1,507 research outputs found

    Lisbon - between resilience and change: from the 1755 earthquake to the 1988 Chiado fire

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    With this paper, we intend to emphasize the resilient role of the city of Lisbon destroyed by the appalling Earthquake on 1 November 1755. Reconstructed in the eighteenth century by order of the Marquis of Pombal, it was one of the earliest cities transformed under the aegis of the Enlightenment through a complete modern plan.Contemporary Lisbon identity is defined through the contrast between the rationality of Pombal´s plan - characterized by an orthogonal grid and a regular and homogeneous architecture - and the organic character that remained in the neighbourhoods resistant to the earthquake as well. With urban expansion to north, this identity consolidates in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, through the opening of new streets and avenues and the creation of new neighbourhoods. On 25 August 1988, the center of Lisbon is once again strucked by a major disaster: a devastating fire destroyed Chiado, one of the most city’s distinctive areas of the. In the aftermath of Postmodernism debates, the period during which the municipal authorities reflected upon the best approach, several personalities related to architecture and culture as well civil community discussed the future of the affected area. Such a debate was polarized by two opposing views: the rebuilding of the destroyed buildings as they originally, or alternatively, the construction of new buildings with a new design expressing their own time and refusing a historicist pastiche.The assignment of the project to Álvaro Siza Vieira put an end to the debate and gave rise to a new controversy. Siza proposed neither the full reconstruction of the pre-existing buildings nor a radical break with the past. He proposed instead a compromise solution based on the thesis that the affected area integrates a larger unit – the so called Baixa, the lower part of the city reconstructed under Pombal´s orders – which, as a "big building", should be "repaired" in order to preserve its identity.Siza addressed a very personal interpretation of Lisbon. His plan rests upon on a thorough study of the Pombaline building system that ranges from the urban layout to the composition of facades, not to mention the details of doors and windows. Although there was not a guarantee for the success of the operation and the risk of urban mischaracterization was real, after the early years marked by uncertainty, Chiado was reborn to become one of the liveliest and vital areas of Lisbon.Through multidisciplinary approach, we do not only intend to reflect on the urban history of Lisbon, but also to demonstrate that Siza´s reconstruction, which started in 1988, managed to reinterpret and to continue the 1755 plan, which has ensured the resilience of Lisbon´s identity facing an increasingly globalized world

    Analytical enrichment: A target to source approach for missing requirements in decision support systems

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    Operational Systems collect transactional data and support the execution of business processes in an organization. These systems are often the data source for Decision Support Systems (DSS), i.e. analytical systems designed to aid business users in the decision-making process. For this reason, several problems in Operational Systems, such as missing data requirements or data quality issues, can lead to unfulfilled analytical needs of the DSS and, consequently, have a negative effect on the Decision Making Process since relevant business queries may not be answered. The objective of this study is to understand the impact of the integration of DSS requirements in the design of operational systems. To achieve this objective, this dissertation uses a real use case DSS to identify the missing requirements and develop a DSS prototype to demonstrate the positive impact on the Decision-Making process when these requirements are fulfilled. Throughout this development, ways of dealing with the various types of missing requirements are going to be addressed. Additionally, a methodology to evaluate the missing requirements is suggested, along with a proposal to classify and understand the missing requirements and how they can be dealt with. Also, the evaluation method is applied, and the developed prototype is compared to the baseline system in order to measure the impact. Finally, the benefits of this integration are shown, as well as other factors that can also constrain the DSS requirements.Os sistemas operacionais recolhem dados transacionais e apoiam a execução de processos de negócio numa organização. Estes sistemas são frequentemente a fonte de dados para os Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão (SAD), ou seja, sistemas analíticos concebidos para auxiliar os utilizadores empresariais no processo de tomada de decisão. Por esta razão, vários problemas nos Sistemas Operacionais, tais como requisitos de dados em falta ou questões de qualidade de dados, podem levar a necessidades analíticas não satisfeitas do SAD e, consequentemente, ter um efeito negativo no Processo de Tomada de Decisão, uma vez que as questões de negócio relevantes podem não ser respondidas. O objetivo do presente estudo é compreender o impacto da integração dos requisitos do SAD na conceção dos sistemas operacionais. Para atingir este objetivo, esta dissertação utiliza um caso de estudo real de um SAD para identificar os requisitos em falta e desenvolver um SAD protótipo para demonstrar o impacto positivo no processo de Tomada de Decisão quando estes requisitos são cumpridos. Ao longo deste desenvolvimento, as formas de lidar com os vários tipos de requisitos em falta serão abordadas. É também proposto um método de avaliação para compreender e categorizar os requisitos em falta e a forma como podem ser tratados. Além disso, o método de avaliação é aplicado, e o protótipo desenvolvido é comparado com o sistema de base, no sentido de medir o impacto. Finalmente, são mostrados os benefícios desta integração, bem como outros fatores que também podem limitar os requisitos do SAD

    Fernando II of Portugal and his Royal Castellated Palace of Pena (Sintra) : Between the Construction of Neo-Medieval Revivalist Castles and the Beginning of the Debate on the National Architectural Style in Portugal

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    The predominant spirit of the nineteenth century was incorporated into architecture, which adapted and reinvented itself. Great attention was paid to medieval architecture, due to its direct connections with a period considered to represent the origin of many nations. It was against this background that Fernando II of Portugal ordered the construction of his “castle” of Pena, in Sintra. This essay seeks to analyze the context in which the Palace of Pena was built, focusing on its symbolism, comparing it to other nineteenth-century castellated residences, and examining the debate in Portugal about the national architectural style and its influences on Portuguese architecture.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intelligence, Creativity and Fantasy

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019 This is the 2nd volume of PHI series, published by CRC Press, the 4th published by CRC Press and the 5th volume of PHI proceedings.The texts presented in Proportion Harmonies and Identities (PHI) - INTELLIGENCE, CREATIVITY AND FANTASY were compiled with the intent to establish a multidisciplinary platform for the presentation, interaction and dissemination of research. The aim is also to foster the awareness and discussion on the topics of Harmony and Proportion with a focus on different visions relevant to Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Design, Engineering, Social and Natural Sciences, and their importance and benefits for the sense of both individual and community identity. The idea of modernity has been a significant motor for development since the Western Early Modern Age. Its theoretical and practical foundations have become the working tools of scientists, philosophers, and artists, who seek strategies and policies to accelerate the development process in different contexts.authorsversionpublishe

    Plantas de cebola produzidas em bandejas sob cultivo protegido, no verão

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    Summer-planted onion (Allium cepa L.) can increase grower profits, but the production of seedlings for transplant is difficult. This experiment was carried out in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, with the objective of studying the behavior of the short-day onion hybrid Mercedes, in its initial stage, under controlled greenhouse environment, as summer-planted onions. Four formulated substrates, two different numbers of plants per cell were tested, and 288-cell styrofoam trays used. Trials were set up in split-plot design (n=3). Substrate and number of plants per cell represented main plots, and N application (2 and 3 times a week) the subplots. The number of three plants per cell decrease the earlier onset of bulbing and increase plant height; substrates did not show differences; and the N application 3 times a week increased plant height and leaf dry weight, but did not result in earlier onset of bulbing.Uma das dificuldades do cultivo do verão da cebola (Allium cepa L.), que permite maior lucro pois esta é a época de entressafra, é a produção de plantas para o transplante. Com o objetivo de verificar o comportamento na fase de muda do híbrido Mercedes, sob cultivo protegido como cultura de verão, o experimento foi instalado em estufa, em Piracicaba, SP com bandejas de isopor de 288 células. Foram testados quatro substratos. e dois números de plantas por células (3 e 4 plantas/célula), sendo sub-plot a suplementação mineral com nitrogênio 2 e 3 vezes por semana com nitrato de cálcio + nitrato de potássio. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com fatorial 4 x 2 em parcelas subdivididas, e três repetições. A densidade de três plantas por célula apresentou menor taxa de bulbificação precoce e maior altura da planta; não houve diferença quanto aos substratos e que a aplicação de nitrogênio três vezes por semana apresentou os maiores valores de altura da planta e peso da matéria seca da parte aérea, não apresentando bulbificação precoce das plantas

    Understanding the relationship between illness perceptions of breast cancer and perceived risk in a sample of U.A.E. female university students: the role of comparative risk

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    BackgroundIn the Middle East region, the incidence of breast cancer (BC) has substantially increased in the last years. Despite a considerable body of research about BC in Arab countries, how illness perceptions of healthy women about BC may influence risk perception is unknown.MethodsA cross-sectional survey was conducted on a sample of 298 young Emirati women. The measures included demographic information, illness perceptions, and risk perception. Descriptive and correlational analyses were performed to assess illness perceptions about BC, perceived individual risk and comparative risk. A structural equation modelling (S.E.M.) was built to investigate the relationship between illness perceptions and perceived individual risk.ResultsParticipants reported negative illness perceptions about BC The individual risk perception and the compared risk perception for BC were low. Participants with a family history of BC reported more negative illness and higher risk perceptions. The relationship between illness perceptions and perceived individual risk was significant and mediated by compared risk. The S.E.M. explained 55.9% of the variance in predicting perceived individual risk for BC.ConclusionWomen\u27s views of BC are important factors in risk perception and may provide culturally sensitive clues to promote early screening for BC in Arab countries. This may be important for policymakers to design intervention strategies to lower health risks, considering the different ways in which women perceive their risks for BC

    Representations of depression and schizophrenia in the community: The role of illness and risk perceptions on help-seeking intentions

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    Illness perceptions (IPs) are important in understanding human reactions to illnesses, including mental health disorders. They influence risk perceptions and several variables relevant to the adjustment to a disorder, treatment seeking, and health outcomes. This study sought to compare IP, risk perception, and help-seeking intention for depression and schizophrenia in a community sample and to assess the mediating role of risk perception in the relationship between IP and help-seeking intention. A total of 380 adults participated in this study and filled out self-report measures of IPs, risk perceptions, and help-seeking intention. The previous diagnosis of depression was used to control the comparisons between the two disorders. A structural equation model (SEM) was used to test the mediation relationship. Perceived consequences, expected timeline, lack of personal control, and symptom identity were higher for schizophrenia, while lack of treatment control and concern were higher for depression. An interaction occurred with a previous diagnosis of depression for several dimensions of IP. Concerning the SEM, a valid model was obtained for depression, explaining 15.5% of help-seeking intentions, but not for schizophrenia. The results show that the general population represents depression and schizophrenia differently. These representations are influenced by having experienced depression, and that illness and risk perceptions contribute to explaining the intention to seek help. Considering these illness representations makes it possible to understand the general population’s emotional and cognitive reactions to mental health disorders

    The importance of infographics and graphic brand in the mediatisation of Natural and Cultural Heritage

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    An attractive Heritage presentation is known to be crucial for the successful mediatisation of Natural and Cultural Heritage. New infographic technologies and audiovisual languages can accomplish this by communicating complex processes into simple, understandable information, thus providing a high-quality cultural experience to visitors. Defining a strong graphic mark helps to uniformise these processes, allowing a connection to be made between communication materials and local signage. Heritage signage such as wayfinding systems should additionally convey a strong message that reinforces a local’s cultural brand. This study highlights the importance of infographics and graphic identity in the interpretation, presentation and dissemination of Natural and Cultural Heritage, and in prompting visitors to direct their attention more closely to the singularities and distinct Heritage aspects of a place. Here, we analyse the role of the Designer as an information and communication catalyst and in disseminating and preserving the memory of different Heritage specificities through the graphic objects he/she produces. We also assess how graphic brand and infographics contribute to better structuring, clarifying and “visualizing” information, and emphasize how this is critical to the understanding of all aspects of a patrimonial destination. Through a theoretical reflection and presentation of case studies, e.g. the work of Frida Larios, Peter Grundy or Anyforms, or the Downtown Brooklyn wayfinding system, we strengthen guidelines that we think are determinant for the way Heritage is perceived and informed to the public, further improving systems and processes used for integrating graphic identity and infographics into communication materials.CIAUD - Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design - Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisbo

    Abuse and maltreatment in the elderly

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    Introduction: The aging population is increasing worldwide, but the abuse and mistreatment in the elderly (often silenced forms) has also been increasing, with strong implications for their quality of life. Objective: To identify forms of abuse and ill-treatment in the elderly, as well as the determinants of these abuses. Methodology: This is a quantitative study, of the non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional type attended by 135 Portuguese elderly. It uses the Family APGAR Scale and the Question to Elicit Elder Abuse (QEEA), which was applied between January and June 2013, in the elderly residing in the central of Portugal. Results: The data shows that 23.5% of the elderly have suffered some kind of abuse, these being especially of the emotional kind and neglect. We also found that the most abused elders were unmarried and widows, those who had lower academic qualifications, those who reported feeling lonely and less healthy and even those who perceive to integrate families with some degree of dysfunction. Conclusion: We found that the abuse and mistreatment are present in the everyday life of many seniors and are a difficult subject to approach. The evidence, invite us to reflect on the development of intervention strategies, particularly at the levels of emotional abuse, neglect, promotion of health and family functioning in order to contribute to the reduction or extinction of abuse and ill-treatment in the elderly.Resumo Introdução: O envelhecimento da população tem vindo a aumentar a nível mundial, contudo também têm aumentado os abusos e maus-tratos nos idosos, (muitas vezes em formas silenciadas), com fortes implicações na sua qualidade de vida. Objetivo: Identificar formas de abusos e maus-tratos em idosos, assim como os fatores determinantes desses abusos. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, do tipo não experimental, descritivo e transversal, no qual participaram 135 idosos portugueses. Foi utilizada uma escala de APGAR-Familiar e o Question to Elicit Elder Abuse (QEEA) que foi aplicada entre Janeiro e Junho de 2013, em idosos que residem na região centro do país e na comunidade. Resultados: Os dados mostram que 23,5% dos idosos já sofreu algum tipo de maus tratos, sendo estes sobretudo do tipo emocional e negligencia. Verificámos ainda que os idosos mais abusados eram os solteiros e viúvos, os que possuíam menores habilitações académicas, aqueles que referiam sentir solidão e menor saúde e ainda os que percepcionam integrar famílias com alguma disfunção. Conclusão: Verificámos que os abusos e maus tratos estão presentes no quotidiano de muitos idosos e constituem tema de difícil abordagem. As evidências encontradas, convidam-nos à reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento de estratégias de intervenção, sobretudo aos níveis dos abusos emocionais, negligência, promoção da saúde e funcionalidade familiar no sentido de contribuir para a diminuição ou extinção dos abusos e maus-tratos em idosos

    Massive open online courses (MOOC): Business English

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    Com o uso das plataformas web o sistema de ensino pode ser oferecido à distância permitindo às pessoas que não têm muito tempo e que não têm recursos para ter um curso extensivo, aprenderem com a formação sem terem de estar fisicamente no local, contribuindo para uma melhor gestão do tempo das mesmas. No presente poster pretende-se explanar sobre o desenvolvimento de um Mooc para Business English, que será desenvolvido no e-raizes redes. ABSTRACT With the use of the web platforms the education system can be the distance allowing people who do not have much time and who do not have the resources to have an extensive course, to learn with the training without having to be physically in the place, contributing for a better management of their time. In this poster we intend to explain about the development of a Mooc for Business English, which will be developed in the “e-raizes redes”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio