26 research outputs found

    Use of SMART 3D printing technology in conventional engineering production to detect and prevent the occurrence of defects

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    This article aims to show how to effectively use innovation in the form of 3D printing to create simple, smart, and cheap products, which will lead to more efficient product control, reveal defects in conventional engineering production, and prevent blemishes. The article is focused on the detection and prevention of defects in classic Czech engineering manufacture using an innovative solution, which connects conventional production and SMART technology of 3D printing. The motivation of this article is to show how using SMART 3D printing technology in combination with the Poka-Yoke methodology is possible to cleverly streamline conventional engineering production and thus achieve higher productivity, which results in increasing the company's competitiveness in the market in the context of Industry 4.0.Web of Science20215447544

    Uncovering patterns of location of brownfields to facilitate their regeneration: Some remarks from the Czech Republic

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    The issue of brownfield regeneration is closely connected to balanced and sustainable development of regions, towns, and cities as it endeavors to reuse buildings and sites that have already lost their original use, but at the same time offers a possibility to generate new beneficial activities for the whole society that exceed just material or physical changes of the brownfield sites. The regeneration of every brownfield is usually a highly site-specific issue and individual and unique impacts of regeneration on the particular locality are obvious. Yet, several patterns in sets of non-regenerated brownfields can be identified. By finding and defining such patterns, a framework of indicators to facilitate brownfield regeneration can be created and the importance and strength of a particular indicator can be defined. By means of the analyses, we are able to recommend various relevant and most suitable approaches with regards to brownfield regeneration in individual regions. We have employed Factor Analysis (FA) for the identification of key factors of brownfield regeneration. In particular, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to conduct analyses of 1304 non-regenerated brownfields located in seven regions of the Czech Republic (NUTS 3 level). Data were obtained from publicly available brownfield databases of individual regional administrations. By means of Factor Analysis, it was ascertained that the most frequent factor that is typical for the surveyed non-regenerated brownfields is the ownership. The second most frequent factor is the size of the brownfields. As the third factor according to importance, the distance between the location of the individual brownfield and the municipality of extended powers (the so-called small district) was identified. By taking into account the results of the conducted analyses, brownfield regeneration policies of individual regions might be adapted to be more suitably targeted

    Potential of Using TPM to Increase the Efficiency of Production Processes

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    The goal of the submitted paper is to implement the principles of TPM and to achieve almost 100% usability of machines, when there will be no failures and unwanted incidents. The effectiveness of implementing the TPM principles has been experimentally verified in an engineering company. Workplaces for the assembly of rails on Unimatic lines were chosen as a pilot workplace. Prior to the implementation of the TPM, analyses of technical downtime and unplanned shutdowns of the manufacturing devices due to failures, unplanned repairs and maintenance were carried out. The resulting analysis concentrated mainly on two main variables - total cumulative technical downtime at individual workplaces and frequency of occurrence of failures in individual sections of the workplaces. The presented approach and the results obtained underline the importance of applying the TPM principles in practice and their indisputable contribution to the ability to increase business performance. The TPM\u27s progressive maintenance management system represents a prerequisite for the reduction of production costs and losses resulting from unscheduled failures now and in the future

    Increasing competitiveness through innovation in an industrial enterprise - A case study of the company Massag

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    The paper focuses on the definition of innovation and innovation process from the historical and today's perspective of the Massag engineering company. In order to analyse the innovation process, a SWOT analysis was performed, and, based on the results obtained, the correlation between the results of the analysis and the statistics of innovation activities in the Czech Republic was made. Within the historical analysis of the company, key innovation milestones were identified and described. The main finding was the combination of the use of different types of innovation activities, which plays an important role in terms of the access to innovations and it is necessary to take innovation as a whole, composed of sub-types of innovation that permeate the whole society. The results of the SWOT analysis showed that the main factor that affects the success of the organization and innovation is the long history of the company and knowledge of the markets. This is reflected in the long-term and quality customer relationships. These established contacts with other companies engaged in engineering production are strengths, which are today reflected in the opportunities for further development of the company. The correlation between results and statistics shows that SMEs are forced to innovate because they are under constant pressure from competitors and the market. Therefore, innovation activities are essential for these companies and play a significant role in their current and future competitiveness.Web of Science15112511

    New resonance approach to competitiveness interventions in lagging regions: the case of Ukraine before the armed conflict

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    Regional competitiveness is considered to be an alternative basis for the determination of regional interventions. However, the composite competitiveness indicator is quite sensitive to the weights of sub-indicators, no matter what methodology is being used. To avoid this uncertainty in the determination of regional interventions, we proposed a new non-compensatory resonance approach that is focused on the hierarchical coincidence between weaknesses of NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 regions measuring the extensive and intensive components of competitiveness. Such a coincidence, being perceived as a resonance effect, is supposed to increase the effectiveness of interventions triggering synergetic effects and stirring up local regional potentials. The components of competitiveness are obtained through synthesising DEA methodology and Hellwig's index, correspondingly focusing on the measurement of technical efficiency and resource level. In analysing Ukrainian regions, no correlation between resonance interventions and the composite competitiveness indicator or GDP per capita was found, pointing toward a completely different direction in resonance approach. In western Ukraine, the congestion of six NUTS 2 regions was defined as a homogeneous area of analogous resonance interventions focused on improving business efficiency.Web of Science171562

    Deployment of creative actors and varieties of their impact on the quaternary sector and regional growth: a case study of NUTS2 regions of the Czech Republic

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    The current era acknowledges the immense impact of creativity on economic growth and regional development. There is an ongoing debate about the position of creativity and its sources and implications in regional economies when thorougly examining regional disparities. We contribute to the debate by piloting an investigation of five groups of creative actors whose links and consequences for regional growth and the quaternary sector were explored. As a case study, the NUTS2 regions of the Czech Republic were selected for analysis (2015-2017). Given the nature of selected indicators, the causality results and the substantive importance of our investigation, the selected time period is not a limiting factor for our analyses. The empirical conclusions of the conducted study clearly confirmed the theoretically and logically defined thesis on the diverse importance of creative actors in regional economies.European Commission, EC, (SK-FR-19-0009); Vedecká Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR a SAV, VEGAEuropean Union [CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008452]; APVV [SK-FR-19-0009]; VEGA [1/0380/20

    Methods of getting and keeping a customer

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    Práce je věnována metodám získání a udržení zákazníků, které se praktikují v posledních desetiletích. Je zaměřena na chování k zákazníkovi, které vede k dlouhodobé spokojenosti firmy i zákazníka. Jejím hlavním cílem je navrhnout vybrané firmě zlepšení v přístupu k zákazníkovi, které je vytvořeno pomocí marketingového plánu.The work deals with a methods of getting and keeping a customer, which are used in last decades. It focuses on approach to costumer, which ensure long term satisfaction of company and customer. The primary goal is suggest concrete company improvement in approach to costumer, which is create in marketing plan.Fakulta ekonomicko-správníStudent v rámci prezentace představil svou bakalářkou práci s názvem Metody získání a udržení zákazníka. Cílem práce bylo vymezení pojmů, které se týkají metod získání a udržení zákazníka, za použití prostředků statistiky provést analýzu hospodaření vybraného podniku v období několika posledních let. Dále pak také doporučení vybranému podniku ve formě opatření ke zvýšení účinnosti v oblasti získání a udržení zákazníků. Dále student zodpověděl otázky vedoucího práce:1. Jak vidíte perspektivy dalšího rozvoje IXI clubu.2. Mělo by smysl otevřít v blízkosti areálu Univerzity Pardubice v Polabinách ještě nějaký podnik, který by nabízel na komerční bázi nějakou sportovní aktivitu převážně pro studenty, která není dosud v okolí areálu univerzity nabízena

    Vybrané aspekty zahraničních investic

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (156) národohospodářsk

    Evaluation of competitiveness by using of selected quantitative methods on example of the Czech Republic

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    Import 01/09/2009Prezenční162 - Institut doktorských studií a MBAvýborn