Ouachita Baptist University

Ouachita Baptist University
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    13369 research outputs found

    Predicting Watermelon Sweetness from Induced Vibrational Frequencies

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    The current project focused on gathering additional audio signals from thumping watermelons to improve the correlation between the sound produced and the predicted sugar concentration of the watermelon. The audio signals are converted to harmonic frequencies using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and then combined with a few physical properties of the watermelon for processing. The resulting analysis yields coefficients for a linear regression model to predict the sweetness of a watermelon. Data was collected in MATLAB on a PC and on a developed prototype iPhone app, “Dr. Thump”

    The Benefits of Pursuing One\u27s Passion: A Reflection of My Directed Study

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    This is the poster for the honors colloquium, The Benefits of Pursuing One\u27s Passion: A Reflection of My Directed Study, given by Julianne Fletcher. The presentation took place on January 29, 2024, in the Walker Center

    The Effects of Light and Hypo-Gravity on the Development and Movement of Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Dictyostelium discoideum is a prevalent eukaryotic slime mold that has been utilized in many experiments because of its distinct development as an organism. Dictyostelium d.’s life cycle (figure 2) starts as spores which develop into amoebae, which feed on bacteria and when conditions are right, they will develop into multicellular structures referred to as slugs. The focal point of this experiment is to observe the movement and development of the slugs in response to light and the influence of gravity using a clinostat. To conduct the experiment, ten slugs were placed in the center of each lactose peptone plate and were either attached to a clinostat which rotated at 1 rpm or placed in a stationary position inside a clinostat box. Each plate was either treated to white light or darkness for a period of two days. Slugs on the stationary plates showed movement towards the light vector against the influence of gravity. There was little movement downward due to gravity\u27s influence in dark conditions. Plates on the clinostat were not affected by gravity in the light conditions as they moved toward the vector. Plates exposed to darkness and the clinostat displayed little movement from the center


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    Drs Sharon Hamilton and Sara Hubbard, along with student co-chairs Alexis Perry and Hannah Matthews, will welcome conference attendees

    Keynote Address

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    This was the Keynote Address given by Dr. Donna Nelson at the 2024 Arkansas Women in STEM conference

    The Detection of BPA in Clothing Using Fluorescence Spectrophotometry

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    Bisphenol-A, better known as BP A, is a carcinogenic compound found in many plastic-containing products due to its ability to add rigidity and strength to the plastic. However, BP A has been found in a wide variety of products not traditionally thought of as plastic including feminine hygiene products, printer receipts, and even clothing. Clothing containing a polyester/spandex blend, common in athletic wear, contains BP A, whereas traditional cotton clothing does not. Using fluorescence spectroscopy, the presence of BPA in these types of clothing was confirmed, as well as measured over time. Strips of clothing containing polyester and spandex blends were submerged in a 50%/50% Methanol/Water solution for varying amounts of time, allowing for BP A to seep out of the material. At specific increments, the solution was then assessed for BPA presence using fluorescence spectroscopy, showing both a presence of BPA in these clothing products and an increase in free-BP A over time. This indicates possible dermal exposure to BPA through clothing (which is traditionally excluded from human BP A exposure analysis) as well as environmental exposure through clothing discarded in landfills

    Using OncoDB\u27s Oncovirus Analysis for HBV-related HCC

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    Since one of the known causes of cancer is virus infection causing changes in gene regulation, being able to compare the expression and methylation of regular tumors and virus-related tumors could provide much needed information into virus induced cancer such as HBV-related HCC. OncoDB\u27s oncovirus analysis capabilities can provide information and research opportunities that past research has not had

    Tree Canopy Cover Influences Habitat Use of Breeding Birds at Jack Mountain Wildlife Management Area

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    Across the United States, bird populations have declined due to habitat loss. To better understand habitat use by birds, researchers observed populations at Jack Mountain Wildlife Management Area in southwest Arkansas. Students at Ouachita Baptist University surveyed 94 point count locations to estimate species diversity (total number of species observed) and species abundance (total number of individuals observed). At each point, students recorded the percentage of tree canopy cover, ground cover, midstory cover, and shrub cover. These variables were used as explanatory variables in multiple regression analyses to determine which variables were influential in explaining variation in species diversity and species abundance. Locations with higher species diversity had higher midstory cover (P=0.003) and lower canopy cover (P=0.020). Higher species abundance was found at locations with lower canopy cover (P\u3c0.001). These findings suggest that the amount of canopy cover plays a substantial role in habitat use by breeding birds at Jack Mountain Wildlife Management Area. Understanding how to use statistics software is useful to many disciplines including the field of nursing. As a nursing student, I have learned that the statistical analysis performed in this study is applicable to research projects completed in the field of healthcare. The statistical software environment R, and its interface RStudio 2, can be used by anyone performing statistical analysis, creating tables or graphs, and analyzing data. There are many packages associated within R (R Core Team, 2020) that would be beneficial to nurses and nurse management conducting performance improvement projects where they collect and analyze data pertaining to patient care, infection rates, and patient satisfaction

    Assessing the Nutrition Knowledge of Track and Cross Country Athletes

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    Research shows that 76% of athletes arrive at practice and/or games already one percent dehydrated.1 Furthermore, roughly 84% of athletes have engaged in disordered eating patterns and as 70% of female athletes have been found to be falling short in their energy needs. These statistics show the importance of exposing athletes to appropriate sport nutrition education which allows athletes the opportunity to fuel their bodies well, prevent injuries, and improve performance. Additionally Ouachita does not have a sports nutrition registered dietitian on campus to be used as a resource. Due to these statistics, there is reason to believe athletes are at a disadvantage due to poor knowledge of nutrition pertaining to hydration, fuel and protection for the body. Ouachita athletes are no different, nor are they immune from these challenges: they need to be educated properly on sports nutrition


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