461 research outputs found

    Cracking the Case on Age-Appropriate Literature

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    Reading is a vital part of education and life, therefore a necessary skill to learn. There are many debated methods as to teaching a child to read, but sometimes overlooked is another important component of the reading process—what a child reads. Books come in a hoard of different styles, genres, and formats, and their contents can be limitlessly varied. While it can be argued that all books are good to read in an appropriate time and place, as far as learning to read is concerned, there are some books that are more appropriate to children than others. Divided into age-level appropriateness, this thesis presents different criteria that may help serve as a guide to choosing appropriate literature for children learning to read. With these criteria in mind, books can be chosen that best support a child’s interests, developing reading skills, and current development to promote comprehension, engagement, and a love for reading

    Cracking the Case on Age-Appropriate Literature

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    Reading is a vital part of education and life, therefore a necessary skill to learn. There are many debated methods as to teaching a child to read, but sometimes overlooked is another important component of the reading process—what a child reads. Books come in a hoard of different styles, genres, and formats, and their contents can be limitlessly varied. While it can be argued that all books are good to read in an appropriate time and place, as far as learning to read is concerned, there are some books that are more appropriate to children than others. Divided into age-level appropriateness, this thesis presents different criteria that may help serve as a guide to choosing appropriate literature for children learning to read. With these criteria in mind, books can be chosen that best support a child’s interests, developing reading skills, and current development to promote comprehension, engagement, and a love for reading

    Analysis of CdgC as the major diguanylate cyclase in S. venezuelae

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    Die Entwicklung des grampositiven Bodenbakteriums Streptomyces ist in einem komplexen Lebenszyklus koordiniert, bestehend aus drei Stufen: vegetativem Hyphenwachstum, Luftmycelbildung und Sporulation. C-di-GMP kontrolliert die Enwicklung ĂŒber zwei Effektorproteine: dem Masterregulator BldD und dem Anti-Sigmafaktor RsiG. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass das membranstĂ€ndige GGDEF-EAL Protein CdgC eine wichtige aktive Diguanylatzyklase (DGC) in S. venezuelae ist. Chromosomale Deletion von cdgC fĂŒhrte zu einer flachen, grĂ€ulichen Koloniemorphologie mit radialen Stegen und hydrophiler OberflĂ€che sowie zu frĂŒhzeitiger Sporulation ohne Lufthyphenbildung. PhĂ€notypische Analysen zeigten, dass die DGC-AktivitĂ€t von CdgC essentiell ist fĂŒr dessen biologische Rolle und deuten auf einen zusĂ€tzlichen Protein-spezifischen morphologischen Effekt von CdgC hin. CdgC-FLAG akkumuliert im Laufe des Lebenszyklus und scheint BldD-abhĂ€ngig ĂŒber eine c-di-GMP vermittelte Feedbackschleife reguliert zu werden. FrĂŒhere RNA-seq Daten, verifiziert fĂŒr reprĂ€sentative Gene mittels qRT-PCR, deuten eine differentielle Expression der Bestandteile des hydrophoben Mantels als Ursache der Lufthyphendefizienz an. Konfokalmikroskopische Aufnahmen des bakteriellen Tubulin-Homologons FtsZ deuten einen c-di-GMP-sensitiven Einfluss von CdgC auf die Koordination der Zellteilung an. Zudem konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass CdgC mit sich selbst sowie drei potentiellen Membranproteinen interagiert. Demnach trĂ€gt CdgC zur Koordination von Zellteilungs- und hydrophoben ZelloberflĂ€chenproteinen bei und beeinflusst damit c-di-GMP-abhĂ€ngig den Zeitpunkt der Sporenbildung. Insgesamt fĂŒhrt diese Studie CdgC als GGDEF-EAL-Tandemprotein mit spezifischem Knockout- PhĂ€notyp ein, der von seiner DGC-AktivitĂ€t sowie seinem Membrananker bestimmt wird. Zudem ist CdgC, als Reaktion auf eine noch unbekannte SignalĂŒbertragungskaskade, an der Koordinierung von Zeitpunkt und Verlauf der Sporulation ausschlaggebend beteiligt.The proliferation of Gram-positive soil bacteria Streptomyces is temporally and genetically coordinated with a complex developmental life cycle, including three main stages of differentiation: vegetative hyphal growth, formation of aerial mycelium and sporulation. The key factor of Streptomyces developmental control is c-di-GMP with to-date two identified effector proteins: the master regulator BldD and the anti-sigma factor RsiG. In this thesis, the membrane-associated GGDEF-EAL protein CdgC, was identified as a major active diguanylate cyclase (DGC) in S. venezuelae. Deletion of cdgC results in the unique flat gray colony morphology with radial wrinkles and a hydrophilic surface, that shows enhanced sporulation without forming aerial hyphae. Phenotypic analyses suggest, that the DGC activity is essential for its biological role, but hint to an additional protein specific role. The protein levels of CdgC-FLAG were found to accumulate during the life cycle of S. venezuelae. Further investigation of CdgC-FLAG in a strain carrying a DNA-binding deficient BldD_D116A allele indicated, that BldD represses the expression of CdgC in a regulatory feedback loop along with the DGCs CdgA, CdgB and CdgE. RNA‐sequencing data indicated that reduced expression levels of the major compounds of the hydrophobic sheath result in the initiation of sporulation out of the vegetative mycelium and were verified for representative examples via qRT-PCR. Confocal microscopic imaging of the bacterial tubulin homolog FtsZ indicated a contribution of CdgC via its DGC activity in coordination of the cell division. In addition, BTH screenings revealed self-interaction and identified three membrane associated interaction partners. In conclusion, this study introduces the GGDEF-EAL tandem protein CdgC, whose specific knockout phenotype is governed by its DGC activity and membrane association. CdgC seems to drive timing and mode of sporulation in response to an unknown signal to a major extend

    Transgenic mice expressing mutant forms VCP/p97 recapitulate the full spectrum of IBMPFD including degeneration in muscle, brain and bone

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    Inclusion body myopathy associated with Paget's disease of bone and frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD) is a dominantly inherited degenerative disorder caused by mutations in the valosin-containing protein (VCP) gene. VCP (p97 in mouse, TER94 in Drosophila melanogaster and CDC48 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is a highly conserved AAA+-ATPase that regulates a wide array of cellular processes. The mechanism of IBMPFD pathogenesis is unknown. Towards elucidating the pathogenic mechanism we have developed and characterized transgenic mice with ubiquitous expression of wild-type and disease-causing versions of human VCP/p97. Here, we report that mice expressing VCP/p97 harboring the mutations R155H or A232E develop pathology that is limited to muscle, brain and bone, recapitulating the spectrum of disease in humans with IBMPFD. The mice exhibit progressive muscle weakness and pathological examination of muscle shows classic characteristics of inclusion body myopathy including rimmed vacuoles and TDP-43 pathology. The mice exhibit abnormalities in behavioral testing and pathological examination of the brain shows widespread TDP-43 pathology. Furthermore, radiological examination of the skeleton reveals that mutant mice develop severe osteopenia accompanied by focal lytic and sclerotic lesions in vertebrae and femur. In vitro studies indicate that mutant VCP causes inappropriate activation of the NF-ÎșB signaling cascade, which could contribute to the mechanism of pathogenesis in multiple tissues including muscle, bone and brai

    The complex co-translational processing of glycoprotein GP5 of type 1 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus

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    GP5 and M, the major membrane proteins of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), are the driving force for virus budding and a target for antibodies. We studied co-translational processing of GP5 from an European PRRSV-1 strain. Using mass spectrometry, we show that in virus particles of a Lelystad variant, the signal peptide of GP5 was absent due to cleavage between glycine-34 and asparagine-35. This cleavage site removes an epitope for a neutralizing monoclonal antibody, but leaves intact another epitope recognized by neutralizing pig sera. Upon ectopic expression of this GP5 in cells, signal peptide cleavage was however inefficient. Complete cleavage occurred when cysteine-24 was changed to proline or an unused glycosylation site involving asparagine-35 was mutated. Insertion of proline at position 24 also caused carbohydrate attachment to asparagine-35. Glycosylation sites introduced downstream of residue 35 were used, but did not inhibit signal peptide processing. Co-expression of the M protein rescued this processing defect in GP5, suggesting a novel function of M towards GP5. We speculate that a complex interplay of the co-translational modifications of GP5 affect the N-terminal structure of the mature proteins and hence its antigenicity

    LASER treatment in gynaecology -A randomized controlled trial in women with symptomatic lichen sclerosus.

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    OBJECTIVE Aim of our study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of laser treatment in vulvar lichen sclerosus, mainly the reduction of existing symptoms as itching, burning and pain. We asked about the different outcome by using different application doses. STUDY DESIGN We conducted a prospective randomized double-blind dose-controlled trial in our dysplasia unit specializing vulvar disorders. 67patients with active LS were included. LS was confirmed by biopsy or by the validated CSS (clinical scoring system of vulvar LS). Computer generated randomization resulted in two groups, each group received a different application dose.(LDG- low dose group, NDG- normal dose group) During the study period of 18 weeks all participants received three laser applications in three subsequent sessions of three weeks. Two follow-ups six and twelve weeks after the first application was performed. At every visit, the participants filled in the VAS (visual analogue scale) for recording the actual vulvar symptoms as itching burning or pain on a range from 0 to 10. RESULTS Before treatment the mean VAS-Score was 4.3 (STD ± 2.4) in the NDG and 5.1(±2.6) in the LDG. After 18 weeks, the mean reduction was -2.4 (±2.3) for NDG and -2.7 (±2.8) for LDG. Four patients (two of each group) reported more pain after than before treatment. Both groups show significant lower VAS-Scores 18 weeks after the treatment than before therapy (p < 0.0001). The reduction of symptoms after 18 weeks between NDG and LDG was not significant (p = 0.6244). CONCLUSION Laser treatment with the microablative CO2 laser leads to a significant improvement for symptoms of LS. A higher dosage of laser radiation shows no benefit concerning the symptoms. We have not observed any serious adverse events during this study

    Gettysburg College Sustainability Proposal

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    In the fall of 2011, the Environmental Studies capstone class led by Professor Rutherford Platt was asked to write Gettysburg College’s first Sustainability Plan. The goal of the plan was to develop specific sustainable practices for the campus that were related to the three pillars of sustainability: economic, social, and environmental, and how integrating diligent sustainable practices into each of these respected pillars will result in a more conscious campus, community, and future. In 2010, Gettysburg College turned to the Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System (STARS) to quantify the institution’s sustainability efforts, providing a self-check mechanism to encourage sustainability applications to all aspects of the College. The American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment was signed in 2007 by former Gettysburg College President Katherine Haley Will, declaring that Gettysburg College would become carbon neutral by 2032. Gettysburg College has made large strides in the search for sustainability, and aims to continue its dedication to furthering sustainable practice. The following plan outlines the six priority areas identified by the Capstone class: progress of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, Dining Services, campus green space, community outreach, integration of sustainability into the Gettysburg College Curriculum, and the Sustainability Advisory Committee. The first priority area identified was monitoring and upholding the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). Though creating new sustainability initiatives on campus is the driving force towards an increasingly sustainable college and community, it is imperative that these goals be carried out in full to maximize beneficial returns. In order to reach carbon neutrality, Gettysburg College hopes to increase energy efficiency in buildings, incorporate renewable energy sources on campus, and mitigate remaining emissions through the purchase of carbon offsets. To further the College’s progress, it is proposed that Gettysburg College continue its energy-efficient appliance purchasing policy, as well as create a policy to offset all greenhouse gas emissions generated by air travel for students study abroad. As stated by the ACUPCC, a Sustainability Committee should take responsibility for the updates and progress reports required to meet the goal of carbon neutrality. The second priority area identified was sustainability in Dining Services. Gettysburg College is home to 2,600 students, all of whom require three full meals a day. Dining Services accounts for a large fraction of Gettysburg College’s sustainability efforts, already implementing sustainability through composting, buying local produce, and using biodegradable products. The proposed on-campus sales cuts of non-reusable to-go items, a change in campus mentality on food waste, and improved composting practices will translate to an increasingly sustainable campus, as well as a well-fed campus body. The third priority was maintaining green space on campus. Ranked as the 23rd most beautiful campus in the United States by The Best Colleges, Gettysburg College utilizes campus green space to create an atmosphere that is conducive to activity as well as tranquility. The plan proposes that Gettysburg College and its grounds facilities continue their exceptional efforts, focusing on increasing the use of the student garden, creating a new rain garden or social area on campus, and converting unnecessary parking lots into green space. As these additions are completed, they must be introduced to the student body and faculty alike to assure these areas are known and utilized. The fourth priority was utilizing community outreach to spread awareness of sustainability initiatives on and off campus. To connect the sustainability-geared changes proposed in this plan, community outreach at Gettysburg College is assessed to estimate how well these initiatives are communicated and promoted to both potential and enrolled students, faculty, and other concerned parties. To evaluate the efficiency of communication at Gettysburg College, a quantitative assessment is presented to measure the ease of finding the sustainability webpage, the quality of sustainability-related topics available on the webpage, and quality of webpage design. The webpage is in need of improved text to image ratios, locations of sustainability topics, and data displays. Despite not having a link to the sustainability webpage on the Gettysburg College homepage, sustainability events should be covered and presented on the rotational news feed found on the homepage to maximize outreach to interested parties or simply to add to the definition of Gettysburg College. The fifth priority was integrating sustainability into the Curriculum to build a culture on campus that values academic rigor, supports students as they cultivate intellectual and civic passions, and promotes the development of healthy social relationships and behaviors. The proposed Sustainability Committee on Sustainability in the Curriculum (SCC) will hold sustainability workshops for faculty with the aim to instill sustainability into all academic disciplines, providing all Gettysburg graduates with a means to approach their professional careers in a fashion that is conscious of sustainability. The sixth and last priority was the Sustainability Advisory Committee. Established in 2007, the Sustainability Advisory Committee is currently under review, but it is recommended that the committee restructure itself in accordance with the new Sustainability Committee Bylaws. These bylaws aim to define the purposes, membership, governance, and involvement with the college. With a clearly defined set of goals and methodology, the Sustainability Advisory Committee will be able to improve the solidarity of the sustainability movement on campus as a whole. By following the propositions laid out in the Gettysburg College Sustainability Plan, the student body, faculty, and community alike will become a part of a multi-faceted progression toward a more sustainable future

    The Algorithmic Origins of Life

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    Although it has been notoriously difficult to pin down precisely what it is that makes life so distinctive and remarkable, there is general agreement that its informational aspect is one key property, perhaps the key property. The unique informational narrative of living systems suggests that life may be characterized by context-dependent causal influences, and in particular, that top-down (or downward) causation -- where higher-levels influence and constrain the dynamics of lower-levels in organizational hierarchies -- may be a major contributor to the hierarchal structure of living systems. Here we propose that the origin of life may correspond to a physical transition associated with a shift in causal structure, where information gains direct, and context-dependent causal efficacy over the matter it is instantiated in. Such a transition may be akin to more traditional physical transitions (e.g. thermodynamic phase transitions), with the crucial distinction that determining which phase (non-life or life) a given system is in requires dynamical information and therefore can only be inferred by identifying causal architecture. We discuss some potential novel research directions based on this hypothesis, including potential measures of such a transition that may be amenable to laboratory study, and how the proposed mechanism corresponds to the onset of the unique mode of (algorithmic) information processing characteristic of living systems.Comment: 13 pages, 1 tabl
