270 research outputs found

    The Quality Analysis of Final Examination Test in Biology Education Major

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    The goal to be achieved in this study is to analyze the quality of the exam questions even semester 2015/2016 school year in Biology Education program. This research uses descriptive method. With the object of research about the exam semester even the academic year 2015/2016 in Biology Education program. Exam analyzed amounted to 14 subjects consisting of 81 questions. The instrument used is the documentation of the exam of the semester of the academic year 2015/2016. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive analysis including data reduction, systematic data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The result of the research shows that the quality of the final exam of the semester of the academic year 2015/2016 in the Biology Education study program is obtained by the low level knowledge aspect of 81.48%, and the high knowledge aspect of 18.52%


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    ABSTRAKILLA KURNIA NINGSIH, STUDI KASUS TERHADAP KEDUDUKAN PARAPIHAK DALAM PUTUSAN PENGADILAN NEGERI BANDA ACEH NOMOR 21/PDT.G/2011/PN-BNAFakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(iv, 60) pp., bibl., app2016Muzakkir Abubakar, S.H., S.U. Pasal 8 nomor 3 Reglement of de Rechtsvordering (RV) menyatakan bahwa gugatan harus memuat identitas para pihak, posita dan petitum. Identitas para pihak termasuk di dalamnya, yaitu kapasitas penggugat apakah sebagai diri sendiri atau mewakili sebuah Perseroan Terbatas. Dalam kasus ini AM tidak berkapasitas sebagai Penggugat karena tidak menerima kuasa dari RA yang memang terlibat langsung dalam penandatanganan kontrak pembangunan kios di Jalan Diponegoro dengan Tergugat selaku Walikota, namun dalam putusan No.21/PDT.G/2011/PN-BNA AM mengatasnamakan dirinya sebagai pemilik 118 kios di Jalan Diponegoro.Tujuan penulisan studi kasus ini adalah untuk menjelaskan pertimbangan hakim tentang kedudukan para pihak dalam memutuskan perkara Nomor 21/Pdt.G/2011/PN-BNA dan analisis putusan Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Banda Aceh dalam kaitannya dengan tujuan hukum, yaitu keadilan, kepastian dan kemanfaatan hukum.Untuk memperoleh data dalam penulisan ini dilakukan penelitian kepustakaan dan studi kasus terhadap putusan Pengadilan Negeri Banda Aceh. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan untuk memperoleh data yang bersifat teoritis, sedangkan studi kasus dilakukan dengan menelaah Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Banda Aceh No. 21/Pdt.G/2011/PN-BNA. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi dokumen.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertimbangan hakim dalam memutuskan perkara Nomor 21/Pdt.G/2011/PN-Bna adalah mengenai bukti-bukti yang diajukan oleh pihak tergugat di persidangan telah jelas bahwa Penggugat dalam hal ini tidak berkapasitas untuk mengajukan gugatan terhadap 118 unit toko di jalan Diponegori karena Penggugat tidak menerima kuasa dari para pemilik sebahagian kios yang telah Penggugat jual tersebut. Apabila dikaitkan dengan tujuan hukum, yaitu keadilan, kemanfaatan dan kepastian hukum, Putusan Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Banda Aceh dalam perkara No 21/Pdt.G/2011/PN-BNA tidak seluruhnya mencapai tujuan hukum. Namun dalam putusan ini jika dilihat dari segi tujuannya hanya mencapai kepastian hukum dan kemanfaatan tetapi belum mencapai asas keadilan. Hakim seharusnya mempertimbangkan 40 kios yang dimiliki oleh penggugat agar dana yang diterima oleh pesantren Almanar dari hasil penyewaan 40 kios tersebut tidak terhenti. Dimana Hakim telah menerima seluruhnya eksepsi dari tergugat yang menyatakan bahwa pengugat tidak berkapasitas untuk mengajukan gugatan terhadap tergugat. Penggugat bukan tidak memiliki kapasitas untuk mengugat objek perkara dalam putusan ini, akan tertapi penggugat hanya berhak sebatas kios yang dimikinya.Disarankan kepada para pihak agar dapat melaksanakan putusan sesuai dengan amar putusan secara sukarela, mengingat dalam putusan tersebut telah diatur mengenai hak dan kewajiban baik terhadap yang kalah maupun pihak yang dimenangkan. Disarankan kepada pihak penggugat dalam mengajukan gugatan agar melihat dulu siapa yang pantas digugat dalam kasus ini, agar memudahkan jalannya proses persidangan hingga selesai, sehingga gugatan yang diajukan tidak sia-sia, sebaiknya pihak Penggugat disarankan mengajukan gugatan untuk sebatas kios yang dimiliki saja. Kepada hakim dalam mengambil keputusan harusnya mencapai keseluruhan tujuan hukum, yaitu kepastian hukum, keadilan, dan kemanfaatan, agar tercapainya kebahagiaan baik bagi pihak tergugat maupun pihak penggugat

    Contribution of Sharia Supervisory Board (SB) and Sharia Compliance Levels to Performance Indonesian Sharia Banking

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    Sharia compliance is an absolute requirement that must be fulfilled by financial institutions that conduct business activities based on sharia principles as a manifestation of the characteristics of Islamic financial institutions. Supervisory Board (SB) contribution oversees and is responsible for ensuring all products and procedures of Islamic banks are by sharia principles. This study aims to measure the ratio of participation, effectiveness and efficiency of the sharia supervisory board to Islamic banking in Indonesia. This study used the AHP method with three indicators; the rate of contributions measured through sharia branch office in public Islamic bank and sharia business unit, to the effectiveness ratio measured by the total productive assets variable in public Islamic and sharia businesses unit, while the efficiency ratio is measured by aggregate variables of operating expenses and labour costs for Islamic public bank and sharia businesses unit. Based on this research, here are some critical result such as the ratio of the overall contribution is useful. The effectiveness ratio shows that the Supervisory Board (SB) is ineffective or not valuable for lending activities in Islamic banks based on Islamic public bank branch offices and sharia businesses unit. And the results for efficiency ratios indicate that overall Supervisory Board (SB) is less efficient for Islamic banks when issuing operational costs on Supervisory Board (SB) contributions


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    The purpose of the research is to investigate the effect of financial performance on firm value with intellectual capital as an intervening variable. The samples in the research are 150 Companies listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index Period 2013-2017. This research used  regression with intervening variable and path analysis with SPSS 23 to test the hypothesis. The result of this research indicate that financial performance (ROE) has a positive effect on firm value (Tobins Q). financial performance also has a positive effect on intellectual capital (Modified-VAIC). Then financial performance (ROE) on firm value (Tobins Q) through intellectual capital (Modified-VAIC) have no effect


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    One of the problems that occurs is the production of artificial feed that is still imported so that the price of feed is relatively expensive and tends to increase, therefore the right solution is the manufacture of feed using local raw materials, one of which is maggot feed which is used as an alternative as artificial feed for catfish growth and suppresses feed prices. The purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of production costs that occur by utilizing Black Soldier Fly larvae as an alternative feed for catfish for their growth. This research uses a hybrid approach between quantitative and qualitative with descriptive analysis and cost of goods produced by maggot cultivation. The data obtained in this study was processed using statistical formulas through the Microsoft Excel program. The calculation of cost of goods produced using the full costing method is carried out quantitatively and evaluates the growth of catfish by feeding dry maggots. The location of the research was carried out in CV. Millenial Agro Farm Jl. Toddopuli Raya Timur, Paropo Village, Panakukkang District, Makassar City. Cost of Goods Production of Dry Maggot as much as Rp. 99,789 in one cycle. The recommendation from the study is that the efficiency of the cost of goods produced can be done in several cycles

    Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Profitabilitas Sebagai Variabel Moderating (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI)

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    This research aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability Ratios partially and simultaneously the Company Value and Profitability Ratios To determine whether moderate the Corporate Social Responsibility of the value of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The population in this study is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange as many as 136 companies. The sampling method in this study using purposive sampling method by 88 companies. Data collection methods used in this research is the method of documentation. The data were analyzed using linear regression, and partial uj on Regressioan Analysis Multiple methods previously have fulfilled classical assumption test. The results showed that no significant influences of Corporate Social Responsibility to the Value Manufacturing Company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. There is a significant influence on Return On Equity to Value Manufacturing Company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and profitability ratio (ROE) is not a variable that is able to moderate the Corporate Social Responsibility of the value of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Return On Equity, Corporate Value

    Character Education Strengthening of Students Through The Mathematical Disposition Strategy on Statistics Elementary

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    This study aims to improve the strengthening of student character education through a mathematical disposition strategy in Elementary Statistics. The sample of this study was 30 students of the 3rd semester of Biology Education. The research method used was experimental and the research firm was quasi-experimental. Data collection techniques are measurement techniques, namely initial ability tests and mathematical disposition scales. The results of this study indicate that character education can be enhanced or strengthened by a mathematical disposition strategy. That is by increasing high confidence in solving problems, not easily discouraged and asking questions, having prepared before starting learning such as reading the material or other references, knowing the role of mathematics related with everyday life and knowing that success in mathematics subjects can support progress in other disciplines


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    Studi ini mengkaji representasi gambar visual dan hubungan logika-semantik verbal-visual antara gambar dan teks yang menyertai gambar dalam buku teks bahasa Inggris terkenal. Analisis representasional diwujudkan melalui konsep representasi makna yang melibatkan partisipan, proses, dan keadaan. Halliday & Matthiessen (2014) mengelompokkan LSR verbal antar klausa menjadi dua sistem dasar: Ekspansi dan Proyeksi. Sementara Ekspansi menghubungkan urutan peristiwa dan/atau hubungan simbolik, Proyeksi menghubungkan lokusi (apa yang dikatakan seseorang) dan/atau gagasan (apa yang dipikirkan seseorang). Penelitian ini mengadopsi kerangka kerja yang diusulkan oleh Kress & van Leeweun (2020) untuk menganalisis makna representasional dalam buku siswa Superminds 3. Menggambar pada teori fungsional-sistemik (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014) dan pada Tata Bahasa Visual (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2020) verbal dan teks visual dalam buku siswa Superminds 3 beranotasi dan dianalisis menurut hubungan logika-semantik yang diidentifikasi di dalamnya. Penulis melakukan penelitian ini dengan penelitian mini artikel berbasis penelitian kualitatif, yaitu analisis isi. Data dalam penelitian ini meliputi 40 citra visual dalam 5 bab buku siswa Superminds 3. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan kerangka analisis representasional Kress dan van Leeweun dan hubungan logika-semantik visual visual verbal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa visual dalam buku siswa Superminds 3 melalui analisis representasional, gambar yang dianalisis melibatkan aktor utama yaitu Ben, Lucy, anjing bernama Buster, Horax, dan Zelda. Sedangkan aktivitas/proses yang dilalui aktor bervariasi, mulai dari mencari sesuatu, saling mengejar, melarikan diri, berpikir, dan sebagainya. Keadaan yang dilalui para aktor juga bervariasi dari pagi hingga malam dan di berbagai tempat juga. Sementara itu, melalui analisis hubungan logika-semantik verbal-visual, ditemukan lebih banyak pola teks verbal yang memperluas teks visual

    Studi Literatur: Penerapan Model Discovery Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Materi Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup

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    Learning is the main component in the educational process, so a learning design is needed to support an increase in students' understanding of concepts. Learning outcomes as a product of conceptual understanding must show a good level after the learning process occurs. One biology material that tends to be difficult for teachers and students is the classification of living things. The discovery learning model is the solution to improve student learning outcomes in this material. This study aimed to conduct a study of various studies related to implementing the discovery learning model to improve student learning outcomes in the classification of living things. This research used the literature study method on various scientific articles from national journals and proceedings in the last ten years. From the search results, 19 scientific articles were obtained, which were analyzed to prove that the discovery learning model can improve student learning outcomes in the classification of living things
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