50 research outputs found

    Identification of structural controls in an active lava dome with high resolution DEMs:Volcán de Colima, Mexico

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    Monitoring the topography of active lava domes is critical for detecting changes that may trigger or influence collapse or explosive activity. Internal dome structure and conditions are more difficult to elucidate, but also play vital roles. Here, we describe the exposure (following an explosion) of significant scarps in the active dome at Volcán de Colima, Mexico, that are interpreted as evidence of brittle failure planes and a complex internal dome morphology. In the first use of automated 3D computer vision reconstruction techniques (structure-from-motion and multi-view stereo, SfM-MVS) on an active volcanic dome, we derive high resolution surface models from oblique and archive photographs taken with a consumer camera. The resulting 3D models were geo-referenced using features identified in a web-sourced orthoimage; no ground-based measurements were required. In December 2010, the dome (2.14×106 m3) had a flat upper surface, reflecting an overall ductile emplacement regime. Between then and May 2011, a period of low explosivity was accompanied by a small volume loss (0.4×105 m3) and arcuate steps appeared in the dome surface, suggesting the presence of localized planes of weakness. The complex array of summit scarps was exposed following a significant explosion in June 2011, and is interpreted to be the surface expression of fault planes in the dome. The 1-m resolution DEMs indicated that the region of greatest volume loss was not coincident with the assumed location of the conduit, and that heterogeneity within the dome may have been important during the June explosion

    Rhyolite lava dome growth styles at Chaitén Volcano, Chile (2008-2009):Interpretation of thermal imagery

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    Artículo de publicación ISIAirborne thermal images of the Chaitén rhyolite lava dome were obtained on three occasions between January 2009 and January 2010. These images were useful for understanding the nature and pace of growth of the newly extruded lava, which formed a complex of lobes and a spine. The images also revealed contrasting growth styles affecting different parts of the lava dome complex. Observed synchronous endogenous and exogenous growth was likely the result of multiple flow paths within the lava dome. We suggest that contrasts in morphology and surface texture between various lava lobes are the result of different extrusion rates

    Thermal photogrammetric imaging:a new technique for monitoring dome eruptions

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    Structure-from-motion (SfM) algorithms greatly facilitate the generation of 3-D topographic models from photographs and can form a valuable component of hazard monitoring at active volcanic domes. However, model generation from visible imagery can be prevented due to poor lighting conditions or surface obscuration by degassing. Here, we show that thermal images can be used in a SfM workflow to mitigate these issues and provide more continuous time-series data than visible counterparts. We demonstrate our methodology by producing georeferenced photogrammetric models from 30 near-monthly overflights of the lava dome that formed at Volcán de Colima (Mexico) between 2013 and 2015. Comparison of thermal models with equivalents generated from visible-light photographs from a consumer digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera suggests that, despite being less detailed than their DSLR counterparts, the thermal models are more than adequate reconstructions of dome geometry, giving volume estimates within 10% of those derived using the DSLR. Significantly, we were able to construct thermal models in situations where degassing and poor lighting prevented the construction of models from DSLR imagery, providing substantially better data continuity than would have otherwise been possible. We conclude that thermal photogrammetry provides a useful new tool for monitoring effusive volcanic activity and assessing associated volcanic risks

    Evidence for the development of permeability anisotropy in lava domes and volcanic conduits

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    International audienceThe ease at which exsolving volatiles can migrate though magma and outgas influences the explosivity of a volcanic eruption. Volcanic rocks often contain discrete discontinuities, providing snapshots of strain localisation processes that occur during magma ascent and extrusion. Whether these features comprise pathways for or barriers to fluid flow is thus of relevance for volcanic eruption and gas emission modelling. We report here on nine discontinuity-bearing andesite blocks collected from Volcán de Colima, Mexico. We present a systematic porosity and permeability study of fifty cores obtained from the blocks collected, and interpret the genetic processes of the discontinuities through detailed microstructural examination. Bands in pumiceous blocks were inferred to be relicts of inhomogeneous bubble expansion which, despite significantly increasing porosity, do not markedly affect permeability. Other discontinuities in our blocks are interpreted to be shear strain-induced flow banding, cavitation porosity, and/or variably healed fractures. In each of these cases, an increase in permeability (up to around three orders of magnitude) was measured relative to the host material. A final sample contained a band of lower porosity than the host rock, characterised by variably infilled pores. In this case, the band was an order of magnitude less permeable than the host rock, highlighting the complex interplay between dilatant and densifying processes in magma. We therefore present evidence for significant permeability anisotropy within the conduit and/or dome of a volcanic system. We suggest that the abundance and distribution of strain localisation features will influence the escape or entrapment of volatiles and therefore the evolution of pore pressure within active volcanic systems. Using a simple upscaling model, we illustrate the relative importance of permeable structures over different lengthscales. Strain localisation processes resulting in permeability anisotropy are likely to play an important role in the style, magnitude, and recurrence interval of volcanic eruptions

    Aeolian Remobilisation of Volcanic Ash: Outcomes of a Workshop in the Argentinian Patagonia

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    During explosive volcanic eruptions, large quantities of tephra can be dispersed and deposited over wide areas. Following deposition, subsequent aeolian remobilisation of ash can potentially exacerbate primary impacts on timescales of months to millennia. Recent ash remobilisation events (e.g., following eruptions of Cordón Caulle 2011; Chile, and Eyjafjallajökull 2010, Iceland) have highlighted this to be a recurring phenomenon with consequences for human health, economic sectors, and critical infrastructure. Consequently, scientists from observatories and Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAACs), as well as researchers from fields including volcanology, aeolian processes and soil sciences, convened at the San Carlos de Bariloche headquarters of the Argentinian National Institute of Agricultural Technology to discuss the ?state of the art? for field studies of remobilised deposits as well as monitoring, modeling and understanding ash remobilisation. In this article, we identify practices for field characterisation of deposits and active processes, including mapping, particle characterisation and sediment traps. Furthermore, since forecast models currently rely on poorly-constrained dust emission schemes, we call for laboratory and field measurements to better parameterise the flux of volcanic ash as a function of friction velocity. While source area location and extent are currently the primary inputs for dispersion models, once emission schemes become more sophisticated and better constrained, other parameters will also become important (e.g., source material volume and properties, effective precipitation, type and distribution of vegetation cover, friction velocity). Thus, aeolian ash remobilisation hazard and associated impact assessment require systematic monitoring, including the development of a regularly-updated spatial database of resuspension source areas.Fil: Jarvis, Paul A.. Universidad de Ginebra. Facultad de Ciencias. Sección de Ciencias de la Tierra; SuizaFil: Bonadonna, Costanza. Universidad de Ginebra. Facultad de Ciencias. Sección de Ciencias de la Tierra; SuizaFil: Dominguez, Lucia. Universidad de Ginebra. Facultad de Ciencias. Sección de Ciencias de la Tierra; SuizaFil: Forte, Pablo Brian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Frischknecht, Corine. Universidad de Ginebra. Facultad de Ciencias. Sección de Ciencias de la Tierra; SuizaFil: Bran, Donaldo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Aguilar, Rigoberto. No especifíca;Fil: Beckett, Frances. No especifíca;Fil: Elissondo, Manuela. Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; ArgentinaFil: Gillies, John. Desert Research Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Kueppers, Ulrich. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Merrison, Jonathan. University Aarhus. Institut for Fysik Og Astronomi; DinamarcaFil: Varley, Nick. Universidad de Colima; MéxicoFil: Wallace, Kristi L.. United States Geological Survey; Estados Unido

    Thermal resilience of microcracked andesitic dome rocks

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    International audienceThe strength of the rocks forming a lava dome informs on its structural stability, important for volcanic hazard assessments. Dome-forming rocks are persistently challenged by thermal stresses from recurring eruptive events that may reduce their strength and jeopardise the structural stability of the dome. Here, we present a series of experiments to better understand the impact of thermal stresses on the strength of an andesitic dome rock from Volcán de Colima (Mexico), a volcano that has witnessed some substantial dome collapses in recent years. Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) was first tested at room temperature on as-collected samples and samples that had undergone either slow (heated and cooled at 1 °C/min) or shock (heated at 1 °C/min and shock-cooled in cold water) thermal stressing to target temperatures of 400–700 °C. Slow- and shock-cooling thermal stressing did not measurably alter sample strength, connected porosity, or permeability. UCS tests performed at high in-situ temperatures (400–700 °C), however, showed an increase in sample strength and stiffness. We interpret that the resistance of this rock to thermal stresses results from both the presence of abundant pre-existing microcracks and the thermal stability of its mineral assemblage. Unchanged physical properties for the thermally stressed samples deformed at room temperature suggests that the pre-existing microcracks close and reopen, respectively, as the rock expands and contracts during heating and cooling to accommodate the volumetric changes without further microcracking. The increase in strength and stiffness at high in-situ temperatures can be explained by the closure of microcracks due to thermal expansion. These observations suggest that the strength of microcracked dome rocks (1) may be slightly higher when hot (below the glass transition of the groundmass glass), although “upscaled” strength estimates highlight that dome strength will be largely unchanged by an increase in temperature, (2) may only be reduced following the first thermal stressing event, and (3) may not be further reduced by repeated thermal stressing events. Therefore, thermal perturbations, often observed at active domes, may not, as perhaps expected, repeatedly degrade the strength of individual blocks forming the lava dome and therefore may not jeopardise dome stability