78 research outputs found

    System for surveillance of maritime traffic using the network of over-the-horizon radars

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    Ova disertacija se bavi optimizacijom i prilagođenjem algoritama za praćenje ciljeva za potrebe ublažavanja uticaja štetnih refleksija na proces praćenja ciljeva kod izahorizontskih radara sa površinskim talasom (HFSW radari), upotrebljenih za osmatranje pomorskih ciljeva i konceptualizacijom i realizacijom sistema za integrisano pomorsko praćenje ciljeva baziranog na HFSWR mrežama.This dissertation deals with the optimization and adaptation of target tracking algorithms to mitigate the impact of harmful reflections on the target tracking process in over-the-horizon high frequency surface wave radar (HFSW radar), used to observe maritime targets and conceptualize and implement an integrated maritime surveillance system based on HFSWR networks..

    Sulfatima i fosfatima modifikovan ZrO[sub]2 kao katalizator u izabranim industrijski značajnim petrohemijskim procesima

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    New rules connected with gasoline have banned many additives, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a high octane value of the fuel while simultaneously respecting the imposed limitations. Thus the reactions of n-alkane isomerization to yeild higher octane numbers gasolines have increased importance. Biodiesel is widely used as a fossil diesel substitute, mainly because of its ecological value and because there is no need for changing the existing motors in any way. However, industrial production of biodiesel still suffers from a number of ecological and economical setbacks. Q4.16.01 - Izdawe 1 ZrO2 is a catalyst which is widely used in industry, mainly because of its favorable textural, structural, morphological and surface properties. It can easily be modified with acidic groups and metals. The catalyst modified in such a way has shown certain properties which make it suitable for use in (in)directly petrochemically important industrial processes such as isomerization of n-alkanes and transesterification of vegetable oils. In this dissertation, ZrO2 was modified with sulfates and phosphates and then characterized in detail and its properties were compared to the unmodified catalyst. Catalyst samples were tested in the reactions of isomerization of n-pentane and n-hexane, as well as the reaction of transesterification of sunflwoer oil with methanol. Reactions were performed under a wide range of conditions in order to determine the influence of a large number of reacton parameters on the flow and yield of the reaction. Kinetics of reactions were also examined and stability of the acid groups on the catalyst surface was determined under realistic conditions. Catalyst properties were then correlated with their activities in order to determine the influence that the particular property has on the efficiency of the catalyst and thus its yield


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    Although business process management systems (BPM) have been used over the years, their performance in unpredicted situations has not been adequately solved. In these cases, it is common to request user assistance or invoke predefined procedures. In this paper, we propose using the Active Semantic Model (ASM) to detect and handle exceptions. This is a specifically developed semantic network model for modeling of semantic features of the business processes. ASM is capable of classifying new situations based on their similarities with existing ones. Within BPM systems this is then used to classify new situations as exceptions and to handle the exceptions by changing the process based on ASM’s previous experience. This enables automatic detection and handling of exceptions which significantly improves the performance of bpm systems

    Različiti pristupi za kreiranje geometrijskih modela anatomske osi femura i tijela femura

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    In today\u27s medicine, especially in the field of orthopedic surgery, it is very important to use geometrically accurate and anatomically correct geometrical models of human bones for the pre-operative planning and implants creation. In order to create such models, two new methods for geometrical modeling were developed and presented in this paper. These methods enable creation of femur anatomical axis and femur shaft geometrical models, and they are: GCM (Gravity Center Method), and CPM (Curve Projection Method). Both methods enable creation of geometrical models which are based on data acquired from the medical imaging devices (CT, MRI, X-Ray). The basic difference between these two methods and all the others is in the manner of generating the points through which anatomical axis model (3D curve) passes or goes near. The applied methods are developed considering the natural shape and anatomical landmarks of the femur bone, as well as standard CAD techniques for geometrical modeling which are common in engineering.U današnjoj medicini, osobito u području ortopedske kirurgije vrlo je važno koristiti geometrijski točne i anatomski ispravne geometrijske modele ljudskih kostiju za pred-operativno planiranje i kreiranje implantata. Radi kreiranja takvih modela dvije nove metode geometrijskog modeliranja su razvijene i prezentirane u ovom radu. Ove metode omogućuju kreiranje geometrijskih modela anatomske osi femura i tijela femura i one su: GCM (eng. Gravity Center Method), i CPM (eng. Curve Projection Method). Obje metode omogućavaju kreiranje geometrijskih modela koji se temelje na podacima dobivenih od medicinskih uređaja (CT, MRI, X-Ray). Osnovna razlika između ove dvije metode u odnosu na sve ostale je u načinu generiranja točaka kroz koje anatomska os modela (3D krivulja) prolazi ili je u blizini. Primijenjene su tehnike koje su razvijene uzimajući u obzir prirodni oblik i anatomske značajke femura. kao i standardne CAD tehnike za geometrijsko modeliranje koje su uobičajene u inženjerstvu

    Usporedba odziva modela pneumatika s detaljnim gaznim slojem i pojednostavljenog modela za analizu kotrljanja pneumatika u stacionarnom stanju

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    This paper deals with the level of detail that is necessary for representation of tread pattern in finite element tire models. Different methods for creation of tire tread mesh are systematized by two different criteria: the most common approaches and the finite element analysis type. Some of the representative approaches found in literature are given in more detail and their advantages and disadvantages discussed. An example from author’s experience, which describes the creation of finite element tire model with detailed tread for steady-state rolling analysis, is presented. The paper also brings a head-to-head comparison of the response of simplified and detailed tread tire models, subjected to a range of finite element analyses, from footprint analysis at static loading conditions to steady-state rolling cornering analysis.Ovaj rad se bavi razinom detalja koja je potrebna za prikaz šare gaznoga sloja u modela pneumatika namjenjenih analizi primjenom metode konačnih elemenata. Različite metode za izradu mreže konačnih elemenata su sistematizirane po dva različita kriterija: najčešćih pristupa i tipa analize primjenom metode konačnih elemenata. Neki od tipičnih pristupa koji se mogu naći u literaturi opisani su u više detalja i navedene su njihove prednosti i nedostaci. U članku je dat primjer iz iskustva autora, koji opisuje stvaranje modela pneumatika s detaljnim gaznim slojem za analizu kotrljanja u stacionarnom stanju. U radu je također prikazana izravna usporedba odziva pojednostavljenog modela pneumatika i modela s detaljnim gaznim slojem, podvrgnutih nizu analiza, od analize kontakta između tla i pneumatika pod statičkim uvjetima opterećenja do skretanja pri kotrljanju u stacionarnom stanju


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    The paper brings out a review of existing, state-of-the-art approaches to designing the geometry of the scaffolds that are used for tissue engineering with a special emphasis on the macro scaffolds aimed for bone tissue recovery. Similar concepts of different authors are organized into groups. The focus of the paper is on determining the existing concepts as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Besides the review of scaffolds' geometry solutions, the analysis of the existing designs points to some serious misconceptions regarding the scaffold role within the (bone) tissue recovery. In the last section of the paper, the main requirements regarding geometry, that is, architecture and corresponding mechanical properties and permeability are reconsidered

    How children tell a lie: gender and school achievement differences in children's lie-telling

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    Research about children’s lie-telling mainly include the so-called “temptation resistance paradigm”. However, this procedure implicits only short, simple answers that do not require in-depth elaboration of lies. Aim of this study was to enforce a new procedure for measuring children’s ability to lie and investigate gender and school achivement differences in children’s lie telling. New procedure is designed to measure the degree of ability to lie, based on a person’s persuasiveness while telling a story of false autobiographical events. The fulfillment of this task requires the ability to construct detailed, coherent and plausible content of the story in a short period of time and the ability to present this content as convincing in order to persuade others that the event really took place.TSPC2016: Proceedings of the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, November 4th 201

    Synthesis of LiCrxMn2-xO4 (x~0.18) by glycine-nitrate method

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    LiCr0.18Mn1.82O4 spinel has been successfully synthesized by glycine-nitrate method. As a cathode material for lithium batteries it shows initial discharge capacity of 107.1 mAh/g and capacity retention of 93.3% after ten cycles.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Tyre Design and Optimization by Dedicated CAD Tyre Model

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    Structural optimization by Finite Elements (FE) is proved very effective in tyre design. For that purpose, major tyre manufacturers use in-house applications. An alternative solution, involving dedicated CAD tyre model (DCTM), is here proposed. DCTM concept permits to easily change the FE tyre models, concerning shape and structure, by moving a part of pre-processing from FE analysis to CAD. No special skills regarding CAD or FEA are required. For every new tyre design, only a new DCTM and a corresponding FE model must be built. All subsequent model changes are automatically performed by mapping and translation routines. To test this concept, DTCM models of an existing tyre were created and used within a pilot design study