498 research outputs found

    Apontamentos sobre Gramsci e sua influência ao Serviço Social no século 21

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir os principais conceitos de Antonio Gramsci e sua influência para o Serviço Social brasileiro no século 21. Chama a atenção para o Serviço Social na atualidade, na construção e afirmação de uma cultura política profissional voltada aos direitos. Conclui, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica a importância de Gramsci para o Serviço Social no Brasil ao trazer à luz a ideia de que há disputas entre "culturas profissionais", uma cultura política conservadora e outra construída sob a influência da tradição marxista.The purpose of this article is to discuss the main concepts developed by Antonio Gramsci and his influence on Brazilian social service in the twenty-first century. It calls attention to the construction and affirmation of a professional political culture in social service that is focused on rights. It concludes, based on a bibliographic review, that Gramscian thinking is important to social service in Brazil by bringing to light the idea that there are disputes between "professional cultures", a conservative political culture and another constructed under the influence of the Marxist tradition

    The current trends in industrial symbiosis and its potential implementation in Portuguese industrial parks

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    The negative effects of rising greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption have driven countries to seek sustainable solutions that promote economic growth decoupled from rising emissions and rising resource consumption. In this context, industrial symbiosis, which consists of a collaborative approach between different entities involving the use of waste and by-products from one company as raw material in another company, can play an important role for sustainable development. With recognized environmental, economic and social benefits, this practice has been applied around the world, both in developed countries and in countries with developing economies. The main objective of this work is to contribute to the increase of the industrial symbiosis in Portugal, providing an analysis of the existing industrial symbiosis and establishing a series of recommendations and best practices to increase the number of synergies and improve those existing in Portugal. To achieve this main objective, other existing and potential cases of industrial symbiosis around the world have been compiled and analyzed in order to characterize the various synergy networks and to study factors that may inhibit or drive the creation and development of industrial symbiosis relationships. The results demonstrate the enormous potential of application of industrial symbiosis in Portugal. However, for the growth of this practice, various political, cultural and economic barriers have to be overcome and various measures have to be implemented.Os efeitos negativos do aumento das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa e do consumo de recursos têm impulsionado os países para a procura de soluções sustentáveis que promovam o crescimento económico dissociado do aumento das emissões e do aumento do consumo de recursos. Neste contexto, a simbiose industrial que consiste numa abordagem colaborativa entre diferentes entidades que envolve o uso de resíduos e subprodutos de uma empresa como matéria-prima em outra empresa, pode desempenhar um papel importante para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Com reconhecidos benefícios a nível ambiental, económico e social, esta prática tem sido aplicada um pouco por todo o mundo, quer em países desenvolvidos quer em países com economias em vias de desenvolvimento. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é contribuir para o aumento da simbiose industrial em Portugal, proporcionando uma análise da simbiose industrial existente e estabelecendo uma série de recomendações e melhores práticas para aumentar o número de sinergias e melhorar as existentes em Portugal. Para a concretização deste objectivo principal, outros casos de simbiose industrial existentes e potenciais em todo o mundo foram compilados e analisados a fim de caracterizar as várias redes de sinergia e estudar os factores que podem inibir ou impulsionar a criação e desenvolvimento das relações de simbiose industrial. Os resultados evidenciam o enorme potencial de aplicação da simbiose industrial em Portugal. Contudo, para o crescimento desta prática, várias barreiras políticas, culturais e económicas têm ainda que ser transpostas e várias medidas têm que ser implementadas


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    We take into account that interpretations of security complexes, traditions of long peace, and violent peace do not fully explain how South American countries are organized regarding Defense. Given those, we ran a cluster analysis with data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and Military Balance report with economic defense expenditure and capabilities investment from South American countries to identify how they are organized, determining those that are most similar to each other (which would form complexes) and how they differ from the others (dissimilarities). The results showed four different clusters: the first formed by Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Bolivia; the second by Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Paraguay; the third only by the Guyana; and the fourth, formed only by Uruguay. We interpreted these clusters considering the history of conflicts, current countries threats and treaties.Levamos em consideração que as interpretações dos complexos de segurança, das tradições de paz longa e da paz violenta não explicam completamente como os países sul-americanos estão organizados em relação à Defesa. Diante disso, executamos uma análise de cluster com dados Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) e relatório do Military Balance com despesas de defesa econômica e investimento em capacidades de países sul-americanos. Essa técnica permite identificar como os países estão organizados, determinando aqueles que são mais semelhantes entre si (que formariam complexos) e como eles diferem dos outros (dissimilaridades). Os resultados mostraram quatro clusters diferentes: o primeiro formado por Chile, Peru, Argentina e Bolívia; a segunda por Brasil, Colômbia, Equador e Paraguai; a terceira apenas pela Guiana; e a quarta, formada apenas pelo Uruguai. Interpretamos esses clusters considerando o histórico de conflitos, atualmente ameaças e tratados de paíse


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    Este estudo almejou responder a algumas perguntas que permeiam o processo de intercâmbio na sua vertente comportamental. As considerações e o caso aqui relatado tiveram como base algumas indagações: Qual o perfil do estudante a ser selecionado para o intercâmbio? Que competências interculturais devem ser adquiridas para minimizar o choque cultural? O que deve ser estabelecido a priori entre as partes? O que torna uma parceria de intercâmbio efetiva? Buscou-se estabelecer as medidas para o sucesso de um projeto de intercâmbio acadêmico, definindo-o com clareza, estabelecendo as responsabilidades das instituições parceiras, havendo o cuidado de registrá-las nas duas línguas oficiais dos países participantes. Apresenta-se como conclusão que as competências geram eficácia (fazer o que é certo para ter bom resultado), eficiência (fazer certo o que tem que ser feito) e efetividade (fazer algo certo e com qualidade). Porém, mais que efetivo, um projeto de intercâmbio e de mobilidade tem que ser efervescente, tem que ser envolvido pela agitação contagiante do espírito. Efetividade com efervescência pede profissionais que lancem mão de seus estudos e suas práticas de forma a colaborar com o processo a cada momento específico, e atentos às novas possibilidades que possam acontecer

    Guy de Maupassant, cronista de costumes e da vida literária

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    Abstract: Among the disputes, polemics and fiery issues raised by Guy de Maupassant in his articles, the young Norman writer has imposed himself in the Parisian journalism scene as a beloved chronicler. From occasional contributor to international contributing editor during the colonial war in Algeria, the author of “Boule de Suif” grew professionally through the weekly sale of articles and short stories for Parisian newspapers. Although his tales remain nowadays as the most important part of his work, his contributions as a columnist for periodicals should not be neglected. It includes fifteen years of his literary production, from 1876 to 1891, and resulted in more than two hundred texts on various subjects including literature.Entre querelas, polêmicas e questões candentes levantadas por Guy de Maupassant em seus artigos, o jovem escritor normando impôs-se no cenário jornalístico parisiense como um cronista dileto. De comentarista de ocasião acolaborador internacional durante a guerra colonialista na Argélia, o autor de “Boule de Suif” ascendeu profissionalmente por meio da venda semanal de artigose contos para jornais parisienses. Ainda que sua contística permaneça hoje como a parte mais relevante de sua obra, sua contribuição como cronista para periódicos não deve ser desprezada. Ela compreendeu quinze anos de sua produção literária, de 1876 a 1891, e resultou em mais de duzentos textos, sobre assuntos variados, entre eles a própria literatura

    Guy de Maupassant, de autor a crítico do naturalismo francês

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    Guy de Maupassant’s (1850-1893) works present characteristic elements of the literature made at the end of the 19th century, proposing variations of the realist and naturalist styles. Well-known in Zola’s (1840-1902) circles, one of the most representative novelists of literary Naturalism, Maupassant also kept in touch with other important masters of the French Realism, and Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was one of them. Among verse, drama, and novel, the short stories and the novellas predominate over the Norman writer’s works, which paint with either impressionist or realist colors the bourgeois and the decadent scene of the last quarter of the century in Paris, Normandy and its neighborhood. Once Maupassant had not put aside the reflections on the moment and theoretical aspects, such as the artistic production of his time and his contemporaries, his varied works represent an important discussion about the historic and literary categories of that time.A obra de Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) apresenta elementos característicos da literatura produzida no final do século XIX, trazendo variantes dos estilos realista e naturalista. Divulgado no cenáculo de Émile Zola (1840-1902), um dos mais representativos romancistas do Naturalismo literário, Maupassant dialogou também com importantes mestres do Realismo francês, o principal deles tendo sido Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880). Entre versos, dramas e romances, predominam na obra do escritor normando os contos e as novelas que pintam em cores ora impressionistas, ora realistas o cenário burguês e decadente do último quartel dos oitocentos de Paris, Normandia e seus arredores. Uma vez que não deixou de lado a reflexão sobre o momento e os aspectos teóricos que envolviam a produção artística de sua época e de seus contemporâneos, a variada obra de Maupassant representa um ponto de discussão importante sobre as categorias histórico-literárias do período

    Skin care to newborns admitted in neonatal intensive care unit: integrative review

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    Objective: to describe the nature and development in nursing scientific production on the theme “skin care to the newborns” (NB). Method: a literature search with descriptive, exploratory and qualitative approach was carried out in the LILACS, PUBMED and BDENF databases. Eleven articles were selected. Results: after reading the studies, the analysis was performed with six national publications and five international publications. Seven studies had qualitative approach and four studies, quantitative approach. This study allowed to know the care provided and ways of monitoring the evaluation of the skin of newborns. Conclusion: few studies on care of newborn skin were found. The development of studies aiming to contribute to the preparation and review of protocols to provide care to prevent diseases in newborns is recommended

    A comprehensive review of industrial symbiosis

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    Industrial symbiosis, which allows entities and companies that traditionally be separated, to cooperate among them in the sharing of resources, contributes to the increase of sustainability with environmental, economic and social benefits. Examples of industrial symbiosis have grown over the years with increasing geographic dispersion. Thus, through a comprehensive review of previous studies, this work aims to trace the trend of industrial symbiosis research and to map the existing case studies around the world, with a critical analysis of its impact. The analysis of the 584 selected publications allowed tracing the evolution of these according to their content and the type of article, as well as its distribution by journals. Based on the literature review, the main lines for research in industrial symbiosis are assessed, as well as an updated study of the published case studies is provided with emphasis on the location, type of industry and employed methodologies. Several challenges are then identified for future research. The results reveal the number of articles on industrial symbiosis has greatly increased since 2007 and China is the country with the largest number of publications and cases of industrial symbiosis, followed by the United States. The methods for quantifying impacts and analysing industrial symbiosis networks were the most widely used. The analysis of the published case studies allowed an overview of the industrial symbiosis in the world and showed that the potential for application is enormous, both in developed countries and in countries with developing economies, and although the most present economic activities in the synergies are associated with the manufacturing sector, the possibilities of industrial symbiosis are not restricted to these activities nor to the number of entities involved. The symbioses between industry and the surrounding community also have great potential for development with numerous advantages for both parties.publishe

    Current status, emerging challenges, and future prospects of industrial symbiosis in Portugal

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    Radu Godina would like to acknowledge financial support from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (UID/EMS/00667/2019).Industrial symbiosis has proven to be an important tool for improving business sustainability with numerous environmental, economic, and social benefits. The literature on this subject has been provided with countless case studies of the application of this practice in different geographical locations. However, studies concerning Portugal in this area are still scarce. Thus, this article aims to map and analyze the existing cases of industrial symbiosis in Portugal, as well as the current state and the legislative context regarding this practice. It also aims to analyze the main barriers to the growth of synergy relations and outline new paths for the development of industrial symbiosis in Portugal. From the analysis to the case studies, it was possible to conclude that most industrial symbiosis networks have few actors, and networks with two and three are common. However, owing to strategic plans, the type of existing economic activities, and the waste generated, there is much potential for industrial symbiosis networks to be established and to contribute to emission reductions, more efficient use of resources, and reduced external dependence. However, in order to increase industrial symbiosis, concerted action must be taken at various levels to encourage companies to develop synergy relations. Changing the legislative framework, making funds available, the role of local governments, the existence of a facilitator, and the use of some industries as anchor tenants are some of the aspects that can contribute to the increase of industrial symbiosis in Portugal.publishersversionpublishe