. Chr.). (Studien zur Alten Geschichte, Bd. 28.) Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2020

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers (De Gruyter) frei zugÀnglich.Peer Reviewe

    Marx, Weber et l'esclavage

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    Les discussions modernes sur l’esclavage antique ont Ă©tĂ© fortement influencĂ©es par les controverses, nĂ©es Ă  la fin du xviiie siĂšcle, autour de la question de l’esclavage dans les colonies europĂ©ennes d’outre-mer et aux États-Unis. C’est Ă  ce moment que l’inefficience du travail servile, par rapport au travail formellement libre, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie comme un dogme. Marx ainsi que Weber considĂšrent toujours l’esclavage dans une perspective d’histoire universelle. Marx focalise son intĂ©rĂȘt sur l’esclavage contemporain en tant qu’anomalie au sein d’une Ă©conomie capitaliste globale. Weber dĂ©veloppe, quant Ă  lui, une thĂ©orie synthĂ©tique de l’économie antique de maniĂšre Ă  expliquer les particularitĂ©s du capitalisme moderne par comparaison avec les systĂšmes Ă©conomiques prĂ©-modernes et non-europĂ©ens. Cependant, tant Marx que Weber fondent leurs analyses sur des prĂ©supposĂ©s abolitionnistes qui ont Ă©tĂ© remis en question par les recherches sur l’esclavage depuis les annĂ©es 1970.Modern discussions on ancient slavery were heavily influenced by the controversies on slavery in European overseas colonies and the United States since the late 18th century. Since then the supposed inefficiency of slave labour in comparison to formally free labour was established as a dogma. Marx as well as Weber always considered slavery from a perspective of universal history. The focus of Marx’s interest was contemporary slavery as an anomaly within a capitalist global economy. Weber developed a comprehensive theory of ancient economy in order to explain the peculiarities of modern capitalism by comparison with pre-modern and non-European economic systems. However, both Marx and Weber based their analyses on abolitionist assumptions that were shaken by the new scholarship on slavery since the 1970s.Die AnfĂ€nge der neuzeitlichen Diskussion ĂŒber Diskussion ĂŒber die antike Sklaverei sind im wesentlichen eine RĂŒckwirkung der im 18. Jahrhundert verstĂ€rkt einsetzenden Auseinandersetzungen ĂŒber die Sklaverei in den europĂ€ischen Überseekolonien beziehungsweise in den usa. Dabei wurde das Dogma von der Ineffizienz der Sklaverei im Vergleich zu formal freier Lohnarbeit begrĂŒndet. Sowohl Marx als auch Weber haben die Sklaverei stets in einer universalhistorischen Perspektive betrachtet. Bei Marx dominiert eindeutig das Interesse am GegenwartsphĂ€nomen als Anomalie innerhalb eines kapitalistischen Weltmarktes. Weber entwickelt dagegen eine umfassende Theorie der antiken Ökonomie, um aus dem Kontrast mit ihr (und anderen vormodernen bzw. außereuropĂ€ischen Systemen) die Besonderheit des spezifisch westlichen, modernen Kapitalismus zu erhellen. Beide gehen aber von Grundannahmen des Abolitionismus aus, die durch die moderne Forschung seit den 1970er Jahren erschĂŒttert worden sind

    Kant on Race and Barbarism: Towards a More Complex View on Racism and Anti-Colonialism in Kant

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    Whether Kant’s late legal theory and his theory of race are contradictory in their account of colonialism has been a much-debated question that is also of highest importance for the evaluation of the Enlightenment’s contribution to Europe’s colonial expansion and the dispossession and enslavement of native and black peoples. This article discusses the problem by introducing the discourse on barbarism. This neglected discourse is the original and traditional European colonial vocabulary and served the justification of colonialism from ancient Greece throughout the Renaissance to the eighteenth century. Kant’s explicit rejection of this discourse and its prejudices reveals his early critical stance toward colonial judgements of native peoples even before he developed his legal theory. This development of his critical position can be traced in his writings on race: although he makes racist statements in these texts, his theory of race is not meant to ground moral judgements on ‘races’ or a racial hierarchy but to defend the unity of mankind under the given empirical reality of colonial hierarchies

    EuCAPT White Paper: Opportunities and Challenges for Theoretical Astroparticle Physics in the Next Decade

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    Astroparticle physics is undergoing a profound transformation, due to a series of extraordinary new results, such as the discovery of high-energy cosmic neutrinos with IceCube, the direct detection of gravitational waves with LIGO and Virgo, and many others. This white paper is the result of a collaborative effort that involved hundreds of theoretical astroparticle physicists and cosmologists, under the coordination of the European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT). Addressed to the whole astroparticle physics community, it explores upcoming theoretical opportunities and challenges for our field of research, with particular emphasis on the possible synergies among different subfields, and the prospects for solving the most fundamental open questions with multi-messenger observations.Comment: White paper of the European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT). 135 authors, 400 endorsers, 133 pages, 1382 reference
