123 research outputs found
A royal penguin eudyptes schlegeli in the Falkland Islands?
The Royal Penguin Eudyptes schlegeli breeds only on Australia’s Macquarie Island and its nearby islets, about 1 200 km southwest of New
Zealand. Vagrant Royal Penguins have been reported elsewhere in Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica. Reports of Royal Penguins from
other subantarctic islands, including Heard, Prince Edward and Marion Islands, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands are controversial,
as these penguins could also be aberrant Macaroni Penguins E. chrysolophus, and species determination can be difficult because of high
variation in facial colour in both species. We discuss here the recent sighting of an apparent immature Royal Penguin on New Island, Falkland
Islands. A simultaneously visiting adult male Macaroni Penguin allowed a size comparison between the two individuals. This could be the
first documented sighting of a vagrant Royal Penguin in the Neotropical region.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Nutritional state variations in a tropical seabird throughout its breeding season
Individual body condition is frequently used to explain differences in foraging and breeding ecology in seabirds. However, little is known about the covariations of body mass with the nutritional state of animals as measured through plasma metabolites and how these different measures vary between and within individuals during breeding. Here, we assessed intra-individual variations of plasma metabolites (triglycerides, cholesterol, protein, and ß-hydroxybutyrate concentrations) and in body mass of Blue-footed boobies (Sula nebouxii) throughout their breeding season 2011–2012 in Isla El Rancho, Mexico. We found breeding-stage and sex-specific variations in individuals’ plasma metabolite concentrations, but these did not mirror variations in body mass. Before egg-laying, females had higher triglycerides, cholesterol, and protein concentrations than males. In contrast, males used their nutritional reserves (higher ß-hydroxybutyrate concentrations) more than females during the breeding season (except for early chick-rearing). At the individual level, males gained weight during the breeding season, whereas females lost weight. We also found that between-individual differences in plasma metabolite concentrations and changes in body mass were not consistent throughout the breeding season, while individual body mass was significantly repeatable. This study contributes to a better understanding of seabird breeding ecology and physiology by showing that sex-specific breeding roles might highly influence the nutritional state. Similar patterns might occur in other seabird species, helping to explain why we can find stage- and sex-specific foraging behaviors even in monomorphic species. Seabirds, sex, reproduction, triglycerides, cholesterol, ß-hydroxybutyratepublishedVersio
Fish consumption by great cormorants in Norwegian coastal waters—a human-wildlife conflict for wrasses, but not gadids
Piscivorous wildlife is often perceived as competitors by humans. Great cormorants of the continental subspecies (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) in the Baltic and North Sea increase, while local cod (Gadus morhua) stocks decline. In contrast, numbers of the Atlantic subspecies (Phalacrocorax carbo carbo), breeding along the Norwegian and Barents Seas, have been relatively stable. We investigated the diet of both great cormorant subspecies in breeding colonies along the Norwegian Coast from Lofoten to the Skagerrak and estimated the biomass of fish consumed annually by great cormorants in Norwegian waters. The birds’ consumption was compared with estimated fish stock sizes and fishery catches. Cod and saithe (Pollachius virens) dominated the diet in the Norwegian Sea and wrasses in the North Sea and Skagerrak. Estimated total fish consumption of cod and saithe by great cormorants was <1.7% of estimated fish stocks and <9% of that of human catches and therefore considered minor. Cormorant consumption of wrasses amounted to 110% of human catches. The practice of using wrasses as cleaner fish in the salmon farming industry leads to a conflict with cormorants, and we urge for a better understanding and management of wrasse populations, taking ecosystem functioning and natural predation into account. diet analysis, fish stock size, Gadus morhua, Labridae, metabolic rate, North Atlantic, NorwaypublishedVersio
Foraging behaviour of black guillemots at three Norwegian sites during the breeding season
The intensifcation of coastal development poses potential threats for coastal seabirds, and understanding their habitat use is a key factor to guide conservation and management. In sub-arctic areas, black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) use coastal habitats year-round, which makes them vulnerable to the increasing human activities in these areas. In mainland Norway, one of the species’ strongholds, black guillemots are red-listed after substantial population declines. However, their fnescale foraging behaviour has received little attention to date. We collected and analysed GPS tracking data from adult black guillemots at three sites located over a latitudinal gradient of 250 km in central/northern Norway. Maximum foraging ranges of 33 km at Sklinna (65°12′N) for incubating birds, and 18 km at both Vega (65°34′N) and Sklinna for chick-rearing birds, are among the longest reported for this species. At all three sites, foraging probability was highest in shallow waters (<50 m depth) close to the colony and declined with increasing water depth and distance from colony. However, birds from Vega also foraged over deeper waters. Kelp presence was of high importance at Sklinna, but apparently less important at Røst (67°26’N) and Vega. We also found distinct diferences in foraging activity across the day and with tidal height among the sites. Inter-site diferences in habitat use and foraging activity may be explained by diferences in the availability of habitats and suitable prey. Our study highlights the importance of shallow marine areas for black guillemots and shows that habitat use can vary substantially between sites. Cepphus grylle · Marine spatial planning · Habitat use · Species distribution model · Kelp forestpublishedVersio
Variations in inter-specific and sex-related niche partitioning in pelagic boobies during their annual cycle
Animals that co-occur in a region (sympatry) may share the same environment (syntopy), and niche differentiation is expected among closely related species competing for resources. The masked booby (Sula dactylatra) and smaller congeneric redfooted booby (Sula sula) share breeding grounds. In addition to the inter-specific size difference, females of both species are also larger than the respective males (reversed sexual size dimorphism). Although both boobies consume similar prey, sometimes in mixed-species flocks, each species and sex may specialize in terms of their diet or foraging habitats. We examined inter- and intra-specific differences in isotopic values (δ13C and δ15N) in these pelagically feeding booby species during the incubation period at Clarion Island, Mexico, to quantify the degrees of inter- and intra-specific niche partitioning throughout the annual cycle. During incubation, both species preyed mainly on flyingfish and squid, but masked boobies had heavier food loads than red-footed boobies. There was no overlap in isotopic niches between masked and red-footed boobies during breeding (determined from whole blood), but there was slight overlap during the non-breeding period (determined from body feathers). Female masked boobies had a higher trophic position than conspecific males during breeding; however, no such pattern was detected in red-footed boobies. These results provide evidence of inter- and intra-specific niche partitioning in these tropical seabird species, particularly during the breeding period and in the more-dimorphic species. Our results suggest that these closely related species use different strategies to cope with the same tropical marine environment. diet, seabird, sexual segregation, stable isotope analysis, tropics Community ecologypublishedVersio
Good days, bad days: wind as a driver of foraging success in a flightless seabird, the southern Rockhopper Penguin
Due to their restricted foraging range, flightless seabirds are ideal models to study the short-term variability in foraging success in response to environmentally driven food availability. Wind can be a driver of upwelling and food abundance in marine ecosystems such as the Southern Ocean, where wind regime changes due to global warming may have important ecological consequences. Southern rockhopper penguins ( Eudyptes chrysocome ) have undergone a dramatic population decline in the past decades, potentially due to changing environmental conditions. We used a weighbridge system to record daily foraging mass gain (the difference in mean mass of adults leaving the colony in the morning and returning to the colony in the evening) of adult penguins during the chick rearing in two breeding seasons. We related the day-to-day variability in foraging mass gain to ocean wind conditions (wind direction and wind speed) and tested for a relationship between wind speed and sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA). Foraging mass gain was highly variable among days, but did not differ between breeding seasons, chick rearing stages (guard and crèche) and sexes. It was strongly correlated between males and females, indicating synchronous changes among days. There was a significant interaction of wind direction and wind speed on daily foraging mass gain. Foraging mass gain was highest under moderate to strong winds from westerly directions and under weak winds from easterly directions, while decreasing under stronger easterly winds and storm conditions. Ocean wind speed showed a negative correlation with daily SSTA, suggesting that winds particularly from westerly directions might enhance upwelling and consequently the prey availability in the penguins' foraging areas. Our data emphasize the importance of small-scale, wind-induced patterns in prey availability on foraging success, a widely neglected aspect in seabird foraging studies, which might become more important with increasing changes in climatic variability
The challenges of opportunistic sampling when comparing prevalence of plastics in diving seabirds: A multi-species example from Norway
There is a need for baseline information about how much plastics are ingested by wildlife and potential negative consequences thereof. We analysed the frequency of occurrence (FO) of plastics >1 mm in the stomachs of five pursuit-diving seabird species collected opportunistically. Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) found emaciated on beaches in SW Norway had the highest FO of plastics (58.8 %), followed by emaciated common guillemots (Uria aalge; 9.1 %) also found beached in either SW or SE Norway. No plastics were detected in razorbills (Alca torda), great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo), and European shags (Gulosus aristotelis) taken as bycatch in northern Norway. This is the first study to report on plastic ingestion of these five species in northern Europe, and it highlights both the usefulness and limitations of opportunistic sampling. Small sample sizes, as well as an unbalanced sample design, complicated the interpretation of the results.publishedVersio
Forurensning i de norske havområdene - Barentshavet, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen - Rapport fra Overvåkingsgruppen 2021
Denne rapporten sammenstiller kunnskap om forurensningstilstanden i forvaltningsplanområdene Barentshavet, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen/Skagerrak, med hovedvekt på miljøgifter og radioaktiv forurensning. Rapporten oppsummerer resultater fra overvåkning av Overvåkingsgruppens indikatorsett, som publiseres på miljostatus.no, det vil si 43 indikatorer for forurensning og fire indikatorer for potensielt forurensende menneskelig aktivitet i havområdene. Rapporten inneholder også annen relevant kunnskap. Det er også gjort en evaluering av indikatorsettet og de ulike indikatorenes egnethet til å vurdere tilstand, utvikling og effekter på mattrygghet og miljøkvalitet.publishedVersio
Co‐developing guidance for conservation: An example for seabirds in the North‐East Atlantic in the face of climate change impacts
Conservation guidance—an authoritative source of information and recommendations explicitly supporting decision-making and action regarding nature conservation—represents an important tool to communicate evidence-based advice to conservation actors. Given the rapidly increasing pressure that climate change poses to biodiversity, producing accessible, well-informed guidance on how to best manage the impacts and risks of changing climatic conditions is particularly urgent. Guidance documents should ideally be produced with multistage input from stakeholders who are likely to use and implement such advice; however, this step can be complicated and costly, and remains largely unformalized. Moreover, there is currently little direct evidence synthesized for actions that specifically target climate change and guidance remains largely absent. Here, we introduce a process for co-developing guidance for species conservation in the face of climate change, using seabirds in the North-East Atlantic as a case study. Specifically, we collated evidence on climate change vulnerability and possible conservation actions using literature synthesis, stakeholder surveys, and ecological modeling. This evidence base was then discussed, refined, and expanded using structured stakeholder workshops. We summarize the knowledge gained through stakeholder engagement and provide recommendations for future international efforts to co-produce conservation guidance for managing wildlife, in the context of a rapidly changing climate.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Six pelagic seabird species of the North Atlantic engage in a fly-and-forage strategy during their migratory movements
Bird migration is commonly defined as a seasonal movement between breeding and non-breeding grounds. It generally involves relatively straight and directed large-scale movements, with a latitudinal change, and specific daily activity patterns comprising less or no foraging and more traveling time. Our main objective was to describe how this general definition applies to seabirds. We investigated migration characteristics of 6 pelagic seabird species (little auk Alle alle, Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica, common guillemot Uria aalge, Brünnich’s guillemot U. lomvia, black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla and northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis). We analysed an extensive geolocator positional and saltwater immersion dataset from 29 colonies in the North-East Atlantic and across several years (2008-2019). We used a novel method to identify active migration periods based on segmentation of time series of track characteristics (latitude, longitude, net-squared displacement). Additionally, we used the saltwater immersion data of geolocators to infer bird activity. We found that the 6 species had, on average, 3 to 4 migration periods and 2 to 3 distinct stationary areas during the non-breeding season. On average, seabirds spent the winter at lower latitudes than their breeding colonies and followed specific migration routes rather than non-directionally dispersing from their colonies. Differences in daily activity patterns were small between migratory and stationary periods, suggesting that all species continued to forage and rest while migrating, engaging in a ‘fly-and-forage’ migratory strategy. We thereby demonstrate the importance of habitats visited during seabird migrations as those that are not just flown over, but which may be important for re-fuelling.publishedVersio
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