7 research outputs found

    Antioxidants and condition dependence of arrival date in a migratory passerine

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    Early arrival at the breeding area after spring migration determines several fitness benefits to migratory birds, including an early start of reproduction and a greater seasonal reproductive success. Environmental conditions determine the onset of migration at the population level, while physiological costs associated with migration and imposed on individuals determine the level of asynchrony in the pattern of arrival. These costs include several physiological changes, suppression of immune response, and an increased risk of oxidation by production of free radicals due to energetically expensive activities. According to the condition-dependent hypothesis of arrival date, only healthy individuals in prime condition can afford to arrive and thus reproduce early in the season. We investigated condition-dependence of arrival date in male barn swallow (Hirundo rustica L.), a migratory passerine, in two years that differed in environmental condition, and the role of carotenoids in mediating arrival date. We show that male tail length, the main secondary sexual character, body condition, and hematocrit were negatively correlated with arrival date in the first year, indicating better quality of early arriving males. In the second year, better environmental conditions advanced arrival of the entire population by weeks. In this season we could show no relationship between arrival and tail length or body condition. Moreover, a lower value of sedimentation rate and a brighter colour of the red throat feathers indicated better health status of the population. Arrival date is a condition-dependent character in barn swallows, since we found high repeatability of arrival date, lower values of carotenoids in blood and a lower depletion of carotenoids in blood shortly after arrival in early arriving males. This suggests that early arriving males either use fewer antioxidants for free radical scavenging, or they have differential access to antioxidants

    Do male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) experience a trade-off between the expression of multiple sexual signals?

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    Some sexual selection models envisage exaggerated male secondary sexual characters to be costly and therefore reliable indicators of the quality of potential mates to choosy females. If male secondary sexual characters have a natural selection cost, they may be linked to each other by reciprocally constraining relationships that would prevent individual males from increasing their level of multiple signaling. Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) males have at least two costly signals relevant to socio-sexual interactions: tail length and song. Under the hypothesis that a trade-off exists between male signals, we manipulated the maintenance cost of tail ornaments to test whether this reduced the quantity and quality of song, a condition-dependent, phenotypically plastic signal. Contrary to our expectation, tail elongation had no effect on singing activity and song complexity. However, tail-elongated males produced songs with longer terminal parts ('rattles'). Long rattles are associated with highly competitive social contexts and high circulating levels of testosterone, suggesting that tail-elongated males were more frequently involved in either male-male aggressive or inter-sexual interactions. Therefore, this study shows that males are not displaying multiple signals at the maximum possible level, implying that this system is open to unreliable communication. However, long-term trade-offs between signal expression and viability may prevent males from displaying both signals at higher rates

    Yolk androgens in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica): a test of some adaptative hypotheses

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    Assessing the activity coefficients of water in cholinium-based ionic liquids: Experimental measurements and COSMO-RS modeling

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    The vapor liquid-equilibrium of water + ionic liquids is relevant for a wide range of applications of these compounds. It is usually measured by ebulliometric techniques, but these are time consuming and expensive. In this work it is shown that the activity coefficients of water in a series of cholinium-based ionic liquids can be reliably and quickly estimated at 298.15K using a humidity meter instrument. The cholinium based ionic liquids were chosen to test this experimental methodology since data for water activities of quaternary ammonium salts are available in the literature allowing the validation of the proposed technique. The COSMO-RS method provides a reliable description of the data and was also used to understand the molecular interactions occurring on these binary systems. The estimated excess enthalpies indicate that hydrogen bonding between water and ionic liquid anion is the dominant interaction that governs the behavior of water and cholinium-based ionic liquids systems, while the electrostatic-misfit and van der Walls forces have a minor contribution to the total excess enthalpies. The results here reported show that water activity measurements allow a quick scan for selecting ionic liquids according to their behavior in mixtures with water. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved