220 research outputs found

    Diseño de mecanismos para el desarrollo de sistemas seguros con calidad de servicio (QoS)

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    Seguridad y Calidad de Servicio (QoS) son aspectos ampliamente confrontados. En esta tesis se realiza un análisis detallado de las características y requisitos de seguridad y QoS en las redes candidatas a formar parte de la Internet del Futuro (IF) y de la Internet de los Objetos (IdO), así como de los mecanismos actuales para el análisis de la compensación entre mecanismos de seguridad y QoS. De este estudio se desprende la necesidad de definir nuevos modelos para la evaluación del impacto entre mecanismos de seguridad y QoS, dado que la mayor parte de los estudios centra sus esfuerzos en entornos específicos y características determinadas que no pueden ser fácilmente mapeadas a otros entornos, o cambiar dinámicamente. Por ello definimos un modelo para la composición de esquemas de definición paramétrica basado en el contexto, definido por sus siglas en inglés, Context-based Parametric Relationship Model (CPRM). Este modelo es implementado en una herramienta para la evaluación de mecanismos de Seguridad y QoS (SQT), y su rendimiento evaluado en base a la información integrada en los contextos y la dependencia paramétrica. Finalmente, para mejorar la visualización de los resultados y agilizar la comprensión del modelo definimos un sistema de recomendaciones para la herramienta SQT (SQT-RS). El análisis del modelo y de la herramienta se realiza empleando dos casos base dentro de escenarios del FI: mecanismos de autenticación en redes de sensores (WSN) y recomendaciones para la composición de mecanismos en escenarios de 5G Green sometidos a eavesdropping y jamming

    GNS3 for Security Practitioners

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    This guide is only a small part of the security content that can be learned during the "Master's Degree in Computer Engineering" - Cybersecurity Degree. The guide is used by the students as reinforcement during practical classes, but there is much more content that is not found in the guide. Indeed, the student has access to the virtual machine resulting from the steps in the guide (including all the scripts and networks configured for GNS3), so these steps are only used if the student wants to set up their own environment at home. Moreover, vulnerability analyses are very dependent on the living system. The student learns how to use Metasploit and other pentesting tools during the course, although this is not included in deep in the guide. This guide is only a first step towards cybersecurity training.The objective of this guide is to provide useful information for the deployment of a virtual laboratory using GNS3 with the aim of testing security features. In this guide GNS3 is used together with other tools for training in network security. It is possible to install all these tools in a single virtual machine. In addition, the virtual machine must have nested virtualisation enabled in order to run inside other virtual machines (e.g. Kali Linux)

    Clinical management and acute exacerbations in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Spain: results from the OASIS study

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    Clinical management; Acute exacerbations; Early treatmentGestión clínica; Exacerbaciones agudas; Tratamiento precozGestió clínica; Exacerbacions agudes; Tractament precoçBackground Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive disease associated with decline in lung function and poor prognosis entailing significant impairment in quality of life and high socioeconomic burden. The aim of this study was to characterize clinical management and resources utilization of patients with IPF in Spain, according to predicted forced vital capacity (FVC) % at baseline. Methods Prospective, non-interventional, multicentric real-world data study in patients with IPF in Spain with 12-months follow-up. Clinical management and resources utilization during study period were recorded and compared between groups. FVC decline and acute exacerbations occurrence and associated healthcare resource use were also analysed. FVC decline after 12 months was estimated as relative change. Results 204 consecutive patients with IPF were included and divided according to baseline FVC % predicted value. At baseline, patients with FVC  10% in the more preserved lung function groups than in the FVC < 50% group, because of their already deteriorated condition. Conclusions We observed a significantly higher annual IPF-related resource use in patients with more impaired lung function at baseline. Since FVC decreases irrespective of FVC% predicted at baseline, slowing IPF progression to maintain patients at early disease stages is relevant to improve IPF management and to optimize resource use.The study was supported and funded by Boehringer Ingelheim España

    Economic Burden of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Spain: A Prospective Real-World Data Study (OASIS Study)

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    Carga económica; Fibrosis pulmonar idiopática; EspañaCàrrega econòmica; Fibrosi pulmonar idiopàtica; EspanyaEconomic burden; Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; SpainBackground Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive and fatal lung disease associated with dyspnoea, cough and impaired quality of life affecting around 7500 patients in Spain. Objective Our aim was to estimate the economic impact of IPF according to forced vital capacity (FVC) % predicted level in adult patients. Methods We conducted a prospective, observational, multicentric study of patients with confirmed IPF in Spain. Total annual IPF-related costs were estimated per patient, and categorised according to the FVC% predicted value (FVC 80%) and total sample. Incurred direct health- and non-health-related costs and indirect costs were calculated considering the IPF-related healthcare resource use and the corresponding unitarian costs. Results were updated to 2023 euros. Results Two hundred and four consecutive patients with IPF were included: 77% male, average age (standard deviation) 70.8 (7.6) years. At baseline, FVC% was 80% of predicted value in 10.8%, 74.5% and 14.7% of patients, respectively. The final cost-evaluable population included 180 subjects. The mean (standard deviation) total annual IPF-related cost was €26,997 (17,555), with statistically significant differences (p = 0.0002) between groups: €44,412 (33,389) for the FVC 80%. Annual direct health costs had the greatest weight and included pharmacological treatments [€22,324 (13,773)] and hospitalisation days [€1659 (7362)]. 14 patients had ≥ 1 acute exacerbation of IPF during the study; mean total cost of an acute exacerbation of IPF was €10,372. According to the multivariate analysis, an impaired lung function (FVC < 50%) and use of antifibrotic treatment were determinants of cost (p < 0.0001 both). Conclusions We observed a significantly higher annual IPF-related cost at a lower level of predicted FVC%, the direct cost having the greatest weight to the total costs. Maintaining patients at early disease stages by slowing IPF progression is relevant to reduce the economic impact of IPF

    Ferric sludge derived from the process of water purification as an efficient catalyst and/or support for the removal of volatile organic compounds

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    [EN] Ferric chloride solutions are used as coagulants or flocculants in water treatment operations for human consumption. This treatment produces large amounts of clay-type solids formed mainly of montmorillonite with iron oxides and humic substances. This ferric sludge can be used as an efficient catalyst for the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by total oxidation. This waste isolated in the purification process has been activated by calcinations in air, characterized by several physicochemical techniques and employed as a catalyst for the removal by total oxidation of representative VOCs: toluene, propane and mixtures of toluene/propane with or without water. This ferric sludge has shown a catalytic activity one order of magnitude higher than that of a commercial iron oxide. This high activity has been related to the composition of the sludge (as it contains active metal oxides such as oxides of iron and manganese) and to the porous structure (leading to a reasonably high surface area). Moreover, it can be also used as a support for platinum, showing comparable (or even higher) catalytic activity than a similar platinum catalyst supported on conventional gamma-alumina.The authors would like to acknowledge the DGICYT in Spain CTQ2012-37925-C03-2, CTQ2015-68951-C3-1-R and CTQ2015-68951-C3-3-R. Authors from UV thank the University of Valencia (UV-INV-AE16-484416 project) and MINECO (MAT2017-84118-C2-1-R project) for funding. Finally, authors thank the Electron Microscopy Service of SCSIE of Universitat de Valencia for their support.Sanchis, R.; Dejoz, A.; Vázquez, I.; Vilarrasa-García, E.; Jiménez-Jiménez, J.; Rodríguez-Castellón, E.; López Nieto, JM.... (2019). Ferric sludge derived from the process of water purification as an efficient catalyst and/or support for the removal of volatile organic compounds. Chemosphere. 219:286-295. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.12.002S28629521

    Inteligencia emocional y dinámica familiar en mujeres desplazadas del municipio de La Jagua de Ibírico (Cesar)

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    En el contexto del conflicto armado interno en Colombia, la atrocidad en las acciones violentas también se transmite a los conflictos familiares y comunitarios, aumentando así el desplazamiento político forzado. Este estudio tiene por objeto, dar a conocer las afectaciones ocasionadas por el desplazamiento forzado en mujeres de La Jagua de Ibírico Cesar

    Leadership, self-concept and sex: a deep analysis of transformational leadership

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    Una parte de la investigación sobre liderazgo se ha centrado en los efectos del liderazgo transformacional (TF) y transaccional (TA) en el autoconcepto del propio líder. Esta investigación se ha focalizado esta cuestión, debido a la importancia que encierra. Si se distingue qué tipo de liderazgo conlleva poseer un autoconcepto más positivo, es decir, una mayor autoestima, podremos concluir que existe una forma de liderar que, al menos en ese aspecto, es más recomendable. Según Sosik y Cameron (2010), el líder transformacional poseerá una personalidad más ascética y una excelencia moral; y por ello, un autoconcepto más positivo. Además, también analizaremos si existe diferencia en cuanto al sexo a la hora de ejercer un tipo de liderazgo u otro; pues se espera que las mujeres tiendan a desarrollar un liderazgo más transformacional (Eagly y col., 1992). Utilizando como muestra a 56 profesores/as de secundaria de Granada procedimos a pasar una serie de instrumentos que miden el tipo de liderazgo y el autoconcepto, con el fin de poner a prueba nuestras hipótesis. Finalmente, éstas fueron contrastadas, pues se encontró una clara tendencia por parte de las mujeres al liderazgo transformacional, además de comprobar que éste conllevaba un mayor autoconcepto personal y social en las personas que lo elegían como forma de liderazgo a ejercer.Part of the research about leadership has been focused on the effects that both transformational and transactional leadership have on the leader’s self-concept. This study is focused on that question, due to the importance that it has nowadays. Thus, if we can determine which form of leadership is related to a more positive self-concept, we will be able to conclude that it actually exists a way to lead that is more advisable than others, at least in this respect. Sosik and Cameron (2010) claim that transformational leaders have a more ascetic personality and also a moral excellence, so their self-concept will be more positive. Also, we will analyze the difference between men and women when it comes to lead: we expect that women tend to develop a transformational leadership (Eagly et al., 1992). For that aim, it was drawn a sample of 56 secondary school teachers from Granada, who had to complete different tests about their form of leadership and their self-concept. We finally found that, in general, women tend to have a transformational leadership, and this kind of leadership is related to a better self-concept, both social and personal.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCre

    Adjustable conduits for guided peripheral nerve regeneration prepared from bi-zonal unidirectional and multidirectional laminar scaffold of type I collagen

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    Shortness of donor nerves has led to the development of nerve conduits that connect sectioned peripheral nerve stumps and help to prevent the formation of neuromas. Often, the standard diameters of these devices cannot be adapted at the time of surgery to the diameter of the nerve injured. In this work, scaffolds were developed to form filled nerve conduits with an inner matrix with unidirectional channels covered by a multidirectional pore zone. Collagen type I dispersions (5 mg/g and 8 mg/g) were sequentially frozen using different methods to obtain six laminar scaffolds (P1 to P5) formed by a unidirectional (U) pore/channel zone adjacent to a multidirectional (M) pore zone. The physicochemical and microstructural properties of the scaffolds were determined and compared, as well as their biodegradability, residual glutaraldehyde and cytocompatibility. Also, the Young's modulus of the conduits made by rolling up the bizonal scaffolds from the unidirectional to the multidirectional zone was determined. Based on these comparisons, the proliferation and differentiation of hASC were assessed only in the P3 scaffolds. The cells adhered, aligned in the same direction as the unidirectional porous fibers, proliferated, and differentiated into Schwann-like cells. Adjustable conduits made with the P3 scaffold were implanted in rats 10 mm sciatic nerve lesions to compare their performance with that of autologous sciatic nerve grafted lesions. The in vivo results demonstrated that the tested conduit can be adapted to the diameter of the nerve stumps to guide their growth and promote their regeneration.publishe

    “Nómadas del Viento”: Una experiencia de acogida intercultural en el CEIP Francisco Arranz

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    Este artículo describe el principio de una serie de iniciativas que tienen lugar en una comunidad educativa (profesores, alumnos y padres), con vistas a buscar las mejores prácticas de acogida para los nuevos miembros que llegan al Centro. La búsqueda comienza con la organización de un cine-forum, Nómadas del viento, y continúa con la decisión de crear un clima confortable para todos a través de carteles de bienvenida, creación de cuentos, canciones y secciones interculturales en el periódico del colegio. Aunque el español es la única lengua vehicular que se utiliza en el Centro, esta experiencia muestra cómo se puede aprovechar la diversidad lingüística y cultural del Centro como una fuente de enriquecimiento y aprendizaje para todos. Muestra también, cómo el trabajo en grupo y la participación de toda la comunidad educativa pueden generar prácticas que desarrollen la educación intercultural.This article describes the beginning of a series of initiatives taking place in an educational community (teachers, pupils and family) so as to identifying the best practices of reception for new members who come to Francisco Arranz school. The search starts with organizing a film club, Nomads of the wind, and continues with the decision to create a comfortable climate all through welcome signs, story creation, songs and cross-sections in the school newspaper. Although Spanish is the sole language used in the school, this experience shows how to seize cultural and linguistic diversity as a source of enrichment and learning for all. It also shows how teamwork and participation of the entire school community can develop practices that generate intercultural education.Cet article décrit la mise en marche d'une série d'initiatives dans une communauté educative (enseignants, élèves et parents) en vue de découvrir les meilleures pratiques pour l'accueil des nouveaux membres qui viennent à l’école Francisco Arranz. Cet accueil commence par l'organisation d'un ciné-forum, Nomades du vent, et se poursuit en créant un climat agréable pour tous au moyen d’affiches de bienvenue et de la création de récits et de chansons, ainsi que par la publication d’articles interculturels dans le journal de l’établissement. Bien que l'espagnol soit la seule langue d’enseignement utilisée, cette expérience montre comment on peut tirer parti de la diversité linguistique et culturelle considérée comme une source d'enrichissement et d'apprentissage pour tous. Elle montre également comment le travail en groupe et la participation de toute la communauté éducative peuvent conduire à des pratiques favorables à l’éducation interculturelle