27 research outputs found

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    Master's thesis in Special educationArbeidsplaner har etter hvert fĂ„tt en stor plass i skolen og brukes som et verktĂžy til tilpasset opplĂŠring. Denne studien fokuserer pĂ„ bruk av arbeidsplaner sett ut i fra et foreldrenes perspektiv og som en side av skole-hjem samarbeidet. FormĂ„let er Ă„ fĂ„ et innblikk i foreldrenes erfaringer med elevens bruk av arbeidsplaner. FĂžlgende problemstilling formuleres: Hvilke erfaringer har foreldrene med elevens bruk av arbeidsplaner. For Ă„ spisse problemstillingen vektlegges 5 underspĂžrsmĂ„l. 1) Hvilke erfaringer har foreldrene med kommunikasjonen mellom skole og hjem? 2) Hvordan pĂ„virker arbeidsplanen samarbeidet mellom skole og hjem? 3) Hvordan opplever foreldrene at eleven arbeider med arbeidsplanen? 4) PĂ„ hvilken mĂ„te pĂ„virker bruk av arbeidsplaner kommunikasjonen mellom foreldre og elev? 5) Hva skjer med foreldrerollen? Teoretisk knyttes oppgaven opp mot Habermas, J teori om kommunikative handlinger/makt. (Habermas 1997:209) Studien gjennomfĂžres som en kvalitativ studie hvor semistrukturert samtaleintervju nyttes for Ă„ hente erfaringsmateriale. Utvalget bestĂ„r av 4 informanter, foreldre til barn i 8. trinn Gjennom arbeidsplanen fĂ„r foreldrene mer informasjon, men innfĂžring av arbeidsplaner ved denne skolen ser ikke ut til Ă„ medfĂžre mer dialog mellom skole og hjem. Det kan tolkes som at det meste av informasjonen er ensrettet fra skole til hjemmet. Elevens arbeidsmĂ„ter endres , men det fremkommer ikke i denne studien at det har fĂžrt til at skole-hjem samarbeidet endres. Manglende felles forstĂ„else av hvordan arbeidsplanen brukes ser ut til Ă„ gjĂžre det vanskelig for foreldrene Ă„ ta del i elevenes opplĂŠring. Arbeidsplanen vurderes til Ă„ vĂŠre styrende for elevens skolehverdag, men foreldrene har ulike syn pĂ„ i hvilken grad den kan vĂŠre styrende for utbyttet til eleven. Foreldrene i denne studien opplever at elevene arbeider med arbeidsplanen ut i fra hva de ”mĂ„â€ gjĂžre. Variasjoner i hva eleven opplever at han ”mĂ„â€ har betydning for arbeidsmengden. Arbeidet fremstĂ„r dermed som instrumentelt. .Foreldrene opplever det som positivt for elevene at elevene fĂ„r innflytelse over eget arbeid og mulighet til Ă„ organisere noe av sin egen skolehverdag. Samtidig ser det i denne studien ut til at bruk av arbeidsplaner fĂžrer til at noen elever gjĂžr seg ferdig med arbeidet pĂ„ skolen. NĂ„r eleven ikke tar med arbeid hjem mister foreldrene en mulighet til innsyn i elevens skolehverdag. Det blir vanskeligere for dem Ă„ fĂžlge med i elevens opplĂŠring og foreldrenes rolle blir uklar

    Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the context of cancer; prevalence, reasons for use, disclosure, information received, risks and benefits reported by people with cancer in Norway

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    Background Research exploring the use of specific Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) modalities by Norwegian cancer patients is sparse. The aims of this study were therefor to map the different CAM modalities cancer patients use and further investigate their rationale for use, communication about use, self-reported benefits and harms, and their sources of information about the different modalities. Methods In cooperation with the Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS), we conducted an online cross-sectional study among members of their user panel with present or previously cancer (n = 706). The study was carried out in September/October 2021 using a modified cancer-specific version of the International Questionnaire to Measure Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (I-CAM-Q). In total, 468 members, 315 women and 153 men, agreed to participate resulting in a response rate of 67.2%. The study was reported in accordance with the National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s (NAFKAM) model of reporting CAM use. Results A large proportion of the participants (79%, n = 346) had used some form of CAM with a mean of 3.8 modalities each (range 1-17); 33% (n = 143) had seen a CAM provider, 52% (n = 230) had used natural remedies, while 58% (n = 253) had used self-help practices. Most of the participants used CAM to increase their quality of life, cope with the cancer disease or for relaxation/well-being (64%-94%), mostly with high satisfaction and low rates of adverse effects. Few used CAM to treat cancer or prevent it from spreading (16%, n = 55). The main information sources were health care providers (47%), the internet (47%), and family and friends (39%). More than half (59%) of the cancer patients discussed their use of at least one CAM modality with a physician. Conclusions The results of this survey will provide health professionals with more in-depth insight into the patterns of CAM use by cancer patients and facilitate better-informed discussions with their patients. Considering the high use of CAM, reliable information provision supporting cancer care providers’ knowledge and health literacy among patients as well as good communication are crucial. The cooperation between the NCS and NAFKAM provides an example of how to address these issues

    SpĂžrreundersĂžkelse blant rypejegere i Lierne 2018

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    Som en del av prosjektet "BÊrekraftig smÄvilforvaltning som grunnlag for lokal verdiskaping" omhandler denne rapporten svar pÄ spÞrsmÄl gitt til rypejegere som enten hadde sÞkt pÄ jakt i Lierne eller jaktet der i perioden 2013-2017. SpÞrsmÄlene som ble stilt spesifikt til personer som hadde jaktet rype i Lierne, var en tilleggsdel i en stÞrre nasjonal RypejegerundersÞkelse. SpÞrsmÄlene om Lierne omhandlet tema som motiver for Ä jakte rype i Lierne, informasjon om og tilrettelegging for rypejakt i kommunen, eventuelle konflikter med andre brukergrupper, tilleggsaktiviteter eller -tjenester i Lierne som kan vÊre av interesse for rypejegeren, samt forhold ved uttak av jaktbart smÄrovvilt

    Aerobic high-intensity interval exercise training in patients with angina and no obstructive coronary artery disease: feasibility and physiological effects

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    Aims Patients with chest pain and normal coronary angiogram [angina with normal coronary arteries (ANOCA)] constitute a therapeutic problem with considerable functional limitation and reduced quality of life. The aims of the current pilot study were to (i) explore if a structured aerobic high-intensity interval training (HIT) program for 12 weeks was feasible in patients with ANOCA, and (ii) to assess mechanisms related to symptoms in this population. Methods and results Sixteen patients with ANOCA underwent a 3-month aerobic HIT program with one-to-one monitored exercise sessions on treadmill in a 4 min × 4 manner, three times a week. Four patients served as controls. Coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) transthoracic Doppler, flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) and VO2max was measured at baseline and after 12 weeks. The average attendance to training sessions was 82.3% ± 10.1 (56–94). CFVR in the training group increased from 2.50 ± 0.48 to 3.04 ± 0.71 (P < 0.001) whereas FMD increased from 4.19 ± 2.42% to 8.28 ± 2.85% (P < 0.001). Improvement in CFVR correlated with the relative improvement in FMD (R = 0.45, P = 0.047). This was associated with an increase in VO2max from 28.75 ± 6.51 mL/kg/min to 31.93 ± 6.46 mL/kg/min (P < 0.001). Conclusion A 3-month program of monitored HIT was feasible, with high adherence resulting in improved functional capacity in patients with ANOCA. CFVR improved and this improvement was associated with improved FMD.publishedVersio

    Prevalence of late and long-term effects of cancer (treatment) and use of complementary and alternative medicine in Norway

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    Background The increasing number of patients surviving cancer leads to more people experiencing late and long term-effects from the disease and its treatment. Fatigue, sleep disorders, early menopause, pain, and nerve damage are commonly reported. Methods helping people to recover after cancer treatment are therefore essential. The aims of this study were threefold; (1) to determine the level of cancer patients suffering from late and long-term effects of cancer diagnosis and treatment in Norway, (2) explore complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities used for managing these adversities, and (3) describe self-perceived benefits and harms of the CAM interventions. Methods The study was conducted in cooperation with the Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS) and consisted of an online cross-sectional study among members of the NCS user panel with present or previous cancer (n = 706). The study was carried out in September/October 2021 using a modified cancer-specific version of the International Questionnaire to Measure Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (I-CAM-Q). A total of 315 women and 153 men agreed to participate, resulting in a response rate of 67%. Results Most of the participants (83%) suffered from late and long-term effects of cancer treatment; mostly fatigue (59.2%), sleep disorder (41.5%), hot flashes (39.2%), nerve damage (polyneuropathy, 38.0%), and pain (36.6%) with a mean number of 5.1 different late and long-term effects. Late and long-term effects were positively associated with younger age and college/university education. Nearly half of the participants experiencing late and long-term effects (43%) reported having used CAM to treat these complaints. Most frequently used were self-help practices (26%) such as relaxation therapy (19%), yoga (14%) and meditation (13%), but also visits to CAM providers were reported by 22%. Herbal- and other natural remedies to treat late and long-term effects were used by 13%. A high percentage of CAM users reported self-perceived improvements of their symptoms (86% for self-help practices, 90% for visits to CAM providers). Few experienced adverse effects of the CAM treatment. Conclusion A large proportion of cancer patients suffered from a wide range of late and long-term effects of cancer diagnosis and treatment, and they use CAM to treat these complaints to a rather high degree. Relaxation therapy, yoga, meditation, massage, and acupuncture were the most frequently used therapies regardless of complaint. The therapies used are generally considered to be both safe and beneficial for the respective complaint, indicating that the participants seem to be well informed about the choices they make

    Growth responses of Betula pendula ecotypes to red and far-red light

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    The effect of Red light (R), Far-red light (FR) and R/FR combinations on shoot growth of latitudinal ecotypes of B. pendula was studied using special diodes that emit monochromatic lights. When a 12 hrs PAR (110 \u3bcmol m-2 s-1) was extended with R, FR or R/FR ratios, lower intensities of monochromatic lights could not prevent growth cessation. At 25 \u3bcmol m-2 s-1, FR compared to R enhanced stem elongation in all ecotypes. This was due to the inhibitive effect of R on internode elongation. When day-length was extended by R/FR at various ratios, there was continuous shoot elongation, but was found to be declining with increasing ratios. The more the R, the shorter were the internodes of each plant. B. pendula ecotypes produced branches when PAR light during the day was extended by incandescent light, but did not do so when the light extensions were made by monochromatic R or FR or their combination. Branching increased with decreasing latitude of the ecotype

    BÊrekraftig smÄviltforvaltning som grunnlag for lokal verdiskapning: Oppsummering av workshop og dybdeintervjuer

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    Eriksen, L.F., Grande, J., Moa, P.F., Rohde, T. & Nilsen, E.B. 2018. BĂŠrekraftig smĂ„viltforvaltning som grunnlag for lokal verdiskapning: Oppsummering av workshop og dybdeintervjuer. NINA Rapport 1375. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Et sentralt poeng med arbeidet presentert i denne rapporten er Ă„ identifisere viktige momenter for utvikling av realistiske scenarier i forbindelse med utvikling av en Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) modell for lirype i Norge. De to aktivitetene rapporten bygger pĂ„ er 1) en todagers workshop gjennomfĂžrt i Lierne i juni 2016 med 34 aktĂžrer fra Lierne og regionen for Ăžvrig, og 2) dybdeintervjuer med 9 utvalgte aktĂžrer med forretningsmodeller direkte eller indirekte knyttet til smĂ„vilt som ressurs. Under workshopen ble det gjennomfĂžrt tre arbeidsĂžkter med ulike vinklinger; 1) «avveininger i forvaltningsprosessen», 2) «nĂŠringsutvikling og verdiskapning basert pĂ„ rype som en varierende naturressurs», og 3) «muligheter som kan ligge i ‘mellomrommene’ i MSE-rammeverket». Gjennom gruppearbeid og plenumsdiskusjoner kom det frem en rekke synspunkter og ideer innen forretningsstrategier og ulike konkurrerende mĂ„lsetninger som mĂ„ tas hensyn til. Her kan det trekkes frem at det trolig er stĂžrre enighet om viktigheten av bĂŠrekraftig forvaltning, enn det er enighet om hva som faktisk er bĂŠrekraftig forvaltning. Et annet moment er at noen workshop-deltagere var skeptiske til Ă„ fokusere for mye pĂ„ nye ikke-jaktbaserte produkter og tjenester i forbindelse med smĂ„vilt, da dette kunne ta fokuset bort fra den tradisjonelle jakta og fĂžre til tap av eksisterende kundegrupper. Et hovedmĂ„l innen dybdeintervjuene var Ă„ avdekke ulike modeller for inntjening, og i hvilken grad bestandsstĂžrrelse hos smĂ„vilt pĂ„virket disse. Et viktig funn er at de fleste aktĂžrer ser ut til Ă„ ha liten omsetning basert pĂ„ smĂ„vilt. Pakking av flere produkter sammen ga stĂžrre inntjening per jeger, enn om jaktkort og tilleggstjenester ble solgt separat. BestandsstĂžrrelse hos aktuelle arter ble av flere fremhevet som viktig for aktivitetsnivĂ„et i nĂŠringen, og de fleste aktĂžrene hadde sĂ„ langt tatt liten Ăžkonomisk risiko. Det kom gode innspill om at Ăžkt samarbeid mellom fjellstyrer og lokalt nĂŠringsliv kan gi mulighet for mer aktivitet og Ăžkte inntekter uten nĂždvendigvis stor egeninnsats fra fjellstyret. Mange mente at smĂ„viltbasert nĂŠring fĂžrst og fremst er aktuelt som tilleggsnĂŠring pĂ„ grunn av mangel pĂ„ kontinuitet gjennom Ă„ret. Dette antyder at en riktig vei mot Ăžkt lokal verdiskapning kan vĂŠre Ă„ fĂ„ mange aktĂžrer til Ă„ satse litt, i stedet for at enkeltaktĂžrer mĂ„ satse mye. Dette vil ikke nĂždvendigvis bety en Ăžkning i antall fulltids arbeidsplasser, men det kan likevel ha betydelig potensial for samlet verdiskapning i regionen. Usikkerhet omkring bestandsstĂžrrelse i Ă„rene som kommer mĂ„ forventes nĂ„r det gjelder fluktuerende smĂ„viltbestander. Å ha et spekter av ulike produkter gjennom Ă„ret er av flere trukket frem som nĂždvendig for en helhetlig satsning med god inntjening fra utmarksnĂŠring. Kunnskap om muligheter for kontinuerlig inntjening gjennom Ă„ret og offentlige rammevilkĂ„r som gir rom for dette vil vĂŠre viktig for Ă„ Ăžke nĂŠringsutviklingen.Eriksen, L.F., Grande, J., Moa, P.F., Rohde, T. & Nilsen, E.B. 2018. BĂŠrekraftig smĂ„viltforvaltning som grunnlag for lokal verdiskapning: Oppsummering av workshop og dybdeintervjuer. NINA Report 1375. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. A major objective for this work is to identify important aspects necessary in the development of realistic scenarios in relation to development of a Management Evaluation Strategy (MSE) model for willow ptarmigan in Norway. The main approaches we apply in this process are two major project activities. The first was a two-day workshop with 34 participators from Lierne municipality (in Central Norway) and the surrounding region. The second activity was a series of in-depth interviews with 9 selected business actors that directly or indirectly rely on small game as a resource. The first activity, i.e. the workshop, focused around three sessions with different angles: 1) “trade-offs in the management process”, 2) “economic development based on ptarmigan as a fluctuating natural resource, and 3) “opportunities in the ‘gaps between models’ in the MSE framework”. Through working in focus groups and subsequent joint discussions, a number of views and ideas came forward regarding business strategies and competing objectives. It appeared that there was a general agreement concerning the importance of sustainable management, but less agreement on what exactly is sustainable. Another aspect worth highlighting is that a few partic-ipants was somewhat sceptical to increased focus on small game products not related to hunting, as they feared this could lead to less focus on the traditional hunting activity and loss of existing customer segments. An objective within the in-depth interviews was to unveil different revenue models and explore how these were affected by small game abundance. The results show that for most of the participants, small game related products and services play a minor role in their annual turnover. Product bundling of hunting licences and added services increased revenue per hunter. Several respondents claimed that abundance for relevant species had importance for level of business activity, whereas risk-taking was low for most actors. It was suggested by some of the participants, that a closer collaboration between state-owned land and local enterprises could increase the business potential. A number of respondents considered small game based products and services solely to be able to provide contributions adding to their main business activities, as a result of lack of continuity throughout the year. This implies that focusing on slightly higher activity by many actors, as opposed to full-scale efforts by few actors, might be the best way of increasing local economic development based on small game resources. While this does not necessarily lead to increased full time positions, but may still have a substantial potential for the combined economic growth in the region. Uncertainty related to population status must also be expected in the future, given that small game populations typically vary markedly in size between years. A larger range of services that could be offered at different times of the year was highlighted among several participants when establishing profitable businesses. Knowledge about possibilities for such year-around enter-prises and public business support measures that could facilitate this is important if one want to increase the business potential

    SpĂžrreundersĂžkelse blant rypejegere i Lierne 2018

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    Som en del av prosjektet "BÊrekraftig smÄvilforvaltning som grunnlag for lokal verdiskaping" omhandler denne rapporten svar pÄ spÞrsmÄl gitt til rypejegere som enten hadde sÞkt pÄ jakt i Lierne eller jaktet der i perioden 2013-2017. SpÞrsmÄlene som ble stilt spesifikt til personer som hadde jaktet rype i Lierne, var en tilleggsdel i en stÞrre nasjonal RypejegerundersÞkelse. SpÞrsmÄlene om Lierne omhandlet tema som motiver for Ä jakte rype i Lierne, informasjon om og tilrettelegging for rypejakt i kommunen, eventuelle konflikter med andre brukergrupper, tilleggsaktiviteter eller -tjenester i Lierne som kan vÊre av interesse for rypejegeren, samt forhold ved uttak av jaktbart smÄrovvilt