13,264 research outputs found

    The Paraconsistent Approach to Quantum Superpositions Reloaded: Formalizing Contradictory Powers in the Potential Realm

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    In [7] the authors of this paper argued in favor of the possibility to consider a Paraconsistent Approach to Quantum Superpositions (PAQS). We claimed that, even though most interpretations of quantum mechanics (QM) attempt to escape contradictions, there are many hints -coming from present technical and experimental developments in QM- that indicate it could be worth while to engage in a research of this kind. Recently, Arenhart and Krause have raised several arguments against the PAQS [1, 2, 3]. In [11, 12] it was argued that their reasoning presupposes a metaphysical stance according to which the physical representation of reality must be exclusively considered in terms of the equation: Actuality = Reality. However, from a different metaphysical standpoint their problems disappear. It was also argued that, if we accept the idea that quantum superpositions exist in a (contradictory) potential realm, it makes perfect sense to develop QM in terms of a paraconsistent approach and claim that quantum superpositions are contradictory, contextual existents. Following these ideas, and taking as a standpoint an interpretation in terms of the physical notions of power and potentia put forward in [10, 12, 15], we present a paraconsistent formalization of quantum superpositions that attempts to capture the main features of QM.Comment: 26 pages, no figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1502.05081, arXiv:1404.5186, arXiv:1506.0737

    Deformation and rigidity results for the 2k-Ricci tensor and the 2k-Gauss-Bonnet curvature

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    We present several deformation and rigidity results within the classes of closed Riemannian manifolds which either are 2k2k-Einstein (in the sense that their 2k2k-Ricci tensor is constant) or have constant 2k2k-Gauss-Bonnet curvature. The results hold for a family of manifolds containing all non-flat space forms and the main ingredients in the proofs are explicit formulae for the linearizations of the above invariants obtained by means of the formalism of double forms.Comment: 30 pages; no figure

    Normas de interpretação contratual no Brasil

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    Discorre sobre a atividade do intérprete do contrato, analisando as normas do Código de Defesa do Consumidor e do novo Código Civil no que se refere à interpretação contratual


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    Com o mundo globalizado vivenciamos a necessidade de enfrentar os novos desafiosda globalização e da internacionalização, nesse contexto é necessário buscar e ampliar os conhecimentos e as habilidades, objetivando a participação no mundo competitivo para ser cidadãos global, sendo necessáriotambém ser globalizado, ou seja, estar conectado com as inovações tecnológicas e também com a comunicação internacionalizada. Neste contexto o presente artigo tem por objetivo levantar e analisar o numero de alunos do curso de graduação em Engenharia Elétrica da UFSC, que participaram da mobilidade acadêmica por meio dos programas de intercâmbios, do primeiro semestre de 2010 ao primeiro semestre de 2015, período em que teve um aumento significativo na participação desses alunos em função do programa Ciência sem Fronteira do governo federal. Os resultados obtidos mostram que ainda têm que melhorar as políticas institucionais relacionadas à mobilidade acadêmica através dos programas de intercâmbio para que se obtenha um melhor aproveitamento dos estudos realizados durante o intercâmbio no exterior, pois os dados ficam muito aquém do esperado que deveria ser no mínimo equivalentes ao aproveitamento no mesmo período na UFSC.O presente artigo visa fazer uma análise histórica da internacionalização na Universidade Federal de santa Catarina, concentrando-se na participação dos alunos do curso graduação da Engenharia Elétrica nos últimos três anos, entrevistando o coordenador do curso

    Ob padcu utopije

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    Po koncu 2. svetovne vojne so se začele graditi velike stanovanjske soseske. Pogosto so jih sestavljale stolpnice. Številne le 50 let pozneje podirajo oziroma jih temeljito prenavljajo. Modernistične ideje, ki so jih navdihnili predstavniki kongresa CIAM (Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne) in Le Corbusier, so izgubile nekdanjo mikavnost. V tem prispevku si bomo ogledali razvoj dogodkov, predvsem pa se bomo posvetili napačni razlagi (simbolnega) pomena bivališča, kakor so ga razumeli predstavniki modernističnega gibanja. Prav to napačno razumevanje je nazadnje pripeljalo do hitrega podiranja teh sosesk

    Explosive events associated with a surge

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    The solar atmosphere contains a wide variety of small-scale transient features. Here, we explore the inter-relation between some of them such as surges, explosive events and blinkers via simultaneous spectral and imaging data taken with the TRACE imager, the SUMER, and CDS spectrometers on board SoHO, and SVST La Palma. The alignment of all data both in time and solar XY shows that SUMER line profiles, which are attributed to explosive events, are due to a surge phenomenon. The surge is triggered, most probably, by one or more Elerman bombs which are best visible in Halpha +-350 A but were also registered by TRACE Fe IX/X 171 A and correspond to a strong radiance increase in the CDS Mg IX 368.07 A line. With the present study we demonstrate that the division of small-scale transient events into a number of different subgroups, for instance explosive events, blinkers, spicules, surges or just brightenings, is ambiguous, implying that the definition of a feature based only on either spectroscopic or imaging characteristics as well as insufficient spectral and spatial resolution can be incomplete.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Surprising results from a Post Occupancy Evaluation of the way internal roller blinds impact perceptions of visual discomfort

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    Blinds and shutters are one of the few products in the built environment that affect perceptions of visual and thermal comfort. However, in general, internal roller blinds are more frequently installed in UK offices to improve visual comfort as opposed to thermal comfort. With the increased frequency in warmer weather events resulting from climate change it is likely that blinds will be extended more frequently to improve thermal comfort as well as reducing perceptions of glare and visual strain. When internal shading products are extended it is assumed that glare and visual strain will no longer be experienced. However, when conducting a Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) into whether the position of roller blinds (either fully extended or fully open) affected perceptions of glare, a greater level of visual discomfort (specifically glare) was experienced by occupants when shading products were closed. Distributions of light around the task area play an important role in improving visual comfort when occupants are carrying out desk-based activities yet moveable shading is frequently excluded from daylight simulation assessments of visual comfort. The closure of blinds can affect the distribution of daylight within a space and thus occupants can perceive glare issues from other internal sources of light. This research suggests that the deployment of shading products should be considered in the assessment and predictions of internal lighting conditions to provide lighting designers with a more holistic view of visual comfort throughout the year. Furthermore, in POE it would be beneficial to ask occupants what they believe the glare source to be

    Stable isotopes reveal differences in diet among reed bunting subspecies that vary in bill size

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    Reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus subspecies vary considerably in bill size and shape and seem to be at an early stage of speciation, in which bill might be indirectly causing reproductive isolation. Hence, we evaluated whether bill size, as well as age and sex, are associated with foraging niche in three west European subspecies of reed bunting: the thin-billed schoeniclus, the intermediate-billed lusitanica and the thick-billed witherbyi. Blood sampling was undertaken at three sites in southwest Europe during the winter (when these subspecies co-occur), and stable isotope analyses (carbon and nitrogen) were performed to assess their foraging niches. Stable isotope analyses of potential food items confirmed uniform baseline isotopic composition among sites. schoeniclus showed a significantly broader isotopic niche than lusitanica and witherbyi, which seemed otherwise similar despite the fact that witherbyi is more divergent in bill traits. Stable isotope ratios were consistent with the latter two subspecies feeding on C3-plant-feeding insects, whereas schoeniclus diet also included C4 plant material. Despite its lower sexual dimorphism, sex and age differences were found only in schoeniclus, but these differences vary between locations in a complex manner. Our results suggest that bill size and shape differentiated between northern, migratory and southern, resident subspecies as a consequence of natural selection through competition during the winter, which is now reflected in isotopic niche divergence between subspecies. The potential roles of sexual selection, reed thickness and summer temperature on the difference in bill size (and greater sexual dimorphism) between lusitanica and witherbyi are discussed